Terratech, Inc. (2) P-754/78 ISQ AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This agreement is entered into this City of Gilroy TERRATECH, INC. Witnesseth that of the site of the proposed 1st in the year 1978 by and between hereinafter called the Client and TERRATECH, INC. perform a Geotecnical Investigation new City Hall complex in Gilroy, Cal ifornia, day of May hereinafter called the Work. Now, therefore, the Client and TERRATECH, INC., for considerations hereinafter named agree as follows: TERRA TECH, INC. agrees to furnish and perform the various services required for the above named Work as follows: in accordance with proposal of May 1, 1978, which is made a part hereof. The Client agrees to pay TERRATECH, INC. for such services as follows: In accordance with proposal of May 1, 1978, which is made a part hereof. Terms of Payment: Invoices will be submitted monthly, unless otherwise provided by contract or special arrangements. Said invoices shall be due and payable when rendered. Interest of 1-1/2% per month (but not exceeding the maximum rate allowable by law) will be payable on any amount not paid within 30 days, payments thereafter to be applied first to accrued interest and then to the principal amount. If suit or action is instituted to collect any sum due, owing or unpaid, client shall be liable for such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable for attorneys' fees and other costs in said suit or action. It is expressly agreed and understood that venue for any such suit or action shall be, at the discretion of TERRATECH INC. in any court of competent jurisdiction located within the County of Santa Clara, State of California. TERRA TECH INC. may at its option with- hold delivery of reports and any other data pending receipt of payment for all services rendered. Scope and Execution of Services: TERRA TECH INC. provides services in accordance with generally accepted profes- sional practice in its fields of specialty. No other warranty, either expressed or implied. is granted as part of its services. In the event that the client requests termination of services prior to completion of a final report, TERRA TECH INC. reserves the right to complete such analyses and records as may be necessary to place its files in order and, where con- sidered necessary to protect its professional reputation, to complete a report on the work performed to date of termination. Our liability to the client for injury or damage to persons or property arising out of work performed for the client and for which legal liability may be found to rest upon TERRATECH INC. will be limited to our insurance coverage. TERRATECH INC. will diligently proceed with the work outlined in the agreed scope of services and will submit a report in a timely manner. However, it is expressly agreed that TERRA TECH INC. shall not be held responsible for delays occasioned by factors beyond its control. The Client and TERRATECH, INC. hereby agree to the full performance of the Covenants contained herein. In witness whereof, they have executed this agreement the day and year first named above. TERRATECH, INC. K~~..x~ ~ By Kenneth L. Meleen Date May 1. 1978 {lj() GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION GILROY CITY HALL GILROY, CALIFORNIA For City of Gilroy 7390 Rosana G i 1 roy, Ca 1 i fo rn i a By TERRATECH, I NC. 8505 Church Street Gilroy, Cal ifornia August, 1978 KEY 5 Explorat ion boring ~ Proposed bu i I ding location '- ---; o Existing structurel D D LIBRARY 'IV, I I APARTMENTS I ICARPORT r --------- ------------ ----, NO.5 Alley I I - - - - - - - - - - - -5- - - - - - - - - -I I I ~r p: r I- I 1 I I 0 I D I r ) U 0 ,- I No.2 I 5 No.1 J- J- I 5 W 0 D I~ w w W I a:: a:: 5No.4 I D I J- J- >-) en en ~I cu 0 -I <{I <t I I L-- Z <( t I !Oo D z ~ D I <{ z D! en <( 0 :z: I I a:: [] I Jo. 3 I D I I I Ie] LJ NO.6 I 5 I I L I I I I I I ../ '" I I .J "- SEVENTH STREET " f ""'\ f PROPOSED GILROY CITY HALL GILROY, CALIFORNIA FIGURE IB Scale: I" = 60' EXISTING SITE PLAN PROJECT 7267 TERRATECH AUGUST. 1978 f f>l:' I l. _ I : ~ : ~ I!OV o ~.......'.. ~ ~l .. , ~, ~ ," i ." ~ fI ~ -ij .~ / ~, '-.... :0 '- -~ ~ ~ C O-J u.' ii " ", c "-' .:....