NOC - Valley Engineers - Sewer Interceptor NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 G039".~GE102 7038261 ()f: F,CjAL RE COt~DS. . SArnA CLARA o4!JJiI...YJ NOTICE is hereby given that I, David W. Hansen, DirEl\ltJDltGE Ar.!VN~. of Public Works and City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, REGISTRAj"( HLOORO'S'm California do subscribe to the following: Dt\ fIU:U ~uH KtCU~t A T REQUEST OF ~Ij ~./r~7 APR 22 9 42 AM '81 CITY OF GILROY NOTICE OF C(1\1pLl::"TION mAT the City of Gilroy, as owner of the proj ect herein referred to as Gilroy/MarGan Hill Interceptor Sewer did on the 2n9 ay of Mav , 19 EL' enter into a contract wIth Valley Engineers, Inc. P. O. Box 12227 Fresno, California 93777 for the canpletion of the work and improvements described in the plans and specifications titled Gilroy/Morgan Hill Interceptor Sewer mAT said work and improvements were completed and accepted by the City Cmmcil of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of April ,19 81. ~ : - ~9~ood ~. City Engineer, City of Gilroy State of California ) ) Cm.D1ty of Santa Clara ) I David W. Hansen, Director of Public Works and City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, California, being duly sworn, hereby state that I have re d the foregoing Notice of Completion and that the information con . ned therein is rue of my own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me the J I; t:I. 19ciL. day of ....:~ Ayw~ ? ~f.. otary Public in 300. or e' '~ ",' County of Santa Clara, State of California City Clerk, City of G~: 1 roy per GC Sec. 40814; CC Sec. 118L