NOC - Santa Teresa Properties and Old Orchard Company - Project No. 9615 RECORDIN'G REQUESTED BY: DOCUMENT: 19466492 City of Gilroy II III 1111111111 "II WHEN RECORDED. MAIL TO: Rhonda Pcllin City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Strcet Gilroy, CA 95020 Fees Taxes Copies AMT PAID ) i ' -~ Pages' 4 . No Fees REGINA ALCOMENDRAS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECOROER Recorded at the request of City ROE ** 009 6/12/2007 II 43 AM (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 27383 GOVERNMENT CODE OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA Notice of Acceptancc of Completion Property Improvcmcnt Agrccmcnt No. 2004-21 Tract No. 9615, The Highlands Rcmainder II - Eaglc Ridgc APN: 810-43-006 and 810-61-027 Santa Tcrcsa Propcl1ics, LLC & The Old Orchard Company A California Corporation SEPARATE PAGE PURSUANT TO GOVT. CODE 2736 \.6 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, as of thc ~ day of Junc , 2007, thc City of Gilroy, California ("City") has acccptcd as complctcd thc work rcquircd to bc pcrformcd undcr thc following agrccmcnt ("Agrccment") by and between thc Santa Tcresa Propcrties, LLC & Thc Old Orchard Company ("Dcvclopcr") and City: Propcrty Improvcmcnt Agrccmcnt No. 2004-21 Tract No. 9615, Thc Highlands Rcmaindcr II - Eaglc Ridgc APN: 810-43-006 and 810-61-027 Santa Tcrcsa Propcrtics, LLC & Thc Old Orchard Company A California Corporation which Agreement is datcd Novcmbcr 15,2004 and rccordcd Dcccmbcr 8, 2004 In the Official Records of thc County of Santa Clara, California, documcnt no. 18134666, Project No.: Tract 9615 Developer Name: Santa Tercsa Propertics, LLC & Thc Old Orchard Company Developer Address: 7888 Wren Avenue, #C-135, Gilroy, CA 95020 Surety on Contract: The Explorer Insurancc Co. Location of Project: Gilroy, California Description of Work: Construction of water distribution systems, improvcment of streets, installation of sewers, storm drains and other public works facilitics as requircd by thc Propcrty Improvement Agreement. Interest of City: X Owner in Fec Vendee undcr Agrcemcnt to Purchasc Lcsscc Owncr of Eascmcnts Holdcr of Liccnsc X Owner of Strcets X Owncr of Utilities, Watcr, Scwer, Storm Systems Owner's Name/Address: Work Done: City of Gilroy. 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Scc abovc, Dcscription of Work This noticc is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 3093 of thc Civil Codc of thc Statc of California. Thc undcrsigncd, bcing duly sworn, dcposcs and say: That I am an officcr of thc City of Gilroy. that I havc rcad thc forcgoing Noticc of Acceptancc of Complction and know thc contcnts thcrcof; and that thc samc is truc of my own know lcdgc. cxccpt as to thosc mattcrs that I bclicvc to bc truc. I ccrtify undcr pcnalty of pCljury that thc forcgoing is truc and correct. Exccutcd at thc City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara. Statc of California, on BY: TITLE: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) TITLE OF DOCUMENT: Notice of Acceptance of Completion, Property Improvement Agreement No. 2004-21, Tract No. 9615, The Highlands Remainder II - Eagle Ridge, APN: 810-43-006 and 810-61-027, Santa Teresa Properties, LLC & The Old Orchard Company, A California Corporation On May 30, 2007, before me, Rhonda Pellin, Notary Public, personally appeared Rick Smelser personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. ~~~~--~~-----~ ~ RHONDA PElLlN _.-.. ' Commission # 1581056 ~ ~ -,,; Notary Public - California ~ j Santa Clara County ~ My Comm. ExpIres Jun 19. 2 --------------------- Signature of Notary Public per GC Sec. 40814; CC Sec. 1181 (Notary Seal) e . J BENCHMARK .. HECKER ~ PASS SITE BLVD. HECkER PASS HIGHWA Y TO SALINAS Vlel N ITY MAP NO SCALE VICINITY SITE MAP Property Improvement Agreement :\10: 2004-21 Tract 9615 - The Highlands Remainder II - Eagle Ridge APN: 810-43-006 and 810-61-027 Santa Teresa Properties, LLC & The Old Orchard Company, A California Corp. F':\h!\nt :\