Williamson Act - Brem, Glenn and Muriel - Cancellation DOCUMENT: 19156724 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: 1111111111111111111 Fees Taxes. Copies AMT PAID City of Gilroy Pages: 4 16.00 16.00 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Rhonda PeUin, City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 RDE ** 006 10/25/2006 1] : 20 AM NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CERTIFICATE OF CANCELLATION OF LAND CONSERVATION CONTRACT PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LAND CONSERVATION ACT OF 1965 Pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, the City of Gilroy does hereby issue a Certificate of Cancellation of the following described contract thereunder and certifies; 1. The County of Santa Clara and Glenn D. Brem and Muriel E. Brem entered into a land conservation contract No. 3769387 in accordance with the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. A copy of said contract was recorded on February 27, 1970, in Book 8841, Page 675 of Official Records.in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. Subsequently, the land affected by said contract was annexed into the City of Gilroy. The land referred to in the aforementioned contract is legally described on Exhibit "A" attached to this certificate and incorporated herein. 2. By Resolution No. 82-59, the City Council of the City of Gilroy tentatively approved the cancellation of the above-described contract subject to the conditions set \LAC\700036.1 01-072806- \LAC\700036.104706089 -1- forth in the certificate of tentative cancellation dated February 8, 1983. The certificate of tentative cancellation was recorded on February 14, 1983. 3. The following conditions and contingencies set forth in the certificate oftentative cancellation have been satisfied: a. Payment in full of the cancellation fee ($201,488.00) as being due pursuant to California Government Code section 51283. This fee was paid within one year from the date of the recording of the certificate of tentative cancellation. The City Council of the City of Gilroy hereby executes a certificate of cancellation of the above-described Land Conservation Contract, and directs the City Clerk to cause said certificate to be recorded. September 18, 2006 Date of Certificate of Cancella . n STATE OF CAL.,IFORNI",: } COUNTY OF ,:Xui>I-tL CIft1t4 ss. On (Qui aIoeI';)/ ZOOr.., before me, Rhonda Pellin, Notary Public, personally , appeared Jay Baksa, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNES1 ~y hand and oXficial seal. 1c ~ L~ /~/. i ~ -' . Signatu~ t-1~ld. ^ I _-Ll. Uf~ I'I~ - -~;;tJ. - - J - Commlallon # 1581066 Notary PublIc - CaIIfomla j Santa Claro County - _ecmm. Elrr:*eI Joo 19, \LAC\700036.1 01-072806- \LAC\700036. 1 04706089 -2- 8:42 4082?50824~ 1't.~" ~. 4089'15900'1 ;#, S CKkI.IT "ft." ~UI.C H338r$r681" . . , I'~ '~'t..~ t. ....." ., .e_.,.. I' 'tt 12_" . ....I,l. r!ot....r C!.tr.4fN ~!Al. ~~oj)~~rv /..,. T!