Construct Land Development Improvements - Filice, J. and Sons - No. 84-19 No Fee ~er GC Sec. 6103 8.~09~57 CITY OF GILROY I 938 :).~':E 75 7351 Rosannd Street Gilroy, California 95020 AGREEMENT BY t1WNEI'~ OJ{ Ill'; SlJCCI:SS:)l{:; IN Urn:KEST TO CON STRUCT LAND m:v I': U}i)lll':i~T ] H11{il\'Ull':iJTS I~". 84-19 Project Identification: Assessor's Parcel Nos. 835-04-043 and 044. --------.-.---- This is an agreement bet....een the City of Cilro}', hpreini-lfter referred to as "City". and J. FILICE AND SONS LTD. A California --------_._---~-_._------------ _ Limited Partnership. ------------------ ~ ~ her-einafter referred to as "Uwner". WHEREAS, Owner of the property described In Exhihit A. wishes to defer construction of permanent impruvellll'llt:-; illld (;i ty agrees to such defl~[Il1ent provided OwlleL" (or Successor in interest) agrt~I~S to e'}llstruct improvements as herein provided. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREEU: 1. AGREr:t1ENT HIND I NG ()N SUCCESSORS I N I NTJ:IU'SI' This agrt::ement. tog,~tller with tde attadl,.d st11'::1..:tiult::, (0; oill illstrum'-'llt affecting t.he tf.t'l,~ ,::- i:~~::-.':"I;i')1l of the rp,d 1'101wrty dL'H,:rllH'd in Exltlhit ^. All the tcrllli:l, cun-~e!1antH WId conditiolls herein IlIlposed shall be hinding UpOll and inure to the benefit of the 6uccessor~ in int erest of OWller. UpOll the sale or division of the property descrihed in Exhibl t A, ttw t.erms of this agreement shall apply separately to each parct-l and the (JWlleL- of each parcel shall succeed to the obligations imposed on Owner by this agreement. 1 r. STREET AND DRAINAGE IMI'ROVUIENTS A. Ci ty and Ownet" agree that the 1 mprovements set forth in this section may he deferred because: These improvements and fees are inappropriate at this time. B. Owner agrees to construct the following Improvements 011 or adjacent to the property described on Exhibit A as well as n.'qui/cd off site improvement8 in the manner Bet forth in this agreellll'llt: Improvements required by the CIty Llt:partlllcnt of ~)\tblic 1,J.)rks as generally ue8cribed below. (Cross out imprOVeUlelltH that are lIot required.) 1. Curb and gu t ter. 2. Sidewalk H. 1. Driveways. 4. Street grad1ng, base alld pavill~~. 5. Storm drainage facilities. 6. Ero8ion control plantings and facILities. 7. Electrollers. 8. !J:~dery,rl)lln.t cundu It w1 t h wi r lll~~ ,llld I'll] 1 hu:>::ch;. 9. Barricades and other ImprUVl'llll'llls Ih~,~dl~d tor t[aftic billety. 10. Street treeti and othl'r illll'r'I)VI'IIlt~lllti Iwtween the rurb all<l prop,.[-ty line. 11. Street sIgns. 12. Relocation of exIsting fenCl-s, bi~IIS alld Illll1ties. 13. Payment of a pro rota sharl' of the costs i'S determined by the Department of Public \o.,'orks of d st.orm d/<:inage or street imprOVem(~llts which has been, or is to he, lll'ovlded hy O...lIer and otht'rs where such facility benefits the property dcscrlhl'd In Exhibit A. NOTE: Fees are payable '1t lIlt' ratt~ in effect at timt' of payment. 14. Engineering alld inspccti'J11 all,! plall dlt'ck fet~s. 15. Sanitary Ht....age faciliti.,:>s. 16. Water system. -1- I S33J~':: 76 C. When the City Director of Public \JorkH determines that the n'asons for the deferment of t;he improvements as set torth j n section 11 no longer:- exist, he shall notify Owner in wdting to comm,'nce tllt'ir illstalLation and construction. The notice !ihall be mailed to the cut'rent owner or OWnl'l-H of the land as shown on the latest adopted county a:isessment roll. The notice shall descri be the work to be dune by oW/Il'rs, the time within which the work stH! 11 commt~nce and the time