Resolution No. 76-28 ~ia'l.. ~ g;:~ lit (f'--1 & 95~~iJ ( 1j/5417630 \ q, C 2n7 PIG, 52 ( .~ :: ;.;-:, (!) ~f~~ 1>:t>-r:.> X_>' ;.::' ;c. .~;;;, r" :..~ ~. Pl 0::";00 0"'-00 ;:TJC::::J o ZO I'1l ;-f~ ;n; t~; ~"'J~ ." -0 >;= ........, -1m f'..) ::J 0 _'- f'il." -:r---..gg w r: -.02 ('l. :-'....'~ . - ~""', -0 _: ~~ 3: CC) - "Tl:;u ~ 0 nCf( ~ I'\;; ~ CO "'-} ~a"J -a ~ ~ 0 ~ SOLU'I'lON nu /6 28 ~ N RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT OF THE DTJU:CTOR O? PUBLIC HORKS OF '}'HE CITY OF GILROY ON 'tHE COST OF CONSTRUCTlC/>; or S IDE'..!r\LKS , PJ3S, (;1.11'1.'E1'.:\ AIm OR DRIvr;"i0/\~; URS1JANT TO THE L'1PROVEi1ENT ACT OF 1911, DIVISION "7 OF STREETS Al\1D HTGH\;JAYS CODE 01<' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ASSESSING p'A.ReELS OF PROJ>ERTIES F()~ THE COST OF CONS-. TRUCTION Ai-D DETERMINATIOl'1 OF PAY~lE~~T OF ./lSC;FSS~t!EN'I'S. HHEREAS! the Director of Public 'Horks of the City of Gilroy bas heretofore proceeded in accordance with t:he InJprovement l\c 1: of J 911} Divi.. sion 7 of Streets and Highways Code of State of California, with construc- tion of certaJ.n sidewalks, curbs> gutters, and! or driveways and has made hi.s report to the.Counci1of said City of Gilroy on the 9o~t ofconst~uction; and'. .. . vn-IEREAS, the 21st day of June, 1976 ,at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers in tt~e City Hall, at 7390 ~{osannaStreet> Gilroy, California, has been set as the time and place for hearing the said report and recmnmendation of. said Director of Public Works, and notice of said hea:~';'~6 has been given in accordance wi.th t.he ImproveTiH;~nt Act of 1911 > Division 70f Streets and Highways Code of State of California, and the Council of the City of Gilroy now having proceeded to the hearing of said report and recommendation, and the Council having duly considered the same and, overruled any protests, has determined that said report should be adopted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following costs of con- struction are approved for assessment against the following parcels: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. NAME AND ADDRESS ASSESS1'fr:NT COST Mi1=03-0ll Ew.':'lio Hob1e, O~~G Ha~1-lanel Lane $ 89.50 ~ ')3 007 :Z~23 010 790 23 011 Eldon Ch~ppc11, 8197 Chicoa Dri~c 51. 70 E. F. Crr:.ith, 0100 Cllie5Cl. "0rive 138.73 85.02 Daten ?~ugh, 8190 Chicoa Dri~c 790-?3-0?O ')t-~~7~ ChiilH~6, 720 ?l C Qrri to T),;>'.' 49 ?i ,90 24 002 Fred L'orC:ffian, 706 La .,^,londra tray '1/'. 75 i l l ~ r RESOT.TT'T'T""""HI"\ 7 C. -- _o..J_, J..' v. ')n -0 -1- ~. 11..: ,-- -""--:::,~~~"""':",_.....--...,,,,,.,. -.-',,,..,..'., .~.,~.,~','.I'~,..:..~','..,~,",.,".'.-<".':'"",-'~,'..>".....,.-.,.-.,-~',';--',.'''7~".."..,.. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. .790 2/, 003 790-24-008 790 24 009 790 24 011 ( ( C 297 PAGE 53 ASSESS1:;jf~NT COS1' N c'\J"'1}i: AN D ADD RE S S Conrad L.J.thcr, 7g0 La .\10n\3ro \':0:7 $ 89 . :; 0 Alfred Rader, 756 La Alondra Way 8S.()3 !~:)c"'lI..cion .f. Hope f1.migu, }r;o Lu ,\londra. H.2Y ~I~. . f'\ C Hary Roche, ~rD. Ralph Lin, '/5? Holb'lrn AvonuG >1Q. :)) /, /1 -; '; 790 24 012 Domingo :: C"":lndalupcPor~;"c("} ~7f:.I. Hg] b"rn A"r<iln'.H' 1. 3 /, . 25 q..g..(}-24 017 A\.~j g Kelly> 8217 Chicsa Dri'v'c 13/( .25 ~24 023 Franl\. Rcinooa. 770 l-Tclb:lrn !\'.'onuo 8 ~/ . 95 7-9-G-2lj.. 025 Lmlycncc Cormell, 760 Uelburn .\7cnuc 1,0.28 790-24-026 Ba.rbara O'Keefe, 756 Hclburn Avenue 7.90-24-027 Arnold Marquez, 7:)2 l,-Jelburn Avenue '7-9B-24 029' . :'Sue Latmay, '727.i;a:"Pa!