Certificate of Compliance - Gabilan Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses - No. 99-04 l.:;I.d.5 DOCUMENT: 15094453 Titles: 11 Pages: 6 II 11111111 11111111 -00150S4453- Fees... * No Fees Taxes. Copies. AMT PAID Recording requested by: BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title RDE # 007 12/17/1999 8:00 AM CITY OF GILROY When recorded return to: Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 99 -04 (Lot Line Adjustment) OWNERS CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment); That we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property; That we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment). BY: OWNERS: PARKSIDE ATHLETIC CLUB , partnership '. ACKNO\VLEDGEMENT: State of California ) County of Santa Clara) On II - . n ,befure me ~ htvtt; l]j()JiJ~IJI'-'< Notary Public, personally appeared U e . L. 6:;. riA 1/\1. r QV\ --/1 In .J _ T aor /h I QC\../ personally known to me (or proved to be on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacity and that by their signatures on the instrument the persons, or the entity upon behalf of which they acted, executed the instrument. 't'~.JIIo...--"ro...'-''-''"" ~""""'..J\...-",,>...........-. .i'\...( 0"'8'.. SHERI DAVIDSON ~ , CO MM. , 1231135 c;l - : NOTARY PUBLlC.cALlFORNIA " ~ SANTA CLARA COUNTY 0 J ~ ~ ~ '~ .;<:'M~ ~':.. ~G3'~~ ACKNO\VLEDGEMENT: State of California ) County of Santa Clara) \ before me S' h tVI , . Public, personally appearedt) .e. if. --.arC4 {/'-/ l . an' c {t L.--- personally known to me (or proved to be on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities and that by their signatures on the instrument the persons, or the entity upon which the persons acted, executed the instrument. On al seal. ~~. ,.. SHERI DAVIDSON ~ o COMM. # 1231135 G) In . NOTARY PUBLIC.cALlFORNIA 0 v . SANTA CLARA COUNTY ... ~ ,COMM. EXP. AUG. 2, 2003 "- .J... ""IFf\ .....,____________ -..".....,.....,.....,.--------..........- CITY ENGINnER'S CERTIFICATE: Notice is hereby given that the property described in Exhibits "A" and "B" and shown on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof, do not create new parcels, but only adjusts the line between existing parcels. This Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment) complies with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate ofCompiiance (Lot Line Adjustment), the sale, lease or financing of any parcel of land described herein shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 99 - 04 Date flccv J /Y -:-' " APPROVED: ~k (J:lfb~ Norman S. Allen City Engineer, City of Gilroy RC.E. 26092, Expires 3/21/02 ACKNOWLEDGE.MENT: State of California ) County of Santa Clara) On'-:::Z:>E~c-Jl1Ge./C..- ,~. 19'11 , betore me,~rCle,~\ K. BPN-r~~jJ , Notary Public, personally appeared /'1" .e )1-/ A;J 6. A LL.eN , personaHy known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. (' y hand and official seal. . ',f., .1 ~.Lc~.L.~ Signature of Notary J------------ ~ PATRICIA K.1fNTSON - Commission' 1219111 J i' Nofay PublIc - CaIlfcmcI I Santa CIora Countr - j _ _ _ _Mt:~~~J~:~1 EXHItlIT "A" Certificate of Compliance No. 99 - 04 (Lot Line Adjustment) Parcel "A" Being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot 25, as shown on Map NO.7 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the Sate of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, described as foHows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Northeasterly line of the parcel onand conveyed to Gloria V. Frisone by deed recorded October 30, 1962 in Book 5773 of Official Records, Page 250 with the Southerly line of the parcel ofjand conveyed to the City of Gilroy by deed recorded October 3, 1966 in Book 7522 of Official Records, Page 450; thence from said point of beginning