-"~--t_... I- '1 r a. / ~ ,/ -Jf .~ ~. .- -. :-.- I l. .:.... 1 - "" -d ,/ .4 .. /~ -Ii 'Cii ,0 0, o , , F--~-J' D-- I '. . '[ '..- . r- .:. ~ I ~_h.".~ r. -... 4.' .......---___ 1i ~.:; .,. ---....... ...... ,/ o r -.....---.. r~.I-t-1-;,-.;f-: ~1 " . ; L_~ ~ ~ l~L{f _ . _ - ISis., <,..g l.! -;:::-::-.: -127\------ - -~ 1 ~---=---~---~----------- ,-u . ~,. , '_uu . (S.:: ,<'$!~~.1:j o 1 1:_ ,. " (-1 I') 1 I I i , ~ ;1 01 ,! AI 3HUC>Fi YAJS13VO ~AJq 3TIG I , , ':;., .. -' ,il f ~. , .., a: 10 ~ Ii: o ~.'.'.... ~ o " ):f I V0!' ;/ " / 0. -- ...-:-----....:. ~ ~. .a " '~ ", " j' o 0, .0 ~ " .. a' " Ii- ~ - ~ i U> '? " '; w ., , I 0-,. 't____~ I . "d ~., .-{ ] ......----4 t f' l~ ~ --::.. 1 t I '" - \>. f) ..' '!'!, /~ ~~ o f- ;-1... rr-rr1 r-r-'-T-~-1 . I - . . . I J t', ~ :__--:___.J , lt~t ti L-_J : , " ------ -----:;---~--~~-~i ~-~- n----A-: -~~ f'~ . v'. .:: ~.-.~-~~.. ::. fl. . ,----J ~ ~ ~ ~ ,- .':. . - . , . )'" " I ~ (~ i ; · . ,\ ',..,~ : .r- ~ '. _\~,~;.;::?-':. . . ,~,~~t-':-;=6i~4 it I :~.lr: 'fl'. '_4~}-1 U -1--1 :' ~-t~.l :6 H i . ~ ~.i, '. ~ ~Jki' ' ' : ~:W~,r_~ 'a~~ --/ . ... I I ~ ,7- , E. ell - r. " '.]5 -.co. '): . " it. {; D r- ,.J _ ~ (I rl (i. FIGURE IA SITE PLAN OVERLAY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION GILROY CITY HALL GILROY, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION A new City Hall Complex to be located on a 2 (~) acre site north of Seventh Street, bounded by Hanna and Rosanna Streets in Gilroy, California, is proposed for construction by the City of Gilroy. The structure will be a single-story wood-frame building with a concrete slab-on-grade floor, covering approximately 20,000 square feet. INFORMATIO:J PROVIDED The following information was provided by the architect, William W. Hedley, Architect & Associates, for our use in the preparation of this report: 1. A 1" = 30' scale undated site plan showing existing structures and site topography, prepared by Garcia & Henry, consulting civil engineers. 2. A 1" = 30' scale preliminary site plan dated June 1,1978 show- ing proposed lot boundaries and the location of the building and peripheral facilities, prepared by the architect. These plans were used in preparing the site plan and its transparent overlay on the facing page, which also shows the locations of 6 explora- tion drill holes advanced as part of this investigation. SCOPE OF \oJORK Our investigation was limited to the following items of work: 1. Exploration, sampling and classification of foundation soils at the property to such depths as may be significantly influenced by the proposed development, 2. Laboratory testing of bulk surface samples, and of selected soil samples recovered from the borings, to determine their pertinent index and engineering properties, 3. Evaluation of the findings of items 1 and 2 above, and develop- ment of detailed recommendations related to the geotechnical aspects of the proposed development, 1 imited to the following: a. Site preparation, grading and compaction, b. Geotechnical design and construction parameters for build- ing foundations and concrete slabs-on-grade, Project 7267 Au g u s t 3, 1 978 - 2 - c. Geotechnical aspects of utility trench construction, d. Design and construction parameters for asphalt concrete pavements, e. Advice on the geotechnical aspects of surface drainage. 4. Preparation of this report, presenting our investigation findings and recommendations. FINDINGS Surface Conditions The area to be improved, consisting of the southern half of an improved City of Gilroy residental block, is extensively covered by houses, garages and other outbuildings normally encountered in such an environment (See Site Plan, Figure 1, for building locations). The houses are at least several decades old, of wood frame construction and mostly on concrete foundations (although some may simply be founded on wood mudsi lIs), and they are surrounded with a wide variety of concrete walkways, landscape plantings and mature trees of various species. An alley running north and south provides access to some garages and the rear of the lots. A sanitarysewer line buried in the alley right-of-way serves the