Construct Land Development Improvements - Industrial 20 Ventures - No. 82-22 -. ~O FEE per GC Sec. 6103 761'1'?(1~J CIn 01-' GILROY \t~ ',::,:~~ ~ ,-, ......, f' flLEV r:," . .)....1 \T ;~L(: C:')~ ~., 7.!) lfJ.1"7 J-tllR _. I.J '~ --.J 73 51 Rosanna St ree t Gilroy, California 95020 ~t:y..~ ',' - " Project Identification: AGl<.Ei':MENT HY OWNEK OK HIS SUCCr:~SORS IN INTERES'f TO CONSTRUCT LANO OEVELOl'tll~NT IMl'lWVEMENTS 1182-22 " H3BO r!~E570 Assessor's Parcel #841-15-077 This is an agreelDt:nt betwecn the City of Gilroy, hereinafter referred to atl "City", and Industrial 20 Ventures hereinafter referred to as "Owner". WHl::llliAS, Owner of the property descrihed in Exhibit A, wishes to defer construction of permanent improvements <lno City agrees to lwch defcnuent provided Owner (or Succetltlor in interetit) agrecti to contitruct ilUprUVelllt~ntti a8 herein provided. NOW, THl::Rl::!lORr:, IT IS AGl<.EEO: I. AGRr:r:MENT HINOING ON SUCCES~;ORS IN INTEREST This agreement, together with the attached otipulations, io an instrument affecting the title or pOtlses8ion of the real property de8cribed in Exhibit A. All the termd, convenantti <lnd condit ionti herein lIupotled tlhall be hinding upon and inure to the benefit of the oUCCetisorti in interetit of Owner. Upon the tiale or divi8ion of the property de8cribed in Exhibit A, the terlllb of thiti ilgreelUcnt tihall apply 8eparately to each parcel and the ownc r of cach parcel 8hall aucceed to the obligation8 imposed on Owner by this agrcemcnt. II. STlilil-:T ANO ORAL NAGI-: IMI'IWVEMENTS A. City and Owner agree thut the im{Jrovementtl tlet forth in thio tiection may be deferred becautie: these fees and improvements are inappropriate at this time. H. Owner agreetl to contitruct the following improvelUentti 011 or adjdcellt to the property described on Exhihit A as well ati required off site ilUproVclllelltti in the ~nner tlet forth in thiti agreemcnt: Improvement8 required by the City Departll~llt of Public Work8 ati gcnerally delicribed below. (CrOtl8 out improvemellts tlldt are not required.) 1. Curb and brut ter. 2. S1dewalkt:i. '. DrivewaYfl. 4. Street grading, batie and paving. 5. Storm drainage facilities. 6. Erotlion control plantings and facilitietl. 7. Electroliers. 8. Under,lo(round conduit with wiring alld pull hoxes. 9. Barricades and other improvemelltt:i needcd for traffic aafety. 10. Street tree8 and other improvcmellttl between thc curb and {Jroperty line. II. Street signs. 12. Relocation of exitlting fenceti. signtl and util1tiet:i. 13. PaYlknt of a pro rata tlhare of thc cotlta Citi determined by the Department of Public Works of a storm drafnpge or street improvements which hatl been, or is to be, provided by OWllcr dnd others where such facility benefittl the {Jruperly deticrihed tn Exhihit A. NUTI'.:: Feetl are pdYdblc ill tll'~ rate ill ef teet at time of {Jt.lyuk:nt. 14. Engineering alld inspect iOIl alld plan check feeti. 15. Sanitary tiewage facilitieti. lb. Water ~Ytltem. -1- -, ., H3BO P!c: 571 C. When the City Director of Public Workti d~terJuinetl that the reutlontl for the deferment of the improvements atl Bet forth in aection 11 no longer exiat, he ahall notify Owner in writing to COl1Ullence their installation and construction. The notice shall be mailed to the current owner or ownertl of the land 8a ahown on thet latetlt adoptcd county atltictltlment roll. The notice tlhall describe the work to be done by owners, the time within which the work tlhull commence and the time within which the work tlhall be completed. All of any portion of tiaid improvements may be required at a tlpecified tim~. Each owner tihall participate on a pro rata batlitJ in the c08t of the improvemento to be intltalled. If owner is obligated to pay a pro rate tihart! of a C08t of a facility providcd by