NOC - Berkeley Engineering Co., Inc. - Project No. 08-CDD-148 . RECORDING REQUESTED BY: South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRW A) DOCUMENT: 19993659 \ 111111111111111111111111 Fees. . Taxes. . . Copies AMT PAID WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Shawna Freels City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 ., Pages: 4 * No Fees REGINA ALCOMENDRAS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE fl 007 9/19/2008 12:41 PM (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 27383 GOVERNMENT CODE OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA Notice of Acceptance of Completion Earth Stability at Pump Stations Project No. 08-CDD-148 Berkeley Engineering Co. Inc. SEPARATE PAGE PURSUANT TO GOVT. CODE 27361.6 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION , /12 k.IO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, as of the ~ day of July, 2008, the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRWA), ("Authority") has accepted as completed the work required to be performed under the following agreement ("Agreement") by and between Don Chapin Company ("Contractor") and SCRWA: Earth Stability at Pump Stations Project No. 08-CDD-148 Berkeley Engineering Co. Inc. Project No.: Contractor Name: Developer Address: Surety on Contract: Location of Project: 08-CDD-148 Berkeley Engineering Co. Inc. PO Box 7069, Berkeley, CA 94707 First National Insurance Company of America Gilroy, California Description of Work: A new pipe support system will be installed at two pump stations at the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRW A) wastewater treatment plant. In addition, a new drainage system and associated regrading, and a new sidewalk will be constructed at one of the pump stations. Interest ofSCRWA:_Owner in Fee _Vendee under Agreement to Purchase _Lessee _Owner of Easements _Holder of License ~ Owner of Streets ~Owner of Utilities, Water, Sewer, Storm Systems Owner's Name/Address: SCRWA, 1500 Southside Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020 Work Done: See above, Description of Work This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 3093 of the Civil Code of the State of California. The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and say: That I am an officer of the SCR W A, that I have read the foregoing Notice of Acceptance of Completion and know the contents thereof; and that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters that I believe to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, on A:; # rl Z" , 2(<15: South t e 10 al as water Authority BY: . ck Smelser TITLE: SCRWA Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara '7 (1) Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this ex t, day of 4tA_K Luif___ , 200L, by RICK SMELSER, proved to me on the basis of sa Isfactory eVIdence to be the person who appeared before me. (Seal) ~. ..~-# Signatu~ >-~~_~.~ '_ . .:_~~-l-~ r. -.- - -- - ~.A~.-....~ - ~l . commlllkH\ # 17"162 I NoICIfY ItuIIaIC . CCIIItOrnla I lanto Cklfa county 4 J~ _ ~ _ ~ _~~:..~~~~~~ II . ., -0"j).A -. L_" =:::::_-<.......c. "LfJ:oo ' J7~CO ~4SS "'1' '--'" 'r \ \\ . ! "'\ / --'. '" -,,\ \- ,....' , "\ - ., v" \\,/' . . "' 1\ \ ! ,1// ~.\'''\/'M \~ y~~ flY, '11: \ ~\'( \ \~:0 \~ i.. L----- -Lf~~\ \\~(~\>\\~ -\ \-----. \''-t. : . \.. i i L----\,.).. ~. ~:z_ /:y )>,S ~ '\0_:; '\ bwl\Vittl),,~)(")\ .. ~~r! iH~~L7~_'~)~~~.. ~ , Z' . , . . -. ~'''O Jthl ;J~~~ :\ "'\:i:' ; . c\ ::\;d, \\/' \ \ \'1\ / .-----------1. r-Q-! : ________________,.__, \ \, \.., ....- . ""I 0- , // " \ ' , l>..i : ~. \ \ Q'l- (', \ :~ :~~~;\~\~' ~- 'lb4). ~o~~~\Q~/\ \"\'>/" . .'. \Yqj, \ ~ /' /, 7 ~ /". , \--r! \ ,\ <<~ ?: /' / i\ \ '1<7 '. , \ \,j . \~f<)\~~ ;:.\o~ o~ ~ '9~A "~ \ \\/i-\ '~~~ ~ \'\~~ \ "<l ~ \ ''i'';''';vy '/ '0 / \ \ ~ / '~: 'K /~ 2) :?'~ ! ~ __________/~\ \ / \ c! \ '( / .< )(\~'-;. . _ / ,.' ~~.',< / ~"," / ,. \"" ' ! ~ '....\ '\( ~~'A \~./ / _____ \ ~~E el,' ~,::(/( "~~~V::,;(.' ,/ \./ /" S y , // "", ,\ ' 'vii' ,. ..-- //". ".," , , ~---------..------- "">' '~------ ~~ . . \, / 'II, - ~ \ \ 0 ",', ,/,.;\ ?"~----=/,/>"\~, PROJECT SI~~y REGIONAL \ ~ /--\ .....-::~ SOUTH CO. UER AUTHORITY, .10, LU"H~VE \ ......--;,,~'l-O, WASTEWAT/ _. ____ _, '------ \ \ \() \ ..,~Q \.,. / "'" \ .='" ~'l-'- "~I ",....~~~~_SS[>.[). ~;"O, \~. ~, \ "::.~'" // / .A>' ~ ~ /' ''I. ,i '\ . ~ ...., /"." '. iI,';, " /'" 0# .. /1,/ ',\ " \ / /. '.! / /"~'" """" 0 \ / ! / j / ''<i, ..'.. ,.". " ," 'Yv .. , '" !, / / ' " / '.j~, ", BOlS /.'\.' // ""\~-"~O~ \\,~,,\ ""\~~/ z c (J) \ ..( ~ o ~ ~ BLOOMFIELD AV . Stations Stability at pump Earth Vicinity Map N.T.S. N I