houses, but considering the age of these structures, the possible presence of old cesspool or septic tank sewage disposal systems should not be ruled out. Furthermore, an undetermined number of houses may have base- ments. Some large areas in the various yards have been covered by concrete s labs-on-grade. Subsurface Conditions Within the 12 foot maximum depth of our exploration the site is underlain by alluvial soils composed primarily of very stiff silty CLAYS and clayey GRAVELS. The surface stratum of very stiff silty CLAY ranges from 4 to 9 feet in thickness, contains varying amounts of sand and gravel, and has an intermediate plasticity and low expansion potential. Drill holes 5 and 6, which were bored on the westerly half of the site, encountered an intermediate CLAY layer, 3 to 4 feet thick, and similar to the surficial CLAY but of lower plasticity. The dense, clayey, sandy GRAVELS that under- lie these surficial layers at 4 to 9 feet depth, are relatively strong and incompressible. All drill holes encountered very difficult drill ing when encountering the gravel stratum, except for drill hole 3 which was terminated at 10~' after encountering a sewer line. (The line was subsequently repaired by-City of Gilroy personnel). Project 7267 Augus t 3, 1978 - 3 - Groundwater was not encountered in any of our drill holes. Drill hole logs are appended together with the results of laboratory tests performed on selected soil samples recovered from the borings. SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS The site of the proposed building is located in the seismically active San Francisco Bay Region, but outside the Special Studies Zones defined by the Alquist-Priolo Geologic Hazards Act of 1972. The nearest known active faults to the site are the Calaveras Fault, passing about 4.5 mi 1 es to the northeas t, and the San And reas Fau 1 t, pass i ng abou t 7.2 miles to the southwest. The nearest known potentially active faults are the Castro and Sargent Faults, passing the site about 3.0 and 4.3 miles to the southwest, respectively. Seismic hazards can be divided into two general categories: hazards due to ground rupture and hazards due to ground shaking. Based on historic records and on the known general seismicity of the San Francisco Bay Region, we consider it probable that during the next 50 years, the site will be shaken by at least one earthquake of Richter Magnitude 6 or greater, and by numerous earthquakes of lesser magnitude, all having epicentral locations within 20 miles of the site. As no faults are known to cross the property, the 1 ikelihood of ground rupture is remote. Should a major earthquake occur with an epicentral location close to the property, ground shaking at the site probably wi 11 be severe. However, even under the influence of severe ground shaking, the surface CLAYS and dense, clayey GRAVELS that underlie the site should not 1 iquefy. RECOMMEtWAT I OtJS Site preparation, Grading and Compaction The variety of past development of the properties comprising the new City Hall Site dictates caution in initial site preparation. After initial building removal or demol ition has been completed, all residual debris including building foundation~ concrete slabs-on-grade and pavement should be removed from the site. Any basements encountered should be cleared of all wall and floor concrete, and the resulting depression backfilled with structural fill placed as recommended subsequently. Likewise, all under- ground utilities to be abandoned should be uncovered and removed, and the resulting depression backfil led with structural fi 11. Trees sched- uled for removal should have their primary root zones excavated and back- filled with structural fill. All other areas should be stripped to a depth of 3 inches, to remove all surface vegetation and organic root matter. Considering the uncertain nature of past development activities within near-surface soils, the upper 3-feet of the entire site should be repro- cessed under the observations of a representative of this office. Any Project 7267 August 3, 1978 - 4 - subsurface structures encountered as a result of such processing must be excavated and the