NOC - Valley Engineers, Inc. - East Pond Transfer Pipeline System RECORD ING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: ), , (/ '~usanne E. Steinmetz,City City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 I ~~.-::-~- I n t '" ,'c. r----- ~ f. r ~:.' r~.._ v~__ j ~l '". ("' .l ~ 1 f 1.0 I ,"-~:-~:- .....:-[-----., ~:.\~.'....~.~~.-l--~I, I-~~n~ I . CITY OF GILROY NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCF. AND COHPLF,TrON 8~741.1\98 Clerk .). ;.~ ~~ APR u Ill) AH 'BS ; i .;rfl. l.,fl') n Surety J ~ . ~ · U! .... -u ):> ~ I'T1 The following described wo~k performed by: CONTRACTOR'S NAME Valley Engineer's Inc. Contract Date: 11/01/85 Amount The Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. Job Title East Pond Transfer Pipeline System Location, address or legal description of ~he site: Gilroy/l1organ Hill Wastewater Treatment Plant 900 Southside Drive Gilroy, CA 95020 Scope of Hork:- Installation of 21 inch pvc pipeline, restoration of 65 feet of existing 18 inch AC pipeline, reconstruction or conc rete distribution box. I I I Fund I 07-740 I P r i me Detail - 98,368.30 3900 326631 0") -J r~. OWNER: City of GiTroy, City Hall, 7351 Rosanna 5tH'!:'; I: , Giln'y, Californi.q 9')()?O Nature of the interest or estate: INSPECTOR'S ENDORSEMENT REQUEST FOR ACCEPTANCE Final inspection and acceptance are requested on the work and contemplated in the contract described above. We certify that the work was inspected and found to be completed in accordance with the contract on 2/10/86 Contractor Date 3ft61}-~ -r5ate . !~/f-6 ate This work was accepted by me on ~ - "2... '1 . Gilroy. I certify under penalty of perjury that , t9~ on behalf foregoing is Executed on March 27, 1986 at Gilroy, California. / Public Works STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) SS. On March 27, 1986 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the said County and State, personally appeared RICHARD COX, known to me to be the Acting Director- of Public Works .'1nd acknowledged to me th'lt he executed the same on beha'f of the Ci,ty of Gitt.oy~ t, <l '~..::\ , I: "", J . "", _ he re i na bov.e, :Wr:L;t'~~'I'S: _J I. g(:.,... .~ Witness my hand and official seal the day and yea~ first 1>IlSJftlle F. Steinmetz. City Cleft f,.. oi Gilroy, GOlJi1ty 0; Santa Clari :~tis~ lit Califowiil per CIVil Cod. See U81; Govemmtllt Code See .0814. ~WwJ ~ ~.jjt ~y Publ ic in and fdr the. coul;.t,y.. of Sant~ Clara, State of C&Jifrii~ia This document is for the benefit of the City of Gilroy. Request for Recordation without fee is made in accordance with Section 6103 of the Governement Code of the State of California. '" 11..1\ _