Hodges, P.C. - Lien Release -_now aUSten bU tbese l1resr.nts: " -- 'fhat for ~ in consideration of the sum Ofh-::'.hhh__hh_~.h_"."::::::'~.=.=__.'''. ({;?2:U.lm?L."?..c:J~-u--.:m1)OllarS' tlle receipt whereof is llereby acknowledged, thevi" . l f l d,. l' . db',. h ~d- A--,---t~ ~ _ u _ certazn parce ..._.' 0 an sItuate, yzng an ezng zn tlle_.uuuuu_.ut-uuy_o_uu_JeUU___h'Tu_. County of.Lfa:J.:t/a-:.....fi?La::ra..-., State of CaZzfornia, described as follows, to wit:- _ ~;Z~=:~:f;:;1:;~L~:1~~~;:=:~~:;;:;;:f1:1: ~ --- '.____..______._____.____.__~~............___________________________________________________________...__..._____.._...___..____.__.__~_.___~_..____.~_____.__.__._....._______________u_____________...._____.___._...._____ .m.hd-:;~mm.m.....Jzereby released from tlle lien of-P~-mortgage--...., made by......$'.~----u-m (2...fi?~_......C...z...~._..__..~~_.._._(!?,....~....J_~__'__~_:.:y._~___'_'___________.,....._..._.._____..._._._...............__..._.................. ~'__...__..__...H".__..__.__.....__.....__.__.__..._.__.....__..._.................................................._.._................................... tou:1:f~..____.a.diz.____#.(T<</-~Q.................._........, dated..ja&:~y___u2J?,~ .....~. D. 1870, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder 01 said_____________________u___...,,-~,,_c:uuCounty of...d~____:&~:.0_uuu____..., in .libern_n___?-/...n__u.of_u%PJA_~:47-~--, at page,.....{Qu32......u~ In Witness nlhcrco(~ the said..O?~ ~~0/~ _ _ _._... ._ ha.p........... hereunto set....~...kand... and seal m' tkLL..JCZ4.....day oz/-k71d .~:J1. D. 1 s';7Q '- ' / -- / ~ll, zrotell nrib melfurrelli-ttctiJt- ~en(Nlf / / 'f ~~ ) ',1 ~ .._..m.....n.__m._............__._m......n...u_uu.._........m..n..............m........ ' . -! - -- 7 ---- ) ._--------...... ;a _______u___u___..___n_n_______ _u______h____u_ . . /roc er s an Yo-:TI;64. N. 1IORTGA~ PARTIAL RELEASE OF. H. S. CnocKER & Co., San Francisco and SacramentO, Car:-----r i r I i ~tatt of <!lalifotma, I' A SS. uU County otUk?2fM, t:r0:n':v \ On thi8'jl>H/tyC'/i;~daJ' or!J-#!j~in the~J'ear ane thousand eight hundred and nznety ----uubefore me,2;?'~-<2a{Lv!.=cccu.C'c a ;Votary Public, in and for the saiduC=cu.C';u;., County otL0~li(A.,hN.dt /U residing therein. dulY c::~ianed and swor: personally appeared .uuuu.uuu.. uUUuuu' u. uu .u.. ..u'.uu u.. U u u. u. uuuuu~u;!0trui CfJ:x1uuu. uu.............. ..........u ~-:____~_________._--:--:-.-:-:,~:~~:-::-:-:~~~_~~_:~_:-:-~~.~~.~:-::-:-. !cnou'n to me to be the sa7ne person ndescribed 1 in, whose name==--1?!u~------~--~ . subscribed to and who e:l'ecuted the within instrument and""u,-~lu~=c=--cc-ac7cnOWledged to me that u~uhen~uue:recuted the same. In Witness W~etfof) I have hereunto set my hand and affi.red my Official Seal, at my office in tJle:-dCf:fd~ County ofe1a1:1~l(<{lfJ~~~~u~the da.y and year in this Certificate first above written. . . / ( ................... ....<<ti1~g,J Notary Public. llancroft's Blank, No, 25.-(lil.) ACKNOWLE:DG~E:NT. (General) l12.89 2,000) The Bancroft Company, Stationers, S. F. '" IT ~. [f I " " " " ~. ""-- 1 ~ ....~ \:b ' . ~ .~ ~ ~ <,/g ~ """ ~ l~~ W ~ .;.- ...... ~ !~~ 1 i~ i I --- l: b- ~ l ~'f g- :. ' ..;- : ., : ~ ' ~ "C \'(~, : ~ : ~ .~ : ~ (~ ! lfl ~_! {J~ ~~ ~~. ~~~~~~; j I;g ~ K--: R l::::: ~ ): :) Jj ~c3 ~ ~ ~ 'J! : ~ J~L ~ ~: ~-- i j ---.~' ~. \! i 1: .~ '\ ~ :U~ ~~ ~ ,~~i d: ~c3J" : .~(d.. .. '1- \ ~ ~ ~ r ~"" ,~i , ~ ' i ..' : . . :: ... 1: ~ ~~ b 1: ! .:c ~~ .~~ ~: ~ J! )~, qj ; "-~ d ~ i ~______L____,____~__i .... ..-------.--.------.- ,------,------ .---- -----------------..----------.t - I ~ .