Resolution No. 76-10 ~', ~,.:H. Jt-, - '" "'(~,. 297 PAGE 4:] 297 PAGE 43 Pf.:SCH,UTION NU. "7 (l 10 , .~~. \' /' 'C C ,5417629'-- \ .\ ~\' .'....,.,... ~' -.) .,. ..,',' '"'-" - ~ ~ 3~: ~ ~ ~ ;~ "11 ~; ~? ::0 0 ~JO- ~'" r :.> "'- f1I." ;:)~_ ?: r - ~e. '? ~; :~; 0 ~[f' f~~..'.~....' 07.JO"} -.. '. 0-0;;0 -c -, 7JC ,=,::J:: 0 ,-. o ,zCI) - "'1'i::U fT1 ~h" -. C '~, ~j en RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CrCY OF GILROY APPROVING A~\m AnOPTI:"1G TW? REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR O:!" PUBLIC HO'?KS OF Tl-IE CITY OF GTL:<_OY ON THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SIDE~-JAL1<.s, CURBS, GU'!,"I'F.l?S AND OR DRIVF,,\,iA)'S Pl UA"l'.l' TO THE IMPROVEl\'L~:NT ACT OF 1911> DJ.\?ISIOlJ '7 OF S'I'REE'I'S AND II !\j"; (:01)}: CW STATE OF CALIFOPJHA, ASSESSING PA:q.CELS OF PROPEt~.'l:'IES F()~ 'FIm cor:'f ()1;' C01\1S.. TRUCTION Arm DETEF..NINATION or, PATI.f.ENT OF' ASSE:SSr.'lENTS. . ~ ( .~ ", fio p...,<& ~ ~;()a-O CJ'\ ~ ~ ~ a"'J 1"~ ~ WHEREAS, the Director of Puhlic \Jor1cs of the Citv of Ciixoy ha::; heretofore proceeded in accordance ,,\lith the Imorovement ~';ct of 1911, Div:i.sion 7 of Streets atld IIighway's Cc)d,e or ~;tate (}f Ca.l.j_fcYrr-lika, v7it'tl c()rtst:-ructi()11. o~f certain sidewalks. curbs, gutters, and/or driveways and has made his reoort to the Council of said City of Gilroy on the cost of construction~ and WHEREAS, the 1st day of 11arch. 1976 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, at 7390 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California, has been set as the time and place for hearinz the said report and recommendation of said Director of Public ':Jorks, and notice of said hearing ha.s been given in accordance with t.he Improvement Act of 1911, Division 7 of Streets and Eighways Code of State of California, and the' Council of the City of GiTro)' nOh) having ::;xCJct+:.ded to the hearing of sct:l.d report and reconnnendation, and the Counci.l having duly considered t,he same and, overruled any protests, has determined that said report should be adopted; NOW, THEP~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following costs of con- struction are approved for assessment against the following parcels: ASSESSOR'S PA.RCEL NO. NM~E AND ADDRESS ASSBSS?vrEt\T'r COST D8J OJ 0'5 EtLel v. Bolfin~, 77L~0 Hanna ?;trcct ~; JL". 00 pJ. 15. OQ P{' 18.84 11/1 7 5 pi ~ 1J1.75 pI-' 71 I, 5 pI' [1-/, -; r) fl ~ 803-01-009 803 01 043 803 01 056 'tqq- C2..