Williamson Act - Joesphine Hoey - Tentative Cancellation 1ft> ~ t;;.;::; GC Sec. 6i83 11$"1 ~~Jf""4,. 41-. ~7'&' fJ'i.71 ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ I 75;;#/76' 75S81~ S::s 1.' ,",,' " 0,., ~,~CJ ::~~uOjf~-",..~ CERTIFICATE OF TENTATIVE CANCELLATION PURSUANT TO ~ 33B/, 65,8 CALIFORNIA LAND CONSERVATION ACT OF 1965 Pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, the undersigned, Director of Planning of the City of Gilroy, does hereby give notice of cancellation of the following described contract thereunder and certifies; 1) The County of Santa Clara and (1) JOSEPHINE S. HOEY; (2) JOSEPHINE SOPHIA HOEY; (3) EDWARD J. HOEY hereto entered into Land Conservation Contracts under the California Land Conservation Act of 1965; a copy of such contracts were recorded on (1) August 1, 1969, Book 8625, Page 340; (2) February 24, 1971, Book 9230, Page 257; (3) February 28, 1969, Book 8451, Page 63 of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, covering all land hereinafter described. 2) Bv a"d upon annexation of said property to the City of Gilroy, said City of Gilroy succeeded to all the right, title and interest of the County of Santa Clara in and to said contract. HOEY RANCH COMPANY / GILROY COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES are the names of the owners of such land at the time such contract was tentatively can- celled by Resolution No. 82-126 of the Council of the City of Gilroy, subject to the conditions therein set forth and are the owners requesti~g the cancellation. 3) That a Certificate of Cancellation of Contract will be issued and recorded at such time as the hereinafter specified condition and contingency are satisfied. 4) The amount of the cancellation fees certified by the Council of the City of Gilroy in said Resolution as being due pursuant to Sections 51283 and 51283.1 of the Government Code of the State of California is $33,941.00 for HOEY RANCH Cm~PANY and $145,107.00 for GILROY COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES. 5) Condition. Payment in full of the amount of the fees set forth in 4 above, to wit: the sum of $33,941.00 and $145,107.00. Unless such fees are paid or a Certificate of Cancellation of Contract is issued within one year from the date of the recording of the herein Certificate, such fees shall be recomputed as the date of notice described in Government Code Section 51283.4(b). 6) The tentative approval to cancel said contract as granted by said Resolution No. 82-126, shall be valid for one year from the date of the recordation of the herein Certificate. If the landowner or their successors in interest have been unable to sat- isfy the condition and contingency within said one year period, the provisions of sub- division (c) of Section 51283.4 of the Government Code shall apply and the tentative approval of the cancellation of the contract shall be withdrawn, unless the landowner or their successors in interest have paid the required cancellation fees. However, the Council of the City of Gilroy may also extend the one-year time period for a reasonable period upon a finding that the landowners or their successors in interest have proceeded with due diligence and have been prevented from satisfying the condition and contingency by circumstances beyond their control. 7) The land hereinbefore referred to is legally described on Exhibit "A" at- tached to this Certificate and incorporated herein as though specifically set forth at length. Dated: February 8, 1983 ~ '- ~ A 00--'- _yc ~ Director of Planning - City of Gilroy o i~~;: .,. r"," '":'. tL. ''''.,.. c::) f"""', "",,1:,. c,:> 1-. C._. ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~,~ ~'~'( r"'J ':-1... c- .-' -~ '''" ~-:-;; ::; r;.: ~ ~.-, ,.,- ;-;- , -" (Q ~-n-~ .." '..L1 ~J ',- 1"""': \ ~ ;,':1 ~ H338p~GE659 "EXHIBIT A" Being a portion of SG1~s Rancho, Hecker Pass Highway, and all of Parcels 1, 2, and 3, as shown on Parcel Map recorded in Book 477 of Maps at Pages 33 and 34, Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: 1/1 "BEGINNING at the most southwesterly corner of the incorporated line for the City of Gilroy as established by Resolution No. 80-78 and en- titled 'Hecker Pass Annexation 80-3' and running thence along the southeasterly and southwesterly 1 i ne of Hecker Pass Hi ghway, .South 890 19' 42" West 1238.53 feet, South 890 33' 00" West 784.63 feet and North 880 59' 46" West 618.32 feet to a point which is South 000 18' 19" East 66.02 feet from the southeasterly corner of Ousley Park Addition, Ordinance No. 607 as established in August 10, 1959; thence continuing along the southwesterly and southeasterly line of Hecker Pass Highway, North 880 43' West 392.34 feet and South 850 38' West to the most northwesterly corner 'of the ,lands of t1ichae1 J. Fil ice, Jr~a's established by an exception to the State of California in deed recorded in Book 3933 of Official Records at Page 181; thence North 040 22' East 66.00 feet to the northerly line of Hecker Pass Highway as existed in April, 1959, which is also the southerly line of Ousley Park Addition; thence along said northerly line of Hecker Pass Highway and the southerly line of Ousley Park Addition, North 850 38' East to an angle point and South 880 43' East 394.76 feet, more or less to the most southeasterly corner of Ousley Park Addition; thence along the north- easterly and northwesterly line of said annexa- tion line, North 000 18' 19" West 1172.45 feet, South 890 40' West 445.00 feet, North 030 56' West 100.38 feet, North 390 37' West 182.90 feet, North 400 22' East, 91.18 feet, North 470 West 220.90 feet, North 78008' 40" \~est 1233.00 feet, North 470 17' 35" Hest 330.04 feet and North 300 52' 52" ~lest 962.68 feet; thence along the west- erly, northwesterly, and southwesterly line of Parcel 3 as shown on said Map, North 000 53' East 252.22 feet, North 890 OS' 40" East 1329.10 feet, North 000 02' 40" East 2553.74 feet, North 880 27' East 2121.25 feet, South 010 35' East 40.39 feet, South 890 42' East 486.69 feet. South 000 07' East 2584.74 feet, and South 860 15' East 1315.85 feet.to the northwesterly corner of Annexa- tion 81~2 as established by Resolution 81-77; thence a10nq the westerly line of said ^nnexation 81-2, South 1158.10 feet to the northwesterly corner of j.1orey Avenue ^nnexation tlo.76-6 as established by Ordinance No.77~9; thence along the westerly line of said annexation, South 737.75 feet to the northwest- ~rly corner of Hecker Pass ^nnexation 80~3~ thence ,11on<1 thr vlrstcrly line of said Hecker p(lSS ^nnrYf!- . inn B 0 -:1. So \J t h 1 2 G 5 , 8 R f r e t tot h (> r () i n t 0 f I, r rJ i n - ',inrJ. and rn:nAlillWI Tli;REItI 439.17 <lure, of 1,-:n:1. I,:) r r. or 1 e c; s . R~~::(~':;~[~:2i~'~~S r~Er,~O f:'AINT WF,";':~>,-:; C"< TiPINa OR Cl\H _,or, C)'jJi''; MAKES ~'()OR FHo"'r()(;R/.Pi-:!C~ RECORD