Certificate of Compliance - Eagle Ridge Golf Course & Country Club - No. 2002-04 DOCUMENT: 16636846 Tit I es : 1 / Pages: 10 RR<~; :-;;V -f\h~~'; InilL.tV I O~ \ ? Recording Requested by: . U 1111111 ~ 111111I1 ~ _0016636846- Fees, Taxes. - Copies. AMT PAID 34,00 34.00 CITY OF GILROY When recorded, return to: Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 ) ) ) ) ) ) BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of First American Title Company RDE ** 008 11 /22/2002 3:56 PM CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2002 - 04 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OWNERS' CERTIFICATE We hereby certifY that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of Compliance; that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property; and that we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this Certificate of Compl iance. OWNERS: Eagle Ridge Golf Course & Country Club LLC By: Shapell Industries, Inc. A Delaware Corporation Manager By: Date J.e. Truebridge, As . tant Vice President ,-- /' J i...--",",- ,,/) "'. . ,.,./- / // / ~ ". / . ;/;, ~l /r '/L ( " Le~[1 L/ Date Marie A. Cook, Assistant Vice President ~-"2.-0 2- By: ./ - , -.-/ ., .-.......- By: Donald E. Vanni and Sharon L. Vanni, Trustees or the Successor Trustee. under the Donald E. and Sharon L. Vanni Revocable Inter Vivos Trust, dated July 22, 1981, as to an undivided 1/2 interest and David V. Vanni and Valerie D. Vanni, as Trustees of the David V. Vanni, & Valerie D. Vanni Revocable Trust, dated May 19, 1999, as to an undivided. 1/2 inte~est. By: ~~2U Date ~~.2~-02 By: 3:) - 0~L VCl-'VVv~ate: d-:>. '~~:l ~~ C;'~ BY~~)UC'~ Date: S/~~ By dA~jJ /~~1. Date P~& CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE Notice is hereby given that the Parcel of Land described in the attached Exhibits "A" and "B" is in compliance with Division 2 of Title 7 of Government Code, State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act and all local ordinances enacted thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance, the sale, lease, or financing of this Parcel of Land shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. Date: .9~ 11/07- . , Approved by: 2002-04 ~/~~ Norman S. Allen Director of Public Works City of Gilroy RCE ,.(6'Z?92.. Expires: .7-3'/-0,{ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT fr.ij'~~~~&-<,~~,Q'~~~if~~q~~.g?~~-';;-<><;:<:-~Q'&<:,~<<~.Q:'.-<;<'""Q>c,{:~<'~<<~lf~Q'Y,1 ~'~.' State of Californi~ } ~ C- '__ 1"', ' ) ss. ~ '('\ \ \ f4 \, '-_,' \ I ,,1:-" , County of --j -\ \ ,-' ,\ ~ i,.,: On 8/ :) LC .'J.. . before me.~ :"'.'\.\ \ C t' \ , . ~\" u, 'f.~ I ~ Name and Title of Officer (e.g, 'Jane Doe, Notary Public") I:'> I personally appeare~ j . (~U € ,", ;p~~~~;~~~~~~;~t~h; ::i5": s~i:~act:~ I I ::id::C:e person(s) whose name(s) js1are ! 01 subscribed to the within instrument and I ~ acknowledged to me that ~/they executed ~ ~I~"",.., the same in l:1--i-s-fftef/their authorized ~~" capacity(ies), and that by hig/hor/their ~ JANICE T. KRUSE ~ a signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or _ Commission t 1318697 z I>;' ,('j ~ .,,; Notary Public _ California ~ the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) ~ ~ Z Santa Clara County ~ acted, executed the instrument. II'> & .. My Comm, Expires Aug 24, 2005 r ~ WITNESS my hand a~~~1 seal/, ~ .' . 0 '-----.., i ~~,I ( :2f' \-/:.'-i<._ /"--. 1-- j', lU~ I' --- Place Notary Seal Above Signature of Notary Public j OPTIONAL I ~ Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document ~ ~"',~,".. "d wuld p"""' f"odol,,' "m,," "d ",""hm'" of Ihl, fmm to auolh" docome"t !'~.:,. p Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document:" ,_,'-, ,"-," r, \. C. '----' !,' ,') \.,' r\ I\. l ~ \ , ~",' I)"" g ~ Document Date: \,,-' I' ,- ) c. ,"- Number of Pages: ~ ~ ~ ~ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ~ ~ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer ~ ~ Signer's Name: ~ ~. [,~ Individual " ~ ~ \ 1, 1"1 Top of thumb here (i ; "^' Corporate Officer - Title(s): .)., ',,'-, \ '-:. "\. ~/ \ . ':> I'> ~,!', 1-' Partner - c' Limited J General~~' ~ IJ Attorney in Fact I'> ~ L Trustee .~ ~l' Guardian or Conservator '~ ~ Other: ~ ~ Signer Is Representlng"-------, \ \ }:..'\ ~(\ \ . -l'~,,-\ -(,). 'T-:'--.) c ~ A j {i ~ !~ ~~Q;<'Z-G<.,x:';:(,-.cz;---cz.-.cz;--O:'~~<<'0C-<.:.Z-~-.cz;-<<U::0,;<<~'6}C(~-<<~-cz:'C,<>G,:;<'))C(c<<~'<"',z:.-cz:'i:Y.;_cz:<<_.cz;_<<-G<;<<-<.:.Z-vB @ 1999 National Notary Association. 