-- CC.v 80J-02-00~ 803-0J 012 DaIt: B. & Rulli COuuell, 7872 :Ci:sle,berrJ Street Lydia HdleIlr" 7840 R03~nna Street Charles & Beatrice Sansing, 355-2nd Street F....aIlc.i~ Eli:iettler, 7861 HQnn.1. Street ';o~epL (,. =du~ Sol~ri, 7700 I111nfill ~trect 80J OJ 016 Mildred Q~ale, 7750 ~annQ Strcct RESOLUTION NO. 76- 10 -1- " ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 2.O.;}"",-O3 - 0 17 803 03 019 803 03 Oeo .803-03-090 -803 05 010 803 05 011 803 05 017 803 05 020 803-05-029 803 05 031 803 05 043 'S03 05 047 803 05 048 .,tl+-- oE'-ofil -803 05 049 803 05 051 803-05-053 803-05-055 803 05 059 803 05 061 '7qq-cl-(J~1 803-07-05G ')'~q...o'i--ol 0 803 09 055 803-13-075 l"JC1 cl- I 5"- e> 4- S- '803-15 OOT 803-15-023 8-03-15-033 ~"Cl.- 1)- 001 8e3 15 039 '803-15"'045 803 15 047 ( \ I \, c ,}g1 ~r.Gt ~4 .- ASSESSMENT COST ..,'..~....."._...,"...'r -- ,.......,--.'''-'",'......,..'' NAME A.~D ADDRESS J?5chard L. L71"H::rn, 7760 E:n1D:1 ~;t'.ccct Dori.'3 Roccl'l., 77~)0 II/uuLa ~Lrt::"t::t Alberta TCBque, 7766 ChGrch Etrcct Dale :g. & R:.ltb Ccm-:.c:l1, //85 Yif;1cbcr:cy Street. lVi. 2) Dani.el & Le'.n.a E. 11a\.]ilu!!'1~s Jr., 3.~7 !;.th StJ. ".(.t: 3.5.00 i"ndrca HUTlol:, C~J:lJ;~n Ik1rJ<"l..,jo, Jel .tIt.'!. ~~t:c~.(;L. IF":' ", 't"t.I'} Dale B. & Ruth Conne.ll, 7660 IIal1n8 Street 1.5.00 ~; () 3 ~.pll i_rl~ ]~l.c> r (}.:" 7 G 9 O;IC1.Lu.lc3. ~ t L t_ t'__ L ~~ll+. "7 J M~iB Corn~ggia, 7621 H~nna ~treet Pailqu3.1c Ls.Ma(:ehi3 1'.:0 t:"lta; '76QO DO':lCJy StrQQt LI if-. 7 5 26.85 Olga E. Nic13cfl, 7oS1 Dowdy Street E;;clyn. ~C Pa'gan-:'lcci: 7eLl! Dmldy Street.:-. 4/.} . <,1 5 .', oil 22.3-5 Robcrt Marko; 7631 Dmldy Strcct 13~1. 50 Glenn & Chris Kaufm&n, 7621 Dowdy Street 44.75 reppino J. &. Sa1.~d.ina H. Filice, 7601 Dowdy Street 44.75 Ralpll & JeaIl~tt~. John.3on, 7600 Carmel ~trect 21. 50 Du~l.u~.rt & ~..r~___~:::.;~,,:-~t: ",J\]]gi~ll!S, 7 G20 C2rtrl:J.f:.J~ ~tr.~!.t 15.00 NOnRa.n B. &. Ha.rion. F. Coodrieh, 7660 Carmel etreet 44.75 Loui3 C. &. Tficrc3d DeLorenzo, 7690 C3rmcl atrBot 21.50 Thomas H. Doherty, 192-5th Street 15.00 , Josie Ruiz, 7217 Church Street 22.35 Francis J. & Vernell B. Reino~a, 500 & 510 9th St. 44.75 Joseph M. & Irma G. Galban, 7264 Hanna Street 4L~. 75 Hantlel & HdTl dela. Dc Le He 38., Ed~7nrd :1l4". :.Verrcir'::l, 4B7 Eightl~ Stl.ee.t Jo~eph II. & Helen H. D''W)'er, 430 Seventh Street II~I. 75 44. 7S 44.75 44.75 Joyce A. Barber, 7257 Hanna Street Nellie Ua1.danado, 7209 IIaILIlC!!. Stre.et H.arold H. &. Henryott3 Higgonf.:, 72QO C~~Ql $trQ~t /'/1.75 RESOLUTION NO. 76-10 -2- '. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ..- ..-,-, ~{(9.- ife.-c4/ . 