Construct Land Development Improvements - Bentson, Clay and Patricia ].<'? . 5609202 73QO Rosanna Street, P. 0. Oox 66 Gi1roYt California 95020 C 736 PAGf024 FILED F'(}"1 "r~t'OoD ....f, 11 '. oi\ AT HEr".-; "F t4 :;~ t1rR 13 '0 ~'7~.M '7'7 OF~ICIAl- RECORDS SAN. '~Ol-MU; COUNTY: G E 0 R G E A f,u," Ii' '- ReGISTRAlI i;,-CCHOERJ /J/I CITY OF GILROY C, 736 p~GEfj24 AGREE~f~T BY O\mER OR HIS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO COflSTRUCT LAND DEVELOPflPJT H1PR()VEr1PITS Project Identification: 490 Lewis Street This is an aqreement between th~ CITY OF GILROY. hereinafter referre:ito ~s lICityll, an1 Clay Bentson and Patricia Bentson herei nafter referred to as I! ......""r>rII . tfUEREAS, O\lJner desires to subdivide or develop the property described in Exhibit ^ and wishes to defer construction of permanent improvements and City agrees to such deferment provided Owner agrees to construct improvements as herein provided. NOl!t THEREFORE. IT IS AGREED: 1. AGREEr1ENT BI'lOING Or! SUCCESSORS PI INTEREST This agreement, toqether with the attached stipulations, is an instrument affectinq the title or possession of the real property described in Exhibit A. All the terms, convenants and conditions herein imposed shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest of Owner. Upon the sale or division of the property described in Exhibit A. the terms of this agreement shall apply separately to each parcel and the o\'Jner of each parcel shall succeed to the obliqations imposed on Olmer by this agreement. 11. STREET AND DRAH1AGE H:1PROVH~H!TS A. City and Owner aqree that the improvements set forth in this section may be deferred because: 1. Improvements are inappropriate at this time, C. 736 PA:f625 8. Owner agrees to construct the following Imorovements on the property described In Exhibit A as well as required off site Imorovements In the manner set forth In this agreement: Improvements requ I red b't the City Department of Pub 11 c Horks as generally described below. lCross out Improvements that are not required.) , ,1. 12. 13. 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. ~. Curb and ~utter Sidewalks Driveways Street gra~lng, ba~e and. paving Storm drainage facilIties Eresleft eefttrel ~laAtIA~s aA~ faellltlcs Electro'lers Underground conduit wIth wiring and pull boxes 8arrlt.~t. aft~ ether l~re~~mcAts ftct~c~ fer traffle saf~t1 Street trees and other Improvements bet~en the cur~ and property line. Str~e.t .IflAS RelocatIon of exlstlnq fences, sl~ns and utilities Payment of a pro rata share of the costs as determined hy the Department of Public Works of a storm dralnaqe or street Improvementi which has been, or Is to be, provided by Owner and others where such facilIty benefIts the property descrIbed In ExhIbit A EngIneerIng aftd Inspection and plan check fees SaAltary .ewe!. faellltlel \lete, syste", rUCORDER'$ MEMO FAINT wmT1NG OR TYPI!'lG tlIR CARBON COPIES MAKES ~~ PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD 7. 8. 9. 10. 114. a. I'. c. When the City Of rector of 'ub11~ Wbcks detennlnes that the reasons for the deferment of the Improvements as let forth-'n sectIon II no longer exIst. he shall notIfy Owner In writIng to commence their 'nstallatlon and construction. The notIce i~.1J 1M .IIed to the current owner or owners of the land as shown on the latest adopted county asseSlment roll. The ~otlce shall describe the work to be done by owners, the time wIthin whIch the work shall commence and the time withIn whIch the work shall be completed. Allor any portion of said Im- provements may be requIred at a specified time. Each owner shall participate on a pro rata basis In the cost of the lmorovements to be Installed. If Owner Is obligated to pay a pro reta .hare of a cost of a facIlIty provided by others. the notice shall Include the amount to be paid ~ the tfme when payment must he made. III. PER.!O!