Certificate of Compliance - Barberi/Vierra - No. 97-04 City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: City Clerk 14087963 Titles: 1/ Pages: 9 Fees + No Fees Taxes. . . Cop i es. . AMT PAID S;.j.3 1ft. ...: ".' ,c\72C ~):n30578 KDS RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF, ~ AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Commonwealth Land Title ROE *'* 102 3/10/1998 8:00 AM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 97-04 LOT LINE ADJUSTNIENT CITY OF GILROY Notice is hereby given that the parcels ofland described in the attached "Exhibit A" and shown on Map "Exhibit B" are in compliance vvith Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code, State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted thereto. This Certificate of Compliance only adjusts the line between Parcel 5 and Parcel B, as said Parcel 5 is shown upon 'Tract No. 8834 - Gilroy Travel Park', filed in Book 693 of~laps at Pages 29,30 and 31, Santa Clara County Records, and as said Parcel B is shown upon that Parcel Map filed in Book 521 of Maps at Page 10, Santa Clara County Records. Further, that as a result oftms Certificate of Compliance, the sale or lease of these parcels of land shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance CERTIFICATE OF COrvrPLIA.l"lCE NO 97- 04 0'+1 t';) "<)0 ~~ ~ o . 0<:- fD-<:$?f' ~., .~ ~ ~ i$-v vO ej) 0-'< ",>, cP ~ ,,~) ~ 01'-,) r.....' . (, ..., -..). ".... 0..... --, . c;:;; n~ 00 -:.:.' , '< 0 ::pr~/~ Norman S. Allen, R.Cf. 26092, Exp. 3/31/98 City Engineer, City of Gilroy :) . ,OJ (p <I ~' .--~-- STATE OF CALIFOR.l\l1A S.5. COUNtY OF SA'ITA CLARA.. . . On F0 by. (/t, cc v,; ,2 0,.' . . 199 S! . before me. Rhonda .E.elli.ll.. l Not3ry Pubhc In and for smd St:lte. personally appeared. Norman S Allen. proved to me on the basis of satisfactory e\idence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the "ithin instrument and acknowledged LO me that he executed th~ same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person. or the ~rity upon behalf of which the person acted. executed the instrument. Pri d. .,,') .-- nte ~otary's Name i-. 1-1,-'kJ J)/-t I/.~' !-!. f IIJ 1.--"".. 't'~~----~~I e' RHONOA PB.I..IN commissiOn # 1142623 I Notay Public - Cafifomio ~ Santa Ciao Coun1y t _... _ _My_~~~J:l:~ll \V1TNESS ~[Y R~U ANIp pmCIAL SE. .} . . \ j/ir. , \n. . //' , .. Nocary's SIgnature .:-K,"l,:..t/Y?..J.:I' {.~ C (/ C (' /'-.. Expiration of Notary's Commission !." ;2-- () I ",.. ! ,/ -- , ( -r- :.j ~~.,; I ;.' \. ~,) _\(1 ,'f1.~1, ~ _ '_' I (;_ " ,(/.~:() '" ," (,"""t (7'-:::; ~,:"I ,_~ ,~, 'o' ,_ . / . J'c,{ , i 'f i q ;~(: , Notar:.'s principle place of business OWNER'S CfRTIFICA TE \Ve hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property describ~d LTJ. this Certificate of Compliance. That we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property. That we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this Certificate of Compliance. O\VNERS: ;Zft-~(~ . ~~'1).~~~ Norma V. Barbelr, Trustee Frank Barberi ~~~ " Richard Barberi ~/~6a~ ;.roan L. Tassan (Barberi) PLAZA,L.L.C. ~. Vierra,MEMBER/mgr. \.. .. State of California County of -SAN lVlATEO On JAN. 22, 1998 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared _JOAN L. TASSAN (BARBERI) personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person (s) whose name (s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person (s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person (s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ~.~ CYNTHIA D. OPRAY (typed or printed) Name (Seal) '. . 'ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT r-----------------------------------, _ State of California } _ 1 County of .So..nto.... C Jo...rc.... SS. 1 i On II 2.0 ( ~ '8" before me, M Pd A l~ e:.E:. N 'J A R.G-A S i (DATE) (NOTARY) I- personally appeared F ro...nk I 1<' .. c..h",rcl o...r.d.. .:r O~~ ph!