NOC - Granite Construction Company - Project No. 1981-3 NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 7092846 G169"~G~107 CITY OF GILROY NOTICE OF CQf\1PLETION .:.. '-; .,- ".' ~~~" J Yi U J /5'" ' NOTICE is hereby given that I, David W. Hansen, Director of Public Works and City Engineer of the City of GilroY:;'~i I , California do subscribe to the following: ;:,~'. THAT the City of Gilroy, as owner of the proj ect herein referred to as C h u r c h St. M a i n ten a nee Res u r f a c i n 9 - 7 t h S t - lOt h St. (J' did on the 26 t h day of May , 198 1 , enter into a contract with --- '.r..... . ) it Granite Construction Co. P. O. Box 900 Watsonville, Ca. 95077 for the canpletion of the work and improvements described in the plans and specifications titled Church St. Maintenance Resurfacing Project 1981-3 THAT said work and improvements were completed and accepted by the City Council of the City of Gilroy on the lIt h day of June ,19 81. ~ ~ _ ~~- City Engineer, City of Gilroy State of California ) ) County of Santa Clara) I David W. Hansen, Director of Public Works and City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, California, being duly sworn, hereby state that I have read the foregoing Notice of Completion and that the infonnation contained therein is true of my own knOWledge. ~ ~ l. Hansen Director of Public Works/City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me the I q It day of ~ i1 ~ 19U. A -w-J l. #!mt;;:~-~ 0~ Public in and o~e"""""(f- County of Santa Clara, State of California City Clerk, City of Gilroy per.GC See 40814 per CC Sec.1181