Construct Land Development Improvements - Kishimura, George and Robert 8359122 . .. : [i r':,\ 1 r- r: r) ;~ :- , ' ~I"""- .;#....~...~. ";-1 Ot 51.i.>. ,r,) .....-_.... -""" '> .... 't. ',',/, 't. .v ..r /' ~' '., "... .~ ' , r, ,,~l t. \ " I. ~"..,...-~ '" "", \ "1' ,'. !,,;n:.' .._ ~ .." Hn rt rr) ~ &..~<,::\,:,~,~~" ~ fJ /4'.:AJd~\'\'.'Il"t,\" "-'J (;.J 1;..,... .\.."~.>~~'::-J -- -;J l~; ~/~ - -l~ ,.... .. -1 t. __~_.J.~.~ ""-v~v'" .. 0 ....;~"'-'~_c- .;., ~'/ . ~ .':-,?,'> ',-l/f"O '\'~l ' a JJ f C 1 TY OF G I J .ROY ~Pj~ f~ARZZ 92Jl~f~85 ~ 7351 R()~anIl8 Street Gilroy, California 95020 1) \{- (',F~'iClt, r;;;:C;tJRDS SAN It, CU,fU~ C0UNTY GEORG~ A M/,NN f~ E 'J' ': T R t. 'I r. r: G ,; ROE R AGREEHENT BY OWNI':J{ OH ill:~ SlJl:n:S:,OIZS 1 ti I NT1':REST TO CON ST RlICT LAN Il IJI':V ,.: 1,0 I 'j 11.:tn Ull'lWV 1~,!I.:t)L; ; ~ I'. R'1-8 J 299PAGE206 7 Project Identification: Assessor's P~rrcc1 No. 835-02-012 Thls is dn agreement hetwee:1 the City l)f Cllroy, hendnafl(!r referred tu as "City", cwo GEOf\CE and HJBEln' l<lSIIHIUPJ\ hereillafter referred to liS "Owner". \~lIr~HI':^S, Owner of lhe prop,~rly d,";crlhl'd In Exllihlt ^, wlsh,'s tiJ defer Cllllst r\let lon of permanent IlIll'rovellll'llts ;1I1d (;1 t Y agrel~s to sllcll dl'fe rlllent provlded Owner (or Successor 111 lntpI'<~ht) agl'el'S lo cOllsl rllct 11lll'rovelllf~lltH i18 herein provided. IIml, TIIEHEFOR.E, IT lS AGIU:EIl: 1. A(;tU.)':rU'tH IllNUINC utJ SlJCCE:;SlHC; IN INn:I"::;!' Tlds i1!'.r-'~ellll'nt. lO.'~f~tllPr with tll., dtldclwd ~llp,Il.ltl<)lIS, is ill I Illc;trllllll'nl it f r e (' t I I: g t It f! tit I (~ 0 r, II lHi S .' S fd () 11 (l r t lit' r, . iI 1 II 1 "'''' r t y d,' : ; c r I I) l' dill f'::{ I Ii h L t /\. .'\ll lilt' telr:I~"J '::\-l)\'~\lill\r.~~ ;kll" (:'\:.'.il~_t"ll~, j~::{;.ill '_IIII";"I'~~~ ,~:..-.'. ,. "..",_, ',i: <llld ;llllrl~ to tht: :lellefit of llJt~ t;'I('("~":iors In llllerest of 010111"", IIp''ll tllf~ H.lle (II dlvisloll llf the properly d,,'Hcrl!,,'r! 11\ I':xltlillt 1\, tlte l('III1S 01' Lllls a!'.let~ioent shall rlpply !lepal<llely t(; I'deh parc...1 illHI Lilt' ()\'lIll'r of f~,I<'1J parcel slldll ~;ucceed Lll the uhllgali()lHI lmposed on ()wlll'r by this agreement. l I. STlu:n ArID URAUJAI:I': 1:\I'IWV!'::lI,IJ ('.: II. City aild (r"liIer a)~rl~e that till' 1I1ll'r<)"L'IIIl,'llts I;.~t fort]l 1;1 tld,; sectlon may he deferred Iwcdllse: These jjnpn)vcT,~'?Ilts and fees art:' lJ.Clf'propridtc at tllis tiJll<? H. OWller agre'~n to COllt; t ruc\' tht' the pruperty ell'8er1.hed Oll Exhibit ^ as Vi', ill the IlIdllr\l~r sel forth in this agret'IIIPIIt f,.llllwl\1g iIllPI,-OV"iIH'llll, 011 or adjacent I " Ii [1,' I (Ill. I' e d 0 f [ sit t~ I rn pro ve III e n UJ lo 1l,lprovements requl red by tIll: eit y described below. (Cross Ollt IlIIprCvt'lilt'llll' Ill' I'd rr.I!It~lI t of I'll h II C We) rks I Ii a t' a r l.