within which the work shall be completed. All of any portion of said improvements lIIay be required at a spl~clfied time. Each oWller shall participate on a pro rata basis in the cost of '--he Im!,r(}vemeilt~i to he illHta11ed. Lf OWlll'r is obligated to pay a pro rate share of a cost of a facility provided by others, the notice shall include the amount to he paid and the time when payment lTD.lst be Illade. III. PERFORHANCE OF TilE WORK Owner agrees to perform the work and lIIak,' the paymen!:s requi red by Ci ty as set forth herein or as modified by the City COllncll. Owner shall cause plans and specifications for the improvements to he prepared by competent persons legally qualified to do the work and to submit said improvement plans and specifications for approval prior to COllllllt~nCeml'llt of the work described in the notice and to pay city inStlection fees. The work shall be done in ac"ordance with city standards in effect at the t1111l~ improvement plans are subml tted for approval. Owner agrees to commence and complete the work within the time specified in the notice given by the Director of Public Works and to nutify the City at least 48 hours prior to start of work. In the event Owner fails to cunstruct any improvements required under this a~~rl~em~nt, City may, at its option do the work and collect all costs from Owner. Permission to enter unto the property of Owner is granted to City or its eontrdctor as llIay be necessary to construct such improvements. IV JOINT COOPERATIVE PL^~; Owner agrees to cooperate upon notice by City with uther property owners, the City and other public agencies to provide the ImprovelllL'nts set forth herein uncter a joint cooperative plan including the furmilt Ion of a local improvement district, if this method is feasible to secure the ins to Ilal.1 on ilild cons t ruct ion of the improvements. V REVn:W OF RE()UIREI1ENTS If Owner disagrees with the requl rements set forth in any notice to commence installation of improvements he shall, within 30 days of the date the notice was mailed, request a review of the requirements by the City Council. The decision of the Council shall be binding upon both City and Owner. VI MAINTENANCE OF IMl'l{()Vf~MENTS Cily agrees to accept for maintenance those improvements specified in Section II which are constructed and completed in ac(:ordance with City standards and requiremt'nts and are installed within rights of way or eaSl'ITll'nts dedicated and accl'pted by resolution of the City Council. Owner agrees to provide any necessary telilporary drainage facilit ieR, aCCI~SS roads or other required improvements, to aSSullle respollsibillty for the proper functioning thereof. to submit plans to the appropriate City agency for review, if required, and to maintain said improvements and facilities in a milnner which will preclude any hazard to life or health or damage to adjoi:l1 ng property. VII BONDS Prior to 'lpproval of improvement plans by the City, Owner lIlay be required to execute and deliver to the City a faithful performance hond Hnd a labor ami materials bOlld in an amount and form ilcceptahll' tn City to he rpt"!\Hed by the City Council In whole or in part upon completion.<, tll" wlJlk r,'qulred <I!!d payment nf dll persons furnishing labor and materials in the performdllce of tilt' work. VIII INSURANCE Owner shall maintain, or tih..1.1 reql1il-e ililY contractor engaged to perform the work to lIIaintain, at all times during the performance of the work called for herein, a separate policy of insurance in a form and dlllOU'lt acceptable to City. IX INOEMN1TY The Owner shall assume the defenfole and tnd,~mlllfy Hnd save harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees, from l'very eXpl~lls.