NOC - Wm. Radtke and Son - Project No. 1969-5 ~ ~~ . fJ,t> ~ tyt 1P7, ~.tj57/~ ("'15'''1f100 ~j't 0", PA.'3t113 F'I Alr~ 3751600 80Gr\ 880n /" NOTICE OF COMPLETION 1969 WATER AND SANITARY MAIN EXTENSIONS Project 1969-5 NO FEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, WilliAM K. HENRY, JR., City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, the agent of the owner of that certain project situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows to wi t: 1969 WATER AND SANITARY MAIN EXTENSIONS Project 1969-5 That the City of Gilroy, as owner of said project, did on the 15th day of September, 1969, enter into a contract with WM. RADTKE AND SON for said project above described, which contract was filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy on the 15th day of September, 1969; That on the 19th day of January, 1970, the said contract or work of improve- ment, as a whole, was actually completed by the said WM. RADTKE AND SON; That the name and address of the owner of said project is as follows: City of G i 1 roy 7390 Rosanna Street G i 1 roy, Ca 1 i forn i a //f ' /~~, William K. Henry, City of Gilroy Dated: January19, 1970 Subscri bed and sworn to before me Shis 20th day of January, 1970. ',1/ ' I /~)j21(7(i~1J1rtl/ "~/J1~~~~~t ,~Jty Clerk of the-City of Gilr~, State of Cal j,forn ia. ' ' , ..,. <~/) (Sea I') C:;J ,=; '~J ::;0 ~)C o :n -" , I D t~. ...:;') -T1 l-'"" 1-"';' W 3Gm! 880f; P46F 114 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) WILLIAM K. HENRY, JR., being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California; that he has read the foregoing Notice of Completion, and that the facts therein stated are true of his own knowledge except as to mat- ters therein stated upon information and bel ief, and as to such matters he bel ieves it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me .t~~:~;i:& ~~',1970. . ? . 'd /' IcIrIc1/fdrl /tltfr/ /r/cNrI /df ',," '!felrltlel /rIVelrlell liteltlff /df /rJelVVfdrlrlV{/; " ,>:>! City Clerk' of -the City of G i I roy, ,'. '..., S ta te of Ca ltforn i a. ""':,(S ea I) ',' ",'. .~A/i/M"'i.rJ!tVdrl /Wr/Vrlf/rj