-oma Hay' 790-24-031 Jose Ruiz, 740 VTelburn Avenue 9B . !~5 . ..3'5: 03 13/l .25 I~./~. 75 790-24-032 Al Diaz, 730 hTe1burn Avenue 7-9-9-24 033 f9.G-24 036 7-9{}- 2-4 I' /._ .... -.-' 7-9-9-24 055 -790 24 056 790 24 068 790-24-069 f.9.e-25 006 r9fT-:l5-000 790 25 011 .t-9G- 25 017 790 25 018 790-25-019 790 25 022 790-25-023 790-30-002 790 31 001 :;z 9 0 31 01/, 232.70 H8.R30 Nakag8.T:Ri. 700 Uclburn f.:J'cnuc Lmrrenee 8obrmmld, g275 Hayl.::lnd Letne Ill, . 7 5 Ed~;mrd Cllotro, 7~1 El Ccrr:.ito 101.::1'/ 5'L 70 Jud30n & 1:1argaritD. Boyd, 757 L.::1 P.::1loJ;R:1 Hay Fred &. ColecR NU33bauhcr, 763 La Paloma '>by Herbcrt Kieltham, 750 La Paloma Hay I~/+ 7 r::., 1I1I . 7 c~ 102.93 Rosemar1e Hogue, 8277 Chiesa Drive 2l/~. 80 Herbcrt Hoorc, 8451 Wayland Lane Eldu!d IIoldc!l.wA:Y, 8441 'tJayll'lnd Lane 13/, .. 25 lA 3. 20 Rolando UrdialcG, 8427 Uaylnnd LnTIc 152.15 Julia Rock'i?cl1, 701 Uclburn ...\vcnuc g9.50 58.18 Olga Calletti, 73l-+Jelburn Avenue l1auriee Byers, 741 Helburn Avenue 183.48 RcbcC0a ~adlcr, 757 La A1on~ra ~ay 1,/, 71 A1fren Rader, 759 La Alondra Hay U;.75 Doroth~ Fgllom, 8~00 V2y12ud L2nc 56.50 Gar~/ :Bircl~~icr, 690 ~.JclbuY"n i\.'~TcnUQ I" 88 Pvtr~ l~ndQrgE, 8290 V~yJ~Dd T~DW 1 n 7 !J 0 ~ -L.- ""..~ -""~ ~,"," :'...:..',~"...,',"f',~~"'~:."".~'" ,'''. .~.........-,';......,-".."-.>:-.e:"..,7'~',.-'.....,,..,.....~' ..,,_.. .'.. .--, ',,"',', '.""'''''.''''''''~''''''''~~',.~ ~"".'_""",,,",,,=,.., ",_."..,..~..-......~..~.,<..,~, .._'....'---....,,'~'....'-,~, ,r .'.,...,' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 790 31 027 790-31-028 - . - 803-0]-055 Qt1'l_O).-Oc 3 803 01-057 '1'1Cf- 0'>"- oc).t 803 05 02. 803 05 052 .,qq-c'("c~ 803 08 0-3:-8 -,qq .-1 J -0 i 1-; 003 13 077 803 13 OgO 803 15 078 8.Q.3......15-0S3 . ~~ 803 15 084 803 17 0/+7 7'1'1- ,r 'C -G (I f '. 003-17 -05~ 8-G-3-18 038 .g03 18 057 "IGf9.-. i q -0 I }....I 8-ffi=t8-0:9 &93-18 060 n03 19 008 .&B-19 023 8-03 19 024 8-Q.3-19 025 q~q_. ;l3-c~l( 803-19-028 003-19-033 SG-3-19 036 8+J.3-19 039 803-19-046 803 19 047 ~19 Q/18 G03 20 002 '1C\'1-1"\- -C\ \ €03 20 all i l l t ~"" ~~~'~""""''''J,",",~ ", ~ (, NA.'1E l<.ND ADDP.ESS C 297 PAGE 54 Ray Sul~.iv::m > 53200 \?.:r,-LTnc; L:mc Paul Voorhees, 690 El Cerrito Way "ictor T 0T311~. 7S'W H;anna StnHilt Al De Pippo, 7810 Hanna Street Eugene Ward, 1301 Third Street Viola St~~ayt, 5~j fourth Street Uecelia Pa.:l1son, Vacant Lot Hall & Theresa Gong, 460-70 West Ninth Street Viola St~lart, ~OO Ninth Stroet H.:ury &. ~^~liec Scht-ml.an, 71/18 Prinac'l.::tJ.le Stroot Tr3.eoy & Suoannc Cray, 7238 Prince'.':J.llo Stroet . . . . ~ .... . , . . - CeRoni Ottavio 7296Princevalle Streot ~1 & ~nn Hugheo, 590 Fifth ~troct lVhee1er Hospital Assoc.iation, 651 Sixth Street Gla.dY3 ~lent~, 345 Fifth Sty~~t Harion RobinGon,f;55 Fifth Street G&ry Hudson, 7548 Princevalle Street Dai3Y Kelly,. 7554 Princ.cJa1le Street Benton &. Dorothy Bailey, . 7691 Carffie1 Strcct Tom & Hidcko Obato., 720 Third Street Louioe Fi~iee, 7670 Rea ~treet Thcrc3a 81'3a11 Erncot Pave3c, 7680 Prineeva11c ~t. International Mortgage Co., 7631 Princeva11e Street Peter & E11ell Gc!!:cia, 7631 Priuce\falle Street Donald & ErdinG Cr@ig, 761 Fourth St~~et Bino & ~nita Chiado, 7Sl Fourth Street lillGn S tr01;J;l~ ct, 7650 -:-ii11cr !'~vcnuo llic.Jllc.Jhi .~_ Jean IIirB.3alci, 7G~0 Hiller }l.venue iVQrett ~ P~tti Littlojohn, 7670 Mi11cr ~venue Lc!u:)I IUJ;.ll, 7555 Py"ince-v-a11~_ Street Pat Le8os, 751 Fifth Street -3- "'A ","',.....,.t'l".-.;~'-""'l.T>' "'-"'-"~""~r""'"'" ,-"', .m"__ ,.., ''!'" ,...:,>..".,.,..'~~,'"."....-.o'!,,-::'~""""'-"-..."'