803 15-049 803 15 058 g03 15 095 .s03 15 097 803 Hi 003 rJ~- j'1-C57 803 16 016 803 16 046 '803 16 062 "t 'l q- l~.-c' S 7 803-17-00J 80J 17 004 803 17 005 '1c,1- f ~. "('4;'/ 80J-17 - OO&- --803 17 040 803 17 04!j 80J-17-04.5 803 17 046 '80J-17 048 ..803 17 058 ., t1 '1- f q -Oi..~ 4- eo) 18 002 803 18 009 80)-18 019 1303 18 028 803 18 033 .803 18 034 .803 18 048 . 803 U~ 053 803 18 054 ..803 18 056 803-18-062 .iD3-]8-063 /" \. I \ C 297 PAGE 45 NA~E AND ADDHESS ASSESSMENT: COST Umberto M. & Lynn M. DeLeon, 7'l1? Dowdy StrE.:ct $ 22.35 Helen N. PlymLre, 7~:gg CtlxS"JCl Ctrcct '1/~. "75 Cecil }" & Cl~l1::m.f) D. Ilcinoch,i;!.1.7 Canncl ~~trcct :~::.35 John R. & Lntoni..::I. P. C::n:-pio, 7'101 C'.,)rm81 5tr@Q,t 53 70 JCOU8 & Fclicia RDOQ8.7350 H3Dna Strect ~~.75 Andrew D, & Connie Villarba, 7011 Church Str(~et~ 15.00 Helcn. I, Duke:, "/391 Dmldy Street 22. 35 Raynald & Dorthay Boon~, 600 Sixth Street 32.20 Eugene R. & Barbara J. Holiday, 7430 Hanna Street 44.75 Htirco & Teresa. ~:izza, 7440 HamlD Street 26. 85 Haauel Co P ere-z > 7 k.-6 6 lIann.!. Ct(e^~t . 2G. (} ~ John & Roberta Hughan, 338 Fifth Str:eet 31. 35 ~rthur & Florinda P. Fiori, 7420 Carmel Streot 66.20 75.15 22.35 Thereon M. SimCl, 7460 Carmcl Strect Howard K. & Juanita. Schuler, 7l~70 Carmc1 Stroot Loui~ Go .'"".. ::v:_,)J.L~ A, AJ~L:l> 7~~;O Cdc,.lcl Street 26~e5 Russell D. & Elizabeth IIedges; 546 Fifth Street 125.30 Thom~o E. & Florence M. S3ntor3, 7~Ol Dowdy StrQQt 26.85 Woodrow\D. Ketchum, 391 Fifth Street 100.24 YyTernon G. & Evel,n J~IlseIL, 7590 1I<'!.rLna Ctreet 5.00 Lf'!:'W'rence. &. Io1e, "t.Ti.ciIio, 415 Fi::th Strcet 2.6.85 IIBI.1'it6'rJ. F. & rlora B. Carter, 7580 Dcwdy 8trcct 22. 35 ~\rth1ar & JGanctto Eotorg3, 7571 11::l.l1rJa Strcwt /1/1. 7~) Louioc NeCce, 7551 IIan1"la Ctr~et 22.35 Ercole & ..^...nnie Pc1liccione, 7570 Carmel StrOGt 75.15 JOOGph C. & Florence Sil1ano, 7541 !)mldy Street 243.00 Lillian O. Broder8on, 7531 Dowdy Street 22.35 Doris Datl:ffi, 7511 DeH.:dji Ctrel!t 22.JJ Donald Cimino, 7590 PrinGcv.211c Strcet 15.00 Tohn E ~ SU8 A. PatQ, 7521 C.2rmGl Street 350.00 RESOLUTION NO. 76-10 -3- '. / \, ( ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. NAl'1E AND ADDRESS C 297 PACE 4.6 ASSESSMENT COST s..Q)-.lS-066 '"i11IOTl 1.. P ::tpp :n'", -; 5 5] {~. '~" c' -J <:~ t-., (, 'i.-' t (, " 3"1.60 -803-19 00.:'. Tbomao M. & Mnrg.:nct J. R,1dt1cc, 76] () Princevnllc 152..15 .803 19 007 JODn B. Cub3er, }680 I'rinc.cJallc Stree.t 32.20 803-19-0111 Cennaro ~ Roe Iiil 1. ~Q~ZQ, lC/! 