resulting depression backfi lIed with structural fill. As a minimum criteria for reprocessing, at least 30-inches of soil below the stripped surface elevation should be removed and temporari ly stock- piled. The exposed surface should be scarified to a minimum 6-inch depth, conditioned with water (or allowed to dry) to achieve a water-content about 2 percent above the optimum value, and compacted to at least 90 per cent of the maximum test value determined by ASTM Test 01557-70. Any subsurface structures encountered as a result of this reprocessing oper- ation should be completely excavated under the direct observation of our field representative. The surface of excdvations resulting from. subsurface structure removal should be conditioned with water and compacted as re- commended previously. The appended compaction test curve may be used as a guide initially, to determine the water content and density at which on-site soils should be placed. Structural fill using on-site inorganic soil should be placed in layers, each not exceeding 9 inches in loose thickness, conditioned with water (or allowed to dry) and compacted to the requirements described previously. If import fill is required, it should be inorganic, preferably of low expansion potential, and should contain no rocks or chunks larger than 4 inches in greatest dimension. Prior to importation to the site, the proposed import material should be tested in our laboratory to verify its suitabil ity for use as structural fill, and if found to be suitable, further evaluated to determine the water content and density at which it should be placed. For purposes of calculating grading elevations and fill volumes, assume that soi 1 in the upper 3-feet surface zone wi 11 decrease in volume by about 10 percent when used as structural fi 11 or compacted in-place. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS The proposed structure may be supported on shallow foundations bearing on reprocessed native soi 1 prepared as described under the section IISite Preparation, Grading and Compaction". Reinforced concrete perimeter foundations may be designed to impose pressures on foundation soils up to 3000 pounds per square foot from dead plus normal live loading provided the resulting foundation width is at least 12 inches, and should be embedded at least 18-inches below rough pad grade. Isolated foundations such as will support columns, may be designed to impose pressures on foundation soi Is up to 3500 pounds per square foot from dead plus normal live loading, and should similarly be embedded at least IS-inches below rough pad grade. The allowable foundation pressures given in this section of the report may be increased by one-third for short-term wind or seismic loading. Project 7267 August 3, 1978 - 5 - During foundation construction, scheduling of the construction sequence to minimize the time interval between foundation excavation and concrete placement is important. Construction procedures such as periodic wetting of foundation trench walls and floor slab subgrades should be adopted to minimize development of shrinkage cracks in these zones. Concrete should be placed only in foundation excavations that are free from drying cracks and contain no loose or soft soil or debris. We would appreciate the opportunity to review final foundation plans and detai Is prior to construction. Concrete Slabs-on-grade The concrete floor slab should be constructed on a compacted soil sub- grade prepared as described in the section on Site preperation, grading and compaction. To minimize floor dampness, a minimum 4 inch section of capi Ilary break material covered with a membrane vapor barrier should be placed between the floor slab and the compacted soil subgrade. The capillary break should be free-draining, clean gravel or rock, such as 3/8" pea gravel or permeable aggregate complying with Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 68, Class 1, Type A. The material proposed should be tested in our laboratory to verify its effectiveness as a capillary break. The membrane vapor barrier should be 10 mil visqueen or its equivalent. If the membrane vapor barrier is protected by a