.. .' "'~.. '~"':--..,..,~~,,,,,- ,.,"-"~- >"'-',''"-..''~ ASSESSMENT COST ~''''"-'-''; ',"~''^-''',''-'-,= $ 71. 60 246. 13 1 8. f! I, J 1!/t. it) 358.00 ::.] - 70 1102."15 89.50 5'1. 70 55.50 3 4 ~ 00 /. /. '75" . ... , /~ 2. 96 l!-J.3. 20 26. 8 5 315 .118 ~)6 _ 8.rl 15. 00 72.15 123. 56 55. /,9 32.22 32. 20 22. 35 ~ ?? i5 26. 85 /10. 27 31.32 349 .00 89. SO 71. 60 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. -&9-3-20 015 fl iFf.. .1 1-/- 0 ).. "l.., 803-20 Q22 803 20 026 803 20 027 .wJ-21 00 'I .303-21 005 '7q1-).'~-c '57 803 21 006 &W-21 007 8G-3-21 009 . 803 21 011 ~. .~2~-9J 2. .s03 21 01/, ~qq~~5"~c~~ -8W-21 017 803 21 020 I'}qt.j- -;t;'-oc-;0 .nOJ 21 024- 1 crq..".).;- -C(..:~ .803 21 =-=-= 803 21 029 T)c.,q:... 25-<D ( ~ '80J-21-0J7 ']yq .' ).S-c ~lf 803 21 048 803 21 052 S03 21 055 -803-21-079 ~o~~- JiS-oA.~ -SOJ- 22 01?!- ~c~:...l5-0A3 803 22 014 803 22 018 803 22 020 .803 .22 021 .&9-3- 22 02g 803 22 036 803 22 037 . ~Q3 22 038 ( ( \ NA~ili AND ADDRESS C 297 PAGE 55 rete Circ~ti, 791 Fifth Strc~t Howard Eaton, 7500 Hi11erA.ven'u8 '~~ohcrt [z Euth T:J'1'1':--lr , 7580f\'li I1er .^.vcn'~lO Xenneth S. Sal,dxa n.!"t\dl~.y t 790 F(jlll~th Street Phi 1 if' (~ J eLln:',c_:c..::-l~ .Arrl.er" '; if 1,0 Hi llcr ,^~v enue C. "B.l"i:l:.ttc, ~;"Cl B3cDcnb-.rrr.> Dri.'v'c John Caparusso, 830 Eschenburg Drive Dorothy Strickland, 820 ~~ct.enbur~> Dr~...ve R~ H ~ IIci,~he3 j 800 I:~ch~~r~b,-,.rg Dyi-~e!. Francia Eozzo. 780 Eachcnburg Dr~vc 'MaJ:"jt. CQ01~, . 170',-E.8chGqhurg. Drive. Nor~ Gooding, 750 Er>:chenburg Drju~ Trevis & Diana Berry, 736 Eschenburg Drive Charles Parker, 720 Eachenburg Dr:h7~ Louis Campa, 711 Eschenburg Drive Ed & Rose \-Jalthard, 721 Eschenburg Drive Dale Stephengo~, 741 Egehenbuy~ Drive Miromi Nagreda, 801 Es chenburg 1)ri ve Shirley Beddingfield, 770 Fifth Street 8ylvcDter &'Thelmo. Cha.ntler, 736 Firth 8treet Oee~r & Shirley ~bru33ini, 720 ~ifth Str90t Jose ~~irQ3, 716 Egehonburg Drive \..Jilliam S tarri tt > 7601 Filice Dr ive Joseph & Lael McCormack, 7621 Filice Drive Walter &. Franeig llani3ch, 7671 Filice Drive ChUB. Weddell, 7691 Filice Dri~e Roy Uyeno, 7690 Filice Drive P~ul & PJt Matulich, 7620 Filice Driyo Frank Filice, 7691 Hiller :\~v'cnuc "!:I.OOC SicaJ, 7701 t~iller f,'JCD'JC Harcus & Arlene Painter, 7721 1'Hller Avenue . -4- ASSESSN.ENT COST (. '1 21.115 62.65 " ') "1 c' ,.... '" .. ~ 89.50 f:~) . 'j 0 223..75 223.75 4/t-. 7 :.j. 4!t. 75 l.t lJ -, r; t~9 -Jg ...1i , "'. . ~ ~., ~ .... . . J 86 <8 C' LItJ... 7.J 134.25 98.90 13L~. 25 . 89. 50 50.60 15.00 22.35 22.35 89.50 107 .l~O 22~ .Lf8 13/1. 25 286.. 40 1,07':.00 89.50 89.50 44. 75 170 .. 05 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. lW:> - 2..2 03 9 ( ( NA'1E A~D ADDRESS C 297 PAGE 5f; ASSESSMENT COST "..H.nif'rc:i '1'1:' 1 f1.-(,11 , 77i~1 ]vIj II ""A"\ii.'ill'l~ c. ;. 187 . :;3 s.o3 22 040 K.:u 1 B 01.:l~ C.L l, "7761 ~.t;_lleY i\'v'c.nue 09. ~)O 808-.14- 0':33 -303 22 O~Z Elizabeth Luchessa ,7791 Hiller Avenue 13/:. 2~) ae::t-22043 HidJclXd ~lct'--A.ie, 020 8t:.LOlld 3L{et:L lJ'O.()~, Z'81-- ~1-0g"43 J ~~ --~ Manuel & Della Gonzales, 7790 Filice Drive 80 5~ 803 22 057 Hike ,~ r1o.rjon Filice, 7T7J. }'ilioc Driye 89.5D ~,. -ZQ..3.....,..22 058 M.argio:rino &. "!)orothy Chicoil, 7791 Filice Dri\.Tc 58.18 aCB ~ /4-0C' 9 ~22 073 Dale & Marcia Hanseh, 7710 Santa Theresa Drive 89.50 &H-22 074 C~lv~dor [" Steplwld.e FLC1UkI.J, 772.0 3auta Tlll~resd D.c.~v\:~ l.]G.JO 803 22 077 Don ChuGlc, ~7760 Santo. Thereon Dri.ve 11/1.75 8~22 079 , i~~~~~-~lo - - .803 22 081 ~~..