1 C '~nHQl StrQQt 107 . Ii U .803 19 015 Hugh H. [~ Bnrbeu:a D. GBiley, 7601-Carme1 Street 80.5S 803 19 016 CharI co E Helda nobi to cll ,/ 01 l"'o'n-~'h S; tr9Bt 2 (; 8 I) ''''.-~3'-~ S- ,803 19 027 Gordon & liaybelle Farotte, 7691 Princeva11e Street. 66.25 .803 19 032 E1"\iB- A. CrB'v-~g, }6~~1 Prince.cHIle: St..r~~t 89.50 803-20 01G Jos<!'-ph J < ['I. COIlstane.c Blundo, 797 fifth Strect 89.50 803 10 017 Virginia Cox, gO:!.. fifth Street 35.80 " .803 20 021 803 21-044 .~.03 21 05/ 803 59 027 g03 59 034 and; . .. ..0 .. C:lroli.na Corirotto,- 8/11 Fifth Str~~t " 53 70 53 ~70 22 35 22 35 22..35 lOr 67.10 .. .803 20 018 & 19 John D. & aylvia 1;.'. Ghi];(l!olnd., 811.-821 Fifth Si- LU0Y ~. Cori, g20 Fifth StrQ~t EonniG R. & Angelin4 D. Cilroy, 700 ~ifth Stx~et John & Helen. Luc.chetti, 7831 PriRec.Tal1e ~troot Henry M. & RODe E. Kong, 7970 Princevall~ StrQet BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said assessments shall each be paid with a minimum principal payment of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year along with interest on the unpaid balance at a rate of interest of six per cent (6%) per year beginning on the first day of April, 1976, in accordance with the following repayment schedules: REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NO. YEAR 803 01 009 1976 1977 803 01 043 1976 1977 '1Cj q~ () ~ - 00 ).., 803 01 056 1976-1977 803 02 004 1976 1977 803 03 012 1976 1977 803-03-015 1976-1977 1977-1978 PRINCIPAL INTEREST ~]J% $ 2.04- $ . 90 $ 1.13 $ 2.69 $ 2.69 $ 4.28 ~ ~:;~ C 3~.00 $ 15.00 $ 18.84 $ I, 4 . 7 5 $ 1,/,. 7 5 RESOLUTION NO. 76-10 -4- , ! \ " C 291 PAnt 41 ASSESSOR'S TAX TOTAL ANNUAL PARCEL NO. YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT -~.~..,..,-_....-._--,-,~-- ~,,_____,,~_~'_"'-"', '_0'5' _'0'"" ..<,.."-,,'.....,,',,.- 803 03-016 1976..197"7 ~ Ill, . ? S S 2.69 ~ 117. II/J , -, 803-03-017 1976-1977 ~ 15.00 $ .90 ~ 1J.90 803-03-019 1976->1977 $ 15.00 {. .90 t. 15.90 '/ ~ J I 803-03-066 1976-1977 15.00 .90 $ 15.90 803-03-090 1976-1977 1977--1978 1978-1979 803-05-010 1976-1977 .$ 35.80 ~ 2.15 ~. 37.~;5 ( 803-05-011 1976-1977 $ 4'1. 75 $ 2.69 $ /;,,7 . L1L,. 803-05-017 1976-1977 $ 1.5.00 $ .90 $ 15.90 803-05-020 1976-.1977 $ il"' . 75 $ 2.69 $ 117. I, I, 803-05-02"9 1976-1977 .' \. $ 44.75' ~$ . 2. 69: '$ 47-. 44.. 803-05-031 1976-1977 $ 26.85 $ 1.61 Q 2.0.46 803-05-043 1976-1977 $ .~4. 75 $ 2.69 $ 47.44 803-05-047 1976-1977 $ 22.35 $ 1. 3/, $ 23.69 803-05-048 1976-1977 $ 8.07 1977-1978 50.00 1978-1979 1Cf~-05'-O~1 803...05 049 1976-1977 $ 44.75 $ 2.69 $ 47 . L~4 803-05-051 1976-1977 $ 44. 75 $ 2.69 Q 47.