Water & Sewer Allocations - Cibrian, Pedro and Estela DOCUMENT: 19234743 Pages 4 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1111111111111111111I11111 Fees Taxes Copies AMT PAID 16 00 16 00 City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 REGINA ALCOMENDRAS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE ** 006 12/20/2006 2 25 PM SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE AGREEMENT FOR WATER USE AND SEWER TREATMENT PLANT CAPACITY ALLOCATIONS This Agreement is made and entered into this 16th day of November , 2006, by and between the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, in the County of Santa Clara, California ("CITY"), and Pedro Cibrian & Estcla Cibrian , a ("DEVELOPER/OWNER"). A. The CITY agrees that DEVELOPER/OWNER will receive under the terms and conditions stated herein for the propcrty at 7051 Montercy Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 133 maximum gallons per day scwcr treatmcnt plant capacity allocation at a cost to DEVELOPER/OWNER in the amount of $ 4.956.91 ; and (Grandfathered) 200 maximum gallons per day pcak watcr usc allocation at a cost to DEVELOPER/OWNER in the amount of $ 1,402.60 . (Grandfathered) PENALTY: DEVELOPER/OWNER shall bc chargcd and pcnalized for any use of sewcr trcatment plant capacity and/or peak watcr in excess of the above maximum allocations as providcd undcr thc ordinances, rulcs and rcgulations adopt cd by thc Gilroy City Council. B. In considcration for thc abovc scwcr trcatmcnt plant capacity and peak water use allocations, DEVELOPER/OWNER agrecs to make the above-referenced payments prior to connection with the CITY's sewcr and water delivery systems and agrees to the following: 1. DEVELOPER/OWNER shall inscrt in all deeds, leases or contracts made relative to the PROPERTY, improvements thcrcon, or any part thcrcof, writtcn notification of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. DEVELOPER/OWNER will sccurc in writing from any and all present and futurc occupants or users of said PROPERTY with whom DEVELOPER/OWNER enters into a lease or contract rclativc to the PROPERTY, or any part of or any improvemcnts to the PROPERTY, an agreement not to excecd the allocations stated in Scction A. 3. Should DEVELOPER/OWNER desire an incrcascd scwcr trcatmcnt plant capacity allocation and/or pcr day peak watcr usc allocation, DEVELOPER/OWNER shall notify CITY. CITY thcn shall givc DEVELOPER/OWNER thc option to purchasc additional allocations, if such allocations arc thcn available, at thc thcn-currcnt publishcd ratcs and fces. 11/20/2006 12 30 FAX 408 846 0429 CITY OF GILROY BLES ~ 003/004 4. Should DEVELOPER/OWNER consistently use:: less scwa rCiltmcnt plant c,lpacity or per day peak water use <.It the PROPERTY than the ;tllocalior purrhnst:d. ;15 detel111ined by CITY, DEVELOPER/OWNER may selllhe ext.:t:ss t.:apacity bad tOlhc CITY ilt the original pUfch:1sC prict'. or reTain the e:<.ces.s capacITy amount for g.rowth or expansion. :' DEVELOPER/OWNER shall invesligale and nmslIlt with (ITY as 10 the possihle LIse of mlcmal rcc];unatioJl systems and water-saving devices. C The terms alld condllions of Ihi~ Agreement sh:1l1 remain ill full force ilnd cffecllllll ilthis Agreement is modified or t~~rl11in.lted by the written, l11ullI;J1 Cllllselll or (1(,lh )J;!rtlcs, or at lhe option ot CITY, uJXln