-jl./-Oo.3 803-22 083 &0-3-22 089 .803 22 ~?1 ~23 2]2 . 803 23 003 . 803-23-004 .803 23 029 8OJ.-23-0B3 . 803 24 002 ~2/1 007 803 24 009 303-24-010 803 2/, ;:)26 803-2/1 027 803-2/, 033 &&3- 50 013 l l t . l 98 .'15 gte~lG :ge11o~3n, 7780 Sint:J Thercon Drivc .. Thomas White, 7790 Santa Theresa Dri.ve 98./1.5 John & Haxine Kent, 910 Santa Theresa Drive 268.50 Orrin Santos, 7771 Santa Theresa Drive 179.00 Allen Cherini, 7721 Santa Thcrcoa nrive 39.50 Nartha Baker, 7741 banta Theresa Drive 89.50 C:COygc ChmRpion, 7710 }~illCl' ^,',:cn:lC l7C',C)':j JameD &. Eleanor NielD en, 7730 Hiller ~^..vQnu\ii J 59 . 25 Harvin ~. Ruth MOOD, 77 50 ~~i1.1er L\'V~enue 28. 25 Jame3' & Harie Chavez, 7731 PrinecJo11e Street 456.45 Victor LoBue, 7791 Prince~allc Street 22.35 Ruth Laird, 7 gll Filice Dri'vf: 3.5.80 Jack & ~ary Petcro, 7820 Filicc Drive ~. A. Filice, 849 Second Strcct 76.08 ~ It. 75 Tr~nilii ~I Catharin9 BBrr37, 7S01 ~illor ~^~vBnue 76.10 Louie: SchgutGne:, 7810 S~nta 'T'l-Hilrldl>:!l DriUQ 114.75 BrueQ & J~ne Jacobo, 7820 Santa Therc3a Dri~c 44.75 89. SC) Lazz.::J.rc t.. C10ria Fri~oILe, 911 :] c:(.OllJ 3lL eel John&- Nuriel Spencer, 7491 l.1iller f~Yonu~ 2 7 I( 1 0 -5- ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. ~C'l'-J(; -O)s 803 51-010 803 51 011 ~C'2-ft-C;! , 803--5"'1-014 - 'ecS.-lo-cJ. 0 803 51 01-5 803 51 016 . 803-51-02.8 8-G-d-51 043 8-G-3-51 054 .g.Q.J.-.31 0 7 1 -M:;r -00[11 00-3- 51 0.85 &&3---52-001 S-OJ.-52-035 ~~ -c4- 048 -803 52 038 803 52 039 a03 52 ';':':.' -W-J-52 C66 ec~-c4-o ~ 'J-; 003.-520G7...- COo~; '-04-03 ~ 803 52 078 ~ (j~.- t 5'-() 31 80J-J8-00 803-58 011 803-58-01/1 803 58 016 .~59 006 .M3-=o59-007 ~-39 all. .8..Q.J.... 5 9 - 0 13 '803 59 015 I l and; ( ( C 297 PAGE 57 ASSEssrvlJ<~n COST NAXE AND ADDRESS Janet C1 fford, 7 20 Drift~Q Terrace J ^ H':J)'cO 7810 Dri.f t';lOod Tcrr.:lcc ...... . , Ellen Auser, ]760 DriftvJOod 'Terrace Cliff Anderson, 77 f:>O Drift\\'ood 'l'errace Vinc~.nt lI"ldru~~, 7730 DrLfL\l)od T,~n~"'-CL Mary Vc1l2dor, 1210 Cyproc& Court Jade RyRl~Y", 7771 Driftwo(td T~1.r<'l.('~ Bell & Gri.ffiu, :100 III if twooll 'fer r clc.e Nancy Hocnck, 1321 Red~JOod La!le David & Marlene Jeffrey, 13!+1 Cedar Court ~Hke COr.rotta,. 1320 Cedar Court . . ...'-. E1i.Z';~11 & Sopllie. Chas ~, 1300 Third C treE. t John Soargs, 7650 1~~8gtwood DriUQ Frank Della Naggiora, 7561 ,.!estwood Drive Joan Barberi, 7551 UC3 t"tlOod Dri ~v.C . . Dorothy ROnH3.n, 75/11 1.;rCEl t,,"ood Dri'tc; Rcnr~' Yi1lnO~U1, 1340 FcrnHooc~, L:lnc Francis Camacho, 1330 Ferm.wod Lane Francis & Jeannie Sacco, 7531 Kentwood Court Mike & Marlene Filice, 890 Fourth Street ~^~nn Ch.:1ppcll, 7580 Filico Dri "\,'C IdL 3 3 H~trry TQ:)TIl., 7581 Hi J 1 er A'T~nqe Lc~dG .& ROBC JORCB, 7561 Hillcr f~~.{crlUc SF, rill Josgph CubfJcr Jr., 7300 rEllcr ~^~vonuc 99.12 205. 85 223. 7 5 35 . 80- 34.0'0 Nar:'7 Ri.:1nd3., 7g10 Hiller f~~;CfiUC ~'-IllllCilH & J~dicc Frag!;;~tti, 7860 Hi11gr A'lBl1U8 Robert & Ce.dlc'i. Hu::.k., 7880 Niller Avenue Kijaro Oka'Ma, 7930 ~1i11e.r AVer'Ue 78.75 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said assessments shall each be paid with a minimum principal payment of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year along r.. ~ ";, .":.,..t..'..'e~T""'~'~oc' .. ':-""--;"""'-' ,."...",-.....,.....':7~""?;,Iloi:..~~ ,'>,."..,--:":"':"..""~",' "..~',...""~''''',.'"':"hl':r~.?''~.',.,',~~O.,''''''''''''i~,.'''''''''''--,.-_....,...,,:.~''''...'',''''''"''~''',..--l'',' ( I I \, C 297 PAGE 58 TAX YEAR PRINCIPAL ._-~~'--"..~ 1976.1977 t~u~ 1977-1978 1976.