Williamison Act - Gilroy Presbyterian Church - Notice of Nonrenewal RECORDING REQUESTED BY: DOCUMENT: 14116346 Titles 1 / Pages 5 City of Gilroy II111I11111111111 111111 Fees 19 00 Taxes WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Copies "001411 ".346" AMT PAID 19 00 Rhonda Pellin Ci~ of Gilroy BRENDA DAVIS RDE I:i 008 73 1 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 3/30/1998 Recorded at the request of 12 33 PM City (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) Notice of Nonrenewal of Williamson Act Contract fumbered 76-023 Gilroy Presbyterian Church/presbytery of San Jose Document 'lltle SEPARATE PAGE PURSUANT TO GOVT. CODE 27361.6 R' E C E , V E r-., FEB G 1~~8 GILROY PRESBYTERIAl';' CHURCH Stephanie Lutz Allen, Associate Pastor Gi\rov Planning 01.. Februar,v' 2, 1998 C i t:v 0 f G i 1 I' 0 ;..- City Council 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Sub.iect: Notice of Nonrenewal of williamson Act To Whom It May Concern: This letter is submitted to the City of Gilroy for the purpose of filin~ a Notice of Nonrenewal of the williamson Act Contract Numbered 76-023 for property located \dthin the city limits. The address of the property is 6000 Miller Avenue. Gilrov. CA 95020. The land owner is Gilroy Presbyterian Church/Presbytery of San Jose. The Santa Clara Countv Assessor's Parcel Number for this property is 810 23 007 00. In accordance with the provisions of Section 51245 of the Government Code. the Cit;..' ma;..' authorize an o\.,ner to serve a Notice of Nonrene\,'al on a pOI,tion of the IClnd under contract: the I' e for e. the C h u I' chi s I' e que s tin ~ t hat the ,,' est e r 1 \' f 0 u r acres of the ori~inal eleven acre parcel be removed bv this filin~ of the Notice of Nonrenewal. (See attached map. ) Under separate cover to the City, and dated February 3. 1998. is a Jetter of petition to cancel the contract (coPy enclosed) in accordance with California Government Code Section 51282. - - ~ ~~---~---" ----- Gilro;..' Presb;..,terian Church Clerk of Session The ahove proceedings are requested and authorized bv the o,,'ners ,,'hose signatures appear below. ~~; ~._, Presbytery of San Jose Executive Director "B 1/ i I d i"!l I" F tI it /J. . ." II t''' r t' II' " I I: 6 bOOO ,\\11.1.11< :\n::\ll:, CIIIWY, C.\1.IHJI<:\I.\ ,):'020 (<lIT S.\:\T.\ Tl.ln~\ 111\1),) .jOS S-L!:iOOLJ ~ 4C\.1 .. 63 '0 ~ 0 ,.., 0- I . " ",(I) -I .( ~ ., ' 7- ~. 4 Z .. o 7.' 0' J., .' ' '<I.: ;.. .~: :i ~,. ~~ ::0 ... ~ :n ~ r:i lY co.)o- Il: \1.1 () \l ..II' () U\ :{t.." 'I,J 'J. I I ~, i~ (), I '<l" '6 ) 11; :1. ~ \'~l ..J \~ ' ~' t1> .0_ >...0 (d t"....J E ;:; c CD ::~: Q) O)"lJ E C'C r-o ::J E (3 1..) .- (j) .~~ r:' ....:; _.. ~..... '"r- c.. (j) ;1 (\J :1 ,~ 10... "0 0') r:J) .- o 10... 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CA 95020 Sllbiect: F' e t i r ion t' 0 I' l.' a n c p lId t ] 0 n () f a h' i I I 1 :HI S () II ,-,\ C t l' 0 n t r ,"l. c t T () IdlO 111 1 \ ~j;'l ''- (' (HI C l' r n : In :H'("O!',j.qnCt" hith IH'O('pdllf'f'S 011tl illed in ol ITJf"m"I'flnd'l!'l <.l:lted ,Jill\' :j, IY~J7 f'1'om ,JiII11PS Ree~". PeDllt\' ('ollrd\' "01i'I<:-'"1 () l' t l!t' "01111 t. \' () t' S :111 t Cl (' l ,'\ f';-\, t. he t'; i j r' () \ I) f' e s h \' t e !' i il '! "!lllrch/Presll\'ter"'- of' S:\ll Ji)se. petit.ion f)F- ('1\\' i)f' I;il:',,,' rOt. (';In"t'l j ill i "n nt' t h,' '" i ! 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