NOC - Federal Construction Company ~w.';;;"~~~~~~"'~W~~~'''''m!iU:;,=Z~~'K~~i~~ .'~~~ !:L1;:l'~ Tn WHOM I'r MAY OONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all rna terial to be fUl~nished and all work and labor to be performed in the paving of Monterey street in the city of GilrOY by Federal constrmction 00.. under the terms of a certain contract bearing date the 6th day of Octob8r 1913, made and entered into between H. T. Mayodk as street Superintendent of the city of Gilroy and Federal constructi.on 00. has been furnished, performed and completed by said Federal construction Co. save tl1at the inside of the cistern mentioned in the specifica nons has not been plastered, and that said. ',-york, B:lVe said plastering, was completed on the ~3rd day of May 1914. B3r state of California, ) ) SSe county of Santa Clara. ) @j)~d3:, ffi?!1 t~' ili/-~~ I j George A. Wentz, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the Mayor of the city of GilrOY; that he has heael the foregoing notice and k.nows the contents thereof', and that the sarne are true of his own knowledge, except as tl1e matters therein stated ob information and belief', and as to thOB8 mattea's that 'he believes it to be true, ~.Cl.J{~ - <:- s~hscribeq an<< sworn to before me -;/R this /: day of June 1914. ll>;f;(L/~ >% - '/ f ttr0.. V ~ / Notary Public in andi ~le county of santa Clara, state of Calirornia. -".."'d.\.ii'~. *W'.;w~~~~~~~~~~'W'lleJW.q'ii'~"-'RI~';'.i;'1\<'''''mr!'''''>ill""".f\'~~OM:Z;':.:.t.'';;'(,::~';";?;':t;~~,:tiia!i;'el'$fS'2zax..""'f;WL,~&~~;.i:.t'$;~. ,"- .. liJ!Ii.)" t:i CQ 2: s:J HI 0 c+ ;:2:j 1-3 (ll 0 t"il H ~ P. H t?;j a HI ~ !?lS .. . :I> >-<; / .. l..- I"'"" ~ 0 -t 1 ~ 0 0 "'if m I Io:Ij ::cJ C) ::lC I ~ 0 ~ Q ~ r- C') ~- (I) ~ 0 . 0 :l:I . H :.--: 0 ;< -r, .....' t:"! ''d , ()'J ::d ::cJ !:-f I ~ -t , . 0 !:;j l> Ic.n r N r< 8 C') fo l-' H m I;.C 0 ::lC I-' 2: > ~ . r- . 0 c I t;1 t . ~ J .