~1977 Q 51.70 -, 1976-1977 , 1977~1978 $ 50.00 1978~1979 $ 38.73 1976-1977. $ SO.OO 1 ~7 7 ...19 7,8 $' 35-. 02 ~ . $ 85 .W 1976-1977 $ 49.23 1976-1977 $ 44.75 1976-.1977 1 it ~~ ' 1977- 1978 1976-197/ C: 50.00 '1' 1977-1978 $ 35.03 ~85lIT 1976-1977 ~ 21. 00 1976-1977 .! ~U~ 1977-1978 1976-1977 $- 44. 7 5 1976-.1977 1977-1978 $ 50.00 1978-1979 $ 34.25 1976-1977 1 ~U~ 1977-1978 1976-1977 $ 40.28 1976-1977 $ 50.00 1977-1978 '" L~8 . L~5 Y $ 98.45 -7- INTEREST $ 5.36 t-+i-~ 3.10 8.32 vlj th interest on the unpaid balance at a rate of interest of six per cent.: (6'%.) per year b inning on nit:: first d July) 976, in acco ancc wit.h the following repayment schedu1es:~ (*Any parcels listed above and not included in repayment scheduZe indicates paid in fuLL as of Uzi.'J date.) ~I::~~~:~if~!l~_,~_gBX~12.1JL~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 790--03-011 790-23-007 790-23-010 790-.23-01i 790-23-020 790-24-002 790-24-003 790-24-008 790-24-009 790-24-011 790-24-012 790-24-017 790-24-025 790-24-026 790-24-027 $ 5.10 . $. ! i. 19 r7.20 $ 2.95 $ 2.69 $ 5.36 : ~~~~ 5.10 $ 2.11 ~/-:zr $ 1. 26 $ 4.84 ~ ~:~~ $ 2..69 S 8.06 ~ 2.05 $ 5.40 3 ~:~~ $ 2.42 $ 5.90 $ 2.91 r--g-:-sf TOTAL AN?'-1UAL PA YMJ<:NT i ~~;~-- C' -( 511. 80 $ 53.32- S '+1. 06 .' $ 55. 10 0'$'. 31 :12 "$~-92.-22~ C 52.18 S 4-7.44 ! ~ut c. $ $ $ 55.10 37.14 92. rz:~ 22.26 ! H;?r $ !+7.1+/, ! .tUr $ 42.70 $ 55.90 $ 51.36 ~T07~26' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 790-24-029 790-24-031 790-24-032 790-24-036 790-24-045 790-24-056 790-24-069 .;. 790-25-006 790-25-008 790-25-011 790-25-019 790..;25-023 790-30-002 790-31-001 790-31-027 790-31-028 (" \.. TAX YEAR PRINCIPAL (-'" C 297 PAGE 59 INTEREST $ 5.10 ~-"~. . .'. $ 8.06 $ 5.06 $ 2.05 c....,--- y 15.17 $ 2.69 $ 2.6) $ 3.22 $ 2.69 $ 12.88 $ 9.66 $ 6.44 S 3.22 t'32. 20 . ..+'": $ 8.06 ~. 5. 2. $ $ 9.12 19/6..1977 1977-1978 ! ;z . g ~ g ~-OJ' $ 50.00 $ 50.00 ~~ 3lt.25 ~'l34:'-Z.5 $ 11. 00 $ 8.00 $ 5.00 $ 1. 00 $ 26.00 $ 2.69 ~ J.JO $ 6.72 ~ 16:6~ $ 4.30 ~ ~:~~ $ 14.76 $ 11. 76 $ 8.76 $ 5.76 $ 2.77 $ Lj.3. 81 ~ "'.,.'.t1~~~,w.r,~~"...F,,.....:.,.~"',""~": ""'''''''''''"''~'''"'''><-'~i:~'~~;:''l!!<:''''';~'''''''''~'''_'''':'''':''''7''''''''''<1:"""",",:,'",:"~:;'~~r':~~'''',''''''"'-'''''''',~ _.--',...,,'..;"~,"',-',.....'"" "'~'...~...- 1976.-1977 19TI-1978 1978~1979 1976-1977 $ 1}4. 7 5 1976-1977 .$ 44 . "75 $ 53.70 $ I,ll . 7 5 $ 53.70 $ 53.70 $ 53.70 $ 53.70, D17!..80 . ."; ... o $ 50.00 $ 34; 25 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 19 -; 8..19 7 9 1979..1980, 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1976-1977 1977~1978 1978-1979 00 50.00 43.20 1976...1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 ,~. "( $ 50.72 $ 50.71 r' " iL 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 S 50.00 S 33.48 $ 183.48 $ 44.75 1976.,1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 $' ~G.50 ~~n: 1 . 1976-1977 1977-1978 t~Ug $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 46.13 $2Li6.13 -8- 1976..1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 TOTAL ANNUAL P AYM~:N'J; s ~'~: _~O S ''>7 11, .~- _J. -~- L $ 58.06 $ .55.06 $ 36.30 -S--T4-g-:4?: ~; 117 . !f!f. $ ,\ ./ . ~ :;. $ 56.92 ~.; I, 7 . 1I1I ~~ 66.58 $ 63.36 $ 60.1L! $. 56.92 _ "$-- 24rOo $ 55.58 45.78 c. $ 56.80 $ 53.76 $ 61.00 $ 58.00 $ 55.'00 $ 35.48 $ 209.48 $ 47 . 44- C 59.88 i JU~ = ! ~Ug= $ 64.76 $ 61.76 $ 58.76 $ 55.76 $ 48.90 $ 289. 9L!. _ ',".-.-........,~r~'""'''''v''' ,~___.""..,:~' '--" .t~,.,--!..,'<..--'.~c,f'-"'~~."............'.,...~'..~,..,....----,'.-:-:~~..,-," ',...,.,.".._,,''l" .