Construct Land Development Improvements - Obata Brothers ::';;~::.:::'.:;;;' ".~:.;:"m}.;:~:_,:!::"'i..",..':~:"~,c."t..:,,-c~}";'~,~; . ;,'~'~ ., -':' .,.,.,;""."""";,<.."".,,,,.....,,,.",,""""," }.,,,,,,,-;-,~-~-~..,,,,,,..,,,~.....~.- - -. ',. . ',' '" ' 8060516 -. 1'0 FEE per GC Sec. 6103 f,_, LEI f'~ liO.I. , Af'ftE4Uf:8T If C:~ y -+ o-Urcry CITY OF GILROY ~~. -MAtte 9~' AM "M 7351 Rosanna Street :lI' ".. l\.... OFFtC1AL RECORDS Gilroy, California 95020 ..... \. \) SANTA CLARA COUNTY ,w'- CEORGE A. MANN Qf.C;ISTRAft RECORDER AGREEMENT IiY OWNER OR \I [S SUCCESSOI{S IN INTEREST TO CONSTRUCT I..ANU UEVELOPtiENT IMPI{UVEMENTS No. 84-9 ~roject Identification: Assessor's Parcel No. 841-15-078 This i8 an agreement between the City of Gilroy, hereinafter rttft!rred to as "City", and Obata Brothers) A Partnership hereinafter referred to ao "Owner". 8060516 WHEIlliAS, Owner of the property descrihed in Exhibit A, wishes to defer construction of permanent improvemcnts and Clty agrees to such defenuent provided Owner (or Succetisor in interetit) agrces to conotruct iUlprovements as herein provided. NOW, TUERE1o'Ollli, IT IS AGIlliEU: I. AGREEMENT IiINDING ON SUCCi-:SSOI{S IN INTEIU:ST This agreement, together with the attached stipulatiol1ti. i8 an instrument affecting the title or pOtiselislol1 of the real (>r-uperty dCHcrlbed in I<:xhibit: A. All the terms, convenantli and conditiollli her-eIn imposed tihall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the l:H1ccetisors in interest of Owner. Upon Lhe sale or division of the property deticr1bed in Exhibit A, the tennli of thio agreement ohal1 apply tieparately to each parcel and the owner of each parcel shall succeed to the obligationti impotied on Owner by this agreement. II. STKEKf ANU DRAINAGE IMI'ROVEf-tENTS A. Ci ty and Owner agree that the 1 ffil>roVements oet forth in thili section may be deferred because: These improvements and fees are inappropriate at this time. B. Owner agrees to construct the following lWj)rovemcnto 011 or adjacent to the property described on Exhibit A as well ati required off site improvewentti in the manner lOet forth in this agreement: Improvements required by the City Department of Pub1lc Workti al:l generally described below. (Crotiti out lmpr-ovcl1lCntti that are Hot n:quIred.) .' rT--S~~b-und-~~~eer. iw::8t6e~atlli8. 3. Driveway!:!. 4T--6ereee-~rad~ft~T-eaee-ft"~:~a~iRg. 5. Storm dr-ainage facI11l1eb. 6. ErotJion control plantlngti and facllitieo. ~.--~1~a~5~l~~tt;;. Q... 8'ni.I!~. eaR"- ~eIU'Il.. - w... ". .....,,~~- _..t-1)Uol~~ iY--"d**i~8ded-ti~d-~_k~t-4"~~~~~~~+~._1~~~~~_~~~~~~ 10. Street tn:el:l and .uther lLUpruvcmentti between the curb and property line. 1~y--6t*eet-ti4g~d' 1~.. - - Rei6edt -ltut- ~- ~1l.4 ti~ -l1't~- of ~1't~~ot;, - -tH~H:i- -o-t1<lS- oUt4-t-1..{j.,f,~ . 13. Payment of a pro rata sllafe of the costo as determined by the Departlllc:lt of Public WlJfkti of astorlll draInage or titreel improvcmentti which has been. Of ls tu he. provldcd by Owncr and others where tiuch facility bt.~llefltti the I'fUpt:rty described 1n Exhihit A. NOTE: Fees are payable at the ratc 1n effect at time of payment. 14. - - Enp nee-ri. n-p;- 'ftnn-..... Tl1ST)'e"(.~-i ~1Tl"" -ml'd- ,J1.'U1r--eht:-L* -i~>-tr. 10;.. - - -51lni't1l'f'Y- 'tSewrs-g-e- -t'trt:-l-i i.1:-i~"\- 1 ir. - - tIa't -er- "5ys't'e1lr. - ..- I 531 f'~GE 402 C. When the City Director of Public Work::; determi.leti that the reasons f,or the deferment of the improvements as set forth in section 11 no longer exist. he shall notify Owner in writing to commence their inl:ltaIlation,and cOllsJ;ruction. The notice I:lhall be malted to the current owner or owners of the land ati shown on the latest adopted county assessment roll. The notice shall describe the work to be done by owners) the time within whIch the work l:lhall commence and the time within which the work tihall be completed. AIL of any portion of tiaid improvementtl may be required at a IjpecLf led Lime. I~ach owner tihall participate