Westerly along said Southerly line South 88029' West, 232.46 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 120 feet through a central angle of 16040'30", an arc distance of34.93 feet; thence continuing on an arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 30 feet through a central angle of 113013'54", an arc distance of59.29 feet; thence South 48034'30" West, 5.50 feet; thence South 4P25'30" East, 354.56 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course on an arc ofa curve to the right with a radius of537.50 feet through a central angle of 0000' 41", an arc distance of O. 11 feet to a point in the Southerly iine of the property conveyed to Gloria V. Frisone mentioned above; thence Easterly along said Southerly line North 89057' East, 188.91 feet to the said Northeasterly line of Gloria V. Frisone's property, said line being the Westerly line of that tract of land described in Parcel Two in the deed to Lo Biue Packing Company, a partnership, recorded March 2, 1955 in Book 3099 of Official Records, Page 547; thence Northwesterly along said Northeasterly line and said Westerly line North 22053'10" \-Vest, 359.41 feet to the point of beginning. TOGET~R WITH a portion of Parcel "B" as shown on that certain map filed for record in Book 719 of Maps, at Page 1 0, Official Records of Santa Clara County, California, being more particularly described as foHows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly boundary of said Parcel ~~B", from which the northeast corner of said parcel bears S. 89053'45" E., 206.00 teet distant; thence from said point of beginning along said northerly boundary 1) S. 89053'45" E., 69.26 teet; thence leaving said northerly boundary 2) S. 00006'15" W., 0.50 feet; thence 3) N. 89028'57" W., 69.26 teet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing an area 01'81,910 square feet onand, more or less. .. EXHIBIT "B;; Certificate of Compiiance No. 99 _04 (Lot Line Adjustment) Parcel "B;; Being Parcel "B", as said parcel is shown and so designated on that certain map flied tor record in Hook 719 of Maps, at Page 10, Records of Santa Clara County, California. EXC.EPTiNG THERE.FROM a portion of said Parcel "H", being more particularly described as follows: BEGr.L'.rNIN"G at a point on the northerly boundary of said Parcel "B", from which the northeast corner of said parcel bears S. 89053'45" E., 206.00 feet distant; thence from said point of beginning along said northerly boundary 1) S. 89053'45" E., 69.26 feet; thence leaving said northerly boundary 2) S. 00006; 15" W., 0.50 feet; thence 3) N. 89028'57" \V., 69.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNiNG. Containing an area of25,956 square feet. CURVE TABLE 0 0 4 = 16 40'30" R = 120 L = 34.93 @ 6= 1130 13' 54" Z. .J- R = 30 L = 59.29 @ /j = 0" 00' 41 " R = 537.50 L = 0.11 J "';7/ / "" /// i // >( : / //~ )/ ~ "'-/: I /' / I I I I I /V /: /' . /. I .~~ : .o,fJ.... ,,' , \~Jr"'6P bj,-. \\~. G) r. 1-" v '"d '-l I-' ~ (1) ~ ~ ::T 0 NN' 0"< UlUl < \D\D=~('1 Ul-...Jtl:l ::TO OHJJ=-~ ool.Cl UHIl -...J ~ , , ...... ~ (1) ~ ~ \D ..... LQ ci"~ :s:: ~ ci" ~ (1) 1-" --'0 00 0 Z 0 00 00 ~ (1) I-' (1) (o..'"dOOO --1.Cl Hl , '" '" '. "" / ./" d ~ ,.. r- .ll ~ o ~ \\\ ~ ~ ~ G' 'f rlQ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~.<j ~ ~ Pa" \t III '10' . ~ ~6\ f .... ., ~ \f\ / t, C~~ ,^~..1 ov\ ' . ... " :. ~ / /' ...... o ~ o 1,") fJlto 1) '"d H tt:l :::0 ('1 tt:l CJ) ~ :::0 tt:l tt:l ~ I'" i o ~ ~ ~ ~ \JI ~ t Parkside Athletic Club, H 660 O.R. 122 81,893 S.F. (Old) 81, 910 S. F. (New) Ltd ... 'l~ 1 " I I~ 1 1 \ EXHIBIT "e" Certificate of Compliance No. 99-0~ (Lot Line Adjustment) .... ,... Parcel "B" of Book 719 of Maps, Page 10 and A portion of Lot 25 Las Animas Rancho Superior Court Case No. 5536, Santa Clara County, California ~ "-50-00