Construct Land Development Improvements - Country Estates Venture - No. 87-26 k :'\:~~anne. E. Steinmetz, Ci tyClk .'LI:) ~of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street (~, Gilroy, CA 95020 ~ NO FEE PRE GC SEC 27383 10260083 I' t,.L.: , ~ j\j() ~r::- f~:~ r= I t.._~....... SEP 1 9 198~nY OF GILROY, SEP1919a9 SErJ9 (:,0.11!1'89 t'\ I'? ~," ,... ., j.,i- f';.'",.'i" r. .""1;"'"'. ~~~ ~ ,:-jl;v'J -',.'\./ CITY OF GILROY 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 ~_.t-, '-.-'. ,I c.. ~.: l~ ~! AGREE~1ENT BY OWNER OR illS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO L 098 PAGE 21 7 4 CONSTRUCT LAND DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEHENTS No. 87-26 Project Identification: APN 783-04-009, 011, 012, 013 & 014 This is an agreement between the City of Gilroy, hereinafter referred to as "City", and COUNTRY ESTATES VENTURE hereinafter referred to as "Owner". WHEREAS, Owner of the property described in Exhibit A, wishes to defer construction of permanent improvements" and City agrees to such deferment provided Owner (or Successor in interest) agrees to construct improvements as herein provided. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: I. AGREEHENT BINDING ON SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST This agreement, together with the attached stipulations, is an instrument affecting the title or possession of the real property described in Exhibit A. All the terms, covenants and conditions herein imposed shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest of Owner. Upon the sale or division of the property described in Exhibit A, the terms of this agreement shall apply separately to each parcel and the owner of each parcel shall succeed to the obligations imposed on Owner by this agreement. II. STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS A. City and Owner agree that ~he improvements set forth in this section may be deferred because: These improvements are not appropriate at this time. B. Owner agrees to construct the improvements as described in the attached stipulations on or adjacent to the property described on Exhibit A as well as required off site improvements in the manner set forth in this agreement. The improvements listed are understood to be the minimum requirements forseen at this time. Improvements shall include all items necessary to provide a complete operational facility including all appurtenances in conformance with current City standards in effect at the time of construction. C. When the City Director of Public Works determines that the reasons for the deferment 0\ the improvements as set forth in Section II - STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS no longer exist, he shall notify Owner in writing to commence their installation and construction. The notice shall be mailed to the current owner or owners of the land as shown on the latest adopted countv assessment roll. The notice shall describe the work to be done by owners, the time wiU,ir; '\;",ich !~;,c \":;'c~: ~.;hCll.l commence and the time within which the work shall be c.Gmpleted. All. of any portion of said iflilh'o'h:ments may be required at a specified time. Each owner shall participate on a pro rata basis in the cost of the improvements to be installed. If owner Is obligated to pay a pro rata share of a cost of a facility provided by others, the notice shall include the amount to be paid and the time when payment must be made. III. PERFORI1ANCE OF THE HORK Owner agrees to perform the work and make the payments required by City as set forth herein or as modified by the City Council. Owner shall cause plans and specifications for the improvements to be prepared by l098PAGE2175 competent persons legally qualified to do the work and to submit: said improvement plans and specifications for approval prior to commencement of the work described in the notice and to pay city inspection fees. The work shall be done in accordance with city standards in effect at the time improvement plans are submitted for approval. Owner agrees to commence and complete the work within the time specified in the notice given by the Director of Public Works and to notify the City at least 48 hours prior to start of work. In the event Owner fails to construct any improvements required under this agreement, City may, at its option do the work and collect all costs from Owner. Permission to enter onto the property of Owner is granted to City or its contractor as TIlay be necessary to construct such improvements. IV. JOINT COOPERATIVE PLAN Owner agrees to cooperate upon notice by City with other property owners, the City and other public agencies to provide the Improvements set forth herein under a joint cooperative plan including the formation of a local improvement district, if this method is feasible to secure the installation and construction of the improvements. V. REVIEW OF REQUIREMENTS If Owner disagrees with the requirements set forth in any notice to commence installation of improvements he shall, within 30 days of the date the notice was mailed, request a review of the requirements by the City Council. The decision of the Council shall be binding upon both City and Owne r . VI. MAINTENANCE OF