-I: ep'v OF. ..1!.l')Y. C~I~~'l''r Oil J M<IT 4. CI.A~"" SUTI ':/1 C-!oI.I;:e\~.u, iJUC.~I3!~ ~5 ;QI,;~O...s: ;t~"Clt. Ofrf: 5EING ~ ~o~rrQN 0' ~~~(H LOTI ~. ~ _, ~s 'kO~N ON ~~, NO. 7 ~ce~~.~r(NG TH! ~!PO~T 0' T"! ~IF!.!e' IN rM! LAS 4MIM~1 ~~NCHO ~A.TrrIO~ IUIT, ACflON NO. SSJ& M~D IN fHI SUP!~IQR CO~~T CI' 1M! U'..\T~ Cl' C~LN'O~NI.l, ].\I 4'JJ) "elf TH! Cef./Nrr OJr U~r..\ C1..l.U. "','Iet~, SHQ:.jN ":0.1 T1'I! ~.lil' (Nfl n.l;) , ".'~ICO"O 01' S\.'~'~!'f P:Q~ Iit!M UOTHUS .t~1 ~~tctK LOTS It], It.. .~NO 1t7", ~l1rCH ,",11' tS ~~ce"!J!:o l~, .' 5001( 6i 01' /4AjIIS AT ""GI 11 ~ ""1MI;-' Of' .",.,,'" C:!.Al... CQ loiN TY , ~~ '.tlNG .",au p.-arICULA"L'r oue",u!) AI. '\)1.1.0'~S: . . S~Gf~Nr~G AT · POf~T fN rHe ~J.~ c~ ro rH~ L.lS ANI~AS '4NCHO .lNOrH( SAN YSID~O UNCH\> OISTA/ff fHUION ~O.TI1 12" U' "'UT H9.., 'Uf '1~ ",.. UO'" 1""1 Ar 1'141 U1f141.' eO!ll/llON e04AlU to .ANCW Lor. ~, 4NO ~., 41 SMOWH ~ I~/I;- ~A~S, ~HQ ~VNNINQ TH!Ncr .P.~A~~r~ 'TO r~e LINt COMMON TO .AN~H ~OT ~7 ~N~.It.J NO'T~ a,. It, t Ito" WilT UIt. n 'UT TO " ~fNl' rN THI fAIl'Uu "'N' 01' rHI LANoS' Q' G!O~GC I~!~, ..\5 SHOw~ o~. SA,o ~~co~o 0' iU~vry ~~~j OISrA:ffTHU!OP ~oatlof 001 U' 20" eAST SU. to IIUT PQOM r~~ $vurH- !AHIRL'tCOIINER' n-te.U~Fl r/<f~Ne~ ~~ONG TJot! !AST.I!/tLY lorN! Oft s-"ro . '-"'NOS 0' G!O"C! 5~~M ~C~'I"!of O' 12' 20" !~n 1"1.95 '!ef TO AN UOH'P"~l, NOUH ago .ltl' Itolt WUT 319.QIJ 'u, 1'0 .AN I~ON Ittf'( .4NO .'IOATJotO. l.l" ta" !,tSf. 106.01 JI'!!!T TO AN IRON PIP! r~. fHI LrNe COMMON '1"0 ~"HCH I.0U It It. ,\:to ~1.,),t Tl1! cASTUl..Y Ct)~Nn CO""~ON TO' TH!; !.AHa! Or ""Nn a~!.~ "NOlJrO~Qi iR!.'4; '~INC!(')Nrr:.tur~IG "L.ONG . ,~. '''STIR!.,. A(.jO $Our~ut.l' LINI! 0' THe '-ANOS 0' "fN~Y UIH NOI\TH' a~ U' ~Olt fAST tsO.lO 'IIT TO ,,~ I~QIlf /II', "~D tOUTH It- H' '+0" lA" It".a, "tT '0 AN '-ON ,.", r~ 'H' NO~'~A.r~~~. ~r~. 0' rH. ~A' A~tHA' ~ANC"O, OISr"Nr THIA(ON NOlTH S2- OS.. writ 17'.lS "Il' '~ON A~ IAON ~I'I 4T TMe !ASTe~~TCQMMON CORNIA TO ~~NCH LOTS ft. MD ItlJ rh'HC! ALOH~ !'HI NOlUhIAUUL,Y I.lNt Of' THe ~I ANiMAS "AHC'HO 'OU'f'/f U. OJ' "'IT 10.', U '111' to r..., POINT 0' "4t~I"~, ~._~Cl\, '\to 'CING ~ 'O~tION 0' ~~N~H ~QT ~1, ~I 'HOw~ O~ ~A' 1 iCCO~~~YI~C r~! ll'o~r OP THe .'PI_!!S IN T"!' LAS ~NI~~S ~~~C~O ~4.'trIC~ Surr, . ~crl~~" J'", HAO- r~ l'k! iU~:~I~~ COv~r O~ r~f Jr~rl O~ eA", II'OIU.,-,# r~ ~ND 'O~T...e eOVNTY 0' $~Na ClAa~, ANO 4, SI'IOWN ON ~..~ !NTrrt.!O, ..~!CO~o all' 5U~\t!y FO~ a"!11 3~orHn$ '''' ;fA,'tCff Lori ~J, Itlt ~NO"'", iVl'lfCI>f ~AP " ~~CO~Oi!O r.,. 30CIC ~9 OF. ,-"vs.' ,J"~! 17, ~!.CO~:JS 01' U~r'% CI..<lU COI;~n. J.:.~ !e'l<j~ "'C~! ,J'U!'ICU,-,Ul.l' :leiC.tIH:.'l J.$ ?'~LL~~5: C"~H I 'I..:). , , - .1 ~J' . - .... L ~\J " --.-----. -~_._.... 08/28/97 12~1.'l 'I'Y/fJY Mn 7')')0 i ,.. ..... ! -,-.. 'j . ::.j~ . '.' '.;..';::1..>.." n n1, SENT BY:SANTA ClARA~LANO TITLE;?2-84-50 I: :),W' . .~'~. 8:43 4082750824" .. . .- . . 