> 0-('" bc>..r ~ -I SIGNER(S) i 0 personally known to me - OR- !Sa proved to me on the basis of satisfactory i _ evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) _ 1 is/are subscribed to the within instrument and t t- acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed t- the same in his/her/their authorized - r.u'" MAUREEN"VARGA'S"'[ capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their - t - Comm./1160972 <; signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), 1 - U) NOTARY PUBlIC.CALlFORNIA m or the entity upon behalf of which the t- 1 Santa Clara County - My Comm. Expire. Nov. 8, 2001 ... person(s) acted, executed the instrument. i i i WITNESS my hand and official seal. i I Ln7~~ I OPTIONAL INFORMATION i The information below is not required by law. However, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this acknowl- i - edgment to an unauthorized document. -I CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT D~~ t D CORPORATE OFFICER - i i i i i - t i TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TITLE(S) D PARTNER(S) D ATIORNEY-IN-FACT D TRUSTEE(S) D GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR D OTHER: NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT OTHER OJ Iii .c i SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER E ." a. .D E ::> ,6 '0 _ a._ L_______________________ ____~_______J APA 5/97 VALLEY-SIERRA, 800-362.3369 # " \ ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT r--------------------.--------------, t- State of California } ss. t- County of ~a..n't~ LI ~ r,\ i On , 12.-0 I 9 <l before me, m o...u...r--e..e.. n V ~ G\.,S i (DATE) (NOTARY) -, personally appeared nor r'Y'lA. Y, 80...,.- b ~ri ,- SIGNER(S) i D personally known to me - OR- 'b1I proved to me on the basis of satisfactory i _ evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) _ , is/are subscribed to the within instrument and t - acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed - t the same in his/her/their authorized , - capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their - , signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), t or the entity upon behalf of which the t i 1.i9 MAUREEN VARGAS 'l person(s) acted, executed the instrument. · , - Comm. # 1160972 '" t - U). NOTARY PUSlIC-CALlFORNIA !! - ~ ' Santa Clara County .. SS h d d ffi . I al i ~l~. .~...~YComm,.Expir"NOV..a/2001.t WITNE my an an 0 lCla se . i i ~r~ i i NMA>Y'''~Am~ i · OPTIONAL INFORMATION , The information below is not required by law. However, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this acknowl- i t. edgment to an unauthorized document. ., CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT t Dm~~~ , · D CORPORATE OFFICER · t- TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT t- TITLE(S) t D PARTNER(S) , NUMBER OF PAGES · D ATIORNEY.IN.FACf · i D TRUSTEE(S) i _ D GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR DATE OF DOCUMENT - t D~: t i m~ i t. mr~~~ ,. SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: - t NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) E t - SI~:ER;. 'E _ c._ L__._.___._._____._._.__ _._.~__.___.-1 APA 5/97 VALLEY.SIERRA, 800.362-3369 . , 4, STATE OF CAUFORNIA 5.5. COUNTY OF SA_NT A CLARA On January 30 , 199...!i.-, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared, HOWARD VIERRA proved to me on the basis of satisfa~tory eviden~e to be the person(s) whose naIlle~~U)/are subs.:ribed to ilie within instrument and ac~wledged to me iliat Q'she/they executed the same in~9her/their authorized capaciry~ and that by:~,'her/their sig-uarure(s) on th.e instrument the person(s), or the emity upon behalf of which the person(s) act...G, e^ecuted the instrument. Notary's Signarure Expiration of Notary's Commission 3/19/99 'l.'