Williamson Act - Brem, Glenn and Muriel - Tentative Cancellation )1f1 . II Z-LM dilj ? r-"(;7 1t.r1 ~""_J#. ~6. fJdJ." ~ '\.. ~ ~ r:-,.., ? ...-J- -" NO F~E per GC Sec. 6103 ?$98l77 ?S?'t5'/?'7 H3as P.~~E 660 CERTIFICATE OF TENTATIVE CANCELLATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA LAND CONSERVATION ACT OF 1965 Pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, the undersigned, Director of Planning of the City of Gilroy, does hereby give notice of cancellation of the following described contract thereunder and certifies: 1) The County of Santa Clara and GLENN D. BREM AND MURIEL E. BREM hereto entered into a Land Conservation Contract under the California Land Conserva- tion Act of 1965; a copy of such contract was recorded on February 27, 1970 in Book 8841, Page 675 of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, covering all land hereinafter described. 2) By and upon annexation of said property to the City of Gilroy, said City of Gilroy succeeded to all the right, title and interest of the County of Santa Clara in and to said contract. GILROY CORPORATION are the names of the owners of such land at the time such contract was tentatively cancelled by Resolution No. 82-59 of the Council of the City of Gilroy, subject to the conditions therein set forth and are the owners requesting the cancellation. 3) That a Certificate of Cancellation of Contract will be issued and recorded at such time as the hereinafter specified condition and contingency are satisfied. 4) The amount of the cancellation fee certified by the Council of the City of Gilroy in said Resolution as being due pursuant to Sections 51283 and 51283.1 of the Coverm,';cnt Code of the State of California, is $2(\1,488.00. 5) Condition. Payment in full of the amount of the fee set forth in 4 above, to wit: the sum of $201,488.00. Unless such fee is paid, or a Certificate of Cancellation of Contract is issued within one year from the date of the recording of the herein Certificate, such fee shall be recomputed as of the date of notice described in Government Code Section 51283.4(b). 6) The tentative approval to cancel said contract as granted by said Resolution No. 82-59, shall be valid for one year from the date of the recordation of the herein Certificate. If the landowner or their successors in interest have been unable to satisfy the condition and contingency within said one year period, the provisions of subdivision (c) of Section 51283.4 of the Covernment Code shall apply and the tenta- tive approval of the cancellation of the contract shall be withdrawn, unless the landowner or their successors in interest have paid the required cancellation fee. However, the Council of the City of Gilroy may also extend the one-year time period for a reasonable period upon a finding that the landowners or their successors in interest have proceeded with due diligence and have been prevented from satisfying the condition and contingency by circumstances beyond their control. 7) The land hereinbefore referred to is legally described on Exhibit "A" attached to this Certificate and incorporated herein as though specifically set forth at length. Dated: February 8, 1983 JjJA _ . / ~ rf?,_ L,,- ~ ~ Director of Planning - City of Gilroy (c,,-, 0::::' o '" a:: 1.:_ -'" 00 ;::". 0- _"0-' 'tt~ ;" ..... ~ ") 1\;,,; :.-c: ~ ~ . ...:'1" c:::3 0.. ""'-\ 00 ,~-.-- ~~~- U.i}_" ...::... ...J ,.,.~.:r: r;: '~ 1...._ ~ '/~ :[~- ..,j; ~. ;.r >.;...,. -~." ,n ,) ? ~ LIe .~ :r 0 N ,'10. GY-:'~23 ~ Schedule C H 338 P~GE 661' - EXHIBIT "A" T;-,a '3nd ~afarred ra ~ereln is ,jescr!~ed as followS: ~LL THAT CE~TAIN ~EAL PRO?E~TY I~l THE CITY OF GILROY, COUNTY OF 5ANT~ CLARA, STATE OF CALI~O~NIA, DE5C~I3ED AS FOLLOWS: P .A. R C E LOl'l E BEING A PORTION OF RANCH LOTS 44 AND 47 AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 7 ACCOMPANYING THE REPORT OF THE REFEREES IN THE LAS ANIMAS RANCHO PARTITION SUIT, ACTION NO. 5536 HAD IN THE SUPERIOR COURT QF THE STATE OF CALI~ORNIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, AND AS SHO',m ON TH E ,'-1AP EN TITLED, "R ECQRD 0 F S liR 'lEY FOR 3R E.'1 3ROTHE.RS IN RAI'~CH LOTS 43, 44A.0m 47", 'i/HICH MAP IS RECORIJ~IJ I~1 aOOK 69 OF MAPS AT PAGE 17, RECORDS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE LINE COMMON TO THE LAS ANIMAS RANCHO AND THE SAN YSIDRO RANCHO DISTANT THEREON NORTH 320 05' WEST 569.65 ~EET FROM AN IRON PIPE AT THE ~ASTERLY COMMON CORNER TO RANCH LOTS 47 AND 48, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAPS, AND RUNNING THENCE PARALLEL TO THE LINE COMMON TO RANCH LOT 47 AND 48, NORTH 890 4 7' 40" ;'1 EST 1 2 8 7 . 