~ lI' 1 l r t~ qui l'f~ ,I. ) ,w g"lwrally 1. CUl-h and i~uller. 2. Sidewalks. ,. Ilrivt~wilYs. 4. Strf'l't grddlllg, b<l:;,' alld p,lving. 5. St'lllil dr:dll;q~t' f,H'lllll"I;. . t.. ;';[081.0[1 COI1Lro! plalltlllgs ;I:lc! rac lltles. 7 . E 1 e c t I' 0 ll,~ 1 S . 8. IJnderKlllillld C"I"III! t wi tit wi r I \Ii~ illld I'ull !)!l){"S, 9. Ilarricad.,s ~Ild o[llt'r 1"II,rO\"'l."'IIl" 11"l,ded 1"11' lrarflc oafety. 10. Slrel~t [re,'f! and (ltlt..I' 11I1I,rllv.'llll'nls IwtW':L'll lh,~ curb dnd property II [Ie. 11. ~;lreel slf,;'lti. l 1 . R. I' 1 0 cat. i ti 11 0 f e x j s t I [q ~ I,' 1\ U':.;, ,;I g liS a 11 d 1I L III lie s . l1. PuYUIt"llt of a pro lilla slldrl' "I' tli" costs ilS r1l'tel'llllrll'd by t11l.! Ilt'parlllll'llt 'll' Public \~lllkCi tif .'; fltorlll drilLllilg.! Ilr 8trf!el il1lpro\'~I:I"nt:, which hilS bl~"", or Is lo I,." ptu,vlcled hy O.....IIl.r dlld uthers v.'her,~ such f iI d 11. t Y b.. lit! l' l t s t 111' P r l I J> l' r t. y d,~ s c rib l' d j 11 I: x I Ii b i l ^ . NOTE: f'1'I!S dre pdYdlll(~ iI! 1.111' rilt,! III efh,(.t ill tlml:' of P,IYIIIE'.llt. 14. Ellgllleerlng dll.! llllil'l"'! i,"\ illld ~>ldll dlccl, ft',~s. 15. SnllJ.tary St'W.'q\t~ fal'll!lt!'s. l (, . \~ ate r ~ y s l .~ 111 . - I - J 299PAGE2068 c. When the City OL[t~ctor Ill' Public \~()lk~; d.~lerIi1LlleS tllat tile reasonti for the deferment of Ule improvl>III<:'lIts a:; ~;I'r forti, j n Sl'et 1011 1\ ilU 10:lger ex1st, lie shall notify Owner in ...,,'It 111/( t I) ('1>!;I:ilcnce tllt~ir inf:;tallatioll and cOllstruction. The notice shall be lIIi1ilt'" It I lht' currellt OWlll~r or oWllers of lhe land as shown on the latest adopted COllllty i1SSP:;!;IlIt:'llt roll. The not1ce shall descrihe tile work to be dOllP oy .MIH'rs, ILl' tlI1H~ wltl11n which tlH~ work shall commence aIld the time witllin which the work shall hl~ "IIIiI\>l'~lt~d. All (,f illIY iWi'tion of said improvements lTIay be required at iI spt>I'lfit>d tl;:lt~. ":ach oWI,.~r sl!all participate on a pro rata basiR in tlte Cllst of till" Impr1lvt'I!IC'llts III he l:18t:l1 l.,d. if IlWllCr is ()hl1.b,iL~-:d ~t) i/~'l.l c~ tjiU Ifii:t~ ..~ltal'-~ .'.t a Ct)hl (II i1 facii!IY pruv1'-led by uthers>> tile notice shall include tlte amoulll to Ill' pald illld tile tllll.' whet) paymL!nt IIfllHt be Illilde. Ill. f'ERFORtIANCE OF THE \-JOIZK OWller agr'~t:'H to perforlll till' ',,/I'rk alld 111;;\((' lill' payments reII'll red by Cl ty as Aet forth here1n or as llI11di fied by lh.. CIly (;<lIIIIC! 