9350 De Solo Ave., P.O. Box 2402 . Chatsworth, CA 91313~2402. www.nationalnotaryorg Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ; } COUNTY OF SANTA CLARAj} SS. _ ': On i C li ~0' 26~ :~efore me I (~j,jJLU)~ {}e{ cluJl 'f'.~ot 'r:y publip in Bfd, fo.r said cou. nty, ;and Stp.t,~ P, erson, ally ~peared, d U)Yt l~ E. VtLrLlU 1.1/j70-16() L ~((Ltl.vU I DC"- VI ~ \/ ~ (U1JU eLf') V (,{ {f-rlG 'b. VL1(VUi I personally known to m~ (or proved to me on I the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be I the person(s) whose n~e(s) is/~sub- I scribed to the within:instrumen~ and ack- I nowledged to me that~.e she/t~)executed I the same in his/her/ eir)authoriz~g capa- I cit e and that by his/her/t~ sig- I n ure on e instrument the person(s) I or I he entity on behalf of which the per- I son(s) acted, ecute the instrument. I 1 seal. . . i ~ I I I (Notarial stamp or seal) CALlFORNIA ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT '<ff;;;X:M~K;2@"~~X::XXiQ~~);lK:&f:,Q{'~m~~,QQ~~~,QQ@,~~~.QQ~~.c<'~m~~R ~ ~ ~ State of california} ~ ~ County of ~ ~d..- ss, ~ ~ 0 .""'~ .4.., ,,j ;2tl1^befo"me ~ ~ ~ n~~~, Name and Title 0 fficer(e,g,,"JaneDoe,NotaryP ~,) Iif>: r h ~; ~ . v , '. i ~,., personally appeared ~; ~ ~,i ~1 Name!s) of Signer(s) 8S ~ ''-/-ersonally known to me ~ ~proved to me on the basis of satisfactory ~ evidence !(:';l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ @ ~ @ ~ '~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~,"" g IQc ~ ~ ~ g D Individual ~ D Corporate Officer - Title(s): ~~ D Partner - D Limited D General g D Attorney-in-Fact liSi D Trustee ~,',..." D GuardianAl conserva~tor . ~_/l_ /. .-;-: ~ ~Other: {~,,;yw-l-- ~." ~ ~!.,.iSi~"1 (l/-;f/ ~;1 ~. <:! Signer Is Representing: ~ {f ~ ~ '1 ,:<.~'<X-~~~~;g;,;g;,~;g;,'Q;j~,%~-g:;-'<X.~~-<x'~-<x'~-<x'~~~~~~'{~<;i<;;<j~~~~~~~0" --------------------1 ROBERTA KYlE 1'1 Commission'13497~9 z ~, Notary Public - California ~ I Santa Clara County ~ My Comm, Expires May 3, 2006 ........ -- -- -- ~ ,...... - ....... -- -- -- to be the person(i whose name~ is/a1'e- subscribed to thl' within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/s~ executed the same in his/h6r/tR~ir authorized capacity(~, and that by his/~r signatur~ on the instrument the person"" or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document, Description of Attached Document l11'e mType of Doc"meo" ~ 1~~ dt:rJd~;j Document Date: q.... c:<~ P-;}-- Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ~~ ~.~ Top of thumb here @1999 National Notary Association. 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402. Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402. www.nationalnotary.org Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 ~ ~, ~~ .i ,I ,I ,I .1 I g ~ ~ ~ ~ I I Exhibit "A" Lot Line Adjustment for Vanni Property and Lot 102, Tract 8962 Legal Description of Vanni Property All of that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being described as follows: A portion of the Solis Rancho, also being all of Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, as shown upon that certain map entitled, "Map Accompanying The Report of The Referees in The Partition of The Lands of The Estate ofL. Fine, Deed", which Map was filed for record in Book F of Maps, at Page 9, Santa Clara County Records. And, excepting therefrom, the following area (designated as "Transfer Parcel" on the Plat to Accompany this Legal Description): BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, said point being on the northerly line of Los Animas Rancho also being the northerly boundary line of Lot 102 as shown on the Map of Tract 8962, as recorded in Book 696 of Maps, at Pages 22 thru 45, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the westerly boundary line of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, said line also being a portion of the northerly boundary line of Lot 102 of Tract 8962, NORTH 00007'24" EAST 130.21 feet to an angle point in said northern boundary line of Lot 102 of Tract 8962; thence leaving said westerly line of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1 and the northerly line of Lot 102, SOUTH 89058'19" EAST 200.00 feet; thence SOUTH 44018'36" EAST 98.17 feet; thence SOUTH 82022'38" EAST 151.33 feet; thence SOUTH 89058'19" EAST 200.00 feet to a point on the easterly boundary line of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1; thence along said easterly boundary line SOUTH 00001'41" WEST 40.00 feet to the southeast corner of Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, said point also being the northeasterly corner of Lot 102; thence running along said northerly boundary line of Lot 102 of Tract 8962 and the southerly line of Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, NORTH 89058'19" WEST 618.