~, liability or payment by reason of injury "including death" to persollS 01' dalllHge to property suffered through any act or -')- I 538>',':: 77 ::>mission, including passive negligence or Hct uf negllgPI1Ct', or both, of the (NlltH, his employees, agents, contractors, SUh-COlltl'<\ctO[U, or allY one directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or arising In allY !;,'dY from the work called for by this agreement, on any part of the premises, illC]udlllg thOH.~ matters arisillg out of the deferment of permanent drainage facilities or the adequil.'Y, safety, llse or non-use of temporary drainage facilities, the perf1lrrnanCl' or IllJll-performallce of tlte \.Jork. This provision shall not be de.~med to rl~fftdre tlle Owner to Indemnify the City against the liability for damage arfsillg flOIl1 the Hull' Ill~g]igellce or willful misconduct of the City or its agents, servanl:s Dr i!ldl'p;~lId":lt COlllLlctors who are directly responsible to the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has exe('utf~d thi~; agrl~t.'II1L'nt ilS of Oc tober 1, 1984 ATTEST: CITY OF GILROY ;d~T~K~.~9/ ATTORNEY APPROVED IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Owner has executed this agl-eement as of September 13, 1984 CxUJ ~e.:--u~ (This document to be acknowledged with slglliltllr.~s as tlll'Y appear on del~ll of title) 1.t.Ah"1 L 1~ STATE OF CALIFURNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) On this day of b~-- f n the year une thousand nine hundred and , Notary Public, 8llJ ::L,I., Ch: , ,,,),",;,C,"'<<flt"6ablHe/a./ State of Cali 0 I , dU~L HWll~ll, pt~rSllllilIly apPt'i1red~ ~/l/t/JJ<.<L __ known to me to be~~~ ____ ,ell-scribed in al\d~~ executed the wi thin 116 t rum..:nt )):~~_,bl'llill f the re ill llal~J ~~ld acknowledged to me that ~ '---1 ~ __~____t'xl'cllted the same. , . IN WITN~:SS WHEREOF I have hereuntu bet my hillld and affixed the offieLd seal ~j the ~itj ~[ ~i 11 } i I till ('''Lilt Y or 1:~"t.1 RIl.... the day and yeilr in this certificate firlH above written. ~ .~", '. / ~ ,o~. : '~ ~ ~~________ u___ _,_ _ ___ ~1'?f' , ; -::f Gl11uy, 3ldl< ,jf c'lllf')IT',Id- ~~~ ~';;:I~?,,::~:~t&~~ -~- OFFICIAL SEAL SUSAN DR ESE NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA AlAMEDA CO'JNTY My comm. expires SEP 23, 1985 ~.. ,-~ r TO 1848 CA (8-74) (Partnership) t }1s638:>I,r:E 78 ,,11CXllt ~ On before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public :Er-enO .nn.e INSURANCE AND TRUST in and for said State, personally appeared 0 III II: III J: III oJ L 0( I- III ~ known to me to be C~ of the parlners of the partnership thaI executed Ihe wilhin inslrument, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same, WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature :}" CAT, NO, NN00630 TO 1946 CA (7-82) (Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA r COUNTY OF JJ... II... !{~ r \ ;t } SS. t before me" the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for ,FILICe On said State, personally appeared III I: III 1 III .I L 0( l- . ~'~:">-<'UFFIClAL';~ i~,,~}l\;! ~c.~~~;~~~~~~!~f~-i'.A' :'~~~,~';.~:i SA';i -\ :.: ....:.;1:~ C ~'''':'. T 1 .~~:,<..,~I:"~~.~)v". 11, 19.7 (This ..... for olllclatllOlarlal _I) enn.e INSURANCe ==- ANDTRUST A neOR COMPANY , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person _ who executed the within instrument as /"' r:; 'Z of the partners of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS "?ynand and icial seal. Sign""" ~' ~ -" ~--------- .:t::1~~:~, .. ,,~' <1.f-J:' . ,;",,1'\11'," .