1. O.....ner shall c,Hlse plans and HpecificCltiol18 for the, Improvelll,>nls to hl' prepared by competelll persons ll'gal1y qllalifled to do the work and 1'1) Sllhlllll said illlprovellH'nt pLJns and speclfications for approval pI' lor III CIIHlIlI,'nc"llll'llt of lile \.Jork d,~scr1bed In L1le notice alld to pay city 1nspection fl~l's. lill' wllrk shall he dllllt~ in accordance with clty standards in effect at. till' lIlliI' IlIlproVl'mt'nl plans are submitted for appruval. OWller agreeH to COllllllenCl' ;llld (")(Ilpl,'lt~ lhe work wllhlll the time specified in the lIot1ce given by tll'~ I>lrel'lor of Public Works and lo lIutify the Cit~' at least 4R bours prlur lo slart of work. III til.. eVl'llt Owner Fails to construcl allY Improvements required ulHll'r lhls a,(t't!l'lIll'lll, City IIklY, at its option do the work and collect <111 co~;ts hom (It.Jnl'r. Pt'rilllssioll to ('liter onto lhe property' of Owner 18 granted lo CI ty or ItA c.1I11ractor as may be neCt~88ary lo construct such imprOVellll'lltH. IV JOINt' COOPEKATIVE PLAtl ()Wller dgreeh t-tJ co~~p,-,r(il~l~ lIpl)11 IIOll((' 111 1..le)' WILli (JLil,:1 Ill~)~d.:i,)' ""ii'\:I"~, j-;~ City and otiler publIc a,~f'IICI"'f; to prov[d., till' IlTlprOVellll'nts s,~t torth llerein lindeI' a ,1")lnt cOllpcrative plan including lh., forllldl[on of a Incal Iml'rllvt!lIll'llt district, 11' tlliG Il\lOthod 18 fea,;ible to secllre the 11I1;tallal.loll ilnd f'IHIAtrut't I,": of the lmprovernentt-l. v Rl::Va:',-J OF REt)1J lIU:r,ll':lnS If OWlwr dlsai~r..eR wlth tIn' re'lII1:,~ni\'II~S sl'l forLlI !Il ,illY I;ut[ce tu CO:lWIl~nce ftl~;talliltl(111 of I:I'l'(OVCt:iC'lllH i!l~ !;h;d!, willdll Ii ,I ddY~; uf the .;ilt,~ lhe lIotlce was lIlailed, request a revl.~w of the re'luln'[1IPllt.; hi' tl", Ciiy COUllI'll. Till' declslon of the COllIICil shall be bill J In g tip 0 n 1>0 lit C 11' Y il I ill il" I H.' r . V 1 ,~1A I Nn:NANCI': OF l~WI\OVi':lll':ln:~ City a,~r,~ps lo accept fIll' Illd(lllt'lldlll'I' lllo~;'.' 11l'l'['UVI.:IIl"llIH SI"~cifled in Secllon 11 wltlch arc cOlIstrllcled allll cOIllI.lett!.! In ill','ordilli("> with City stalldard~ and requirementH allll are inHtalled within rlghtti of way 'lr "il8t'lllt'llt's dedicat\'d dnd accepted hy resolution of the Ctty COllllc1l. OWller agreell to provld.. allY IH'l'I'~;S.\Ii' 1"ldp()(-ary Jralll;.,~t' [;lcllltlel>, aCCl'SIl roads or olher required illlprovelllt'llts, to ilssuml' t"'I;pollslblIity fur tlte pro!l>.'r fUl1ctioldng thereof, to 6ubmlt plans to the approprLtlL' CIty ag\'ncy fo!' review, If required, and to maintain said iIIlJlrOvem'~nt6 atHI [,ll,tlltlcH In il IIk111111'1- whlch ",ql preclude allY hazard to life or health or damage to adjolnillg properly. ViI BONDS Prior to approval of improveI1",'llt pLIllS hv tll.' :~i t'1 (\',::.'" ;,\,-1/ "(, i.!i,juiced LO c>:,,;,,',,'tc a I..! ,:,,11,,"1' LO LIlt! c.tty 11 f,dthfld I't'rforlll. lice hnlld ,1Iid a labor al\(l tnaterials blllhl III fill alnU'lllt /lllfl forlll ,.,,'(','pt'itld,' to C:II'y 10 I" nd,.;"lt~cI hy till! City COllncil In whole or in parl 1Ipnll COI;'Id.'tloll of !'lt~ 'w"lk Ct'''' li'l~d and paYlllt~llt of all IJer~un6 funllRldn~ labor 1Jnd m.