layer of sand, its thick- ness may be reduced to 6 mil. Where floor dampness is not objection- able, the concrete slab may be laid directly on the compacted soil s ubg rade. Utility Trenches Vertical trench excavations to a 5 foot depth should be capable of standing with minimal bracing for short construction periods. Trenches deeper than 5 feet should be cut and braced as specified in the State of California Safety Orders dealing with 1JExcavations and Trenches'" Utility trenches should be designed to prevent the transmission of water into foundation, slab or pavement subgrade soi Is. In particular, where utilities cross foundations,trenches should be plugged with compacted on-site clay soil for their full depth over a distance of at least 2 feet on either side of the foundation. For purposes of this section of the report, backfill is defined as material placed in a trench starting 1 foot above the pipe, and bedding is all material placed in a trench below the backfill. iii' '"" PAVEt1ENT DES I GN SECTIONS "'" "Standard Flexible" Pavement ~'l Design Traffic Index = 4.0 2" asphalt con crete L.. Class 2 aggregate base 7" Total thickness .-' Design Traffi c Index = 4.5 A I ternate A 2'1 asphalt concrete 611 Class 2 aggregate base 8" Total thickness Alternate B 2~" asphalt concrete L Class 2 aggregate base 7~" T ota 1 thickness "* Project 7267 August 3, 1978 - 6 - Unless concrete bedding is required around utility pipes, free-draining sand should be used as bedding. Sand bedding should be placed so as to achieve an in-place density equivalent to at least 95 percent of the compaction test maximum based upon ASTM Test 01557-70. Sand bedding may be jetted or ponded into place to aid the contractor in achieving the desired degree of relative compaction. Jetting or ponding of sand bedding should be closely supervised and provisions made for the removal of excess water. Sand proposed for use as bedding should be tested in our laboratory to determine its suitabi lity. On-site, inorganic soi 1 may be used as uti lity trench backfill. Special compaction of trench backfill will be necessary under and adjacent to all structures, concrete slabs, asphalt pavements and structural fill. In these areas, backfi 11 should be conditioned with water to produce a soil-water content of at least 2 percent above the optimum value and placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches loose thickness. Each layer should then be compacted to a density equivalent to 90 percent of the maximum dry density of the soil as determined by ASTM Test 01557-70. VEHICLE PAVEMENTS The surface clays at this site have a moderate supporting capacity when used as pavement subgrade. An "R11 Value of 46 by exudation pressure was measured on a bulk sample of soil taken from drill hole No.4. To allow for construction tolerances and variations in pavement supporting capacity of reprocessed native site soi Is, an "R" Value of 35 has been used in pavement section calculations. Assuming the pavements will be subjected only to automobile and light commercial vehicle traffic, alternative pavement sections tabulated on the facing page have been calculated on the basis of traffic indices of 4.0 for parking stalls and 4.5 for channelized traffic areas, respectively. These values are presented for comparative purposes; the City of Gilroy minimum standard for City Streets is 3 inches asphalt concrete on 8-inches of Class 2 aggregate base, .a section they may wish to adopt as a minimum for paved areas within the City Hall complex. Pavement construction should conform to the requirements of the State of California ~ivision of Highways Specifications, latest edition, except that compaction requirements for pavement soil subgrades should be based on ASTM Test 01557-70 as described in the part of this report deal ing with "Grading and Compactionl'. Aggregate used for all asphalt concrete should at least comply with the requirements specified in Section 39 for Type B Aggregate. Aggregate used for asphalt concrete surfacing should conform to the grading specified in Section 39 for 1 inch maximum, medium grading. Project 7267 August 3, 1978 - 7 - Areas that may support