Williamson Act - Gilroy Presbyterian Church - Tentative Cancellation NO FEE PER GC SEC 6103 DOCUMENT: 14540145 II II 111111111111 I ~(j(j14540145~ Tit I es: 1 / Pages: 4 Fees", ,+ No Fees Taxes, Copies, AMT PAID RECORDING REQUESTED BY ) ) ) ) WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE ** 13138 12/138/1998 252 PM City of Gilroy Rhonda Pellin City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 CERTIFICATE OF PARTIAL TENTATIVE CANCELLATION OF WILLIAMSON ACT CONTRACT Pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (the "Williamson Act"), the City of Gilroy hereby certifies that on November 16, 1998, the City Council of the City of Gilroy adopted Resolution No. 98-63, granting partial tentative cancellation of Williamson Act Contract No. 76-023 (recorded at Book 874, page 512 of the Official Records of Santa Clara County) relating to that certain real property owned by the Gilroy Presbyterian Church, and located south of Santa Teresa Boulevard, between Miller Avenue and Mesa Road, as more particularly described in the map and legal description attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively. A Final Certificate of Partial Cancellation shall be issued and recorded when the following conditions have been fully satisfied: 1. Gilroy Presbyterian Church shall pay in full the cancellation fee certified by the County Assessor as due pursuant to section 51283 of the California Government Code, in an amount of Thirty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($37,500.00) ~. for a part of APN 810-23-007 PTL under Contract No. 76-023. In the event such fee is not paid within one year of the date of recording this Certificate of Tentative Cancellation, the fees paid shall be recomputed as of the date on which the County receives notice from the Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 2. Gilroy Presbyterian Church shall obtain all permits necessary to commence the project. 3. Gilroy Presbyterian Church shall pay all legal fees and staff fees incurred by the City of Gilroy relating to the partial tentative cancellation of this contract. Date: November 24, 1998 CITY OF GILROY Attest: ~.~:~ Deputy City Clerk C -=-: -- Approved as to form and legality: ~u~ Linda A. Call on, City Attorney I:\CTYCLERK\MISC\ WlLLIAMS.WPD [:], .'t' .. .- f~ ~ ~:: ,~ ac: _ Q ,,:: .. a ~. ~:!J " ..~,jj. , I ~ j.. , .~ ' ;~D' ::~~ ; - 'I /.~ ~ ~ 1O ! -' lit 0 I ....I~...C...l . " .' '9. : ,):: ! (, ..~z I .. Q :. I Q>>-4, ,!~II: ., ::I ~ ~, t' ~ ~ I ...., . " . t I , ; ". .. .' . I.l . . , , .' i . 0 .. ~ r C ... , .: ... ;a ::> a u c C .. ,j u c ... Z .. ~ , , , =-= ~ . . '. II: '~ ,f&. ... : -1,.. u \, : ,... \" __ J c :II ~ @!'.:::I -CD ... ~ .. ... :I: Q a u .' , .q lit. w' Q: IA.I t- ~ S Q e c II: I '. " i 1 ~ c . ., ~, ~- ~ I- I- 'I . . ~ " ~ " '. II ;, r , a. I J I: j' r <lO; D . . ... .. - .. " " . . ',- . . . . o . . . , i.. I J , u . , "," ~.' i' r. " , [ ., l!_ r.>. 0 ~g~ r :WQ,) . i IleD.- E ,,0> "0 ' 1;(0 t:: :::J rE 0 (.) f;- (,) 0 (,.2 s'O '-E.Q) ~ ~m ;:,.- i~s, "C .~ @","O"-- ,_ 0 0 "0 0 ,It ,.. ~'.c - :0. J' :', E~HIBrr: A 11:S1 866t/59/tt ... . .. ~ Ii: .. D ," . I" . '.' . -. . """''''...: , ' . ." ," .... . '.0 . . . '. " !;B 39\1d HI A~ at-fl,;l ~I~~ B99AL'88S~ . ~~/~OI~~~ l~:~~ ~"tltlG I fll:.etl ~.lA PrW ~.,. .I.N I-'Al:i:.. ":II! S.siAnin~ &~ aD 1ron pipe ma~kiD~ ~he .os~ aor~herly corner o~ the Lands at San 30se Presb~ery a. snoWQ on that cer~aiD Record at Survey recorded 1n Baok S78 of Ka'PllI, palle 23 ~ Santa Clara COlU1ty recorda; thenco. aJ.ODC the northerlT liDe ot said laDQa, beinc &lso the .ou~h.~lT line at Santa Teresa Boulevard. S SO 22' 58", X~ 587.25 feet; thence loa,,1:ag said J1Ol'''ehe.rl'Y li.n4, S 29 32' ~8" W, 396.64 t..t ~a ~he ~o1n~ ot in~.pseatigD with tbe Dortherl~ line of Miller Avenue &8 shewn an said Recore of Survey aDd de.crib.d in the :ran~ deed tro. s&io Presb~erY ~o the Co~t~ ar Santa Clara recorded in Baok, K ~49 of Official Reeorcs~ pa~e 193, records at SaDta Olara COlUlt:r-; thence &loft~ .a~d north.rl~ line at Killer AVenue the follcwiDI courses and ~ist~ces: N 41 00' 00" W~ 168.40 fee~; K 42 10' 21" W, 291.41 tee~; thence leavinc said northerly line, N 40 11' 35" E, 11.32 feet; thence &lone ~he ~es~erly line o~ s.~a laud. o~ the San ~oa. Presb~er~, N 00 OS' 51" E. 291.37 teet to the poi.:a.t of.- b8~iD.l11ng and cantai~i~ 3.84 acreS of laad.-..lBore or le... 7/27/98 wh: sk' Photographic image may be poor due to condition of original document. EXHIBIT B.