otherB, the notice shtlll include the amount to be paid and the time whcn payment lD.ltlt be made. Ill. PERFORMANCE Or' TilE WORK Owner agreea to perform the work and make the paymenttl requi red by Ci ty atl set forth herein or as loodif1ed by the City Council. Owner tihall ctlutie plantl and apecif icat ionti for the improvewcntti to he prepared by competent [>tlrtlontl legally qualified to do the work and to tlublUit tiaid improvement planti and tipecificationtl for approval prior to COl1llllenCemcnt of the work described in the not ice and to pay city intipe~t ion feeti. The work tihall be donc in accordance with city litandard8 in effect at the time improvement plantl are tiubmitted for approval. Owner agrees to cOl1llllCnce and com{Jlet~ the work within the tilU~ tlpecified in the notice given by the Director of l'ublic WorkB and to notify the City at least 48 hourtl prior to start of work. In the event Owner failti to construct any improvewents requir~d undcr thiti agreement, City IIldY, at ittl option do the work and collect all costti from Owner. Permission to enter onto the property of Owner itl granted to City or ittl contrtlctor ati may be necetitlary to construct Iiuch improvewenttl. IV JOINT COOPERATIVE PLAN O\iner agreetl to cooperate upon notice by City with other property OWllers, the City and other public agencies to provide the IIDprovementtl tlet forth herein under a joint cooperative plan including the formation of a local improvewent district, if thi8 IIethod 16 feaaible to secure the intltallation and contltruction of the 1mllrovementtl. V lu:VU:W OF RE(lUIREMENTS If Owner disagreetl with the requirementti set forth in any notice to commence installation of improvement8 he shall, within 30 daYtl of the date the notice watl mailed, request a review of the requirementtl by the City Council. The decitlion of the Council ahall be binding upon both City tlnd Owner. VI MAINTr:NANCE OF IMl'ROVEMENTS City agrees to accept for maintenance thotie improvementtl specH ied in Sect ion II \ihich are contltructed and comllleted in accordallce with City tltandardu a:ld requ!rementti and are installed within righttl of way or eatlcmenttl dedicated and acctl{Jted by retlolution of the City Council. Owner agrees to provide any necetltJary tcm{Jorary drainage facilitietl, aCCCotl roads or other required improvements, to a8tlUme retipontlibility for the proper functioning thereof, to submit plans to the appropriate City agency for review, if required, and to maintain aaid improvements and facilitietl in a manner which will {Jreclude _any hazard to life or health or damage to adjoining property. VII BONOS Prior to approval of improvement plantl by the City, Owner may be required to execute and deliver to the City a faithful performance bond and a labor and materials bond in an amount and form acceptable to City to be released by the City Council in whole or in part upon completion of the. work required and payment of all persons furniah1n~ labor and IlWiterialtl in the performance of the work. VIIr INSURANCE i : Owner shall maintain, or tshall require any contractor engaged to perform the work to maintain, at all times durinK the performance of the work called for herein, a aeparate policy of insurance in a form and alDount acceptabie. to Ci ty. IX INDEMNITY i ., I The Owner tlhall aaaume the defentle and indelDnify and tlave harlDletitl the City, its officers, agents and employees, from every expentse, liability or {Jayment by reatlon of injury "including death" to persontl or damage to property suffered through any act or _. ... H3BO r~S~ 572 omission, including passi ve n~gligence or act of negligence, or both, of the Owner, his employeea, agents, contractortl, sub-contractortl, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or aritling in any wuy from