Geo. H. Louis Realty Company - Partial Reconveyance
WHEREAS, a Deed of Trust, dated May 3jth . 19 40. was executed by
GEO. H. WUIS _~~T! CO. ~ a c oryoratio.::~
to E. T. KRUSE and PARKER S. MADDUX, as Trustees, for the benefit and security of T'HE SAN
FRANCISCO BANK, a corporation, and was recorded in the office of the Recorder of the
County of
Santa Clara
. State of California, on
June 6th
. 19 40
in Volume
of Official Records at page 91
NOW, THEREFORE, said Trustees do hereby grant and reconvey, without any warranty express or
HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED ALL the estate and interest derived to said Trustees under said Deed of
Trust in the following described real property situated in the City of Gilroy ~
County of
Santa Clara
. State of California, the same being a portion of the real property described
in the said Deed of Trust:
All of any portion of that certain alley~ twenty (3)) feet in widt..h~ and
situate~ lying~ and being equidistant from and parallel to Monterey and Eigelberry
Streets and within Block three (3) North~ Range one (1) West~ as said streets and
block are ldd dovm and delineated upon Las Animas Rancho Maps Nos. 5 and 9 accom-
panying the report of the Referees in the Las P~imas Rancho partition suit of
Henry Miller et ale vs. Massey Thomas et al. in the Superior Court of the County
of Santa Clara~ State of California~ but more particularly that portion of the
said alley that is described as f0110'l,',s:
itA pa.rt of Lot number fifteen (15) of the above mentioned Block and all
of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Roland 11. Prien and Mary H. Prien to
the Geo. H. Louis Realty Company by deed filed for record on January 2l~ lSiL.p ~ in
Volume 968 of the Official Records at page 304~ that lie s within the limits of the
above described alley and is more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the Horthe rly line of Fourth Street of the City of
Gilroy end distant thereon Easterly one hundred forty and 00/100 (140.00) feet
from the intersection of the Northerly line of said Fourth Street with the Easterly
line of the aforementioned EiGelberry Street~ said point of beginning being also
the intersection of the Westerl:,' line of said alley wi th the Northerly line of said
Fourth Street; thence Easterly along the said Northerly line of Fourth Street a dis-
tance of two and 00/100 (2.00) feet to the Southeasterly corner of the said conveyed
parcel; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of the said conveyed parcel~ and
parallel with tile Westerly line of said alley~ a distance of one hundred seventeen and
50/100 (117.50) feet to the Northeasterly corner of the said conveyed parcel; thence
Westerly along the Northerly line of the said conveJ~d parcel a distance of ~wo and
00/100 (2.00) feet to tile Westerly line of the said alley; thence Southerly along
the Westerly line of the said alley~ a qistance of one hundred seventeen and 50/100
(117.50) feet to the point of beginning; and containing therein all of the above
described parcel that lies within the limits of the aforementioned alley. It
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Trustees have executed these presents this 3rd day of
July . 19!.p
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State of California.
and year last above written.
my official seal, in the said City and County of San Francisco, the day
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as such Trustees.
appeared E. T. KRUSE and PARKER S. MADDUX, Trustees, known to me to be the persons whose names
On t1ll'.........~.y( of..~................A. D. One Thousand Wne Hundred an.d
.......M............. before me, ........................b..'~Y.."'..MGQORil(>{....... .... ......... a Notary Pubhc
in and for said City and County of San Francisco, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
! ss.
City and County of San Francisco