\,,!A.t-'5;f: OF THE WORK ~.ncr agrees to perform the work and make the payments required by City as · ~ forth hereIn or as modlf'ed by the City CouncIl. Owner shall cause olans and specifications for the Improvements to be prepared by competent persons legally qualifIed to do the work and to submIt saId Improvement plans and specifIcations for a~proval prior to commencement of the work described In the notice and to pay cIty InspectIon fees. The work shall be done In accordance with city standards In effect at the time Improvement plans are submitted for approval. Owner aQrees to commence ond complete the work wIthin the time specified In the notice given by the Director of Public Works and to notIfy the CIty at least 48 hours prior to start of work. In the event Owner falls to construct any Improvements required under this agree~nt, City may. at its opt'on, d~ the work and collect all the costs from Owner. Permission to enter onto the -2- C. 7;j{) PAGfG2R property of Owner Is granted to City or Its contr~ctor as may be necessary to construct such Improvements. IV. JOINT COOPERATIVE PLAN Owner agrees to cooperate upon notice by City with oth~r ~rcpcrty cwner" the City and other public aqencles to provide the Improvements set forth herein under a Joint cooperative plan Including the formatIon of a local Improvement district, If this method Is feasible to secure the Installation and construction of the Improvements. V. REVIEW OF REqUIREMENTS If Owner dlsa~rees with the requirements set forth In any notice to commence Installation of Improvements he shall, within )0 days of the date the notice was mailed, request a revIew of the requirements by the City Council. . The decIsion of the Council shall be binding upon both City and Owner. VI. MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS City agrees to accept for maintenance those improvements speclfle4 In Section II which are constructed and completed In accordance with City st~ndards and requirements and are Installed within rights of way or easementl dedl~ted and accepted by resolution of the City Council. Owner agrees to provide any necessary temporary drainage facilities, .scess road or other required improvements, to assume responsibility for the pro~r functioning thereof, to submIt plans to the appropriate City agency for r,vlew, if required, and to maintain said ~mprovements and facllltl.. In a manner'whlch will preclude any hazard to lIfe or health or dam.ge to adjoinIng pro~rt~. V It. BOtlDS Prior to approval of Improvement plans by the CIty, Owner may be requIred to execute and deliver to the City a faithful performance bond and _ labor and materials bond In an amount and for~ acceptable to City to be rfleased .by the City Council in whole or In part upon completion of the work required and payment of all persons furnishing labor and materials In the perfonmence of the work. VIII. INSURANCE Owner shall maintain, or shall require any contractor engaged to perfonm the work to maintain, at all times during the perfonmance of the work called for herein, a separate poJ'GY of insurance In a fonn and amount acceptable to City. IX. INDEMNITY The Owner shall assume the defense sod Indemnify and save harmless the City, Its officers, agents and empJoyees, from every expense, llabllfty or payment by reason r-F fnjury "including death" to persons or damage to property suffered throllC''' any act or oois510n, including passive neQllgence or act of negligencr, or both, of the Owner, hfs emp'oyee$, agents, contractors, sub- -3- c: . 736 PAGf627 contractors, or anyone directly or Indirectly employed by either of them, or arising In any way from the work called for by this agreement, on any part of the premises, Including those matters arising out of the deferment of permanent drainage facilitIes or the adequacy, safety, use or non-use of temporary drainage facilities, the performance or non-perfonnance of the work. ThIs provisIon shall not be deemed to require the Owner to Indemnify the City against the liabIlity for damage arising from the sole negligence or wIllful ml.conduct of the CIty or Its agents, servants or Independent contractors who are directly r..panslble to the t Ity . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CIty has executod this agreement al of Apri 1 4, 1977 ATTEST: CITY OF GILROY olt::::::. ' ' / APPROVED AS TO FORM '" (. /} ./(i/UlLk Jr::~~:S,~:R:O:. , Owner has executed this agreement as of . I Of if STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } SS. .--......................__.c ounty of..Santa....Clara..............................' On this.........2.B..t.h............u......day of............Maxch..........................................uin the year- one thousand nine hundred and.......8.~y~D.t.y=.Q.~Y~.D.............................................before me, ...............h.......................J?.RJ.bN....P...!,....9..P.N.N.IN.QH.N:'L............................., a Notary Public, State of Californiatt~YonBg~TgIOI~t s;~d PpATa~1~tre13E'i~Ts.6N..................... \ BUill .................................um......__....................__......__...................,............m......................................................u.u.......... L 5 known to me to be the person.S...whose nameS....ar.e......subscribed to the within instrument, S and acknowledged to me that....t.he..Y-...executed the same. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have here./ifito let my hand and affixed my official seal ~ in the ....S........... ..... ..--........ ou ty of..........-- ....:.!?: 1?~../~.~.9:E!'!l...u..nu..u.nm..u..uthe day and\ - ~'fi' fi b . . nnulIlI year~f1- t hC~ a e written., ..on......________._ h..nun_no..uu.____..... __ _0 ._.. _._n___n .....dUh_.....n......._~___._____.__....__.un.unn_..n_____hu...___n__un , Notary Public, State of California. My Co mission Expires....mh....J.uly....7.-#m..L9..7..8.um. Cowdery's Form No. 34-(Acknowledgment eneral) (C C Sec. l1SG) PRINTED 11/23/65 61-0322 City Clerk, City of GllroYt State of California per Civil Code Sec. 1181; Govergment Code Sec. ~081~. -4- ~.FtJ~X) ;J " , '1/ ( '( 't L ",--' I, ." '" ( (' (t, "'l<" 'l'/'A...,~ 1 >. ....-L.- ,_ '-- . ~ ,/ . , Schedule C ' .PPLICATION NO. GY-381235 The I,md referred to In this policy is described as follows c '7- - ',' Of' .J{) ;0,. "'n. "8' T'~ u.., .J,... \. ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF GILROY~ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEING A PORTION OF LOT 20 AS SHO\-JN ON MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF THE SUB- DIVISION OF LAS ANIMAS SUBLOT NO. 11 AND LAS ANIMAS RANCH LOT 39 IN THE RANCHO LAS ANIMAS AND CITY OF GILROY"~ WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN BOOK "F-I" OF MAPS AT PAGE 4~ RECORDS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY~ CAll FOR- NIA~ AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LEWIS STREET DISTANT THEREON NORTH 700 00' EAST 190.00 FEET FROM THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH THE LINE COMMON TO LOTS 19 AND 20~ AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP~ AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LEWIS STREET~ NORTH 700 00' EAST 60.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 200 00' EAST 102.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LEWIS STREET SOUTH 700 00' WEST 60.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 200 00' WEST 102.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. .. I '/ / I, ' RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRlTlN5 OR TVPIN(I OR CARBON COPIES MAKE~ POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECQ /'., -/.<)(')(~ .r---) () (. .r /", ' I l. (' t If:'-..._ -) /'\ (. /, /.~: ) ,,' " / () 1 - o J I- lL! IU e( I - If) L_~_ lJl 1- ~ l) u! _J _J - -- -,----- -----.- . N I- t) J 'I.' 1 ) (~t. t,j'" ['. ~-'.'H-.l. II. I vll I ... ._ f' '" ,.....0 adJ""'. ,"u"'. (~" ,,(), t I u\ \ I S I. " (y' \ ~,O ~ \ \ c C. :3fj j fAGE 20!J \0 ,(.100 u 0 \ I 0 (I a [ ""' 1 j 01'>/ 0 0 0 l' 0 41 C> ~ , ~ I:JD LA" flp T ..u! U,.: .') ~ o \0 0 ' 0 2 0 0 0 ~ ci ",LuoT ~ ." ... - ~ . -- -----~--<.. . ~O' 10 l.OO o \I[N1UA'" 0 (~ 0 o 0 ... o (\J ---- ----- ---: ~ o o o .- 1- ~ ~. ~~~_d~~ ~---- --+~.,_...._'---- Ie Z 00 I ,,0' o 0 10 0 ....,(.,1.1'.0 . . 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