American Development CorporationPROPERTY DEVELOPAIENT AGRUMENT AGREEMENT FOR FXTrNS>!nriS OF b1ATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS: IMPROVEMENT OF SIRFVTS; 11"IT 1LA1I0P OF SEVERS, STORM DRAINS AND O(IIER 1-1G;1LIC WO. "Z!,S FW3LI ; BLS i This a�lreeenent made and entered inW thislst day of December ? 19 80. by and between the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation. herein called the "City" and American Development Corporation a real property owner, developer ur subdivider. herein called the "Developer." WITNESSETH: VHEREAS, a final map of subdivision. record of survey or building permit (Site Clearance) application has now been submitted to the City for approval and acceptance, covering certain real estate known as and called: L i l l nd f WHEREAS, the Developer requires certain utilities and public works facili- ties in ord.--r to service the property under the minimum standards established by the City arid, WHEREAS. the City. by and through Its City Council, has enacted certain Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions and certain Rules and Regulations have been promulgated concerning the subject matter of this agreement and, WHEREAS, the City has certain responsibilities for maintenance and operation of such utilities aeid public service facilities after acceptance by City, and for providing the necessary connecting system, general plant and appurtenances, and the City Is agreking to discharge those responsibilities. NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the premises and in order to carry on the intent c:nd purpose of said Codes. Ordinances. Resolutions and Regulations, it is agreed by and between the parties as followa: SECTION 1 That all Codes, Ordinances. Resolutions. Rules and Regulations and established policies of the City and the laws of the State of California concarn- 1ng the subject matter of this agreement are hereby referred to and incoreorated herein to the same effect as if they were set out at length herein. Said Codes. Ordinances and Regulations include, but are not limited to. the following: The Code of the (.1ty of Gilroy (Including but not limited to Chapters 12A. 19. 20. 21 and Res. 76 -41 dnd 70 - -41". thereof pertaining to local improvement procedures in subdivision or +leveloprownt respectively); Ordinance No. 60? fk,W)divislon Procedure. etc.); Ordinance tio. i, (Yonino Ord.); Lfrdinance No. 11768 Uniform Building Code) ; Rules anti Regu'dt teens ne'e.,de(+ in the shove a►'e a0l + the atx)ve referred W Codes. Ordinances. Resu ► t I urlti , ul.tlu l at i nris and `gut, -,�_ + *.ut , nns thereof , 45 wiiended to tI►e time of ex(!r.j,! ior1 .,t r►,is ,igree_Yner)t . -1- !ACTION 2 The Developer agrees: J. To perform each and every provision required by the City to be per- formed by the Developer In each dnd every one of said Codes, Ordi- nances and other Regulation$. b. To grant to the City without chargo, free and clear of dncumbrancos, unY and all stipulated adsenrents and rights of way In and to his said real property necessary for the City in order that !t5 water, oluctricl ty. and /or sewer lines It► or to said real property may be extended. C. TO indemnify sold hold the City harmisss and free. from all danage and liability dune; to any utility, public facility or other n►aterlal or tns►tall.ttion of the City an maid roal Itstato which tho Develanier or any contractor ui subcontractor of the ocvolopel', Or any etrr{aloyop thurouf, shall do In grading or working upon t►dld root iistott+. d. Tu construct and Improve all public works facilities and other inr provemants as set out herein, according to tho Utondords harctofore c:$tablish4d, and according to the grades. plans and speclflGatlon$ thereof, all as approved by the City Cnginucr; and shall furnit►h two (2) good and suffl(_lent bonds. Una t►holi be txtcutod In the face a1+ounC of net lass than V -1 n and sha11 guarontoo the 141thful1 pCrturn►anur: of th s a9rsan►ant; one shall be exacuted In an •a+n)unt tru lc: than �)O% of the above tint Ie.r+bd bond and aha I 1 nature paY+rw++t to the contractor, his subcontractors and to persons rentln9 equlp+,rc:nt or (urnishlng labor or materials to than fur the Inprove- mc#it herc:ur► der, ortti .js pruvl.ded for in Sactlon 4200-4210 vt tho Governnk:nt Code (A the State of California, the Codes, Ordln41114;6b. Resolutions dnd Kc(julatluny of the City, and this agropmont, e. That upon dpprUval of the final rrwp of the subdivision, the record of survey or the building portalt covering the real estate to be Ittproved and before any work Is durte therein, the Developer shall pay to the City all sums, axt;Cpt cost to be burna by the. City, shown in Scrrtloo l thereof to be dui under tilt to rim and prov l s I ca►s of this dyroolavr►t . SECTION j That all sums shown herein to be payable by the poveloper to the City area due and payable to the City upon the cmecutlon of this agreement. SECTION 4 That all the provisions of this agreement and all Mork to be dons pur- scant to the , tellers of this at�reeme:nt are to be completed within ono :yndr from and after tilt date and year first above written. SECTION 5 That the special provisions concerning the particular real estate re- ferred to above, being attached hereto, are hereby incorporated herein and expressly made a part of this agreement. SECT 1011 6 the faithful and prmilit performance by the Developer of each and every tern, and LOnditlon contalned hrreln Is made an express condition precedent to the duty of tile: City to perform .any act In Gonnection with this tran54ctl(jn, and the fdilurc." negIccl of the ievelt-114•r ttt •,,) I„•+form, ,r 14.) :.)dy ,Illy nKatli t1`, dtic her e:undc1 ghee 'tor -,h.t i I r e leas the C i t y from any died a l l -2- oti i 1'9dt 1 ur►t" llCFCundCr and tile: C I Ly, at 1 tS' a IceL lof►. may cntorce the perfor- mdnce Of any I,ruv I b I un he f e l it . ()r any right acc ru l ng to the City or may pur- sue jny remo dy what:.ucvcr It nwy havu under the Idwu of the 5tato of GoIIfor- nld or the Corley, 0rdln4ncu:.. Rc!sulutIons or RCguldtlofis of the City, In the event of any such dctault by Dcvvlopur. SECTION Thdt the following dre the. ostlmdtad amounts of costs tq be borne by the raspoctiva pdrtlo3 harcto, and It lay furthor understood and agrgiod the$ sold ofrwunts era cstlnwted only and arc subjv(;t of final detorminatloo upon romplo- t Ion of the work. FACILITY DIVELOPNt11Y COSTS a. Easements 6 (tight% Of way "On $Ite" s 1001 CITY'S COSTS $ -0- BALANCK 100% b. Easements b Rights of way "off Site" $ t00% S -0- 100% C. Water "On Slto" S -0- d. Crater "Off Site" $ 7428 5.098 Ac @ 1457/Ac c. Sewor "On !Ito-' $ -0- $ -0- $ $ -0- f. Sewer "Off s te" Deferred With Building Permit -3- i -0- $ 7428 $ -0- $ -0- $ Deferred 9 Zktorm Or a l i►atjc S -0 "On `, I Er." - - -- -- - h. Storm orainage "Off S l tel l S� 3181 $ -0- �3181 5.098 Ac $624/Ac I. Enginearing. Inspec- tion, 6 Pl #n Chock, J. W00% Troo -0- Deferred Pl+ltntln� S forred ; With Bulldln Permit k. Construction Water, Dust Control 4 �arthWOrk S 58 S -0- ; 58 5.098 Ac @ $11.30/Ac I. Stroat Paving m. Street Curb 6 Gutter n. Sidewalks o. Street Nan►c Signs P. Fire Hydronts "On Site" $ -0- i -0- i S -0- S -0- S 100% y 100% S -o- i I on% ---- $- - - - - -- - -., -4- $ j2j S t rce t L I Ih t It ,.1 5 100% - -— s' -0- r. Public Works Microfilming $5.00 _—$5- 4- 6Itee -t - s. Misc. Engineering Services 2Hrs x25.00 50.00 ')UL CITY by DEVELOPER IE i 100% $5.00 50.00 11 l2gA0Q out_ Ut VELOPER NY CITY IJE f DUL CITY S 1 1124-Q0,��.... IfJ Ill T1JE SS WIIEREOF , oa I d part les have caused those