trucks during loading operations, or areas ad- jacent to garbage or trash bins, should be provided with a reinforced concrete slab, at least 5 inches thick, as a substitution for the upper 5 inches of the recommended pavement section. SURFACE DRAINAGE Surface drainage gradients should be planned to prevent ponding and to direct surface water away from building foundations, slabs and edges of pavements, and towards suitable collection and discharge facilities. Roof drainage should also be planned to direct rainwater away from build- ing foundations. Pavements should be designed with surface gradients of at least 2 percent in their principle directions of drainage unless drainage reaches are short, or concrete drainage swales are provided. Water seepage or the spread of extensive root systems into the soil subgrade of foundations, slabs, sidewalks or pavements could cause differential movements and consequent distress in these structural elements. Landscaping should be planned allowing due consideration for these site soil characteristics. POST-REPORT GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES We recommend that TERRATECH be commissioned to provide the following as recommended previously in this report: 1. Review foundation details prior to construction. 2. Observe and advise during demol ition, site clearing, s~bsurface structure excavation, and stripping. 3. Test and advise on acceptibility of proposed import fi 11, prior to delivery to the site. 4. Observe, test and advise during subgrade preparation, and place- ment of structural fill in all areas of the site where repro- cessing will be carried out, or n~w imported fill will be placed. 5. Observe, test and advise during foundation and slab construction. 6. Observe, test and advise during utility trench backfi lling. 7. Test proposed capillary break material and advise on suitabil ity and observe and advise during laying of capillary break materials, prewetting of native soi I subgrade, and placement of vapor barrier material for concrete floor slabs. Proj ect 7267 August 3, 1978 - 8 - LIMITATIONS Changes in development details will render our recommendations invalid unless such changes are reviewed by our staff and our specific recommen- dations modified accordingly. Our recommendations have been made in accordance with the foundation engineering principles and practices generally employed by the engineer- ing profession. They have been based upon data obtained from field ex- plorations made at the locations indicated on the site plan. Subsurface exploration of any site is necessarily confined to selected locations, and conditions may and often do vary between these locations. Should varied conditions come to I ight during project development, addi- tional exploration, testing and construction modification may be required. To compare the general ized site conditions assumed in this report with those found on the site at the time of construction, all clearing, earth- work and associated operations should be observed by our field represen- tative and tested where necessary. Any person concerned with this project who observes conditions or features of the site or its surrounding areas which are different from those des- cribed in this report, should report them immediately to this office for evaluation. Report prepared by: Reviewed by: TERRATECH, INC. /;'\ _,') i, ''(- < 7_ <>>__._j\" f - , -"--CV-. T'-':'''c_ ~v____vt(>ej~ Kenneth L. Meleen CE 17487 David P. Trainor DPT/ml EXPLORATION DRILL HOLE LOG HOLE NO.1 PROJECT GILROY CITY HALL DATE 6/2CJ /78 LOGGED BY JDM DRILL RIG Cant. Fl i ght HOLE DIA.5-}" SAMPLER Mod. Cal GROUNDWATER DEPTH INITIAL ---- FINAL ---- HOLE HEV. 8 .... ...e DC .... <( ~ a ~ z 0 ... -:; .... .... 0- ... ~ ~ ... Z 1: Q. 0.. ~ .... ~ - III - >- 1: ... Z ... ::; z >- :;( 1: .... .... -' DC ... Z 0 ::; .... DC o .... 0.. w 0.. .... ... Cl 0.. ~ 0.. <( U Vi III DESCRIPTION ... .... 0 u ! z -' > z 0 <( III ... DC ::> DC .... ... ... ... ... a III ~ >< a c ... III 0 DC Z DC III U .... <( a .... 