on a pro rata basis in the cost of the improvements to be installed. If owner is obligated to pay a pro rate tihare of a COtit of a facility provided by others, the notice shall include the amount to be paid and the time when payment (wst be made. III. PEH.FOKMANCE OF THE WORK Owner agrees to perform the work and make the payments required by City as set forth herein or as modified by the City Council. Owner shall cause plans and specifications for the improvements to he prepared by competent persons legally qualified to do the work and to submit said improvement plans and specifications for approval prior to commencement of the work described in the notice and to pay city inspection fees. The work tihall be done in accordance with city standards in effect at the lime imp.'ovement plans are submitted for approval. Owner agrees to commence and complete the work within the time tipecified in the notice given by the DirecL0.' of PubUc Works and to notify the City at least 48 hours prior to start of work. Tn the event Owner fails to construct any improvementl:l required under this agreement, City may. at its option do the work and collect alt COtitti frum Owner. Permititiion to enter onto the property of Owner is granted to City or itti contractor as may be necessary to conatruct tiuch improvemenLI:l. IV JOINT COOPEl<.ATIVE PLAN Uwner agreel:l to cooperate upon notlce by City with other property owners, the City and other public agencies to provide the Improvementt> set forth herein under a joint cooperative plan including the formdtion of a locul improvement district, If thiti method i6 featilble to secure the intitallac:ion and contitruction of the improvements. V I{EVIEW OF REQUII{EMENTS If Owner disagrees with the requirements set forth in any notice to commence installation of improvementti he shall, within 30 days of the date the notice was mai led, request a review of the requirements by the City Council. The decision of the Council shall be binding upon both City and Owner. VI MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS City agrees to acce!>t for maintenance those improvementl:l tipecifled in Section II which are contitructed and completed In accordance with City standardtl and requirements and are intltalled within rights of way or easements dedicated and accepted by resolution of the City Council. Owner agreel:l to provide any ncceStiary telilporary drainage facilities, acceSH roads or other required improvementti, to aHSUIlU~ respolU;ibility for the proper functioning thereof, to subluit plans to the apprupriate City agency for review) if required, and to maintain said improvements and facllltlcti In a manner which will preclude any hazard to life or health or dalDage to adjoining proper:.y. V Ii HONUS ~rior to approval of improvement plalls Ly the City, Owner llIay be required to execute and deliver to the City a falth~'lIt perfonnance bond and a labor and IDaterials bond in an amount and form acceptab~e ..0 Ci~y to be reieatied by the City Council in whole or in part upon completion of the work rcquired a!ui payment of all pertiOn8 furnishing labor and water1all:> :';1 the l'erlonllance of the work. VIII INSUl<.ANCE Owner ..hall maintain. or shall cequlic ii.'Y con\: ractor engaged to perform the work to maintain, at all times during the rerfonuance of the work called for herein, a separate policy of inSurance in e. f :1 fill C1nd amuunt acceptable to City. IX INDEMNITY The Owner tihall assume the de;'e'lde a..d tndl;.::ilnify and save harmless the City. its officerti, agents and employees, frOlu evel'Y expenoe, liability or payment by reason of injury "including death" to p~::-l:jOl!ti ur d:t:.,oge t:u property tiuffen~c. through any act or -- I 531 f)~GE 403 omistiion, including passive negligence or dct of negligence. or both, of the (","~r, hll:i elllployeeti. agents, contractors, 6ub-contn!ctort:l, or any olle directly or indirectly employed ,by either of them. or arll:iing ill any way frulU the work called for by thiti agreement. on any part of the premiseti. Including thotie Illdtten; al-ising out of the deferment of permanent drainage facilitIes or the adequacy, safety, utie or non-Ulw of tempo("ary drainage facilitie!:l. the pert'tll'llIdIlCl' or non-pel-fllnlldnc.., of the work. This provhdon ahall not be d..