~~ 803-05-053 1976-1977 $ 21. 50 $ 1.29 $ 22.79 803-05-055 1976-1977 $ 15.00 $ .90 $ 15.90 803-05-059 1976-1977 $ 44. 75 $ 2..69 $ 1+7. 4'1 803-05-061 1976-1977 $ 21. 50 $ 1. 30 S 22.80 '1'1cl-o 11-- 0'-11 $ $ ..e-e 3 07 056 1976-1977 15.00 .90 $ 15.90 tjq'l-O(l-OIO 80J 09 055 1976-1977 $ 22.35 $ 1. 34 $ 23.69 803-13-075 1976-1977 $ 44. 75 $ 2.69 $ (17.Vol '1'i'l- 15-<::45' ~'OOJ-15 007 1976-1977 $ 44.75 $ 2.69 $ 47.44 803-15-023 1976-1977 ~ ~~.75 $ 2.69 $ 47.44 803-15-033 1976-1977 $ 44-. 75 $ 2.69 $ "7 . II {I RESOLUTION NO. 76-10 -5- , , ( , . C 29'7 PAGE 48 ASSESSOR'S TAX TOTAL ANNUAL PARCEL NO. YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT -.-----.-"',. . <'-"".,.~.-~._---- _.A'~__ _'."<,'._._.'_'.,"' ''''"'''.__..'.,.--'. '=.,..,_,,,.. ,. f"Jfi'1-15-00 1 i303 15 039 1916--1977 $ 4407.) $ 2.69 $ 47 . il/l. 803-15-045 1976-1977 $-- 44 75 $ 2.69 ~ l~ 7 . J.tt{. 803-15-047 1976-1977 (-0 I, I, , 7 r) ~ 2.69 $ !~ -: . /". "i' .-~1 , '7QCj-Ii:-c1-1 $ $ 803 15 049 1976-1977 !4-4 . 7') 2.69 $ LI7./10, 803-15-058 1976-1977 ~ 2~). 3 :., ~. 1.. 34 (. 2J.G9 'r )' "[ 803-15-095 1976-1977 $ 22.3.5 $ 1. 3'1 $ 23.69 803-15-097 1976-1977 $ 53.7D $ 3.22 $ 56. (;2 803-16-003 1976-1977 $ 44. 75 $ 2.69 $ 47.44 '7Qr..i-11-C5J 1976-1977 S 15.00 <; .90 $ 15.00 0803 16 01 'r ~ 803-16-046 1976-1977 $ 22.35 $ 1.3lJ .$ 23.69 .-' 803-16-.062 - .197.6-1977 ' $ 32.30 .$ 1.:93 ~ $ - 34.)) 'Jqq.-I '0-<9'57 . 803 17 003 1976--1977 $ 44.75 $ 2.69 $ 47.4/+ 803-17-004 1976-1977 ~ 2G.85 $ 1.16 ~ 2g. 1,6 803-17-005 1976-1977 $ 2G.85 ~ l.lG ~ 28.~6 1'1"1-1 ~-64t 1976-1977 $ 31.3.5 S 1. 88 $ 33.23 803 17 00 'r 1976-1977 tUJ~ $ 3.97 ! ~~~i~ - 803-17 - C~:J 1977-1978 ~ 4~-~ i -~ 803-17-044 1976-1977 BU~ $ 4.50 ~ ~Hr 1977-1978 ~ ~:6g 803-17-045 1976-1977 '$ 22.3S $ 1. 34 $ 23.69 803-17-046 1976-1977 ~ 26.8S ~ 1.1G ~ 28.ltG 803-17-048 1976-1977 . $ 7.51 1977-1978 $ 50.00 1978-1979 $ 25.30 r .. . 803-17-058 1976-1977 $ 26.85 $ 1.16 $ 28.46 '41 (1 cl_ I~ -OlD tf 1976-1977 $ 50.12 $ 6.01 $ 56.13 r803-18-fl02 1977-1978 $ 50.12 $ 3.00 $ 53.12 $100.24. r9.01 "$-109. 25 803-18-009 1976-1977 $ 5.00 $ .30 $ 5.JO 803-18-019 1976-1977 $,,26.85 $ 1. 61 $ 20.ltG 803-18-028 1976-1977 $ 22.35 $ 1. J~ ~ 2J.(;9 803-18-033 1976-1977 $ 44.75 ~ 2.69 ~ '" 7 . 1~4 803-18-034 1976-1977 $ 22.35 $ 1. 3!" $ 2J.69 RESOLUTION NO. 76-10 -6- .. " ,~ ( C. 297 PAGE 49 ASSESSOR'S TAX TOTAL ANNUAL PARCEL NO. YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT' ----._,...~".-~'.._---_.-_.._.-~'.-. <<, "..,.-,.','"'~-"'--.-.'._,.-~_., ...'___~~~,.".'__.-,,~~,.