--".-,..,~~...~...........,..,"',~_..--,...,",.,.."'"'._,...""".._,.,""''-- _..,,~--.--".. " ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 803.19-008 803-.19-023 803-19-02L~ 803-19-025 "Ittq -I. :3--( '2 (u . 803 19-01$ 803-19-033 803-19-036 803-19-039 ( \ .. TAX YEAR 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1976-1977 1976-,1977 19 '7 6.. 1977 1976-1977 1976..1977 1976..1977 803-19-047 " 1'976-1977 . '.' 803-19-048 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-.1980 1980~1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 803-20-002 fJqq--;;A -0 ~ a03-10-0'1 803-20-015 #"Fiq ~). J.j -e.n. ?...-' -803 20 022 803-20-026 803-20-027 803-21-004 803-21-005 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1976.~1977 1977--1978 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 PRINCIPAl, t~ ( \ C. 297 PAGE 61 '[ NTEREST TOTAL ANNUAL PAYMEN'.f' .f~; l" ~ 32 .*..- f ~~} !-- ~:4[ o ~1~ 50.00 $ 23.56 's"" - . ': 1) '] /f 0: . .. c' 32 22 ,? c 32 20 of $ 22 J5 $ 22 3t: _J $ 26 85 " J.33 ? 5~; ~: ,} " ? 1. 9/, ,'.. 1tJ. Hi \' <'; 1. 92 c' 3i;.. 1.2 " .,'> ~' 1. 33 $ 23. 66 , , $ 1. 33 ~ 23. 68 ~. 1. 61 $ 2fL 46 , , $ 1. ~Hi . ~ 33 20" . _. $ . .. 31. 32 . 0.00 50. 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 4 $ 5.36 ~ ' ~:~i ! ~UL . . >...J '-" } ~ng , ,:: . . $ 50.00 $ 21. 60 ~ 71. 60 $ 21. 45 $ 50.00 $ 12.65 -~'~--6 2 :65'- $ 22.35 L ~i ~~ iJng ,.. 50.00 $ $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 23.75 $ LL 30 $ 1. 30 $ 5.60 Y 1. 29 $ 54.30 $ 22.90 rrr:2l5 $ 22.74 $ 53.76 S 13.4.0 ~----(rrT6- $ 3.76 $ .75 .$.---- 4. . 5T $ 1..33 ? 23.6B $ 5.36 ~ ~~~~ $ 5.36 ~ ;.;~ ! ~ur i ~~:~ -H) - ( " (, C . 297 PAGE 62 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. -.--.",-.-'...,-, '1.q<1~ -J.?' - rJ 5'1 tEL! 21 OQ6 TAX YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL ANNUAl, I) A ~1E!\lT 1976..1971 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 :~ jQ . 00 $ 50.00 S 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 23.75 '(~-:rTr:'T5 $ 13.42 $ 10.41 $ 7.42 $ I+. 42. ::; 1.43 ~':rT.I1 $ 63 .. Ii 2 $ 60./12 $ 5'1.4.2 $ 5/4.112 .) 25. ] 8 $'--:n;crg6 803.~21-009 1976~1977 ? 1(/1 , :' 5 0. 2. 69 1 t'~ 1 G9 ~) ~ If -; . 4 II 803-21-011 1.976..197'7 (-', l J ..., r . '1' ~+.,~ .. i .,./ :( /~, -l~ '. /: l!-, 803-21-012 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 o $ 50.00 $ 29.78 " '1qCf-~., -C(;f; -BOJ 21 017 1976~1977 $ 41L 75 2.69 $ 47 . l~l+ 803-21-:020 1976-1977 ,. 00 $ ~ . , 1977..:197'8 '$' - 5e) .00 . . 55.06 1978-1979 $ 34.25 $ 36.30 .- -'" ,,,-' -,-" 'lqq - :l)- oc p OOJ 21 02/-j 1976~1977 $ 50.00 $ 5.94 $ 55. 9 I~ 1977-1978 $ 48.90 $ 2.94 S 51 . 8/1 ~ 98 :90 $ 8.SS "$107:',1(; CJ4Q - .')..,- -dC'.) 803 21 025 1976-1977 $ 50.00 $ 8.06 $ 58.06 1977-1978 S 50.00 $ 5.06 $ 55.06 1978~1979 S 31;..25 $ 2.05 S 36.30 '1'1'1-.25-0 IS" ~:O4':'25' '$--13-:T7' ~-'17;~T:7f2' . SOJ 21 OJ7 1976-1977 $ 50.60 S 3.. 04 $ 53. 6lf '> '1qt1-.15-01 t 1976-1977 $ 15.00 $ .90 $ 15.90 ,803 21 O~ 803-21-055 1976-1977 $ 22.35 $ 1. 33 $ 23.68 803-21-079 1976-1977 L~U~ $ 5.36 ! ~-i 1977-1978 ~-t~. go~ -15-0;"{. . 803- L2-01J 1976.-1977 $ 53.70 S 6. I+-4 $ 60. 111 $ '> 1977--1978 53.70 $ 3.22 $ 56.97 ~TOr:4Tr ~'--9:66 ~-~lT7-~-06 ~o~ls-oJ.3 803 22 01/1 1976-1977 $ 50.00 $ 13.70 $ 63.70 1977-1978 $ 50.00 $ 10.70 S 60.70 1978-1979 $ 50.00 $ 7.70 S 57.70 1979-1980 $ 50.00 $ 4.70 S 5!~. 70 1980-1981 $ 28.48 $ 1.70 $ 30.18 $ 228.48 $ 38.50 ~ 266.98 803-22-018 1976-1977 00 $ 8.06 $ . , 1977-1978 $ 50.00 <- 5.0 55.06 1978-1979 $ 34.25 ~ 36.30 -11- ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 803-22-021 803-22-028 803-22-036 8Q3-22-037 803-22-038 803-22-039 803-22-040 {1oe..../ q - 0 _~3 . 