~emed to ("equlre the OWlIl~r to LndemnJfy the City agaln6t the liability for dallldge ar1sing frum the !wle negligence or willful miticonduct of the City or its agentti. servants or independent contractors wllo are directly retiponsible to the City. IN WITNESS WIlEKEOF, City has executl~d lhiH agreement as of May 7, 1984 ATTEST: ~rd~~ ""'/, APPJ(,OVEU AS ,TO, /I',' ,,7 ~ . ~I//~ f/2tdf/ Cttl~ ' ,., CITY ATTORFJ CITY OF GiLROY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OWnt!r has t!xt!culed this ugrt!ement as of April 13, 1984 (This document to be acknowledged with slgniltures as they appear 011 deed of title) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) On this 1 h day of ~H-l-______tn the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-i~u;r..____. oldry Public. Cl_J 51 L. 81. ,. ~H.lr6Y, Stattt of California. duly tiworn, personally appeared Jack S. Obata. Tom S. Obate: O~~tlttfl1:<owfik to be persons .deticdbed in and that executed the within instrument Oil behalf therein lIilmed. and acknowledged to me that they executed the tiame. and Joe M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto tiet lilY hand dnd affixed 1;116* 1&fi~~al a the day and year in this certificate firtlt above wrltten. ~+* JANET K. WALLACE NOTARY PUBLlC.CA~IFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comj~iSSiOn Exp. Mar 26.1985 ~11i:r H.A. City of Gilroy, State of California per Civil Code Sec. 1181; Government Code Sec. 40814 -'}- I 531 i'!GE 404 "A" EXHIBIT A Partnership Obata Brothers, -- . ". . ' . . - I 531 !)!GE 405 CITY UF GILROY OEVELOPMENT CUST SCHI-~OULI-: No. 84-9 Uate 14-13-84 Initialed S.D-L. Locatlon of Property North West Corner of Obata Way and Southside Drive Assessor's Parcel # 841-15-078 Name of Applicant Obata Brothers, a Partnership 740 Eschenburg Drive, Gilroy, Ca1 ifornia 95020 AddreliS Type of Development Proposed Parcel Split Area 21.179 Acres Sturm Drain IIDII Street Frontage N/A Englneering Map Check 01-10U-II0U-6U04-11 $ 99.00 Subdivisiontl $ +$ (n) Parcel Splits $ 87.00 +$ 3.00 (n) n- number of lots Engineering Plan Check and Inspection 01-1UO-II00-6004-12 $ Paid 5% of the COtit of Public Improvementti 5% x $ Miscellaneous Engineering Service 01-1UU-I100-6UU4-13 $ 62.00 2 hours x ( 31.00 ) Public Works Microfilming 01-10U-II00-6U04-14 $ 10.00 $5.00 per sheet (maps and planti) x 2 Sheets Fire Hydrant Location Fee 07-720-190U-80UI-00 $ Paid $ for the first 5 hydrants +$ for each add it ional hydrant!; Area Water Charg~ 03-300-1300-7203-00 $ Deferred 21.179 Acrea @$ /acre Acreti @$___/acre Construction Water 07-72U-1900-8UOI-00 $ N/A LF @$ /LF+ Acre!; (~ $ /acre -1- ", , . ~ . . Ofl-Sit~ Storm Drain Fee Area "Au $ ... '. . Area "A-1"S Arca "u .. $ Area "C" $ Area "0" S Area "E" S Area ..1.-..... $ Area uQ" S 21.179 Acre/;; @S Acreti @$ Front }o'oot Chargclj Water U' @$ Sewer Lf @$ I 531 r)!.GE 406 /Acre /Acre / Ac re /Acre /Acre lAc ft:. /Acre /Acre /Acre / Ac re 02-230-1300-7204-00 $ Paid ILl-' 02-230-13UO-72U5-00 $ Paid ILf Storm Drain 02-230-1300-72U7-UO $ Paid LY @$ /LF Strcet Improvements Curb 6. Gutter LF @$ Sidewalk. Sf ~$ Gal. Pole Electrolier LF @$ ElectroIier Condu!.t LF @$ fire Hydrant LF @$ Wood Pole Hounted Elect rol1er LF @$ 02-2)0-1300-7207-00 $ Paid ISF"$ /U-$ ISF-$ I H',a$ iLto-$ I U'.. $ 01-100-1100-6004-00 $ N/A ILF PClvelUent S}o' ~$ Public Works Catih Bonda and UtqJOb1ttl $100 Lawyer Fee $6 Recording Fee OB-BOO-1100-6004-02 $12 San Jose Blue Print $ 118.00 o t he r $ o t he r S ~ - J'.. TOTAL $ 289.00 NOTI::: All dcf~rr~d fees arc payttblc at the rate in effect Ht time of payment. -2- ~' c.' . Il ,,j ,,"'.'''', II . ..... .'.)'" 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