Resolution No. 76-32 ~ (!!tty nf ~tlrny 7390 Rosanna Street, p, 0, Box 66 GILROY, CALIFORNIA 95020 J, 5039819 C 146-PAGE642' C 146 PA"E642 ' f!LED FOR RECORD, \I '/ -r:-, A T QUEST OF, RESOLlrrION NO, 16..32 IL./Vi 1 ~ ' JUl f 6 5 01 PH 1976 RESOLUTION OF THE COTJNCIL CITY OT' GILROY OF:DEJ{6~f; (' 'l,','Y" '\: f,'f,i) ',',';'OCI'l,' (, f, "}ey C"'t''''F''T' ('(I\I'f' ! "u"I..'k-, , ICIA, L RE,' CORDS ,j -,' .." ,-d.) ., 10' "",..J.. ."JI.", v :!l',II'N rt\ CLARA COUNTY HITH THE E;QUTHERN PA,CIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF I,JAY IN T~JfpRGE 1'-'.. ',L\N"i CITY OF GILROY CLOSED TO VEHICVJ ,p,l\ TR.A:FFIG. REG;STfUiF: nEOORDER ,~ , t WHEREAS! the Council. of the City of Gill'oJ did on ..Juna 7 t ~ 1976 t a.dopt Resolution No, 76-24 de.e:,la:ring H,f; intention to p)~ClcE:ed under the. Street Vacation Act of 19L~1 to vacate the portion of Casey Street in tbe City of Gilroy hereinafter df:~scribedt and WHEREAS, notices of the adoption of such res'olution were pub 1:1 shed and posted as required by laws and 'WHERF"AS f no obj ection to the proposed street vacation '\,'as fi.led at or before the he.aring by the, Council on July 6 I 1976 i at 8: 00 p .1'n. in the Counci.l Chambers' in the City Hall at '/390 Rosann8, Street I Gilroy, California, the time and place fixed for the. hearing in said notices. and the hearing having been duly held, and the Council having duly considered the evidence presented as to the vacation of the ?c::--::ion of Casey Street hereinafter descr-:tbed; The Council does hereby find that the described portion of Casey Street is unnecessary for present or prospective use by vehicular traffic and that public safety will be promoted by the closure of that sixty (60) foot portion of Casey Street contiguous with the Southern Pacific Railroad right of ,.;ray to vehicular traffic. The Council further finds that public convenience and necessity require the reservation of a pedestrian right of TtlaY ove)' th,e descLlbed portion of Casey Street, as well as reservation of rights of way for all public utilities across, above and under the described portion of Casey Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of -1- RESOLUTION NO. 76-32 I' I i, .' c~ 146 PAGE643 Gilroy that; the sixty (60) fooL poyt:1.un of Casey Street COllt:LgUC>Ub with the Southern Pacific lroad ,eight of. \/uy in the C i 'Cy of Gih:oy sha,ll be closed to all vehicular trC\ffic l bu.t not pf'destrian traffic; and reserving perma.nent easements for all public utilities acrossJ above and under the described sixty (60) foot: railroad easement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July f 1976 f b~ the followhl& vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS; DeBELl~, DUFFIN f LINKf PATE ~ STOUT and GOODRICH NOES; GOUNCILMEMBERS; NONE ABSENT: CQUNCIL..1'1EMBERS : CHILDERS APPROVED: /sl NORMAN B_~2o,DRICH Mayor ATTEST: Isl SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ City Clerk -2- RESOLUTION NO. 76-32 C 146 PAGf644 It SUSANNE E~ STEIN~~TZ. City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution no. .~I~:c32.,~_ is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Counc il -held on the 6th day of July t 19~t at ,,,hleh meeting a quorum was present" IN WITrmSS vn1EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed :::::e Official Seal of the City of Gilroy i this Eth ~ day of July , 19 76 . City Clerk of the City of Gilr ~