Resolution No. 0128 1=['== '" (\.J m en ~. o N 'f"T""- . = Q -- ]; ~ 5 ~ Q ~ ~ ~ t:c4 i ~ ~ .' ","-- " '. ! I ! ~ - ~~ Q - ~ i 0:. lA ~ ~ -. ~ = ~ 0' J ;:l ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ i:' '1 - ~ as Q 4)i $ot ~ Q ... ~ Q)l ~ 0. ~ $ot Q - Q cw - .- -g ~ ~ Q ""&-11:-"'0:""": ,y'__"~ ......,;-......_.:"-"'~,'." ,.a ,- . 0) -. ;~ ~.;' : \~ ~'"' k~ ! I. .~jl\\ ') . , : ,\ '7f- '-: lSr' fi \ IS) 1 1 \ \ '< :~! <,) - ! \ ,).. ~ \ ~ ;\ \ ,f~ 6; '. P ~ :1\r\\~ ~~'. . "~.\~ ~~~ i~'A \\ ~ ~ li.,~.... . 'j_ ''. '~'"::'~\ (? "b::.::::,:::. (),: .'~-l \~j \~. -60....:..1 ~ ~'t ~' ~~ ':t)!0" ,;:;. '\...L'~ 1 1;'., '. v~<<, ...-:-h.\ <{ \ . ~- - -9 ---0 .<' \ ~ 0 -4'?P i' '.{: 'i ' ~:. C,) \ 'r ~ o;f~ t...... \':. . .,~ c::- ,:;) \ 1 ~.:,p ! ~"~\~ ~'\ . i . .... .:.i! ...,. . " ...-'i" . "" 0 l!)! ......'1 .-6 ~\ i ~ Q ..-r- ~ ; \ q.'" .~. ~ ~.....:, ,: '- \: 'J' .. :~'~' !.~ (. .! \ .' t. .:: .~ ;, ': '"" ',.. \: "", ::. ~:::::,::.':: ~ ~.. 1 8, 'b -~~\! 'e: ~ ~. '., r~: ""-,\~\ \~ ,. <:) ~ ~k'-l ''-~\ \.\ ~ 1 ~ ca t, \,'" C:;;''t;!,\, ,.~ ] ! -; \~:t> ; -', oJ. ~ l:S : .\).' i ~ ~ . ......... co,.._. ~ ". ....'...... ",.,.,..... -. > ~ .~, "'~." .,...... ,-."_, _, _",. .~"'-.... .....~".,...~...._.... _."" ',.,.~ *.~ ._ ~ _~ ,.. . ;&iJiI. , J/' RES 0 L UTI 0 N N O. 128 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Councll of the City of Gilroy. that said C1ty of Gilroy hereby accepts the Notice of Comp1etlon hereto attached and consents to the recorda- tion thereof. Passed. approved and adopted this 2nd day Of,1)eoember. 1940. at a Regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: GEORGE A. 1U,PTIN l~A T HEn~ER GEORGE M. lfAS ON J. R. WENTWORTH JACK ROGERS ABSENT: JLf/ES Dt, TTERSBY 1i OES: NONE Approved: ""--"". "'_ f'\ Ma)'Or c~ M111a8. Jr. At j~est: r. A. Cox CltyClerk CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P. A. Cox, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of Notice of Completion has been compared by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Notice duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutes of the regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy held on the 2nd day of Deoember, 1940. . have hereto set my hand and affixed the of Gilroy this 3.rd day of December, 1940. G.~.~ City Clerk of ,e ityof Gilroy, Santa Clara county. California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I official seal of said City :.~)--=:.== j}otice of (!Completion. c. c. P. SEC. 1187 GILROY, NOTICE is hereby given thatCITY of / the undersigned as the owner of th e certain lot , piece , or parcel of land situated in the Santa Clara City of Gilroy County of , State of California, and described as follows, to-wit: Lots One (1) and Six (6) of Block One (1) South Range Three (3) West of, the City of Gilroy, according to ~~! No.5 accompanying the Report of the Referees in the part on suit of Henry Miller et a1 vs. Massey Thomas et aI, in the Superior Court of the County-of Santa Clara, State of California. Total 100885 Square feet. That the undersigned, as owner of said land, did, on the Fifth , 19 40, enter into a contract with George Renz day of April for The construction of a municipal auditorium ( upon the land above described, "wiEidJ!lJXllP1rJmr;J:.:~:i.MM:itK1lYt3..tXfj ~ Ttl1K!I.. ~ ~ ~ That on the Second day of December , 1940 , the said contract or work of improvement, as a whole, was actually completed by the said George Renz That its titletosaidpropertyisthatof Owner in fee. simple and its address is as follows : Gilroy, California. Dated____P-~Q.~~:Q~~__~~__~_~_i:_Q.__,_____ --CitY--3)~--.GiJ.r-07----------------------------.,----- --'.- b;'-------~-:-[L~--...Gi4---C1erk_- Owner STATE OF C.A.LIFORNIA, County of Santa Clara }ss. P. A. COX of being duly sworn, says : That I am Ci ty Clerk,ihe owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; /Jlat I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents there- of, ond that tha facts tharein stated are true 0 f -~~-~:-~tr~,-~------------------ Subscribed and sworn to before me this l 3rd day of December , 19 40 J ~~ --------D--~:~=~=~-------~-------------------------------- _.N.Qtar~__.P1l b) 1 c ----------------------.--------------- 1. NOTE:-In case of cMsation from labor for thirty days (but no completion), state the fact of such cessation and the date thereof, or in case of oMupatlon of the building, improvement orstTucture accompanied by cessation from labor therein, state the fact and the date thereof. 2. NOTE:-This notice must be recorded within 30 days after completion, occupation, or cessation from labor for 30 days, _