-lterLil~> ill rile 1','rtllrllldll(,C' of the wClrk. V l II INSL!I{ANCI~ OWller shall maintain, or sh,lll rl'(I'dl.' i1IIY clllltractor "~II~~i1gl'd lo pel-form the work tll malnta1n, at all tilnC!-l d1lrlng th" pl'rf'HllldIU'" of th., work cai lr>d for herein, a ~epara te policy of 1 nsurance In 11 f nflll alld ;1I111H1I1I' acr-ept a b I L' In City. 1 X 1 N i) EltI it TY The ()WI11~r 611'111 aHSIJIlIl' !lIe d"f"Il'lt' illld tllcl"lllld fy and save harrnl,~Slj the City, ltH offirers, agell!S and I'lnploYl"~H, frolll '~VI'lV ,'XI"';I',t', ! lill>ll (I Y or PdYlllL'llt by t-ea80n of ill.lury "including dl~ath" to pl~rSI)IIH or d.tII\.t)~I' ell prO:'l'rty slIL'ered through allY act or :> - J 299PAGr2069 oml~tdon, including putlslve negllg'_'IIL't,> til' act or i!egligence, or both, of the o..l\e(. his employeetl, agcllt8, ~lll\trdcLorti, tillb-c\"llrd(~tllltl. ur IIlIY Oile directly or indirectly employed hy either of them, or drlbtng III allY WdY from the ,."ork cdlled for by tldtl agreement, on any part of the premi~es. including lhutie malterH ari~ing out uf lhe deferment of permanent drainage facl] j t Il~s (lr tile adequacy, safely, IIse or non--utle of tempol~iiry dr-alnage facJliticti, the Ikrfonnallce ur nlln-performdllce of tlll~ work. This provi~lon shall not he del'llIl,d lo reqllfrl~ the OWlll'r tu Indemnify the City against the liability fur damage arising from the l-H,le negligence or wIllful mi8cOlHlllct ()E the City ,or its agents, servanls 01' Indepl~ndl~nt contraclors wll() fire dlrectly i" ~ ;.j {J \) i 1 :..; ~ L ~_ t:; .. " "J. \-....1 LIIC .....J.. L./ . IN \HTrH~SS \'IIlI~RE()F. Ci ty hati i~Xl,cuted LId ,; i.lgreelllent as of March 18, 1985 ATTf~ST : CITY UF GILROY /~1t<t4;j AU{ 1~ ---/.,.----~I~\YOR U '" APPIWVED AS TO FORM b' r / / ' / .... . ~, ./!/LffL ICL_. --<> C l'TY AT'l" N EY / ~ IN WITNI~SS \.THEREOF, Owner hati eXeCllr.t~d tIlls agreement dS of narch 4,19-85 ~ ~, (/ , --- ~,'!2.c,.L/---1;L~ ----- ~,eo elKishimura 7/ -4 1:- --~- _.' -- , ohert Kishinura (This docullIent to be a('klluwled~~ed with ~(gllat\lll'~ all th~y appear Oil deed of title) STATE OF CALI FORNI/\. ) hj~. COUNTY OF SANTA ClARA ) On this 4th day,of "larch in the year une thollsand nine hll nd re d and _e i gh..!3-=- f i v.~ illJ_____, -tiZJ-L, I' y-l~;T)T((::-nx:jxnllXXXDCCY}CU~ State of Cal lfonll,l. dilly ~',,!,,':-~~. i:"rs',....llj ul'i'e..rt~Ll (;eor~e Kishimura knuwn tu 1111..' to bc_ the..2_~<:_n___,____.___deti.. r ihed 1 n and that XXXXXXXXX e xc ell t ed the w 1. t h i n 1 nil t fUllle II t IU<XXXXXXXXXXXXX:'O.~lrn>>::n:X:t.tlX:)tX:XXlXX1XlXi~X and acknowledt:ed to me that he eXe(~llt.l~d lhe Silllle. IN \nTNESS IJlIEREOF I have llerellntu tiel my hillld dlld affixed the official seal of lhe City of Cilroy III tIle Coullty of Santa CLHd the day and year in tlds certificate first libovI..' '..llttell. ! 11"'11 ".., ...".."