Williamson Act - Mozzone, Fiorenzo - Tentative Cancellation NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 9211376 City of Gilroy lJ) \~ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FiLET F ,;h FE.GGRD 'r "cE:1'I'~"<:,'r .- 1-\ t'I': '",'1,', t: :or' l ,;-. Pi A- ~ M~.R i 2 4Q ~~ ..... RECORDING REQUESTED BY: ,~." (,i'":~~!'" (1 _ (~O:":L)S WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: .t- Susanne E. Steinmetz ~ City Clerk City Hall 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 o cY') 0:: ~ s,:.; i ,'( I, , f~ Ci"JF;: -- F? K088PAGE14~i3 CERTIFICATE OF TENTATIVE CANCELLATION OF LAND CONSERVATION CONTRACT NO.71.147-001 Pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, the undersigned SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, does hereby give notice of tentative cancellation of the following described contract and certifies: 1. The County of Santa Clara and Fiorenzo S. Mozzone and Fiorenza Mozzone entered into a land conservation contract in accordance with the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. Such agreement is designated in the records of the county as land conservation contract number 71.147.001. A copy of such contract was recorded on February 25, 1971 in Book 9232, at Pages 355-365 of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara. Subsequently, the land affected by said contract was annexed into the City of Gilroy. The land referred to in the above contract is legally described on Exhibit "A" attached to this certificate and incorporated herein. 2. On March 16, 1987, the City Council of the City of Gilroy tentatively approved the cancellation of the above-described K 088 PAGE 1 474 contract subject to the conditions set forth herein. At the time of tentative cancellation, Robert Mozzone, Carol Petroni, and Marie Piumarta were the owners of the land under such contract and requested the cancellation. 3. A certificate of cancellation of the contract will be issued and recorded following satisfaction of the conditions and contingencies listed below: a. Payment in full of the $13,908 cancellation fee certified by the County Assessor and City Council as being due pursuant to Government Code section 51283. Unless such fee is paid, or a certificate of cancellation of contract is issued within one year from the date of the recording of this certificate, such fee shall be recomputed as of the date of notice described in Government Code section 51283.4(b) . b. The landowners or their successors in interest shall obtain approval of building plans for the South Valley Intercommunity Hospital from the Office of the State Architect as well as a permit from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to construct said building. Dated: March 18. 1987 City Clerk, ....'! -, , , .-,. " ~, >';"; ,,- -' ,I 1", j 2 ( ,~>TICOR TITLE INSURANCE APN 835-05-019 K 088 PAGE 1 475 The land referre'd to herein is described as follows: All that certain real property in the County of Santa Clara, Stat~ of California, described as follows: PhRCEL ONE: ALL OF LOT 18, as shown upon that certain f.ap entitled, "~ap of foy ~il1er's Subdivision of part of Las Ani~es Eanchlot ~o. 34", which ~ap was filed for record in the office of the Eacorder of Santa Clara, State of California, on Ftoruary 26, 1691 in Book E of Maps, at ~aQt 77. EXCEPTING fro~ said Lot 18, the Northwesterly 25 f~et thereof as conveyed by J. Piazzo, et a1, to County of Santa Clara, a body politic and corporate, by Deed dated January 3, 1928 and recorded April 16, 1929 in Book 458 Official Records, page 282. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof described as follows: PORTION OF LOT 18, as shown upon that certain f.ap entitled, "~ap of Hy Miller's Subdivision of part of Las Animas Ranchlot No. 34", which Y.ap was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on February 26, 1891 in Book E of Maps, at page 77, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron ~ipe set at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of that certain 50 foot strip of land described in the Deed from Peter Paul Barbettini et a1, to County of Sant~ Clara, dated January 3, 1928, recorded April 16, 1929 in Book 458 Official Eecords, page 282, Santa Clara County Records, with the dividinQ line between Lots 17 and 18, as said Lots are shown upon the Map above referred to; the~ce from said point of beQinninQ South 22 deQ. 20' East a10n9 the said dividinQ line between Lots 17 and 18 fox e distance of 2C8.70 feet to an iron pipe; thence leavinQ said last mentioned line and running North 67 deQ. 42' East and parallel with the said Southerly line of the 50 foot strip for a distance of 208.86 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 22 deQ. 20' West and parallel with the said d~YidinQ line bet~een lots 17 and 18 for a distance of 206.70 feet to an iron pipe set in the said Southerly line of the 50 foot strip; thence South t7 deQ. 42' West alonQ said last mentioned line 206.70 feet to the point of beQinninQ. PARCEL T;:O: A portion of Lot 17, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "~ap of Hy Miller's Subdivision of pert of Les hnireas Racch Lot No. 34,~ which Map w~s filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of th~ County of Santa Clara. State of California, on Fe1ruery 26, '~81 i~ Book E of ~aps, at po~p 77 a~~ more particularly described as followE: Tieor Tltlo Insuranc& Company of Californl{1 RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT W~JTfNG OR TYPING OR CARBON COf-IES MAKES """"""'_...... -_. r. .. , ",.' ~_-1 TicOR TITLE INSURANce -- K 088PAGE14 76 Beginning at the com~on corner for Lots 13, 14, 17 and 18, as said Lots are shown upon the ~ep hereinabove referred to, thence from said point of beginninQ south 68 deg 17' 02" vest alono the dividing line b~tw~en said Lots 13 and 17 for a distance of 79.74 feet to a ~oint in tt.e Northeasterly line of South Valley Free~ey as descrited in that Certain Final Order of Condemnation, recor~ed July 24, 1970 in book 8999 Official Records pa~~ 209, Santa Clara County ~ecords, thence along the Northeasterly line of said South Valley Free~ay ~orth 22 deg 51" 07" West 937.74 feet, through a central enole of 91 deo. 08" 09", for a~ arc distance of 31.81 feet, to a point in the Southeasterly line of CohaDsey Avenue, thence North 68 deg 17"02" East alono the Southeasterly line of Cohansey Av~nue 76.35 feet to the point of intersectlonthereof'with the dividing line between said Lots 17 and 18, thence South 22 deg 20' East along th~ dividing line between said Lots 17 and 18 for a distance of 957.00 feet to the Point of Deoinning. Tlcor Title Insurance Company of California c I =- c u ~ ~ o ... c c c ~ u c ~ . c .. s .. .. .. ... ... c I ~ @: . z c. ;: ... t = !!! ... r .. il ')I \~ i <J: ... Lt. os )"VM33~.:! .'1 ,I.. I- GI: ~ ~ .. :. ~ ~~ ~ a~ ___ .:J2"_.___'!" '. ~ os I- 0 ... & ]- 0 ;;; :I: ~ - > U z a c G GI: ~ '" ," <l: :n ~ ~~ 0__ ~ 0'" '!!! ,"0'" .A.Oj_ - Clot ! ~ .. . :2 o ... III: ... ... ... i It ~ ... II ~ ~ a · .. ,.; ,..; ~ ... . 2 I :: --;;.---, .,.. to: : ~ IiiV _ I 2 z:: u ~ . I. a.: ~.~: ~ ~~: o oft" I ~ ~,:,.;.. : . "'"'" .. . ~ ~ ~ G ... '! > .. z ... x ... ~-- ::!I J.]II "'W 0"1 V' ''W 00'1 ~ !lot'" 0"1 .. ,., 00 1 o t ' ;;ll IS"! ,~, Ihi A\~ ' . a. .. o~~ ell :-s ~ ill ~ 1 ; \ ; 1. o ~ lJ01''W ":-1 .s ,'Woos ~ J.)II'.." 1 : .0-0....' ,.. 00 S I .' '1 0'10 "" 10' 'J ,.. :~ ~~ II ;1 ..Ulf\-L ~?" tZI. ./ K 088PAGE14 77 @ ~ .....,. ....... .. ~~ ~~ .., ~ 51 . : .. .. ... . 011011'" It'" ~ : ., ~ ~ 1 ., . ..... ~"~ 0 -f.. . ....,.. ~~ .' .. 1 '.I 'W ~!!-l!...1II J' '" 0'" -------- H.lnOS ~. 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