the work call~d for by thid agree~nt, on any pact of the premitled, including thOde matters arising out of the deferment of permanent drainage facilities or the adequacy, tlafety, us~ or non-U8e of ttllllporary drainage facilities, the performance or non-performance of the work. Thia provitlion shall not be dcemed to rcqui re the Owner to Indemnify the Ci ty againat the liability for damage arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City or ita agenta, 8ervanttl or independent contractortl who are directly reaponsible to the City. IN WITN~SS WH~REOF, Ci ty hatl executed thi6 agreement as of February 22, 1983 AT1:t:ST: CITY UF GILIWY 42U~0~ / .~ CITY CLERK t / ...~ .(' (/1. lit ! " / , '/;./1i./l/. v;' -.., __ L.l{( i '--- ATTORNEY' APP1WVIW AS TO fORM CITY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner hatl executed thi8 agreement as of January 13, 1983 <./:l ) /\. {c: rt f' (~ ; '-C'-;' <. .~T ,..../:. ; -'--'-'JI('-r'( (. r</.. <--i--- { ,,-.~_.- (, . ,L -\ I ',i I. .I j I , , (This document to be acknowledged with tlignaturetl as they appear on deed of title) STATE OF CA!.IFORNIA ) )88. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) On this hundred and State of California, known to me to be executed the within intitrument on acknowledged to me that day of in th~ year one thoutland nine Notary Public, City Clerk. City of Gilroy, duly 8worn, personally appeared detlcribed in and thut behalf therein nall~d, and executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEIiliOF I have h~reunto 8ct my hand and affixed the official aeal of the City of Gilroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and y~ar in this certificate fictlt above written. Ci ty Clerk. Ci ty of Gilroy, State of Culi forllia per Civil Code Sec. 1181; Government Code Sec. 40814 -)- r ~~. --~ ~--_. ~ .~- -'-'~._~-.' Il'artrH'r,hip I t "TA TE OF C\ II FOR \ L\ CO!'iTY OF _u Santa Clara On _ __J '!r:!uary 10, 1983 H3BO P~G: 573 } s.s. Jwfort, llll', tilt' undCf:-,ignt.d. ~I \'ot.ll'~ Puldic ill and fill' ..;aid "';talf'. pt'rsllnally apP('arpd_ A. R. Woolworth ,.., a: '" r '" ..J II. <( I- 00 pro~ed to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence r" /w General ~Xi~partn..X:ll;)f rh., parlnPI-hip -~~~~ifi;;.c that f'XITIIIl.d rill' within in...tfIlJJH'nt. and acknowl,.dgt'd III flll' thar -lldl pa'lrwl-hip ..x"{'llt,.d tlu' '"J'// ~,({",LciJ/~::;""~;;C;\ R.~~l~'S,':iMIDT '. I' .~. 1\,)" 'I, "NI,\ i.' Erie_d~_R_.__Go_ldl>_chm.id.t ~\ \~:.j S'\:<I,\(IM;~I,)NTY 'ianu' I'/\p<,d "I I'rinlf'd) ~~ "", ' Mj CJ""".s~:ar1 b;)'ICS C:t.14, 1983 ~ ~~~~?2~:.:"-> -.....;;.~~./';(u:~;(OO..;...~ ~;"':,;"~~'y",,,,--_,~ ~ W/T:\bS~"V I '"j ~n'.1 offici " ;' Sip;naturp_ ~_U< Il'artn,'"hip I STATE OF C\IIFOR\L\ } S.", I COl'iTY OF SANTA CLARA On___ JAN. 13, 1983 JH'fol"t, nll', tIlt" lI11dt'r...ignt'd. a \'oLtry Puldic ill alld ["I -aid "'alp, p<,rsonally apppal('d_ _ ---------.-------- -----._._-~, WAYNI:: Y. COUCH '" a: '" r '" ..J II. <( I- 00 proved to me on the basis of r" I", GENERAL of II". partn.'!, "f r}", parlnt'r-hip tiLt! f."t'I'lllf.r! rill' \'.llhin in--lrl1l1lt'nt. and acknllwfr.dgf'd III nH' fhat ....[Il.h pallllf.r....hip /'\Y('lItl.d tht. ..;anw. -s-a.tis-i.act-O-r:-y--€v-iG€-nt~nown to nw rf.~coe~..oa~..c::::':-'~-:lCO:'I' ) tC]"''- 0: 1 .l 1:\!, , \L ..' .' \ ',a I ' (... , 'f' _I._ ,_.." \ ""'t- : 1)'"llll ~\\l"~:: ,;;~ ;:;~~.~, .. . / ~-:._~// c ,. ~r- r~.", \ CLARA ~1y C.. ~r,"",'s'iOIl hI"' r"s -.1 ..-" :C, 1933 . ~J~;'~.J:"'.-'';':''-:'' :"::G~ ~ - _SA.NI2RA VALENIl_ \anll' 1 T'I",d "r I'rinlt.d) - H3BOr~~:574 .~;!/ / y/ c.-..........// o. ..1.. ./" ~~.> ..../ .... \" \ \ \ \" 't.. '", ~, ,W _ \ '\ \", ---- \"'-/;'~' - -.Je Of ~/ "'~ ~, ~~ ~ ~.-9~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~ . I'A'I Exhibit VENTURES INDUSTRIAL 20