NOC - W.H. Ebert Corporation - Project No. 1967-3-5 .,.,~ '8 ' udbJ~:i8t< i ILtO f Uti ....6{#(;-Rt. ,. q r.EQO!=;ST 0;; NO FEE ![5 i 4 jJ 2() Ati lob NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION WELBURN AVENUE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION Project 1967-3-5 , OFF 1G ~ ;\"-.,~ ' ,,,,; .,~ SANTA CLAH.\:;:~UN fV GEOHGE L FOWLES RECORDER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. WilLIAM K. HENRY, JR.. City Engineer of Gilroy. Santa Clara County, California. on the 1st of February. 1968 did file with the City Clerk of said City my Certificate of Completion of the followIng described work. the contract for doing which was heretofore awarded to W. H. Ebert Corporation and Spartan Construction CorporatIon. and entered tnto on November 13, 1967, in accordance with the plans and specifications for said work filed with the City Clerk and approved by the City Council of said City. That saId work and Improvements were actually completed on the labor and materIals on said project is AmerIcan Casualty Company of "'"""''''. "'-~"'~'.'~ , f; '~:~1-\I .~PL..~ ~'M:'",' ~~"!~} f,,-1?;:1t?:;~:r~.,'!J' ~~:?j} .,~:!.~",,"':'l ,^7S,'tA;'~_,t1 ,~,t~;/ 15th of January, and that acceptance of completion of said work was ordered by resolution of the City Council of said City. adopted on the 15th of January. and that the name of the surety on the contractor's bond for Reading. Pennsylvania. That said work and Improvements consisted of the furnishing of all """"''''>'. ~";,~., tabor, materials. methods or processes. implements. toots. machinery and ,~:. equipment and transportation and the performance of all work in accordance~ with the specifications for installation of a 10 Inch vitrified clay pipe sewer line from Wren Avenue in the City of Gilroy. westerly along the pro- posed extension of Welburn Avenue to the easterly limits of the new Subdivision. Tract No. 4351. "Northwood;'. all as more particularly described In the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council of said City on October 23, 1967. Dated: February 9. 1963 ~k> Wi' lam K. Henry, Jr. of the City of Gilroy STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS County of Santa Clara ) WILLIAM K. HENRY, JR., beIng first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he Is the CIty EngIneer of the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, CalIfornia; that he has read the foregoing NotIce of Acceptance of Completion and that the facts thereIn stated are true of his own know- ledge except as to matters therein stated upon Information and belIef, and as to such matters he believes t;:J SubscrIbed and sworn to .Pefore me tl1 I s ......:~2 th dayof.lebr.:u:'lEY.........., 196.1..._. _.; ?~ {flit i (~ ,f r,lL~i~ NOtat.,.' PUbnc' In an<f'(orthe County' of Santa Clara, State of California My commission expires 9/11/69 :'75'.,~p:'~-;,.7.,P':"II' ". ,;,,,,. ..,.-.n~!/B~,'1':";]'./\f'jU~Hf;", . ~~_ . ,",~C~C'~~(fI;~~UlHJa:;l!auf, ~ , ;,SP,;r-,.. .~ e~.li,l'.'!: c' , "', Iv'; 1'1,. JACOBS "~"! i\H~' [>:,.TH Ie _ (' ~ ~ ~ i-';~"'''''r'}''. '-~\.--1FOH!\'IA;" "., ,'.' :"1" .,;~;;'~;,;;',\:~~:';::,::f~~~J,:j~:~:;:~~:;"~;r~