2 2 FEE T TO A POI NT I NTH E E A S T E R L Y LI N E 0 F THE LANDS OF GEORGE BREM, AS SHOWN ON SAID RECORD OF SURVEY MAP, DISTANT THEREOF 0JORTH 0':) 12' 20" EAST 566.10 FEET FROM THE SOUTH- EASTERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LANDS OF GEORGE BREI'1 NORTH 00 12' 20" EAST 141.95 F~ET TO AN I~ON PIPE, NORTH 89047' 40" 'tJEST 379.09 FEET TO ,AN IRON PIPE AND ~l 0 R THO 0 1 2 I 2 0 " E AS T 3 0 5 . 0 8 FEE T TO A N I RON PIP E I NTH E L HI E COMMON TO RANCH LOTS 44 AND 47 AT THE EASTE~LY CORNER COMMON TO THE LANDS OF HENRY 3REM AND GEORGE BREM; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE LANDS OF HENRY BREM NORTH O.:l 12' 20" EAST 150.50 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ,~l'.w SOUTH 890 47' 40" EAST 1293.09 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE IN THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LAS ANIMAS RANCHO, DISTANT THEREON NORTH 320 05' WEST 178.15 FEET FROM AN IRON PIPE AT THE EASTERLY COMMON CORNER TO RANCH LOTS 4+ AND ~7; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LAS ANIMAS KANCHO SOUTH 320 05' EAST 703.15 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ?,;R C E L T'tJO 3EING ~ ?ORTICN OF ~ANCH LOT 47, AS SHOWN ON MA? 7 ACCOMPANYING THE RE?ORT OF THE ~EFEREES IN THE LAS ANIM~S RANCHO PARTITION SUIT, ACTION NO. 55361 HAD IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, AND AS SHOWN ON ,'"1A? ENTITLED, "RECORD OF SU.RVEY FOR 8REM BROTHERS IN RANCH LOTS 43, 44 ~ND 47", ','l'HICH ,'"1AP IS ,RECORDED IN BOOK 59 OF l'"1A?S, PAGE 17, RECORDS OF SANT~ CLARA COUNTY, AND BEING ~ORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ~5 FOLL2'tJS: CG0HINL..ED.. . ~ ;i, P P":.. I CA TI 9 N NO. G '( - 4 5 L 0 2 3 ~ nsc::;::'":);:p":t) rji~MO #33,/l'b6h1 f"AIN"r '.,.V~:'T:r.!..:; r_\ .;-',!'r.JJr,~ OR C!\r<-' {UN Cr,l j';, ;, .,,':~~ POOR f'HOTQG~A!"i .:..... W.iC:':iF,) 3EGINI'JING AT~"l I~O"~ PI?E I'~ THE LI.'.JE CO,'-1,'.AOl'J TO THE L,~S A,'H:'l,~S R~:!CHO AND THE SAN YSID~O ~ANCHO AT THE EASTE~LY COMMON CORNE~ TO RANCH LOTS 47 AND 43~ AS SHO'.'iN ON SAID i'1APJ.d\JD RLJNNUlG THENCE ALONG THE LINE CO,'1,'10N TO RANCH lOTS 47 ,Ai'JD 48~ I'JORTH 390 47' 40" 'tJEST 1544.94 FEET TO AN I~ON PIPE; THENCE NORTH 0:1 12' 20" E.AST 566.10 FEET; THENCE PARAllEL TO THE LINE COMMON TO SAID lOTS 47 A~JD 48~ SOUTH 390 47' 40" EAST 1237.22 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SAID l[NE COMMON TO THE lAS ANI~AS AND SAN YSIDRO RANCHOS; THENCE ALONG SAID RANCHO LI\JE~ SOUTH 320 05' EAST 559.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTI\JG THEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED BY DEED FROM ~ICHARD BREM AND MARIAN S. aREM~ TO SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT~ DATED SEPTEMBER 28~ 1960 AND RE- CORDED NOVEMBER 22~ 1960 IN BOOK 4990 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS~ PAGE 179~ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA ClARA~ STATE OF CAlIFORNIA~ DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: BEING A PORTION OF RANCH lOT 47~ AS SHOWN ON MAP 7 ACCOMPANYING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE REFEREES IN THE PARTITION ACTION OF HENRY MILLER, ET AL~ VS. l"1ASSEY THOI'1AS, ET Al, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA~ IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA ClARA~ CASE NO. 5536~ AND AS SHOWN ON ,'1AP ENTITLED~ "RECORD OF SU.RVEY FOR BREI"1 BROTHERS IN RANCH lOTS 43, 44 AND 47"~ 'tJHICH ,'1AP IS C(ECORDED IN BOOK 69 OF MAPS~ PAGE 17, RECORDS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOllO'...S: BEGINNING AT A 1 1/2" IRON PIPE DESIGNATED AS a. 2M. S. Y. IN THE LINE COMMON TO THE lAS ANI,~S RANCHO AND THE SAN YSIDRO RANCHO AT THE EASTERLY COMMON CORNER TO RANCH lOTS 47 AND 48, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP AND RUNNI~G THENCE WESTERLY FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING ALONG T~E LINE COMMON TO RANCH lOTS 47 AND 4g~ NORTH 890 47' 40" ',.jEST~ 1644.94 FEET TO AN IRON PI?E; THENCE NORTH 00 12' 20" EAST~ 27.50 FEET THENCE EASTERLY PARAllEL TO AND 27.50 FEET FROM SAID lINE COMMON TO RANCH lOTS 47 AND 48, SOUTH 890 47' 40' EAST~ 1362.59 FEET; THENCE ON CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM A TANGENT 'NHICH BEARS SOUTH 89047' 40tl EAST, WITH A RADIUS OF 772.30 F=:ET Ti-1R.OUGH AN'ANGlE OF 180 07' 50" FOR A OISTANCE OF 24:'.43 F::ET A ?OINT ON THE L[,\JE CO,'1;'10N TO THE lAS ANI~AS RANCHO AND THE SAN YSIDRO RANCHO AND THENCE ALONG SAID COMMON LINE~ SOUTH 320 EAST 77.90 FEET TO THE POINT OF 3EG I:'-m I:-.JG.