303-22-042 - 803-22-043 ~o~ ~d-c:jl . 8 Q 3 22 0/, /, 803-22-058 C'6cS-I#--oo9 '803-22 073 #: ( i , C 297 PAGE 63 TAX YEr\R TOTAL ANNUA 1., :r? AYlI.1ENT PRINCIPAL TNTEREST 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 J 980--1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-198/1 1981+-1985 . 1985-1986 107. [to '. - 40 107.4 ] 07 1+0 107 ItO $ lO]. L-iO ~; 107.1+0 ;; 107./fO J.07 . LtO $!171. $ - _' If 0 Y 158.96 $ ]52.50 lJ6.06 139.62 133.18 126. "l'l. '. '.20 28 $ 1__ ,iLl- -~. ..... -roo 1976-1977 1977-1978 lJ~ $ 5.36 i -ci i~ ~__{'L86. 1976-1977 1977-1978 i~~ ~.; 5.36 ~- ~:~~ i H:~ ,1976-:19-77 ,1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 $ .44.75 $ 2..69. 10.20 7.20 '/.1.7 M..l. J $ 50.00 $ 50.00 S 20.05 ~ 1976-1977 1977-1978 1.978-1979 1979-1980 00 50.00 50.00 $ 3"7?3 I . __ -$--'~---:- iJii- $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 3L.L.25 ~ 134.25 . 58.22 55.22 . 39.46 . "'I) . --. 1976-1977 1977-1978 $ 5.36 '~ ' ;.~; ~ ~nr_ $ 8.06 $ 5.06 $ 2.05 $ 15.17 .$ 58.06 $ , 55.06 $ 36.30 ~ 149.42 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1976-1977 1977-1978 $ 50.00 S 4.84 $ 54..84 S 30.55 $ 1.83 $ 32.38 t'--sD35 'r--t;-:67" -S--"sTTI ~ 5[3.10 $ 3.48 $ 61. 66 $ 50.00 $ 5.36 $ 55.36 $ 39.50 $ 2.36 $ L~ 1. 8 6 $ 89.50 $ 7.72- -S-'91:7T -12- 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 .' ASSESSORIS P liECEl. NO. 803..22-074 803-22-077 803-22-079 9o~-14- (l/,.. 803 22 080 803-22-081 (JC 8 --14 -003 ,*,303-22 O~B 803-22-089 803-22-091 803-22-002 803-23-003 803-23-004 ( ( \ C 297 PAGE 64 TAX YEAR TOTAL ANNUAL P A Y>fENT PRINCIPAl. J NTEP.EST 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 r:o.oo $ 50.0 $....}6.3Q. $ 8.18 '" __ ".__ .;". 'f 1976-1977 $ .V~. 7 5 t' '1' $ !~ -; . li'!~- 2.69 1976.. J 977 1977-1978 $ 5.90 i, $ 51.36 00 48.A5 1976--1977 1977-1978 $ 50.00 $48.45 $ 98.45 $ 55.90 $ 51. 36 . ~-mT-2-6 5.90 2.91 8.ST 1976~1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1976.-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 $ 50.00 $ 10.74 $ 60. "ltl $ 50.00 $ 7.74 S 57.7L,. $ 50.00 ,... L~. 74 $ 5/1.7L.,. y $ 29.00 $ 1. 74 S 30 . 7/~ $ 179.00 f?'24, . ~b $ 203 :'9'6 Yi~ $ 5.36 !- ~~:~ .~._g i !U~ S 5.36 ~~- ~ r;~ 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 $ $ 53.08 .$ 53.09 .$ 28.25 $ 9.56 (> $ 1976-1977 $ 1. 69 $ 29.94 803-23-083 1976-1977 .$ 22.35 $ 1. JJ $ 23.68 803-24-002 1976-1977 $ 35.30 $ 2. II, $ 3 7 . 9 /~ 803-24-009 1976-1977 $ LdL 75 $ 2.69 (. 1"j 7 . I, I! - ~ I l J . i ~, "_~~N"" -13- >..~,- "'__',~..~:.".(~_,::-~.~I:"'~"f'l,,,,,,..,.,,,. _';:~. ',,--."- . ',:"" '''-<.-' ,".,,...-,.---,'"":'i-',....,,.",,.f:'i'!,~,,...,,..,'.....,_..........'....."',.,..' ~''''-- ~~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 803--24-026 803-24-027 803-50-013 ~Cit:. ./C-C:l?" ,803 51 010 803-51-011 g/)~- 10- C;.l. I . 803 51 014 q cQ.,<.-1 C-G 'le. i;..' ~ '. If. 803 51 015 803-51-028 803-51-QL:.3 803-51-054 e o((.-c ]-o;.t 7 803 51 001 803-52-001 803-52-035 ~Ot -04-- 046 303-.52-038 803-52-039 803-52-040 ;r ~"~",l~~,~~,,,.~,Tt~ ~.