DEVELOPER/OWNER's hrcad, of ;my of It e provisions of this Agrecment or failure tn pay monlhly watcr or sewer use charges ;1$ invoiced by CITY. NOlwithslandin~ anylhlng to the wnlrary hac 111 , CITY rc~cr\\~S the ri;!ht to exercise any :lI1d all n'n1cdi('s ;jv;iilabk ;jt l~iW or in cqUIl)' upon ~uch nrc,lch or failun.: tn pay invOlt.:ed (;harges. The sewer lreatment pbnl capacily and/or J CJk walc ruse alloc:Hiotl :1l1oncd to DEVELOPFIVOWNF.R PIIl'sllant to Section "A" al)( vc shall ~e null and void upon the lerminatiun of thiS Agrcement for any rcason. D. DEVELOPER/OWNER shall have the ()plion of measuring sewer effhlclll hy: I. Inslalling and paymg for ;j sewer dfluenllllcler, wl\i(h meter sh.1I1 ~(lmpl~' with lh~~ ClTY's S\;lndards and "qx~cdiciltlOns. .., Measuring lhe water L:OnSUmplion at the PROPERTY in a mann,:r an:q>t;thk to CITY. The lerms :.snd t.:ondi(inns of lhis Agrcemenl shall run with (he land. .11 d apply to and binu DEVELOPER/OWNER and c;iL:h or DEVELOPER/OWNER's heirs. Msigns. slIcce"sors ;md successors-in-intercst, and all slIb..cq\lcnt owners of lhe PROPE~TY. This Agreemenl ;;hall l-x; rccoTlkd in the Office of Iht: Ck..k-R~coakr or Sallla Clal~ <CITy :~~~'" ) ~ ~- . -----~-:--~ t. I ( I '- oJ...__u~.._____ RDEVE~OPER/OWN~ .~~~n. lis: , Owner Estela Cibrian, Owner M<Jilll1g Address (if diflercnt than PROPERTY audITss): 11/20/2006 12 31 FAX 408 846 0429 STAlL ur CALIIOJ{N 'A COUNTY OF..SANTAm.CLARA CITY OF GILROY BLES } ~,\ On _.I2.I:;C Q.~L}Qq.6. b~tor~ 111';, OIppt'im:d MAR IA ETE.NA .nWll;Q;j;ally pnsLJIl;dly known III me OK PEDRO & ESTELA CIBRIAN ----.-' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a MARIA ELENA MUNOZ Commission # 1434644 i. Notary Public . California ~ j Santa Clara County t ~ ~ _ ~~:..~_~2:2~7 pIIWt'J \II me 1111 the ":ISIS \It S;lllsf:l..-IOIY t\'l(k'ICt" I'.> l'.: lht" pl'rsoll(sl whose. n~mch) is/an:'llhscribc<l t(. the wllhin illSllum':'1l and ill:kl)(1\vl\:d::cd III fIl,' \hi,l ht/~hcllhty C.\CI:Ull,J Ih..: .'Jrn..: In his/her/their ;luthClrJ7.cd C;lIXI(",ly(it'<;). :lI1d Ihill by h's/hl'r/lhl~IT signOlrllrehl \\n the ,nslnjll\CIlI the p<:lslln(S). or 1111' l'lltity UpOIl heh:M III which Ihe person(\) ;lCI I. ...."'culcd 1IIl' 1I,lrum..:nl )'TNll my hr?' /7' .'L IlLiftf. ~(!II( Jll~ S[(iN,\Tt II{I- ()I- NU ARY @ 004/004 ....'.,\ClTl C1.IIMt:ll III "";I'il':1( Th(\(I~h :;l;lhllt' doc; flCl1 n.~ lIin:. lht' N,)l~ry II' rill in 1 ,~ ":il:> bclo"". ("..;n\=;o may pn)\'L" in\'ah ;iMIt" lu p("f\"OIl\ r~lyin~ L'll 111(: J'-'"'IIIII~:llt INDIVII)\ 'AL C01~11)lt..TF, IF[:lCTRS(S) Tlllel:,) l''''lTNI'R(S) LlMrl'FJ) ()t:Nt;;I~A _ ATT'ORNEY-lI :.1';\("1' Tf<I'STI'.r:~Sl (il~Al{I)l^:.I/(. IN.WHV,\ rC!{ UTilE". SIWO/I-;H IS ItU IU;SE!\TI"C: N;I~ ofl\"fSt,lH(' I \.'1' F.n(iIY('\"~~'; STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) TITLE OF DOCUMENT: Agreement for Water Use and Sewer Treatment Plant Capacity Allocations - Pedro Cibrian & Estela Cibrian, 7051 Monterey Street, Gilroy, CA On December 12,2006, before me, Rhonda Pellin, Notary Public, personally appeared Jay Baksa personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. \ccA~~l)iL:('l .rl ({J~ \ Signature of Notary Puhlic i..... ~. ~ ~ ~ -;H~N;A~L~N ..... ~ ~ _ ~ Commission II 1581056 i -. Notary PublIc . California f j Sonta Clara County d _ _ ~ ~:~~~..:'~1~2 per GC Sec. 40814; CC Sec. 1181 (Notary Seal)