9 0 .... - <( -' 3 -' >- U III 0.. ~ 0.. DC :( III Z 0 ... ::> 3rown, dry, very st iff, sandy, I 1 Jery s i1 ty CLAY 2 08 4.5+ 9 109 3 4740 3 4 ---------------------------------- --- rown, damp, dense, sandy, 5 D9 4.5+ 10 118 layey GRAVEL ~C 6 7 8 9 Moist EFUSAL (GRAVEL) 10 ~1 ~.5+ 8 124 Bottom-of-AoTe-rB~5T-f------------ --- No Water Encountered ~11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 ?O PROJEC T 7267 TERRATECH EXPLORATION DRILL HOLE LOG HOLE No. 2 PROJECT GILROY CITY HALL DATE 6/29178 LOGGED BY JDM DRILL RIG Cont. Fl i ght HOLE DIA. 5~1I SAMPLER Mod. Ca I. GROUNDWATER DEPTH INITIAL ---- FINAL ---- HOLE ElEV. 8 ~ ~ ~ '" ~- 0 - z 0 ... ':;; ~ ~ v ... 0 ~ ~ ... 0.. Z :t: 0.. ... ... " ~ " - III ~ ,.. :t: ... Z ... :::; z ,.. :;c :t: ~ ~ -' '" ... z 0 ::; ~ '" o ~ ... ... ... ~ ... Cl lL ~ U Vi DESCRIPTION ... " lL ~ 0 ~ III ! z -' > z 0 0( III ... '" ::> '" ~ ... ... .... ... 0 III ~ >< 0 ... III '" Z '" III U () ~ ~ 0 ::> o ~ 9 0 ~ - 0( -' -' ,.. -' U III ... ~ ... '" :( ... z Asohalt = +/211 0 .... ::> Brown, damp, sti ff , s i 1 ty CLAY CI wi th trace of gravel and charcoal 1 fragments 14 4.5 17 105 2 Very st iff 3 ---------------------------------- --- 4 Red brown, damp, dense, sandy, GC s i 1 ty, clayey GRAVEL 5 40 4.5-1- 10 127 6 7 8 9 10 36 4.5+ 9 130 11 REFUSAL (GRAVEL) ~---------------------------------- ---- 12 ~ottom of Hole 12' I No Water Encountered 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 70 PROJEC T 7267 TERRATECH EXPLORATION DRILL HOLE LOG HOLE No. 3 PROJECT GILROY CITY HALL DATE 6/29/78 LOGGED BY JDM DRILL RIG Con t. Fl ight HOLE DIA. 5!" SAMPLER Mod. Ca 1. GROUNDWATER DEPTH INITIAL ---- FINAL ---- HOLE HEV. 8 ... ... '0 '" 0- <( ~ 0 ~ ~ z w ':;; ... ... " w 0 ~ w Q. Z X Q. CL ... ~ ... ~ - III - >- X w Z w ::; Z >- <( x ... ... ~ '" w Z 0 ::; ... '" o ... CL W l>. ... CL <( U v; w Cl DESCRIPTION w ~ l>. ... 0 U III ~ Z ~ > 0 <( III W '" ::) '" ... z "- w 0 III ~ " 0 w III w w Z '" C 0 '" III 9 u ... - ... <( 3 o ... 0 ~ <( ~ >- U III CL ~ CL '" .., ~ z Asphalt = 3/411 thick 0 ::) Brown, damp, stiff s 1 i gh t 1 y san dy , s i 1 ty CLAY CI 1 2 Very Sti ff 12 4.5 15 109 3 4 Moist, stiff, trace of 5 clay pipe fragments 13 3.0 24 95 ----------------------------------- -- -- -6- Brown, moi st, medium dense, clayey GC gravelly SAND 7 8 9 10 ---------------------------------- --- ?8 L5+ 10 131 ottom of Hole 10.51 11 ~o Water Encountered 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 10 - PROJEC T 7267 TERRATECH EXPLORATION DR I LL HOLE LOG HOLE No. 4 PROJECT G I L ROY CITY HALL DATE 6/29/78 LOGGED BY JDM DRill RIG Cont. Fl i ght HOLE DIA. 5~" SAMPLER Mod. Ca 1. GROUNDWATER DEPTH INITIAL FINAL HOLE HEV. 8 -- --- -- --- - ll< ~ ~ 0 0- <(- 0 ~ ~ z ~ u ... -:; ... 0 ~ ... Q. Z 1: Q. ... Yo ~ ~ ~ - II> - >- 1: ... Z ... ::; z >- ::( 1: ~ ~ ~ ll< ... Z 0 :; ~ ll< o ~ ... ... ... ~ ... C> ... <0( u DESCRIPTION ... ~ ... ~ 0 U II> II> ~ Z ~ > z 0 <0( II> ... ll< ::> ll< ~ ... ... ... ... 0 II> ~ >< 0 0 ... II> 0 .. Z ll< II> 9 u ~ - ~ <( ::> o ~ 0 ~ <( ~ >- -' U II> ... ~ ... .. ::( cc Z 0 ... ::> Brown, dry, very st iff, s i 1 ty CI CLAY with trace of sand 1 Damp 2 35 20 17 4.5 16 104 4 3630 3 4 Orange brown 5 Very san dy 26 4.5-1- 15 117 4 3060 6 7 8 ----------------------------------- --- 9 Orange brown, damp, dense, clayey, sand, GRAVEL 50+ 4.5-1- 6 127 R,E FUSAL (GRAVE L) 10 ---------------------------------- --- Bottom of Hole 10.51 11 No Water Encountered 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 PROJECT 7267 TERRATECH EXPLORATION DRILL HOLE LOG HOLE No.5 PROJECT GILROY CITY HALL DRILL RIG Cont. Fliqht GROUNDWATER DEPTH INITIAL ---- DESCRIPTION Brown, dry, ve ry s t iff, s i 1 ty , slightly gravelly, damp, CLAY Red brown, damp, very stiff CL gravelly, sandy, silty, CLAY Brown, damp, dense, sandy, silty, GC clayey GRAVEL REFUSAL (GRAVEL) ---------------------------------- Bottom of Hole 11.0' No Water Encountered PROJEC T 7267 DATE LOGGED BY JDM 6/2g/78 HOLE DIA. 5~" SAMPLER Mod. Ca 1. FINAL - --- HOLE HEV. 8 ... a '" ... 0- <( ~ 0 ~ ~ z w -:;; ... ... ... w 0 ~ w a. Z ::t: a. ... ... ~ ... ~ - III - >- ::t: w Z w ~ Z >- ;( ::t: ... ... ~ '" w Z 0 :; ... '" 0 ... ... w ... ... w C> ... ~ ... <( 0 u ~ ;;; III Z ~ w ... > z z 0 <( III w '" ::> '" ... ... w 0 III ~ '" w III w w Z '" 0 0 0 '" III 9 u ... - ... <( ::> 0 ... 