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1.10 Acres, more or less. F:IJobslJobs 1996\962083\Lot Lines\LLA- V ANNLdoc Basis of Bearings: The bearing (N89058'19"W) of the monument line of St. Andrews Circle, as shown on said Map of Tract 8962, which was filed for record in Book 696 of Maps at Pages 22 thru 45, Official Records of Santa Clara County, California, was used as the basis of all bearings in this description. This legal description of real property was prepared by me pursuant to the requirements of the Professional Land Surveyors Act. John Expir ttley, PLS No. 6202 arch 31, 2006 F:\Jobs\Jobs 1996\962083\Lot Lines\LLA-V ANNLdoc Exhibit "A" Lot Line Adjustment for Vanni Property and Lot 102, Tract 8962 Legal Description of Lot 102, Tract 8962 All of that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being described as follows: All of Lot 102, as shown on that certain Map of Tract 8962, as recorded in Book 696 of Maps, at Pages 22 thru 45, Santa Clara County Records. And in addition thereto, the following area (designated as "Transfer Parcel" on the Plat to Accompany this Legal Description); A portion of the Solis Rancho, also being a portion of Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, as shown upon that certain map entitled, "Map Accompanying The Report of The Referees in The Partition of The Lands of The Estate of L. Fine, Deed", which Map was filed for record in Book F of Maps, at Page 9, Santa Clara County Records being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, said point being on the northerly line of Los Animas Rancho also being the northerly boundary line of Lot 102 as shown on the Map of Tract 8962, as recorded in Book 696 of Maps, at Pages 22 thru 45, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the westerly boundary line of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, said line also being a portion of the northerly boundary line of Lot 102 of Tract 8962, NORTH 00007'24" EAST 130.21 feet to an angle point in said northern boundary line of Lot 102 of Tract 8962; thence leaving said westerly line of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1 and the northerly line of Lot 1 02, SOUTH 89058'19" EAST 200.00 feet; thence SOUTH 44018'36" EAST 98.17 feet; thence SOUTH 82022'38" EAST 151.33 feet; thence SOUTH 89058'19" EAST 200.00 feet to a point on the easterly boundary line of said Subdivision "D" of Lot 1; thence along said easterly boundary line SOUTH 00001'41" WEST 40.00 feet to the southeast corner of Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, said point also being the northeasterly corner of Lot 1 02; thence running along said northerly boundary line of Lot 1 02 of Tract 8962 and the southerly line of Subdivision "D" of Lot 1, NORTH 89058'19" WEST 618.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1.10 Acres, more or less. F: \Jobs \Jobs1996 \ 962083 \Lot Lines\LLA-VANNI.doc Basis of Bearings: The bearing (N89058'19"W) of the monument line of St. Andrews Circle, as shown on said Map of Tract 8962, which was filed for record in Book 696 of Maps at Pages 22 thru 45, Official Records of Santa Clara County, California, was used as the basis of all bearings in this description. This legal description of real property was prepared by me pursuant to the requirements of the Professional Land Surveyors Act. w.~ Joh ettley, PLS No. 6202 Expi arch 31, 2006 F: \Jobs\Jobs1996 \962083 \ Lot Lines\LLA-VANNl.doc o 100 ~ I SCALE IN 200 300 I I FEET: 1"= 1 00' '" 0"- v (:. '/C<) ~. <5'('" >: '" --:% -^ 'v ::;;. \" '/1 o '1/ /). A\' '/ -:;/. c? A\ /(\ /' , C<) 0 A\' \ ~. ~~ (\C<) G-- \ , <5'r: 0 /-- C<) 0-, /-- C<) v G--<5'r: <)- C<) . C<) ~ 00 ~G <2--~ " S ,,\) 0,"\ o -.J SO . \o(\,\./ ,~,,:, /'\;-l' ':\}0' \S sv ~ ~o\l' (5~ ~.~ ~':.J- ~oG. " "ell ~~o-"" (0 (" / \ 0\ '0'01- ~(p "- \) 1-"'/ <0' vO '0/ '0.0 '0'" (\0 '0' \)0 <(. ~ \>-. 'v' 0(\ 0<' S'0 &"% (0 "6 \l'~ (" q:.~ / ~.;.:.J- '() G. " "ell ~~o-"" ./ '(\-e.~./ \) ./ 0~0 ./ { 0' '\ nO(''/ ('rei 0"'" '<"'" ./ 4. Cp{., V ./ Q~ '<.. .'~ ./ n. . ~e.:0(' ./ '". ,;).....~..j,,<3~ ./ SO ':00\ ./ SV PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION For: Lot Line Adjustment Purposes SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ENGINEERS . PLANNERS . SURVEYORS