Cal-Mission - Partial Reconveyance
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.~trta!l a portion of the indebtedness secured to be paid by the deed of trust executed by
a corporation,
as Trustee, dated May 29, 1958
and recorded on May 29, 1958
in the County Recorder's
Office of the
County of
Santa Clara
State of California, in
book 4086
Official Records
, at page
has been paid
Nnw. t4trtfnrt. pursuant to request thereto made by the beneficiary named in said deed of trust, Trustee does hereby GRANT
and RECONVEY unto THE PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO, without warranty, all the estate and interest derived to the
said Trustee, under said Deed of Trust, in that portion of the lands therein described, situated in the
County of San ta Clara , State of California, described as follows, to wit:
BEING a nortion of Las Animas Rancho Sublot No. 43 in the City of
Gilroy as shown on Map No. 8 accomnanying the Final Report of the Referees
in the Las Animas Rancho Partition suit of Henry r-Uller, et al vs. M<"lssey
Thomas, et al., Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of' the StHte of
California, in and for the County of Santa Clara and being a portion of the
Westerly part of that certain tract of land conveyed by Ernest Barnes to
Albert Gurries by Deed dated January 8, 191}1 and recorded Janw:'ry 2/+, 1941,
in Book 1024 of Official Records, page 9, Santa Clara County Records. and is
more narticula.rly described as follows:
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On.m... .... ... ..~._ ....h_.1....7.__~_...m..I...~.j.m.......m
before m , ..r.: '''m' .......~ ::~Notary
Public in and for said....m.. ...--......~~~.1(;",,,,CLty and
State, personally appeared -;;,/.~':':Vrc..m-'!m..Itl::4:..~f.~,!:~jy' " '''"'
BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch nipe on the centerline of Rosana Street
pltilonged northerly at the Southwesterly end of l\Tel burn Avenue, 30 feet "ride
as conveyed to the City of Gilroy for ''Jublic street by Deed dated I1ay 2~,
1908 and recorded in Book 343 of Deeds, page 7':>, Santa Clara County Records;
thence along the southerly line of Welburn Avenue No. 700 E. 717.50 feet to
an iron pipe; thence S. 190 55' 30" E 108.06 feet to an iron nine; thence
S. 880 50' 30" W 130.32 feet; thence along a curve to the left, having a
radius of 370.00 feet and a central angle of 180 50' 30" 131.54 feet; thence
S. 700 It!. 427.21 feet to the centerline of said nrQlongation of' RO.sanaStreet
thence along said centerline N. 200 E. 30'.00 fe8t to the 1')ointo.fbe'~dnning,
and Containing therein 0.702 acres of land. ~,.: ""~
Dated :....uJp.nua.I'Y_..27.,u.1959 u...____._.u....___..____.....__.___ u C.ALJ.EQRNIAu__?AC.Jr.:t.C. ___rf1LE..J_N..8:u.RANG.~,:..__
COMPANY, as Trustee i:::,,'.
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BY. . /) Ct',., "(~i / l"th..l "1/) ',.,'
By:~:-:..\.\__:l__.~.___.r.:uLu. ' ,
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known to me to(6e)e--...,l..-------;:~!:~...=.......president, and
the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known tame
to be the persons who executed the within instrument;.on behalf of the
corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corpo-
ration exe~uted She tame put15~<lnt to its by-lilws or a resolution of its
board of dl1;'ec~?.ts,. "8.,:?such t:PUS1:;ee.
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