NOC - Hall, George and Joanne Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street (~ Gilroy, CA 95020 ~ O ".""'" ~=-. f-;"] N ~"k~ L~ - ... V 11447215 FILE!; . . . A T R 1-' r: . . . '. c ~)'~ iJ .". lJ lJ i; 7 :' f' 'J. ~~ JUl 13 9 17 All '92 / c :~-- '( NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION Project No. 91-41 el,; SANTA . :,'<OS LA(iR'i~ 'r..~ \;OUNTY P ( (' '-~~.' ~ N f " ' . ~ \ 0\ I ~ ..! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work agreed to be performed under the development agreement between the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, whoBe addreBB iB 7351 ROBanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 and the Developer mentioned below who developed Baid project, waB accepted aB completed by the City of Gilroy on the 6th Day of July, 1992. :: 2 7 li : j- -. - I -; =-- , r t"q / .j l.~ Project No.: Developer Name: Developer AddreBB: Surety on Contract: Location of Project: DeBcription of Work: 91-41 Georqe and Joanne Hall P.O. Box 2116, Gilroy, CA 95020 WellB Farqo Bank 7635 Monterey Street, Gilroy ImprovementB IntereBt of City: Owner in Fee: Vendee under Agreement to PurchaBe; LeBBee; ___ Owner of EaBementB; ___ Holder of LicenBe; ~ Owner of StreetB; ~ Owner of UtilitieB, Water, Sewer, Storm SYBtemB Owner' B Name: City of Gilroy Owner'B AddreBB: 7351 ROBanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 Work Done: ConBtruct all work aB required by Development Aqreement and Improvement PlanB. ThiB notice iB given in accordance with the prov~B~onB of Section 1192.1 of the Code of Civil Procedure and Section 3093 of the Civil Code of the State of California. The underBigned, being duly Bworn, depoBeB and Bay: That he iB an officer of the City of Gilroy, that he haB read the foregoing Notice of Acceptance of Completion and knowB the contentB thereof; and that the Bame iB true of hiB own knowledge, except aB to thoBe matterB that he believeB it to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing iB true correct. Executed ~~~ City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, California, on , 1992. and State of CITY :~# BY TITLE City Enqineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SubBcribed and Bworn to before me on thiB day of ~ E. St,it9i.~:, Cr:, C4.'t City of C-i\((li. ~!} ~ SiIltl CIHI Slale IOj (;Wlbr:J~ "': C;'fij Code ~ II ~8ffn"1,;.n C'....~" :-'~C. mn Notary Public in and for the of Santa Clara, State ThiB document iB for the benefit of the City of Gilroy. RequeBt for Recordation without fee iB made in accordance with Section 27383 of the Government Code of the State of California. , ~