NOC - Ehrich, Jack - Project Eastside Park Stage 1-A NO FEE RE: Government COde~1l~~~('<l !:J lP 7 E 07Zf)~Gt 5 CITY OF GILROY NOTICE OF COMPLETION (EDA 07-51-21827 EASTSIDE PARK STAGE l-A) NOTICE is hereby given that I, William E. Ayer, Director of Parks and Recreation of the City of Gilroy, California, do subscribe to the following: E 072i)~GE 5 to as did on into a THAT the City of Gilroy, as owner of the project here referred EDA 07-51-21827 Eastside Park Stage 1-A the 21st day of November contract wi th , 19R, enter :z,-", en .Jf'tY ~~~;; ~~ )>F ,<J If U; Xl -f 'T1 . -; IT! -I .."') }> <3 ::0"'0- :00 P-b,--> 1"TI'Tl ::oi:k:-r 5~ 00 0 ::0 > ::0::0 C ::u '! m.....>m .....~:::u ~ (;') z 0 (') t.n (1) fl1 '- o ,O~:boo o.~ ~ ~o:3: .00 ~ for the comp 1 eti on of the work and improvements descri bed in 6f€ ~~ns~c-..Ii ,:tl~'\J and specifications titled EDA 07-51-21827 Eastside Park Stage l-A . ~ Jack Ehrich ~ ~ ~ 10665 Fourth & Rucker Streets J , Gilroy, California 95020 THAT said work and improvements were completed and accepted by the City Counci 1 of the City of Gil roy on the 2nd day of October , 19 78. State of California County of Santa Clara STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. ) E 0?2,.!Gf 6 County of Sante:- (g7Jqy.,p ,.,\..,.,..... I I On this 4th day ~f October in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy- ; eight, befdne',me~ 8~~nne E. Steinmet2~ a NotarYPubZic~ City Clerk~ City of Gilroy~ ijState of,Cal-ifornid~;?luly sWorn~ personally appeared WILLIAM E. AYER knO'Wn to me to be the personde$cribe~,inand that he executed the within instrument on his behalf thereinW!-m~dJ".a:n4<acknmuledged to me that he executed the same, '~"":';'h~",:.:..!(o'... ~ "":,/",, . ,.' .... IN WITNESS' WflEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate 1first above written. \ ;, t 1..-a Sec. 40814. RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING OR TYPiNG OR CARBON COPIES MAKES 1Il00R EHQ.TQGRAPHIC R~QRO