Construct Land Development Improvements - Pappani, Felix, Chester and Betty - APN 783-03-11 T I I -,-;;' -.; "'.t ,..,; .~ ....- - ./ r' I, ITV' Of' i) LP~Y ~i D 223 . r,',I.~ 478 2~p r~\tE4 78 58,~0623 223 fiLED fOe GORO ", AT REQUE.ST OF ". y. t'.. '.. '. (,:::'" /rii'.>."':'~"'''J \"'''/'"1'' . ~,..r" (:t~<o 'OCT ZO' '8 AM '11 7300 rOs~rr0 Ctrsr', n G i ! ro.y, [.31 i f~') j"( ~j:~ Q5;izn ;' T"\ox r,( OFFlClt,L PECORDS I SMH A GLAFi\ COUNTY, GEOP(,E A hl/.:Hl . . .' . REGISTRM{ r::.::;..:GRDER A.GR[F:1r':T ry r:"~1ER ::1R HIS SUCCESSORS I~ INTEREST TO CO'JSTRUCT t..i\'!1 DEVElOPrlE'n mPR()VE'1E'~TS vJ. Project Idc~tific~tion: Assessors Parcel 783-03-11 This is an aqr~emcnt between the CITY OF GILROY, hercinaftrr refc:>rrel to ;:'5 "r,i ty", (lId FELIX A. PAPPANI, r~~~T~~ ~ ~APPANI AND BETTY B. PAPPANI \. ~. 1. .p . .... t!" ~ ;. ,... ~ ;:. .... '!L Q ,~ ~'.'~~ ~ ~11'f. ~. ~Cio ,,~ ~rflC:R[AS, O\'If1Sr desires to subdivide or develop the property . -(!lo'2 ~escribed in Exhihit /\ and wishes to defer construc~ion of permanent ~'lJ'~;,~ 11'lprovements anrl Citj' a'lrees to such deferment prov1ded Owner a'Jrees ''fl ~.~ t to construct improveMents as herein provided. ~~i;. ~1(l'I, T~1ER~FORE, IT IS I\G~EEr): herei nafter r~ferred to ClS "(h'rer". 1 . AGREEf1EilT 8rml'IG O'! SUCCESSORS FI n!TEREST This ~qreenent, to~et~er with th~ attached stipulations, is an instrument affectin~ the title or possession of the real property describ~d in Exhibit A. ^ll the terms, convenants and conditions h~rein impos~d sh~ll ~e hiniinq upon and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest Df nt~er. Upon the sale or division of the property descrHcd in Exhibit ,n.. t"e tems of this agreement shall apply separately to each parcel and the o\'mer of each parcel shall succeed to the ob1iqations imposed on (lI'mer by this aqreement. 11. STREET Arm ORl\HI,Il,GE P1PROVD~ErITS A. City and 0wn0r 0~rce that the improvements set forth in this section may be rleferr~d because: 1. Improvements are inappropriate at this time. 2. The owner agrees to dedicate right of way as shown on Exhibit "A" at such time as development is proposed on the parcel. 3. It is mutually agreed that the street shall be shown to terminate 365 LF from the westerly property line until development n1ans more carefully define the future street alignment in the area. . Page 1 of 2 ifl WlnlE~S \lHEPE(,c, CIty has ~xecuted this agreement as of ~')..3 October 17, 1977 ATTE~T: CITY OF GILROY I) " ~- i A ~ ~ ~~-p~-' /~ ~,~~-=:Jf //?rty Clerk . Y -.. Or ~ ':0 I ~L 223 I-Ml479 Owner has executed this agreement as of APPROVED AS TO FORM IN WiTNESS \-JH September 2g. 1977 WITNESS: /f-L-C~-'( a, 1~-}vJ)C~:. , v , d2];/o'f?~ )) ,---\ /) j"~~ / -/) .) ,.....-. ./ ./ {',r-', /', - j/ "1-' ./1 -"- .( (This dO(!U]1lent to be acknowLedged with signatures as they appear on deed of title) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Santa Clara ) On this nine hundred and day of In the year one thousand , before me, Clerk, City of Gilroy, State of , a Notary Public, City California, duly sworn, personally appeared known to me to be executed the within Instrument on ledged to me that described In and that behalf therein named, and acknow- executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and year In this certificate first above written. City Clerk, City of Gilroy, State of California per Civil Code Sec. 1181; Government Code Sec. 40814. Page 2 of 2 . o 223 r~'cE 480 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) On September 28, 1977, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared RICHARD L. COX, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, as a witness thereto, vJho being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: That he resides in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, and that he was present and saw FELIX A, PAPPANI, CHESTER A. PAPPANI and BETTY B. PAPPANI, personally known to him to be the . same persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within and annexed instrument as their part thereto, execute and deliver the same, and they acknowledged to said affiant that they executed the same; and that said affiant subscribed his name thereto as a Witness. SS my hand and seal. for said State . I I I I J III II II" II tl II 1 E I a' II II lUll II II i 211111.IIIIII.II.~ ~ BRUCE M. JACOBS : :: : , NOTARY PUBLIC - _ALlFORN1A 5 E ~...t .-.l'~. ,I.-i.',:"L ...;. I' i~f.. it'\: = :' .'.i/\NT A CLARA COUNTY 5 a My Commission Expires October 3, 1977 ; illllll II 1111111111.1111.1111.111 111.111.1..111....1...... My commission expires: 10/3/77 ~J t~ ~ ~1i ~~ ., "'- I r" . ,V'i ~~. ~ ~ --f rrJ r r - - wa ~J~ ." < rrl I I ;0 "- =E --f ~ 6i ~ - ~ ~~,'" """"~",,,"~",',,',:j'"-":p-_",,,"f;',(C;;''''''=-''''1!l1l'i<"''~1'''''':,Qi~..;,",,~';ff....~?;.c"',~"ii"""'~~~~"~"'C;:"~5'",~;J''':;;''r''''',,',''!~<l~'!~:'I''~:__~=',J!:IY'il"""'!'>::'''''~'',~X;l~ fTl x :::r- -. 0- -. I J>- - - - -- ~ _:::Oc;,!,~:'~);-"~~~~W'!:7""'..;C:;2:~~;;:;f"." ~ ,~,';=.'?~"'ff.f..'c'_(~,{,,'_<i''::':;'~'1''').I,:','l.:'",,' c'" o 223 r,.,tE 481 - 'T-_Z22.-?2/_- . . \ \ I ~ 1-.... I ~ ..' "- \.I ~ I ~1 1 1 I ~ ~ ~ I . Q) Q) ~I~ ()J B!: ()I ~ ~I ~ Ua ~ l> I . I ~ I ." ~I N Z 0 :1] H -f ~ )> - m I Z I ~. I r- (."!:..7i;7,. - I ~, r- - - ~. ~. 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