presents 'to by executed the date and year flrut abuve written. ATTEST: ty Cler FORM PPROVED: City Attorn y CITY OF GILROY DEVELOPER AMERICAN DEVEMPMENT CORPORATION by JOHN S. HO ; ice President OY DATE NOTE: If Developer Is a curpordtlun, the Cofw letc lagal name and corporate sera l of the corporation and the corporate t I t le:s of the pareions slgnlny fur the curhuratIon Shall ahpojr above.,. f t I I I Y OF G rLROY DLVLI (WHI -Nf COS] SCIILDULL No. ua te, 7 -31 -80 IniLialed S.L. LOLdtiull (-)f property Between Lilly Avenues, North and South Assessor's Parc�I // 790- 027 -002 and 003 Nance of Applicant American Development Corporation Address 700 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 165, Larkspur Ca. 94939 Type: of Development Proposed R -3 Area 5.098 Acres Storm Drain `B1-$624' Acre Street Frontage None Appropriate Engineering Map Checks 01-100 -1100- 6004 -II Subdivisions $144 + 2.16 (n) Parcel Map 60 + 2.16 (N) N = Number of Lots Engineer Plan Check and InSpcLtiun 01 -100 -1100- 6004 -12 4% x $ 10,000 X _ Cost of public improvements Miscellaneous Engineer Survicc 01-100 -1100- 6004 -13 2 No of hours x( °25.00) Public Works Micrufilminy 01- 100 -1100- 6004 -14 $5 /Sheet (neaps and p I arts ) Emergency Services 01- 100 -1100- 6004 -15 Nu. of hours x ($15.00) Fire Hydrant Location f-ee 01- 100 -1100- 6002 -01 $21.59 for the first 5 frydrants + $1.03 for each additional hydrant Area Water Charye 03- 300 -1300- /203 -00 Acre; h _ /Acre U)WSLIUGtiOil Wdter 07-J20- 1900 - 8001 -00 _ - - - -- —�_LF P $0.30 1LF 55 0_q8 _y -Acres x$11 .30 /Acre $ N.A. $ 400 $ 50.00 S 5.00 $ N A. $ N.A. $ 7428 $_ 58 ' Y Ill'V1'l I LULL J�.II Itll.' 011 - Si IC SLornl Dr lilt 02- 220 - 1300 - 7202 -00 02- 220 -1300- 7202 -01 02- 221- 1300- /20'2 -00 02- 222 -1300- 7202 -00 02- 223 -1300- 7202 -00 02- 224 -1300- 7202 -00 02- 225-1300- 7202 -00 Ac res l�$ 624_ Front Foot Charyes D i S L r i c t ''A" $868/Ac Distr'icL "A -1" $3000 /Ac District "B" 624/AC District "C" 759/Ac District "D" 720 1Ac District "E" 5117 / /\c District 1'F" 868/Ac / /\c re Water 02- 230 -1300- 7204 -00 LF lea$ /LF Sewer 02- 230 -1300- 7205 -00 LF h /LF Sturm Drain 02-230-1300- 7207 -00 LF /LF Street Improvements 02-230 -1300- 7206 -00 Pavement SF pd$ /SF = $ Curb & GuLter--- ^ - - - -- LF L$ _ /LF = $ - Sidewalk - - -- SF Iil$- /SF _ $� Gal.Pole — - -- Electrol ier LF 1•d$ /LF = $ E l e c t r o l i e r — - - - - -- - - _ -- Conduit LF w $ /LF = $ Fire Hy y d r an t - - - -- - - - - -- L F $ / L F $- Wood Pole Mounted Electrolier 01- 100 -1100- 6004 -20 L of $ /LF Public Works Cash Bonds mould Dc.ho,,iLs 08- 800 -1100- 6004 -02 0Lhter TOTAL ?I $ -0- $ -0- r $! -0- $ -0- $ 11,122 STIPULATIONS American Development Corporation Agreement 1. Sound wall fences shall be constructed along property lines adjacent to Union Oil bulk plant and around property line adjacent to the sports area to 20' from Lilly Avenue. Sound wall fences shall be also installed adjacent to Shell bulk plant. 2. All existing wood fencing shall be repaired or replaced where necessary. 3. Before construction utilizing combustible materials may proceed. an all weather access must be providedto within 150 feet of the building site; and at least one in service fire hydrant must be available within 500 feet of each portion of the site, wherein this construction is to take place. 4. Locate and properly dispose of wells, septic tanks and fuel storage tanks. 5. Move the warehouse building at the corner of Ronan Avenue and Lilly Drive prior to improving the Lilly Drive access to your parcel. 6. This agreement will also act as an Encroachment permit for the improvement and use of the Lilly Drive access to your parcel. 7. Fees are payable at the then current rate if received after July 18, 1980. Accepted by JOHN S. HOFFMI Vice President