/",;/Nh,;,/..'>>y//....//f//////......../.../...../////..~ ~ ,;..>,;f~.':'l.~ KEN ., STRYKER ~ ~~. ~~ COMM. 1 0521 ~'3 :- ~ ;~f~ ",' ~ WJTAAY P'JaUG - C-ALlFORNIA Q.. "" ~, ' 8ANTACLARACOUNTY t.:) ~ "".'<" MyComm. ExpIm Mar. 19, 1999 ~ ~//,,//'/.,,/'/"/H////"'.;'//'/AV.N.HH.,/~ Printed Notary's Name Norary's principle place of business San Jose. CaliforniR STATE OF CAUFOR."1IA 5.5. COUNTY OF SA-,\iTA CLA_R_A" On , 199_. before me, the undersigned. a Norary Public in and for said State, personally appeared, prOved to me 011 tl1e basis of satisfa~tory evidell~e to be tIle persou(s) wllOSe uame(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and a~kilowledged [0 me that he/she/they executed the same in his/herltheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his,'her/uieir signarure(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, e^ecuted the instrument. Notary's principle place of business "00 ~~ 0~O~ ,~<:iJ if ~ ,~ O~ $'0 :.-,.v c; {:J":::;' ~ ,0 0.0 ~flj ~0 ~ ~O ~ ~ ~~ q,,<::-O (f~O J" WITNESS MY H.A..:.~D AND OFFICIAL SEAL. Notary's Signature Primed Norary's Name Expirarion of Notary's Commission " .. "EXHIBIT A" DESCRIPTIONS TO ACCOJ\.'IP ANY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 97- 04 Adj usted Parcel 5 BEING all of Parcel 5 and a portion of Parcel B, as said Parcel 5 is sho'vvn upon that certain \lap entitled 'Tract No. 8834, Gilroy Travel Park', filed in Book 693 of Maps at Pages 29, 30 and 31, Santa Clara County Records, and as Parcel B is shown upon that Parcel Map filed in Book 521 of ~laps at Page 10, Santa Clara County Records, and being more particularly described as follO\vs: BEGINNING at the easterly comer common to that aforementioned Parcel 5 and Parcel B. and running thence from said point of beginning along the easterly boundary line of said Parcel B. South 39005'58" East, 31.50 feet; thence South 390.:l3'0 1" East, 7653. feet to a point; thence leaving said easterly boundary line, South 79027' 12" West, 337.92 feet to a p_oint that is 60.00 feet distant, measured at right angles, from the boundary line common to said P-arcel ~ and said Parcel B; thence running parallel with and 60.00 from said common boundary line, South 72039'00" \Vest, 438.75 feet to a point; thence North 17021'00" West, 60.00 feet to a point on the northe:-Iy boundary line of said Parcel B; thence along said northerly boundary line, North 72039'00" East. 30.27 teet to the southwestern most comer of said Parcel 5; thence leaving said south'vvestem comer and running along the westerly boundary of said Parcel 5, North 20006'19" East, 132.95 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left, with a radius of 75.00 feet, through a central angle of28041'50" and an arc length of37.56 feet; thence North 08035'31" West, 51.18 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Travel Park Circle, as said right-of-w'ay is shown upon that aforementioned Tract No. 8834; thence following said easterly right-of-way line, being coincident with the said westerly boundary line of Parcel 5, along a curve to the left whose tangent bears North 77040'26"East, with a radius of2:25.00 feet, through a central angle of81052'40" and an arc length of 321.53 feet; thence along a tangent compound curve to the left, 'vvith a radius of927.00 feet, through a central angle of 1 r52'19" and an arc length 289.16 feet; thence along another tangent compound curve to the left, with a radius of 155.00, through a central angle of96045'58" and an arc length of 261. 