'j' . iiI).. ,~ ~'t.''''U~U . , . R:C~~~" ~.II!MO ....ifH '<\o..'T't&:l ,", 'l'ffl1f11t , ~ CNIl-.~ CU"'a" r,;J\r~t. "... "M~r"" ~ ff ~'1ldl'lf .. \ 1 Ala ,.., r j l I ~ \ { " . . I .torI'JNI."~ AT ~N U1N 'J"!' J~ THI I,.t~l CO:-e~ON TO fl"l! l.U' ..\N I r--AS U~'CHO "NO' fHI I~N YSlI)~O "~AMCI'lO .U' 'HI IASTItI.'1' COMMO'" COANUTO UNCH !.Oft It, AND Itl. -'I SHO'.llI\t OM '''1;) llt,llll "'1010 \I,lNNHIG NINel ,,\.Ott. 1141 \,,1.., eOM.\4CH ?o ItAACH Lon ItJ AND ltI.. I'fOllTK 19- 1t7' Ito" win u....~,.. FlIT ,1'O"'t4 UON PIli!, TM!Nel NOtTH Oa U. 20" f~ST 566.11) 'Uf, T!-IINe! PARAl.L!L TO tHe ~IN' COMMON fO'SAIO '-OTS ~7 .~D ~.# SOUTK .,- ~1' "0'1, _AtT ,"'.!2 '&lr 10 4 ~JHJ JH THe SAID LINi COMMON TO T"I ~s ' . ~NII'IAS ANI) S~f\I TS1DlO UNCMOS, f1oI!NC! ALONG 9AtO UNCHQ UNf,SOUT'" U'OS' !,\iT 111.41 PUT TO TH! i'onn 0' 3l(HNNING. " ~lCC!"T!'tG THU!I'~OM A1.L T!-441' POlt1'tO~1 '!')of'R!O" eO~IV!"!O IV O~!D ~~O~ ~IC~AID SR.M ~D M~_I~N S. aRI~, TO S~NfA CLA~A COV~fY '~oaD CONf~OL. ANO ~ATrl eON'IRVAfION OIST~ICT. O"'Ta~ Srp.TrM.I~, at. &t60 AND ll- CORDID NOY!MII~ 22. 1950 IN lOOK ~990 0' Q"letAL R!COROS. PAGI 179. oeSCRrSEQ AS ~OtLQWS: ALL THAT elATAIN ~!~L PRO'flTY SITUAte t~fM' ~Ou~TY 0' SAMTA C~AIA, STATI! Oi' eALoll'oIlNtA, onC~I9!O A$ 1t0LI.OWS: .. ''''0 A 'OUION 0' RANCH LOT ,.." AS SI10WN 0,.. ~A~ 1 A';C:OMI'ANY'NQ THI ~rNAL _'PO~T OP THf ~r'!Re!S IN THI PA~flT10N ~CTIO" 0' H!N~Y MILL!R. aT AL. 'VI. ~Asnv THOH"S, i!T .l.\.. I~ f'H( sujt!~tOIt COURT 0' CA'-LI'QII!ltt..., IN AND i'CR TH'!! COUNTY 0' S'\~TA CL,\iU. CAS! NO. >5]&; "NO ,\! SHO'If~. ON MAP ENtITL!O, "~eCOIIO QP SU~VEY 'O~ I~!M' aROTHEAS IH RANCH LOTS 41, !tit AND 147", 'o/HICH i"'lAJt, I' '!CO"!)!O l:-t 'OOl( Ii' OF MAP~, Pl<i. \1, ,uca_os OF S,1NU Cl..'u,l COUNTY, ~ND ~rING ="O~E "A"n'IJ~.\.Y oe.SC:~la~f) .\' FOLLOIofS: ' ii4rNNIN4 ~T ~ J In" JACN i'1'i OESI(;NAUO A$ ~. 2M. S. Y. 1i'4 THe ~IN' COMMON TO tM. ~AS ANIMAS ~ANCHO AND fMi 'AN 'SIORO _ANtHO ~T 1H. I.'f'~~~ CO~MO~ CORNa~ TO ~.~~H ~OT' ~7 ~NO ~.. AS $MOW" Ok UIO ~A' ANO ~u~mJ~G Tli!NCI Wn,T!~LY FttOH 14ft) PH"'1' 0" SlGINNI~..~ ~I.ONG T!oI! I.IN! COMMON TO RANCH LOTS '+1 ANO 1+', ~O~fi1 U. "T. r.o" ',oiUT, lhlt.91t It.,n fO ~H l:tCN ,,~!., Tl'+!lI!t~ NOI\'l'M o. U' 10,,'US1, 17.;3 'lit THINe, IAstJAL't '''AAt.L.!1. to AND Z1 j 50 ~I!'IT,..It.O'" SAID I.INl COMMON TO U/.CM ~~TI .., "~IO It', tOll1'''4''' It 7' ~ O' IAU, lJlt. U Ifur Jl~!~lt! 0,", t\JIWI 10 THI \-tn HOM ... f.l.NG!~T 'jjHlCM IIUS ,OUT.. no "1' '!+Oltlf,AST, WITH A q,lOIU$ 'OF 172.5Q fOUT rl-l~Ql,/(iK AN .lNGI..I. IJI" LP 01' 'O!! 1'0" .~ )1 'iTMIC' 01' llllf.l+J Jl'ur " IIl)lNl' ON ,"'. ~Plf l;,:)....,...I:~1 . TO 'T~jl \,,l,S ,l,Nl~.u UNC~O AND T'I~! i~104 HIO"Q \,\NCHQ .,..Q rH~NCI Al"N~ s,no Co.'1MON 1..1~a:,SOUTH 12$ :~H 11. 'N i=i!Er TO TH! ;tOI~1' Q' UQI~mING. , . . - .~.~... ._..._~-_...._..~-- -- ..--", 08/28/97 12:43 TX/RX NO.7238 4089'l5900? ;#,? a ... ".. m I' P.017 ., . "f' L J. .