NOC - Murray Avenue Partnership RI:.CORDING REQUESTED BY: . City of Gilroy WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Rhonda Pellin City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 DOC U MEN T : 1 4895428 Tit I es 1 / Pages. 3 iOt0014895428iOt BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of County Agency Fees . No Fees Taxes Copies AMT PAID ROE ** 016/308 7/15/1999 11.16 AM (SPACE ABOVE TI lIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) Notice of Acceptance of Completion Gilroy Self Storage AP.N. 835-04-057 Murray A venue Partnership SEPARATE PAGE PURSUANT TO GOVT. CODE 27361.6 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Gilroy WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work agreed to bc pcrformed undcr thc propcrty agrccmcnt bctwccn thc City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, whosc addrcss is 7351 Rosanna Strcet Gilroy, CA 95020, and thc Contractor mcntioned below who developed said projcct was acccptcd as completed by thc City of Gilroy on thc ~ Day of July. 1999 Projcct No.: Gilrov Self-Storagc Contractor Namc: Murrav Avcnuc Partncrship Contractor Addrcss: P.O. Box 5186. Walnut Crcek. CA 94596 Surctv on Contract: United Statcs Fidclity & Guarantv Location of Projcet: Murrav Avcnuc. Gilroy. CA Dcscription of Work: Improvcments Intcrcst of City: _ O\\TIcr in Fcc: _ Vcndcc undcr Agrccmcnt to Purchasc: Lesscc: O\\ner of Easements: Holdcr of License: ~ O\\TIer of Streets: x Owncr of Utilitics. Watcr. Scwcr. Storm Systcms O\\TIcr's Namc: Citv of Gilroy. 7351 Rosanna Strcct, Gilrov. CA 95020 Work Donc: Construct all work as rcquired by Improvcmcnt Agrccmcnt and Improvcmcnt Plans. This noticc is givcn in accordance with thc provisions of Section 1192. I of thc Codc of Civil Procedurc and Section 3093 ofthc Civil Codc ofthc Statc of California Thc undcrsigned, bcing duly sworn, dcposcs and say: That hc is an officer ofthc City of Gilroy, that hc has rcad thc forcgoing Noticc of Acceptancc ofComplction and knows thc contcnts thcrcof: and that thc samc is truc of his O\\n knowledgc, cxccpt as to thosc matters that hc belicvcs it to bc truc. I certify undcr pcnalty ofpcrjury that thc forcgoing is truc an...d..corrcct. E~..Ced a 1ty 1 Gilroy. County of Santa Clara, Statc of California, on ) i..C, '-<- . ). S , I (I (/ 7. . . ./~ /i / /CI I ~ G;L~O /// ST A TE OF CALlFORNIA// ~ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA BY Rick Smelser City Enginccr TITLE zit). Subscribed and sworn to beforc me on this day of -)c< <,-, rU.E~~-"uf. / _~ ~=, . I. NoUy f\dc-QA.tlkl ~ t___~~~~~1 ! 11 0 --// --j / ~/~~7f;~~ -0/\. c;~LV~ Notary PublIc III and for thc 0 nty of Santa Clara. Statc of California' This documcnt is for thc bcncfit of thc City of Gilroy. Rcqucst for Recordation without fce is madc in accordance with Scction 27383 ofthc Govcrnmcnt Codc ofthc Statc of California. .. . ..., A'Ie. ~. \\ ~ \\ ~\ '\ " ~I : I Vicinity Site ;\,Iap Gilrov Self-StoraQe . :=> AP~ 835-04-05i E:x:.i~it ""~A"