Resolution No. 79-10 4 ' NO FEE Per GC Sec. 6103 ... ~~ ~(fLf ()i-d-"'(~V;r ?$'HJ ~oS"1t1r,. SIl. ~O.8'x l.,~ t'11t,~., ~. 9sos.,o RESmp~':.ON OF THE C(' '_~\:C ':. OF THE CI'TY OF P;-...;\C,,:;' \EVaN PLACE s~J 6308284 RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 10 E .335PAGE 580 GILROY RENAMING ~ONnON Upon ref' yc,nencation of t'rte ,)irector of Pub-:Uc T.\Torks-City ee. g~~ good eal.S? appearing t~ere?ore; BE IT RESO~VED 3Y THE COT~CI~ OF THE CITY OF GILROY: That Lo~(on Place, locate( o~~ the west en? ~~ Lo~don Dri.ve in Tract #6254 renamed DEVON :;Y',,J'. BE IT ~RqJ!:SOLVED TEA'" T'Jr '~\fficial Map 0': +-""", City of Gilroy be amende0 accordingly. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of March, 107D ___./" I ' .~ \' ,:1'1e following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CHILDERS, HUGHA~, LINK, PATE. STOUT and GOODRICH. !",!J)E c' COUNCIL ~:MBER_S ~ "."'""1 P i~":":' (f.;~ F\..-1 .; I:OUNCIL ~:"I?,"S;, '~'Tr;BAM APp?('\vr~'1 RiCORDER'S MEMO 81NT WRITING OR TYPING eM CARBON COPIES MAK_ ttCto" PHOTOGRAPWlC JltECOMJ /s/ NORMAN B. GOODRICH "Mavor ~ /s/ SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ ~ .,. :. !';") ""1 A~TEST: ,~~_:.'~', f ;o0(J) 1'Ill'l)).o eoz.,. en ::0 -f.~ -f0>- C:Ul'llo~ ;>>r> j:D3:"'~ bJ>:xJ;:g fIJ )00", ,..,~ --'. '"'. ~~' ;2 :Z,- :, zc:; P1 -I (f) .:tl .< :1:. . .~ ~ ! _::/ , - ---.. (,.,e.J b~ E 335r!GE 581 ., \\ \\\\ \--' , \\ \\ \ '\ \ 1...___-- -- \ , ~ II \__ \ \\~;\'" \ \'\\\ \ ~~ '( \(\\\\.. .~,\ \\::\~\i ~ \~~> -.\ '\ ,/\ \\ \ \ -- ~\ \\~C~\ "\\-__~\' ~;:, '. I.,' '\. ~ \' \ \ ,\ ' \..........__' \.--_- \ \ ., . \ \, \ ~ \ l ',\ '5\. ,.\. U), . \. ' '\ ,~, '~n \\../ ~ / __ \\ - \' ,. \, i'\ . \ 'c0\'~ ~.... \.:\ '~~ \ \. '. \, \ \ : ~ , ., \ . \ \ '\, ,/ r/ > 'I 1\ . ..\ :t. .'. \ ",'1\ ," .. \ ., "to' . \ .'\1\ \ ' -;:::-':1 \ \,.J /:,;:', \C'~\'~_\ \:::.:~ 1. ~.~"j \...- \ '\\, LE"'NTA~1 . .\ '-.~, . '~/ '\ \ \~. \/\ Ie i(:~C~;'\ \\ \ :. "-; ':' ) - .------ -- \) \I",^\ '. . .. r})~~ ~.\l:,;\ \ ,r"-' \...-' ~\\"'~">~'':;::;D \__\"'0'" ~'\ ,,~\'.;~'\~ . 'I.",\\~ 1- \ -';"'-/::'\~ \ \.-<---\---(c~.!.., \. \I/~'. :~~\ ,'1,. /':'1-< \...--\\ \ 't',,_ \ \ -... ,.,-.-0 -\ \ \~)..:w...-<;"""'-\ \ \...-- ~\\\ '.J".\ " \~...\.-I.'..,--;;:,;;\,,;\\\ .. \ - \ >.-' ....'---: /--A"-'\ \ \--\./ " .," '. \ .... . ,/' \. '. \,/ ;.....;.. \ ,..- ,--1'.i- ' 'e'..... .....--.. , ,,~.:'('~~\\~,:I;:'~. ~,;;~...'."k\.-..~v~0~'~;'f\ \,/.\\.. \~\ ~''', \\ /..__,1 ~."\))\- \. \;~. ~~-'~:~ "(/r\'-~,'\ ,w_\l~'.~~~I~~~-.(, -~-~,"l..j.....\..-._' _<.:c:;;:::..c,";.;;'.' _"---\ \ ," '"~...". .\ ,." /....., \ ".:;;.."-\..-- ',.....-- ....-.- ~ '. \ \~ d'JJ!;,r..." \ :'/~;:~:f:-'C-\~./ - '/- .>/> -- I '\-/ ,.:: \,,' _ - , '\ 'C0_';i,'>>-- _, :-:r- \~.. _--.. ,\./...____ --~.i'_ '. ':t'" '. ,\-...--r : .' ~-;'\' \>\ ".\ \. ~\ ~...,.'.\.\"';\1/;'\ \:., \~r.... ~_\\ .,-~ \"..(',\\.;'1$;,." . \.........\ \'(.:..':. ._'\_. ,'" . .. '. ~~:\ \\.;..:.~' \ '\ 'rt ~ \-t'::_\ \i--.' ..~ ~._. '.. \ i. \(~....:.c "\.::" . , ,...-" ~~;, f\'~ ..... .\.\ ' ...\~ '~:~\ \-~ Eo \ It... \ ,- !.,...,\ \ ' ,.\,... I \ \./ \\ \.-..dU.~~)~::?!X..---.J \- \~"T;:?GJTT"V"'~ __e._ --.----------...-- --- -r ~ ,.-~_:::~. -:;::_ --'~.:.;~_.....,;.;....:;..;.;.;...::.~;_:__;__-.-~- ___.. ._..~.~~:.:,~:.:;;.__"" ~!T... .'1.1. f'''~-'.' , " ! I 1." ). i., I, j : '. ,\: t.. .C)t~ tlO ~ ", '1~: J~1 ~~. . EX~IIBIT "N' ~= > ~. .~~=/ ~ \_(1' ,'''- '-. \: ~,. ~ \ ........-"~_...,,--_.-.----<._, !.~ - ~ 1" ,t ';<r~' ;,f" . I ,coc. 2~~ i~\:\t, -" t '~ -".'>-~--_.._--_... -.._-'-~..-.--- -~~----_.- ----- -.--~.,---- -~:::=J> "'~- ~;..:.......--, '''''oel!! ---"""'-'~,~--.., l"--",-"",-_~ __..-.. -"'~- '.l_"_'_"_""__',_~_,,,> ''''''''''''_ ,...- p --. ----_.._-~--- .--,,-------,--- :..~ v.. n . ~ \ ' .. .~ '. \-\-- -.- , ',1 ., . ....-. ------ .__..~ '.. , '~ '0 E 33SP!GE 582 I, SUSA~NE E. STEIN~1ETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 79-10 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting or said Council held on the 5th day of March , 19~., at which meeting a aUO~Jm was present. the Official Seal of the City or Gi_roy, this March 19 79. ~, IN WITNESS vJHE RE OF , I have hereunto set my hand anc ::'l:ff:!.xed 6th day of