NOC - Andero Construction - Project No. 1979-7 .._"\ ..'" } -z ::~ ; ~~ll; / CITY OF GI~~ 158 Pi;: 6'71 ~ r. ~ /~il,;. NOTICE OF COMPLETION ~/~" o/PJh F 158 p,;,671 6657966 FILED FOR HECORD AT REQUe:STOF-, , :r~~ NarICE. h b' hID'd W H D._~Q.E.EICI4L.. A('C!>RP.$I . 1S ere ~ g1ven. t at , aV1.. ans~n, 1~l-:P,rCLARA'COCJ/1i~.1n of Publ1c Works and C1ty Engmeer of the C1ty of G1lroy, GEOFSE AMANN.. .. ' California do subscribe to the following: REG.!~; ,hM~ Rr:COfWIS,Rj THAT the City of Gilroy, as owner of the proj ect herein referred to as Handicap Ramps Cpnsj;ruction Projpc:t d979-7 did on the 25th day of September , 1 ..2!l-' enter into a contract with ,(}1l Andero Construction Inc. P. O. Box 20580 San Jose, California 95160 for the completion of the work and improvements described in the plans and specifications titled Handicap Ramps Construction Projpc:t 1979-7 THAT said work and improvements were completed and accepted by the City Council of the City of Gilroy on the 4th day of February , 19J1lL. \ ~~_.._,.,... tor 0 Public Works and City Engineer, City of Gilroy State of California ) ) COlll1ty of Santa Clara) I David W. Hansen, Director of Public Works and City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, California, being duly sworn, hereby state that I have read the foregoing Notice of Completion and that the information cont~ed therein is true of my own knOWledge....." ~ W ~\~'"'-._____ David W. Hansen Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me the 19th day of' F~b~~ary 19 80.