IHPROVEMENTS City agrees to accept for maintenance those improvements specified in Section II which are constructed and completed in accordance with City standards and requirements and are installed within rights of way or easements dedicated and accepted by resolution of the City Council. Owner agrees to provide any necessary temporary drainage facilities, access roads or other required improvements, to assume responsibility for the proper functioning thereof, to submit plans to the appropriate City agency for review, if required, and to maintain said improvements and facilities in a manner which will preclude any hazard to life or health or damage to adjoining property. VII. BONDS Prior to approval of improvement plans by the City, Owner may be required to execute and deliver to the City a faithful performance bond and a labor and materials bond in an amount and form acceptable to City to be released by the City Council in whole or in part upon completion of the work required and payment of all persons furnishing labor and materials in the performance of the work. VIII. INSURANCE Owner shall maintain, or shall require any contractor engaged to perform the work to maintain, at all times during the performance of the work called for herein, a separate policy of insurance in a form and amount acceptable to City. IX. INDEMNITY The Owner shall assume the defense and indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees, from every expense, liability or payment by reason of injury "including death" to persons or damage to property suffered through any act or omission, including passive negligence or act of negligence, or both, of the Owner, his employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or arising in any way from the ylOrk called for by this agreement, on any part of the premises, including those matters arising out of the deferment of permanent drainage facilities or the adequacy, safety, use or non-use of temporary drainage facilities, the performance or non- performance of the work. L 098PllGE2176 This provision shall net be deemed to require the Owner to Indemnify the City against the liability for damage arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City of its agents, servants or independent contractors who are directly responsible to the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has executed this agreement as of July 17, 1989 ATTEST: CITY OF GILROY r' IN WITNESS WHEREOF Owner has executed this agreement as of JUly 11, 1989 v~.\"\%:; . /~~~~~ COUNTRY ESTATES VENTURE (This document to be acknowledged with signatures as they appear on deed of title) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) On this //4day of ~~ in hundred and f? , ota Public, City Clerk, City 0 State of California, duly sworn personally appeared known to me to be ...tfJ~ LMA described in and tnat executed the within instrument on behalf therein named, and acknowledged to me that executed the same. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first above written. City Clerk, City of Gilroy, State of California per Civil Code Sec. 1181; Government Code Sec. 40814 . '" '" c: o i~ '" ... o Q. o u 1 o o M E (; u.. L 098PAGE2177 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss: COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On this the 11th day of July, 1989, before me, the undersigned Notary PUblic, personally appeared RICHARD E. CLARK I personally known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument as President of Glenmoor Development Co., Inc., a California Corporation, which corporation is a partner in Pyramid Associates, a California General Partnership, which general partnership is a partner in South County Venture, a California General Partnership, which general partnership is a General Partner is Country Estates Venture, a California General Partnership, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ..nn................o....II"I"I"......I......11111 1- ~ OFFICIAL SEAL I HELEN 1. DONOVAN : -,,; NOTAlty PUIUC - CAUFORNIA I = .,.., COUNT\' Of SANTA ClARA : . - i Comm. fJip. May J7, 1990 :I i..uo..I..nlltiilinll..ilill'UUHilll..lllllllllllli /' . " J^ P-{!~~ ~~( /-/(fV(d-~/~ Notary PuhJ.ic Ci ..r:: ... ... ~ c: ... 10 Q.. STATE OF CALlFOR~IA COUNTY OF _~jNZ,j On ,hi, ILMd,yof 1'2 P.ubliC in and for saia State personally } ss. - ~ _.1911-. b.fo.. m._ .'. .: ) appeared I!.~.JLA~ fk/ a Notary known to me to be the 1/-' ~ j President, and the within '" - o Secretary of the within instrument and known ... ~ ~ '" Cl. known to me to be the the corporation that executed , t behalf of said corporation, said corporation bel Instrumen on ;1~ ~~ known to me to be one of the partners of (J ~ '" h' that executed the within instrument, and acknowl. the partners Ip as such d ed to me that such corporation executed tl,e same ;a;tner and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand, ~'nd offid,l ,..1. ~ ~. . ~ ~/ Signature '.Ct-tt.' J e,7J2 I~ JA t.. CHA- ve 'Z-- Name (Typed or Printed) ~. a'FICIAl SEAL r ~ .. PATRICIAL.CHAVEZ NOTARY PU6L1C- CM.IFOONIA '. " SA-NT A aARA COUNTY MY CCJ1MISS/ON EXP. JUNE 2. t992 (This area for official notarial seal) L 098PAGE.2178 STIPULATIONS TO DEFERRED AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS TRACT NO. 8136 As shown on the Final Map, Country Estates Tract 8136, Lots 124, 125, and 126 are not a part of Phase One, 123 residential lots. The Conditions of Approval provide that no building permits may be issued for said Lots 124, 125, and 126 prior to approval of a separate preliminary development plan, final development plan, tentative and final subdivision map for said lots 124, 125, and 126. Improvements are necessary through these lots to properly serve the approved 123 lots with secondary access, sewer, water and storm facilities. Country Estates has requested assessments be applied to the unimproved lots and agrees that the improvement and assessments directly benefit and improve lots 124, 125, and 126 by providing future sewer capacity in the trunk sewer main and future water capacity in the water distribution system and water pumping facilities. Neither the development of lots 1 through 123, the assessment district improvements to lots 124, 125 and 126, nor this agreement create vested rights to develop the unimproved area. In consideration of the City entering into this agreement, Country Estates agrees to perform certain obligations with respect to improving the project site which the City contemplates will have an overall benefit on the Gilroy area, including, but not limited to: A. Payment of offsite sewer trunk main fees for a fair share of the cost of sewer trunk main capacity between Santa Teresa Boulevard and the Gilroy Treatment Facility. B. Construct a second Zone II booster station. A second booster station and connecting distribution mains will be constructed concurrently with the improvement of any additional units on lots 124, 125, or 126. The developer acknowledges that funding for the deferred booster pump station will not be available from the first 123 units or from any connections made by adjacent development prior to the construction of of the second Zone II booster Station. Station components will equal those for booster pump station #1, except for minor hydraulic differences. C. The proposed 248 lots will be burdened with a share of the Phase I water system and sewer trunk main. D. Concurrent with construction of any additional units, booster station #4 Zone II shall be constructed and a secondary access to Hecker Pass Highway through the development will be completed. E. Country Estates shall provide bond to guarantee eventual removal of the storm outfall detention pond. /\) l098PAGE2179 F. The City agrees to reimburse the developer for sewer, storm and water mains in accordance with Resolution No. 1580. Reimbursement shall be made after the City collects the existing utility fee from the fronting property owners. This stipulation shall expire fifteen (15) years from the signing of this agreement. No reimbursement will be made after that date. Signed~L/~- I signe<!~~'-(Y\' \..\~ ~ 60UNTRY ESTAT VENTURE c~ Dated '\ ~ \ <.. ,- e, .<.. I i c",; :', ,/ / i :" (Corporatio~ as a Partner of a Partnership) p~ GOLDEN STATE TITLE DIVISION of COMMONWEAlTH lAND TITU INSURANCE COMPANY L 098PAGE2180 before me the undersi~ned, a Notary Public in and for /)1 ;J1J3fe/ ct'j- ,known to me to be the know", to me ,to De-,the- } 55. t STATE OF CALIFORNIA t.) . COUNTY OF , ){)//ia r: /qrtt On J'II (y I:).! 9 t~ " ' ' said State, personally appeared Il (;, P'-',... T y/c f" Presi~nt,.-l , Sec~f (9 III tD-/ !Ih(~'" fl'eS' Z/ir , the corporation that execJred the within instrument and known to me to be the person, who executed the within instrument on behalf of said corporation, said corporation being known to me to be one of the partners of r:; // r-L)'j rJl" f-.ffJf' f'c, , ..............11.11.....11......11.111...11..1..111.11.11. !. OFFICIAL. SEAL i ! HELEN J. DONOVAN .. i ~. NOTARY PU.LIC - CALIfORNIA I I ," COUNTY Of SANTA CLARA ! .. - COtlllfl. Elfp. May '7. '990 ! .....o.......IUI..............IUII..........o.lU.i III II: III 1: III .J II. <( I- Ul l the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknow- ledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnersh ip executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature //1) Vili i.L:...J,:>--~. ( tz.!-I. ;~"-- / (This area for official notarial seal) GSI33 State of California ) ) SS: ) County of Santa Clara On this the 13th day of July, 1989, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared RICHARD E. CLARK personally known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument as President of Glenmoor Development Co., Inc., a California Corporation, which corporation is a partner in Pyramid Associates, a California General Partnership, which general partnership is a partner in South County Venture, a California General Partnership, which general partnership is a General Partner in Country Estates Venture, a California General Partnership, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ................................................I..IIII..! ! OFFICIAL SEAL i ii. HELEN J. DONOVAN ii I lib NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIfORNIA i I ','''. COUNTY Of SANTA CLARA = Comm. Exp. May '7, 1990 ! o..............IU................u.................... / _/ (4,'-\... Ii Notary Jublic , I C.,,: '[-c/'--/--/~>