...."I...n...n...."........"... : OFFICIAL SEAL! 5 DIANA E. POOLE. SCHEFKE 5 - . E NOTARY PUBLIC - C^LJrO"';~IA E S COlH~TY OF SANTA Cl.~A S : Comm, fxp, Aug, 14 1988 : . ~~ ~_ F~ \, ; --;\- ~. \ r \:~~l~_ ______, _____,____----="II..""."..............""..IIIIIIII..;I.IIII..i ~~~xm<KyOC~KXiXKXiQ(~;;: State of Cil]iforoia ~~OCKKX~~X~~XXXA&X~X~~~K~~XRKXKXa~XX~~4X~~~~ Diana E. Poole-Schefke, Notary Public ~y commission expires 08/14/88. -j- '" '-".<'''''~~~'-'''''''''-'''----:.'''' . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. ) J299PAGE2070 C0unty of Santa Clara On this 8th day of i.:.nd eighty-five a Notary Public, City Clerk, personally appeared known to me to be executed the within to me that he the person instrument on his executed the same. March in the year one thousand nine hundred , before me, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ City of Gilroy, State of California, duly sworn, ROBERT H. KISHlMURA described in and that h3 behalf therein named, and acknowledged IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Ci y of Gilroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first above writt n. - City Clerk, City of Gilroy, State California per Civil Code Section 1181; Government Code Sec.40814. (Seal) \ ~\ \\\ l\'.' \ ~/ /' !\ \\\ ~- /.--------- r.' '~'\\ --.--~------- ~ ,\---------,./ , r\ \~~ ,.'-' ~f) \ I ;\" l~'\\I\ I \ \ ,,' : \ \ \\\ /'/--- \'1 ~ ...-----, \ ,\, ~ ------;-~-', o,~' \ ',\\ ....---------- _.---=---- ;::,/ ' '. I " , .. '- \ /' --------- .--.--/ " \ \ " , , '." ,./--- - .--.-- \ '\ ' . '_''', ~\.l1 \ ''.........- ...'.... _ ___ \ __' --" \ < / ", ------- :..-,l .~:_~'~, ~,', \\" ~' -/I-tE~\~'\ './ ,--, -~ '~\\\'~ \'\\\\,--_// '-~, --;:,' hVVV-,\'J .. I' ,', _ _/-,' -'.- - .-<- \ 1, ' . " --__" .. ~ (' ----, \ \ ' '-------- / 'I r, ' l \ ~ \~., \~\' \ ' .. '. \ \ \ '. \ \ " \ \ nor. Ave \ \ \~', ---=-=- ,'~: ~\\~\ , ' , \,)\'Xl , 'P' / /.-:!---' ,., \ \ 'l> ~Vl' ''': ,_ -, \1 - _ ________'. \::--~......--.- - '. \ " "r ------ \ ,'\' \\'Xl --\\v ,. ,\, - "-___--...1\-. '<'. ~ \ , \ \\0 \\\\ ..,~\\ I, \\\ ,~ , ~ \\: . ': .\ \. ~, '\ '\ \.- 'II, \ INDUST,HAL ../ ___ , ~\ /....,/ \> \ \,/ -- --\ -~--- ,\ ' ARE A /1' '\ '. ,": / _ .\ \ \,- ~ ' \ , ~V- ' .. 1\ Vv--' \.~ \. '. v /~':'b.~~ - /1 " .... , 0 -- \.J"" -- - ..\\'.\~....-~~~}~'~;---- ' / \~~::(':~ .-J,_~, I . ~ \, v__~ ~....~ - 'r.- ~ ", ,/' C" " ,,...,.j,;,e '-.>------, .,' - --) .--/ , ' Li II ~ Ave,: --.-..-.-- .---- '.........~..~----_._- -~---" lr , -\" ~ ;". )', J," _~ .,) ~ " , ',,~e.t.e.r.c.~ s+ ;' " \. s~',\'\." " \.. " \':;' ," :!"..} \ , l~, '~.'I', ......,'-, . ~ ~,~ "\ - y "-" " ,-J \ \' \ , \ \ .. \ ,. J 299PAGE2071 //, \' \\'0 \\ (' \ ' ~~~\ L \\~~~,-' ,\~ v .. '\' \~\~ \~, \ ~~~\ ' '. ~'~ \~ \ , .--- '\ \ ~(-; ,.:./ ,- --------... 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