~"~....,,,,v / . ,~~..,':., .....~ ANNA M GERVASIO i;01I,RY D~if1L1C-CALlI'-OhNIA ~,,\>:; A Cl,ARA I'OLJNTY My [.orrlni",I,," ~xp<res Dp.cemw 14, 1984 (This area for official notarial seal) I 938>~':E 79 :of' '''-.''---- \, /'\, \ ~ '\, ~.---- ~ ,Y \ \. ./ / \ ~:/ \ \ ~\ ITF \ ' \ ' '" c;, 6 ~ _/ / -~--- -" // " ~o(lO /' ,/ .----' ,...,.,,-/- ,/' ~/' ---------------/ \:///./ / \\ /------------ ------------/ ///'\ \,' //..------' ---///~' \ ..../-\ \--- -//...-- -.."'......,/" .. .---" .--/ \ \-//- /~/// \/, \x/'- \'3" ~_____/ \ \, ~ / \ ~\\ /--------------- '\-' ''\ \V/ .. \ \./" ~\ "'" / \ \, ".....~-------- \/--------------\\ ..------~ : OTDi/~\ /~/\ , \ \ EXHIBIT A AGREEMENT NO. 84-19 C LTY OF C I LROY I 538 :',',r:: 80 DEVELnl'rlENT ellS r SCI\EDULE No. 84- 1 9 --------..-- Da t e 9 - 11 - 8 4 Initialed SD-L Location of Property Northwest corner of San Ysidro Avenue and Leavesley Road. Assessor's Parcel n 835-04-043 and 044 -.---- ----------.----- -----"-- Name of Applicant J. FILICE AND SONS, LTD. Address ------------- --------- Type of Development Proposed ---- -~-- --------.--------. Parcel Split Area 29.206 Acres Storm Drain Area "c" ----------------------- Street Frontage 3720 feet on San Ysidro ----_.~---------------------------- ------ 200 feet on Leavesley Engineering Hap Check 01-]00-1100-6004-11 ,- v 96.00 Subdivisions $ +$ (n) Parcel Splits $ 87.00 +$-2..J2L (n) n= number of lots 3 lots Engineering Plan Check and Inspection 01-100-1100-6004-12 $ n/a 5% of the Cost of Publ ic Improvcraents 5% x $ Miscellaneous Engineering Service 01-100-1]00-6004-13 $ n/a hours x ( ) Public Works Microfilming 01-100-1100-6004-14 $ $5.00 per sheet (maps and plans) 5.00 1 sheet Fire Hydrant Location Fee 07-72()-] 900-8001-00 $ Deferred $ for the first 5 hydrdllts +$ for each additional hydrants Area Water Charge 03-300-1300-7203-00 $ Deferred Acres @$ /acre Ac res @$ /acre Construction Water 07-720-1900-8001-00 $ Deferred LF @$ /LF+ Acres (J $ /acre -1- I 538 :>1,':: 81 utt-Silc Slurm Ordin fee Arc... "A" $ Area "A-I" $ Area "Ii" $ Arca "C" S Art~d "0" $ Area "E" $ Area "F" $ Area "Q" $ Acrc6 @$ Acrcti @$ IAcrc (J}-nO-1 1[)()-72(J2-0U $ IAcl-e (J ~ - 2:': U - 1\ U 0- U lJ:': -l) 1 S IAc1'e 02 -121-I-jlJu-Ul!2-LJU S / A,: fe ()!, L .u - I -W u" ] ~ u 2 - uo S Deferred IAcre [)L- 2L1- I j IJlJ-] 21)2 -UU S IAcrc () 2 - 2 24 - I -\ () U - 72ti 2 -[) U S IAcre () 2 ,- 22 ~) -.I \1 ) I) - 72 I ) 2 - U () $ IAcrc (J2 - 2 2fJ- IIUU- nlJ 2 -UO $ IAcLe I Ac Ie Front Foot Churgc~ Water ()2-- 210 -I] (J l)- 72U4 -UO $ Deferred u' @$ ILF Sewer U2-2lU-j)(J0--72U,)-OU $ Deferred LF @$ ILl' Storm Drdin 02-2Hi-I)lltJ-72IJ7-UO $ Deferred u' @$ ILF Street lmprovemellts 02-2-W-IIIJlJ-72LJ]-LJU $ Deferred l'avcU>cllt SF @$ ISF.S Deferred Curb & Gutler LF @$ SidewalK SF @$ Gal. Pole Electrol1er D' @$ Elcct 1'011 er Conduit LF (:J$ f'1 re Ilyd r till t LF (i$ ILF-$ " ISF-S " 11.1". $ " lu-s " " IU'-$ ------ 01-1 LlU-ll UU-fJ004 -00 $ ILl' OH-tHH)-11 lJU-t,UU4-()2 $ S S r. n/a Wood Pole !loullted Elcctrol1er U' ~$ Public Workti Cdl:lh BonJti and llt:l'llbllb 6.00 Other o l he r TUTAl. $ 107.00 Nun:: All detcrrcd fees are I'dYtJ!;Jl~ dl tllc Lite III died at t1mc uf PdYUll~llt. -2- r 0...... ___ _,-",-,-,---"~"""-,,,,,. ~'~'.~'.'''_'.'_ ,_ " .... 8209157 -s.. q "5 8 ~~ ~~- c' r("" n (f' r' ~" fI L ~ 0) , / r,r-, .~" OJ ,.... T p r . .If: ' G\ t ~o~ 8 IU,Q.l Gel ~ 32 \ ' 0"'1 r....- '. . i ~: r ~. t, ':, \)t ~ 1',,/ 'I >~', ..",.~t' r . L -! f'! f\r. ~ '. ,~" .t t~" . ,,- ':^,hGt: t. ...t.~~,. f''-" ""f" -;: ,,;:, ;, ~ r\ '; ~ t" P &# I S38>~r:E 82