78 feet; thence leaving said easterly right-or-way line and continuing along said westerly boundary of Parcel 5 along a curve to the left 'vvhose tangent bears North 6 1009'29" East, with a radius of 30.00 feet, through a central angle of 97032'33" and an arc length of 51.07 feet: thence North 36023'04" West, 430.90 feet to the north'vvestern comer of said Parcel 5; thence along the northwesterly boundary line thereat: North 12030'05" East, 259.84 feet to the northern most comer of said Parcel 5; thence leaving said northern most comer and running along ( 1 of 2 ) 01.0 .. . . . "EXHIBIT A" ( continued) the easterly boundary line thereof along a curve to the left whose tangent bears South 34009'3 I" East, \\lith a radius of 17,238.75 feet, through a central angle of 00003'20" andan arc length of 16.72 feet; thence South 34013'40" East, 20.96 feet; thence continuing along said easterly boundary line, South 34043'29" East, 267.96 feet; thence South 35036'55" East, 267.96 feet; thence South 36030'04" East, 267.96 feet; thence South 37023'57" East, 267.96 feet; thence South 38016'59" East, 267.96 feet; thence South 38047'46" East, 17.16 feet; thence South 39005'58" East, 155.19 feet to the point of beginning and containing therein 8.85 acres more or less. Adjusted Parcel B BEING a portion of Parcel B, as said Parcel B is shown upon that Parcel Map filed in Book 52 L of Maps at Page 10, Santa Clara County Records, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING FOR REFERENCE at the northeasterly corner of that aforementioned Parcel B and running thence along the easterly boundary line thereof South 39005'58" East, 31.50 feet; thence South 39043'01" East, 76.53 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the herein description; thence from said true point of beginning and continuing along said easterly boundary of Parcel B, South 39043'0 I" East, 99.69 feet; thence South 40007'37" East, 62.70 feet; thence South 40058'52" East, 458.10 feet to the southeastern most corner of said Parcel B; thence leavi.ng said southeastern corner and running along the southerly boundary line thereof, South 72039'00" West, 1558.88 feet to the southwestern most corner of said Parcel B; thence leaving said southwestern corner and running along the westerly boundary line thereof, North 17025'52" West, 50.03 feet; thence along a curve to the right, whose tangent bears North 08006'16" West, with a radius of 1200,00 feet, through a central angle of33022'1O" and an arc length of698.89 feet to the northwestern most corner of said Parcel B; thence leaving said northwestern corner and running along the northerly boundary line thereof, North 72039'00" East, 237.51 feet to a point; thence leaving said northerly boundary line, South 17021'00" East, 60.00 feet; thence running parallel with and 60.00 feet distant from the said northerly boundary line of Parcel B, North 72039'00" East, 438.75 feet to a point; thence North 79027'12" East, 337.92 feet to the true point of beginning and containing therein 18.95 acres more or less. CERTIFICATE OF CONIPLIANCE NO. 97 - 04 CITY OF GILROY ( 2 of 2 ) Iw\\Vin\90 103 .' ' , 'EXHIBIT B' PLA T TO ACCOMPANY LECAL lJESCRIPllON FOR CERllRCAlF OF COMPLIANCE NQ 97 -04 S34 rJ9 '.J/ T .-----------------------'\ tangent \ S3473'40'l' 20. 96' S34 '43'29 T 267.96' PARCEL 5 8. 85 ACRES ::t:. ~ POINT OF BEG. If N39'43'o/"W POINT OF REf': /76.22' S40rJ7'37'l' 62. 70' N77'40'26 'l' -----..-..------------- tange'lt ~ ~ ~ ~ Q5 o p}l B --- L B pCL- PARC~CRE5 18.95 \ N08rJ6 '/6 "w (tangent) l.._______ ___ ________ ___ _________________ CURVE RADIUS / /723875' 2 7500' 3 22500' 4 927.00' 5 /5500' 6 30.00' 7 /200. 00' ~~~~Co. .....ca. _ .....CI. _ MH JOB # 90/0JCC.OWC I SCALE ! J~ JOO J LENC 171 /6. 72' 37.56' 32/.53' 289. /6' 26!. 78' 5/.07' 69889' DEl. TA 00 rJ3'20" 28'4/'50" 8/"52'40" /7"52'/9" 96'45'58" 9732 '33" 3322'/0"