NOC - E.A. Buttler Contractor, Inc. 1/ \f~r Name Street Address City& L State RECORDING REQUESTED BY Susanne E. Steinmetz, City Clerk C it y of G i I roy 4182761 aaox 0882 j).\G( 239, ~182761 ,'''''.\-'1 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 068? f"'l3'fJ' " I) () 1 '. i ~ f' . . \ , . ',' . . " ~ ;too. ~ J ..... l~\St ~ . ~:;;~ JAN 27 \\ 18 ~M '72 I I Fred O. Wood, City Admin. P. O. Box 66 Gilroy, California 95020 NO FEE OFFIOIAL r~i:COHI)S SANTA CLARA COU~TV GEORGE E. rO\'/LES rl ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CORPORATION FORM Notice of Completion TO 408-1 C Before execution, refer to title company requirements stated on reverse side. Notice is hereby given that: 1. The undersigned is owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described. 2. The full name of the undersigned is City of G i 1 roy. a mun i c i pa 1 corporat i on 3. The full address of the undersigned is 7390 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California 95020 4. The nature of the title of the undersigned is: In fee. Simp 1 e (If other than fee, strike "In fee" and insert, for example, "purchaser under contract of purchase," or "lessee".) 5, The full names and full addresses of all persons, if any, who hold title with the undersigned as joint tenants or as tenants in common are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. The names of the predecessors in interest of the undersigned, if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvement herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES None . (If no transfer made, insert "none".) January 15. 1972 Buttler Contractors, 7. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on 8. The name of the contracto~ if any, for such work of improvement was E. A. Inc.. P. O. Box ~l. Salinas. California (If no contractor for work of improvement as a whole, insert "none".) 9, The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of G i 1 roy , County of San ta C 1 a r a , State of California, and is described as follows: ..... .. 1 ~ . \( , , , .. \ '"'" 800~ 9682 PACE 240 CITY OF GILROY - BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION fOR NORTHSIDE PARK: ~ ~E:ING a potti\,)n of. Rlnch LtH: 25 &1 shuwn on MAp NIJ. 7 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the lAS Animas Ra.nchv Partition Suit, Activn No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of Calif"rnia, in and for the County Jf Santa Clara and being more parti<..:ularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point in the line common to Ranch Lots 24 and 25 distant thereon N.89024'30"E. 136.45 feet from the <..:orner <..:umrnon to Ranch Lots 23 and 24 as shown on said Map, said point of beginning being also the s,mthwesterly C,Jrner ,If that certain parcel of land cJnveyed to Lola Tovar by deed dated June 13, 1946 and Recorded in Volume 1477 at page 562, Official Records of Santa Clara County, 8nd running thence along the line common to Ranch Lots '1.4 and 25N. 89024'30"E. 1.445.74 feet to the southwesterly curner of the certain parcel of land described in the Deed co Jesus and Jessie Razura, husband and wife, recorded ~~y 25, 1961 in Volume 5178 at page 504, Official Records l)f Santa Clara County; thence along the westerly line of said Parcel N. l032'W. 463.56 feet co the northwesterly corner thereof in the southerly line of that certain Parcel of land described in the Deed to George T. Duffin and Helen Duffin, his wife, recorded February 4, 1966 in Volume 7271 of Official Records at page 330; thence along said sou ther ly line S. 88030' 50 "W. 151. 56 feet; thence N.4lo23'40"W. 285.29 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 300.00 feet through a central angle of 2401l+'55", for a distance of 126.97 feet to a point in the northerly line of said Parcel conveyed t,) Duffin distant tnereJn N. 88030' 50 "E. 7.96 feet fr,):TI the northwesterly cor- ner tbere,)f; thence along a continuation of the last des- cribed curve through an additional central angle of 2~)050'35" for a distan<..:e of 135.31 feet; thence along a line that is 30.00 feet distant northerly at right angles from the southerly Line 'if that certain parcel of land described in the deed to Jean Roman recorded December 19, 1963 in Volume 6315 of Offici~l Re<..:ords at page 660 S.88030'50t~. 299.82 feet to a putnt in the westerly line ,)f said Parcel conveyed to Roman 30.00 feet norther ly from the s.)uthwesterly t.,Jrner there.,)f; thence conlinu.lng along a line that is 30.00 teet distant at right angles northerly from the nurtherly 1in~)f that certain parcel of land described in the Deed to E. H. and Char.es Ball recorded Novemhcr 27, 1950 in V0111rne 2.02 of lifficial Recurds at page JUci S.88030'50"tv. .l45.U) feet; thence S, 0042'E. 30.00 feet tv the northwesterlv c..>rner ',J! sai.d l:'arce: c~m- ..eyed to Ball; thence alung the ~...esterly line df said Parcel S. 0042'E. 296.40 feet Lo the s~)uthwesterly c",rner thereuf; chence along the suutherlY:Jne u( that certain parcel of Land described tn thE' dC'ed l J JJs€l>h G. ~cC\)rmick et ux, rec.Jrded in \,,)lume 5789 vf OffiCial RU':drds at page SJ2 S.S8030'50"\.'. 231.45 feet t) the nurth\.,resterly corner ,)f lnat certain parcel df land conveyed to Tnvar first above referred tv; thence along the westerly line of said Parcel S. 1032"E. 441.00 feet to the point of beginning, and .. CONTAINING THEREIN 21. 869 acres." .Descripti,m compiled and calculated from Surveys and Records in 'September 1966 by W. J. Hanna, Jr., City Engineer, City of Gilroy. \ BOCK 9B82 f,'GE 241- 10. The street address of said property is_ None Dated: January 25, 1972 (If no street address has been officially assigned, insert "none".) Signature of owner named in paragraph 2 that-=-he is the the City of Gilroy , the corporation that executed the foregoing notice as owner of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property therein described; that~e makes this :~:i~:::i~~er:7n :~:t:l~ ::e :;~:. corporation; thata~Obi~o~v~e;:n;a:ma;e~d::dxsa,i;;r; In/e r,;i" th.,eof, and that SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me _"'- ~ ~ r ./ tsS. F~ED o. woob City Administrator , being duly sworn, says: STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa CIa ra of \.,. ; f I "!'I ",<0 on <'" '-, .> <~ _; ",ft;.,'~l Clara nia , . ~ ... i .,,~,.. ..,.-^ ,. " ~ Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TITLE COMPANY REQUIREMENTS AS TO NOTICE OF COMPLETION (This area for official notarial seal)