0 <( ~ III ~ ~ ... >- .... u '" ... '" ~ z 0 ::> CI 1 10 _ __ ~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 ?O 2 22 4.5 16 110 3 4 5 6 23 4.5 121 11 7 8 9 39 8 128 TERRATECH EXPLORATION DR I LL HOLE LOG HOLE No. 6 PROJECT GILROY CITY HALL DATE 612q/78 lOGGED BY JnM DRILL RIG Cont. Fliqht HOLE DIA. 5~" SAMPLER Mod. -Ca 1. GROUNDWATER DEPTH INITIAL -- -- FINAL -- -- HOLE ElEV. 8 0- 0- ...!? '" ~~ 0 ~ ~ z v 0 w -:; 2 ~ 0- w 0- J: Q. w Q. Z .... ~ 0- ~ - '" - >- J: w Z w ::; Z >- ~ J: 0- 0- ~ '" w Z 0 ::; t- '" o 0- .... W .... 0- W C> .... ~ u Vi DESCRIPTION w ~ .... 0- 0 ':d '" ~ z ~ > z 0 ~ '" w '" ::l '" t- W W ... W 0 '" ~ >< 0 0 w '" 0 '" z '" '" U 0- ~ o t- 9 0 t- - ~ ~ :3 ~ ~ .... >- u '" Cil .... '" ~ z 0 ::l Brown, dry, very stiff, very CI silty CLAY 1 Damp 2 Trace of wood Fragments 22 4.5 16 113 5.5 5640 3 4 ---------------------------------- --- 5 Red brown, damp, very s tiff, sandy CII 21 4.5 12 122 s i 1 ty CLAY wi th trace of gravel CC 6 7 8 ---------------------------------- --- 9 Red brown~ damp, dense, sandy, GC s i 1 ty, clayey GRAVEL 10 26 4.5 7 122 11 ~~~~~~~_l~~~~~~L__________________ 12 --- Bottom of Hole 12.51 I 1 3 No Water Encountered 14 15 16 17 18 1 9 20 PROJEC T 7267 TERRATECH ..... :E ...., c.:> a:: ...., Q.. PROJECT NO. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ r---- I t--.. ~, I :zt ( -Z='_ 5 1 i ( ht ex pan~ ion ............ .......... r-..... OqCl rred VJher sa np e '-/ ~ ..~~ I~l ,..,,..,ri ,.1 I ~ I I ~. I I " I I I I I I ~ fj SWELL-COMPRESSION TEST INITIAL SPECIMEN DATA SPEC. NO. DRY DENS I TV (pc I) WATER CONTENT (%) DRY DENS I TV (pel) DEGREE OF SATURAT ION (") 10B.0 73 109.9 13.9 4 3 ...J ...J W ., '" 2 -0 .... z .... . W ...J .... .... w '" 2 3 4 100 200 500 1000 APPLIED PRESSURE. psI 7267 TERRATECH HOLE" NO. DEPTH. fT. DH-4 o - 1 I FINAL SPECIMEN DATA WATER CONTENT (%) DEGREE OF SATURATION (") 18.7 100 2000 4000 FIGURE COMPACTION TEST \ ZERO AIR \ VOl OS CURVE \ ./ \ / 1\ (-'" \ // .--/ ~ 10 "'\ / ~ \ rP \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ \ \ '\ ! 120 ..... 0 0- I >- .~ - (f) 115 z w (:) >- 0:: (:) 110 10 15 20 MOISTURE CONTENT 25 ZERO AIR VOl OS CURVE ..... H- I >- .- (f) z w (:) >- 0:: (:) MOISTURE CONTENT PROJECT NO. 7267 SAMPLE NO. OH-4 SAMPLE DEPTH l' - 4 I SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Brown, Vf>.ry silty, sandy. CLAY with some grave 1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.70 TEST DESIGNATION ASTM 01557-70 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (pet) 119.0 OPT IMUM MOl STURE CONTENT, % 12.7 SAMPL E NO. SAMPLE DEPTH SAMPLE DESCRIPTION SPECI FIC GRA VI TY TEST DESI GNATION MAXI MUM DRY DENSITY (pet) OPTIMUM 11401 S-:-URE CONTENT, % ii.-./t SAMPLE NO. DH - 4 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION DEPTH (FT) 11 - 41 LOOTlON Pro osed Pavement Area B..r.mv.Jl, very ~_~ tY~~"1!ld~ CLAY wi th some gra.y'~ 1.6 v .' / / \ .- / \ / \ / \ f\-.... V ~ 17 B [7 V /' / V V / V EXUDATION PRESSURE (psi) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0100 2.0 1.8 90 80 I- ~ 1.4 u. '-" 70 a:: ILl ::::; 1.2 ::E c:> -1 60 - <Co ..: ~ 1.0 >- CD tI> tI> ~ 0.8 "" u x I- ILl ::> 50 ~ > .1 a:: . 40 :::i 0.6 > c:> u 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 o o o 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B 1.0 1.2 1.4 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE (FEET) 1.6 SPECIMEN NO. EXUDATION PRESSURE (psi) EXPANSION DIAL (0.0001 inch) MOISTURE CONTENT AT TEST (%) DRY DENSITY AT TEST (pel) 2 0 -0- -0- 4 1 10 .4 20 440 -0- -0- -0- -0- 4 69 16.4 15.5 111. 4 114. EXPANS ION PRESSURE (psI) RESISTANCE VALUE "R" "R"-VALUE AT 300 psi EXUDATION PRESSURE = 46 Gilroy City Hall Gilroy, California "R II V A L U E T EST RES U L T S TEST NO. ORAWING NO. .. .. 6<ii4i .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ~ III ... III ~ III diM .. ,->jJ~ III ~ l1li ~ III , ITERRATECHI ,..... .. 326 COMMERCIAL ST. SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95112 (408) 297-6969 2608 CENTRAL AVE. UNION CITY, CALIFORNIA 94587 (415) 489-6230 8505 CHURCH ST GILROY. CALIFORNIA 95020 (408) 842-0236 .... .. .. .. ... .. - .. .... III '"'""