Certificate of Compliance - Ahmadi, Hassan & Mahboobe - No. 91-24 ... l 8 4 6 PAGE 0 0 1 0 11043650 I -,. ,..- ,"'t ~'. S 1. Insert where indicated below the serial number of deed(s) recorded concurrently herewith. fi U.: _:'" .' kf ~r:or',',.',,-" ,"1(:) , L.~jL ;::; OF /'\, ". , !0',IA. I . -1 SfP j 2 13 PH '91 RECORDING INSTRUCTIONS (''' ../1 ( S i\ l;, 2. This document must be recorded within six months from date of issuance to be valid. Oil P\~ '~.<." ~".::' ~ r:= r I~~J ;~""~ V SEP 3 No Fee per GC See 27383 L" -.) iHY 1991 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: - Susanne E. Steinrnetz,City Clerk City of Gilroy 73~1 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 RETURN TO: CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91 _ 24 Lot Line adjustment OWNERS~S CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of of Compliance: that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property: That we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this OcWNerEtRisfi: ca,jJt J : ~o:p:~ce"J1t / !, I ~~~' MCLhhookftArf)c~ HASSAN AHMADI MAHBOOBE AHMADI ACKNOWLEDGMENT On a, t c2 D .1991. before me. iJJro: IlHJJe ,5!-:I./{( S . a Notary Public State o~alifqrni~, d~y Ic:ornmjhSio~e? and sworn, personally appeareri-NI/0/J1J ,1114~t..JrT Al)h '!'-llJ-C 1'J1J}d I personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same i2 '(2 J \ Signature.--. ):v LA<-0 /fL/JU_- LeiA/JU?/.1-) Q OFFICIAlNOTARYSEAL : .M., -:. PATIENCE ANNE STARNES ... ' Notary Public - CaIifomla '.. SANTA CLARA COUNTY , My Comm, ExpiIeI JUL. 28,1995 ~(2~~ IL. _/ My Commission Expire Principal place of bu , t99S ~ o~ i <I-~ Notice is hereby given that the parcel of land described in the attached Exhibit "A" is in Compliance with division 2 of title 7 of the Government Code, State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted thereto. Date: August 23 199 1 , - Approved By: Norman s. Allen City Engineer, City of Gilroy R.C.E. 26092, Expires 3/31/94 Further, that as a result of this Certificate sale, lease of financing of this parcel of land sh a violation of the subdivision Map Act or local ordi CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-24 L 846 pn GE 0 0 I I AClillOWLEDGHENT: On Allgnst 23. . Notary Public, State personally appeared or proved to me on person whose name is acknowle~ged to me that 1991, before me,--Euaanne E. Steinmeta , a of California, duly commissioned and sworn, Normun S. AIleD---, personally known to me the basis of satsifactory evidence to be the subscribed to the within instrument, and she executed the same. WITN~~S~~Y4h~nd and official Seal. \,) :'. ' ... ~ :~;~~~!I!l~ ~ ~~~~{~,;~~"..:. ~:0 t~~ Ciw c'~ Gi:rf;', ;"'",' S,;r.t~ CIa.", St1tc of Cz::f;,?:", r;< '~.;,i' eG~ ~:'l;. nn. Si.gnatura. o ,4". ,.It,". ~<rJ_~- . t . ." , ' , " c~./~lt!t~::'~':: c<-~.:: 'C.'~. :~-y21~, H~o 6?mfui~;f6n E.xpires NI A 199_ Pr~~cipa>r"p.la.oe of Business is County of Santa Clara , .;;. .." (I .,. ~. CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-~ Lot Line Adjustment PARCEL 1 BEING a portion of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 3 south. Range 3 West, as shown on Map No. 5 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit. Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the STate of California. in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northeasterly line of Rosanna Street distant thereon N.20000.W. 250.70 feet from the intnersection thereof with the northwes terly line of Ninth Street, being the southwesterly common corner to Lots 6 and 7, as shown on said map, and running thence along the northeasterly line of Rosanna Street N.20000.W. 52.46 feet; thence leaving said line N.69050~08"E. 150.60 feet to a point in the northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Hassan Ahmadi and Mahboobe Ahmadi, husband and wife, by deed recorded January 17, 1991 in Book L594 at page 1589, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along said northeasterly line S.20000.E. 52.33 feet to the most easterly corner to said Parcel in the line common to Lots 6 and 7, as shown on said map; thence along said common line S.69047.24"W. 150.60 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2 BEING a portion of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 3 South, Range 3 West in the City of Gilroy as shown on Map No. 5 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northeasterly line of Rosanna Street distant thereon N.20000.W. 52.45 feet from the southwesterly common corner to Lots 6 and 7, as shown on said Hap, and running thence along the northeasterly line of Rosanna Street N.20000.W. 52.45 feet to the most westerly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Hassan Ahmadi and Mahboobe Ahmadi by deed recorded Januar 17, 1991 in Book L594 at page 1589, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the northwesterly line of said Parcel N.69052'52"W. 150.60 feet to the most northerly corner thereof; thence along the northeasterly line of said Parcel S.20000~E. 52.33 feet to a point that is N.20000~W. 52.33 feet from the most easterly corner to said Parcel in theline common to said Lots 6 and 7; thence leaving said northeasterly line S.69050'08"W. 150.60 feet to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT "A" SEE MAP - EXHIBIT "BOO CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO.91-24 L.... .81-. 6 "1" "'r: t"l.. 0'. '.2 <+ r .~ !ji.. U } i '~ PAI?CeL. 2 78eo s.r: I eft 1f,.I,. 9>~ I Co 1\7" ./,-'1 fL' tl 0' I ~~~/!J~ ~f ~ (1) I ~ ~ --' -s I. -- t\i to ~ I ({\ ~ I . 11)' ~ I I 75' Mt'.5 r W 'I_y t''o.eA/67<-. fL 55!)4 0.;<, /58Cf .6.90 SZ'.5Z'"E, /,50. cO 0 r- UJ UJ " r- rn lo 'l- l\L -- ole) 0) ~ ~\J) 'f I\j \.f) PA,I2'CEL 1- 7890 $. F .s; ~9050"08""W. /50. ~o J / L () T ..:t t /.50, GO M ~9P -17/ '4 "/?; -S'yvLy COMMON I COIZNEI< To L..tJTS' C; f 7 LtJT \~ 7 < O,s..>- ..$"..9 ~... '>7 C' <.>-- "2 ~ , ,-(> --- <-. --L-..-<::- '-~ <5' 'v-~ .9 4: Q Z "- -. ------.- Z 0 ~ 4: rn 0 " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NINTH STR.EET , () \9 CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-~_ (Lot Line Adjustment) BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 5 AND 6 IN BLOCK 3 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST MAP NO. 5 ACCOMPANYING SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 553Ei LAS ANIMAS RANCHO PARTITION SUIT City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, California. August 1991 1" = 50' MAP TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION - EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "B"