__c__,_~~.' " ~ ~,- 803-18-048 19 i 6 ., 19 "77 S - - ."" ( ~l) If. 50 'T 1977-1978 :$ 25.15 , , ~ 803-18-053 1976-1977 .'!..58 1977-1978 61.58 1978-1979 58.58 1979~1980 55.58 1980-1981 LI.5.58 803-18-054 1976-1977 .$ 22.35 ~: 1 . J '-~ ~ 2J.()9 803-18-056 1976.-1977 ~ rl'{ _ 35 C: 1. 3/1 $ rn.69 I I 803-18-062 1976-1977 $ 15,00 $ .90 $ 15.90 803-18-063 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978~1979 1979-,1980 . Ig80=-1981 1981--1982 1982-1983 803-18-066 1976,.1977 $ 37.60 $ 2.25 $ 39.05 803-19-001 1976-1977 1977-1978 $ 50.72 1978-1979 $ 50.7 ~ ~ , . . . '0 803-19-007 1976-1977 $ 32.20 $ 1. 93 $ 3'1.1;3 803-19-014 1976-1977 un~ $ 6.44 rJHr 1977-1978 -- 3 ~:~6 803-19-015 1976-1977 uu~ $ 4.83 ~ ~- 1977-1978 ; ~:~t 803-19-016 1976-1977 $ 26.85 ~ 1. G1 $ 20.4G Vj;Oj<1- ~ 1-0:). ~ 803 19 027 1976-1977 $ 50.00 r; 3.97 S 53.97 " $ 1977-1978 $ 16.25 $ .97 17.22 $-6~25 '!?---"~94 r7r~TI' 803-19-032 1976-1977 UUg $ 5.37 ! ~nr 1977-1978 ~ 7:~r 803-20-016 1976-1977 ~~Ug $ 5.37 ~ ~q[ 1977-1978 '~7:~~ 803-20-018 & 19 1976-1977 $- 53.70 $ 3.22 $ 56.92 RESOLUTION NO. 76-10 -7- ( ( I " C 297 PAGE 50 ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NO. YEAR 803-20-021 1976-1977 803-21-044 1976-1977 803-21-057 1976~1977 803-59-027 1976-1977 803- 59-03!!. 1976-1977 191'1-1978 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL ANNUAL PAYMENT $ 3.22 $ 3.22 (. 1. J s.. " I Y 1. J!i- $ 56.92 $ 56.92- {' 2].69 1..,' ; ~ 2J.G9 ~ 53. 70 ~ 53 70 , . $ 22. :1 ~} t. 22, J' tJ .J ~{2 S 11-, 07. ~." tgt ~<-*;}I ~.. . and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the assessments set forth above are hereby confirmed. PASSED A.J.'ID ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1976, by t.he folJ.o\.,ring vote:'. .- . . NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CHILDERS, DeBELL, LINK, PATE: and GOODRICH. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: DUFFIN and STOUT AYES: APPROVED: ~/ ../2.- \// '/ ~~ P// //1/.>-., .:;~::';-;:'Yd.;.~"'-:;";:>6.>Z. ~'-7"'.-::. c;:t',/,,{ZC_'-_."..i/.V'".i / ;' ","", ,', '," , ' ", ',' ',' ' , " ,~ ,,' .---,-....^~..,~_._.- .~-~.- Mayor ........ ..-....-... .._-, ."._,.'.-,.'.....'... " ". ATTEST: J 1 1 0Jv/-7#~ & szjJ 4 / City Clerk -8- .t' C 297 PAGE 51 I, SUSANNE E. STEIN~'ffiTZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 76-10 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 1st day of March , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS tilllEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy, this 22nd day of July , 1976 . //, '---. / 0) e~~Y City of Gi1