~ ; . )fA,X. YEAR 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976.,,1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979--1980 19BO-1981 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979 1980 1976..1977 1976-1977 1977-1.978 1978-1979 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978~1979 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-.1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1976-1977 ( /' \, C 297 PAGE 65 PRINCIPAl, TOTAL ANN1JAL PAYNE~~T INTEREST' $ II /, . :; 5 $_ 47.4lf $ it- 7 . I~ II ~. . $ 2;69 2.69 $ 44.75 $ $ $ ., :;1 ~-.,"-- $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ SO.OO;l. ";,10 $ 2/+::53 :?ITJf:"33 I ').i;5 .~c $ 15.00 $ 50.72 $ 50.72 $ 50.71 ~"T5T'TI $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 47.68 $ 147~ $ 53.70 $ 10.46 $ 7 . 46 I~ 58 $ 4 . ~ €i /,!i Z 'g 1 fJ 7 'h"ii3' /3 , ':;-~, ~; .90 $ 9.12 ,$ .6.08 $ 3.03 "f'18-:-TI $ 8.86 $ 5.86 $ 2.86 $17.5-S- $ 3.22 ~ 58.86 $ 55.86 '$ 50.54 ~6576 $ 56.92 S 60.46 $ 57./:6 6{.56 $ 511 . II g~&. fJZ $ 26.00 ~ $ 15.90 $ . 59. 8/~ $ ~6..: 80 $ 53.74, -S-r7o:-31r ~ 5.90 ~ ;~~~ < r ~ ~ l~}: ~6 $ 26.85 $ 1.61 $ 28.4.6 S 58.18 $ 3.48 $ 61. 66 $ 50.00 $ 3.76 $ 53.76 $ 12.65 $ .75 $ 13 . [,,0 $ 62.65 $ 4.51 $ 67.16 $ 56.39 (. 3.37 $ 59.26 '1' $ (,.4 . 7 5 $ 2.69 $ /1 7 . II/~ -14- . > ''''-''''''',-,~,,,,<,}~,,,!,,,;f<:>':1t,~~~,.,..,..:::,,'t:'''i'''.-'II;r::''oO"'~'~'''?'''''''''~''o,;,~''''~!'"~'~~':""""';""':'t_':"_"""V''''''-I"'':-,.'''_~;", .....:.,'"",,'...."""':,..""..'..'" ,'.-...""~,.....'."";:'.,..,'......"'r,~'v~"!",'~......L',"'...'~',......,..",..,........""'...."---,,.,'.,_......,., .,..,...,',',......-.'.---.-.'.- ASSESSOR IS PARCEL NO. 803--:)2-066 6 C H -- () .1./ - C;( ;z.." '80.:3.. .':; 2 - 0 G 7 eQ~- 6 ~C3:;- g03 52 07g 3aJ~52-00iJ. 803-58-011 803-58-016 803-59-007 803-59-012 790-24-033 803-21-014 and; ,.. TAX YEAR 1976..1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1976~1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 , .1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 ( \ '-, ( ~, C 297 PAGE 66 PTGNCrp AI.. INTJQ{T~ST TOTAL ANNU.AL COST' <:; /, /\ ..:: t1 f'. ,\ ,.', I~ 7 /~. I. " r:.9 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 S 50.00 $ 37.95 $- lEfT 9-5 S 1 L 28 $ 8.28 $ 5.2.8 S ?2.7 ~S 2"7:rI $ 6.72 S 3.36 -$---r(f.OS S 61.28 $ 58.28 .~; 55.28 (i l~O . 2. 2. '$ "21S'.'c)"6 S 62.66 ~; .'59,30 ~.~ -12T:'9 6 $ 55.S)!} $ r:>s. 9f+ '~f-III':..8"8 $ (,/;,"7') $ 'I 8 . .3.3 $ $ ,~ .) LI7 _l~!J. ? (-)9 $.' . 51.23 2.90 1- ~tti $ 5. 9Lt %--.._~, :.~i i jUt .S- $ $ $ $ $-35. 80 2.14 $ 3 7 . 9 II 63. .96 57.96 5L,.96 60 $ 32- $ 11. 18 $ 8.18 ., BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the assessments set forth above are hereby confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 1976, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEl1BERS: CHILDERS, DeBELL, DUFFIN, LINK, PATE, STOUT and GOODRICH. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUnCIL HEHBERS: None ATTEST: /() . ' a UfJ (FJ1rJ Clty C er AEEf~YED: ~ /_/;1 ";'7/,,<,,,,/-;/" ~.~ \,.""'-) ./ .I /.L, y"-/ /. '/../ , / />_; ." .~.' .',~ , /'-:;/ ..(// / i'~,~. ,./,.,f', ' ~ /. / t;. .~/"..::-,:e::.t.'J'I/~ ~r/<..~.t:--;"/..~vl ,.."--'0_ \,V -.- f Mayor ~ -- ~lj- '.'," "T~''''''~''''''"i'-'''''''''''''~'~'~'''' '.,.N', ,.v..,."...~' _.,' '.~ _..' '~'"''~''-__'.....,,''''_''' ''''''',,<<'',',' ~ ...,',;' _,~.....;.__,,__ _.p, "",_~""'_,''''''''''''''.''''''' '.''''-.:c'.,.""...,._ _",.,_..,_--..___..~ ~.." ~"_ __.._'O_~,..,,_.__ . ,,, r C 297 PAGE 67 I, SUSANNE E. STEIN~mTZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 76-28 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of June , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS t.JHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy, this 22nd July , l~6 . day of I ~ : J (" , ) Z?2t+nn<./ City Clerk of the City of Gi