NOC - Gilroy, City of RECORDING REQUESTED BY 3Ljdo I 1 ) I BDOf. 8266. f,~CE 384 'UID ," ~oo_ IrrMv AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I Fred Wood, City Administrator Ci ty of Gilroy ~~~~~5S P.O. Box 66 City & LGilroy, Calif. State I BOOK 8266 r,\GE 384 o "I: _,' iif,,-:~ r~ Mf~1A!l. .~ 'AmA. ,~..J.AA \C~ ~f;0:fl\~ t.. '(J<WL.,U f:l~.omU')fR Name SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CORPORATION FORM Notice of Completion TO 408-1 C Before execution, refer to title company requirements stated on reverse side. Notice is hereby given that: 1. The undersigned is owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described. 2. The full name of the undersigned is THE CITY OF GILROY, a municipal.corJ)oration 3. The full address of the undersigned is 10 South Rosanna Street, Gilroy, Santa Clara County, Cal 4. The nature of the title of the undersigned is: In fee. (If other than fee, strike "In fee" and insert, for example, "purchaser under contract of purchase," or "lessee".) 5. The full names and full addresses of all persons, if any, who hold title with the undersigned as joint tenants or as tenants in common are: NAMES ADDRESSES None 6. The names of the predecessors in interest of the undersigned, if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvement herein referred to: NAMES ADDRESSES None (If no transfer made, insert "none".) 7. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on 1 4 September 1968 8. The name of the contractor, if any, for such work of improvement was None (If no contractor for work of improvement as a whole, insert "none".) 9. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Gilroy , County of Santa Clara , State of California, and is described as follows: (see attached) Dated: 16 September 1968 e".) 10. The street address of said property is _. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1 J COUNTY OF Santa C ara _ FRED :S. weep that-1le is the ~_1;y Administrator (Corporate Seal) Fred O. Wood, City Administrator (Also sign verification below at X) , being duly sworn, says: the City of Gilroy , the corporation that executed the foregoing notice as owner of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property ;ffi~ein described; tha~_he makes this verification on behalf of said corporation; that-1le has read said notice ln~_.knows con nts ~hereof, that the facts therein stated are true. of SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TQ before me I ' Signature of corporate officer above named on X /. ,'., . ~w,"""''''''''''".,''''''''''''' '. ."'."".."...., I ~ !OS"FfI , ~'A:'ORE, JR. ~ >.c)! t\~X!;':~::;_::,~l!l.. (__;~.>;~~~E:j;~,~I{i'~IA ~ :'/\[".; ! i\ .....L/\((. \ CCjUNTY 5 ~ ~ ~;,;; ~ ill ~ :(;11' a:i" ~:" ~J-i':' .~~ /1 ~ ~ lSioi,ii! :;lll'~I.PI'llt !~Sl i Jose afore Jr:- (Typed or Printed) N~tary ~ublic in and tor said St,ati 25/71 M comm1SS1on eXplreS 4 Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TITLE COMPANY REQUIREMENTS AS TO NOTICE OF COMPLETION (This area for official notarial seal) (),;"j ,.~ t.. ;!i" I'll/ ,''1.''-' ''''~r i \" '-' ~,~, I ,-""<-~ t1 '(/~ ~"';1'') ...- ll" .~"" t'J;1~ ..J...} BEGINNING at a point which bears South six hundred and twenty-one 54/100 (621.54) feet from the Northwest corner of Las Animas Ranch Lot 15; thence along the Carnadero Creek traverse as surveyed by A. T. Herrman at the partition of Las Animas Rancho N. 570 00' W. 333.30 feet; thence N. 570 15' W. 861.24 feet; thence N. 40 45' W. 572.88 feet; thence N. 140 30' W. 415.80 feet; thence N. 480 45' W. 431.6J feet; thence leaving Creek travgrse S. 290 05' W. 152.86 feet; thenge S. 35 02' W. 819.66 feet; thence S. 5 02' W. 98.25 feet; thence N. 88 02' E. 248.81 feet; thence S. 190 43' E. 525.00 080 feet; thence S. 12 23' E. 202.00 feet; thence S. 2 43' E. 115.00 feet; thence S. 430 38' E. 315.00 feet; thence S. 190 38' E. 318.71 feet; thence o 660 0 s. 58 23' E. 155.00 feet; thence S. 03' E. 312.90 feet; thence S. 52 32' E. 252.80 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 15; thence N. 214.12 feet along said Westerly line of Lot 15 to the point of beginning, being a portion of Las Animas Rancho Lot 11, containing 28.06 acres, more or less.