Gilroy Roadway Plaza CLTC 67730578 KDS RECORDING REQUESTED BY Oi ~' Y', ~ DOCUMENT: 14087962 Titles:1 / Pages CITY OF GILROY 7351 ROSANNA GILROY, CA 95020 U 11111111111111111111 "0014087962" Fees ,+ No Fees Taxes, Copies, AMT PAID CITY OF GILROY 7351 ROSANNA GILROY, CA 95020 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Commonwealth Land Title RDE ** 102 3/10/1998 8:00 AM WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: RECORD AT NO FEE PER GOVT CODE NO. 27383 CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the certain Tract Map filed Sept. 4.1997 in Book 693 of Maps at page( s) 2930 and 31. Santa Clara County Records, being a map of the lands entitled Gilroy Travel Park is corrected as follows: Sheet 3 of 3 - Parcel 1 1) Southerly line of Parcel #1 reads: N72039'00''E 235.47, should be: N72039'00''E 235.83 2) Northerly line of Parcel #1 along Travel Park Circle reads: delta=16036'17" should be: delta= 16 036'43" 3) Entire Easterly boundary along the Southern Pacific Railroad should be: Easterly boundary as shown on Sheet 2 The name of the present fee owner ofreal property affected by such correction is as follows: Gilroy Roadway Plaza. LLC CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER CERTIFICATE OF LAND SURVEYOR THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction was prepa direction and control of the undersigned Land Surveyor. ~~ /~ 1,;,8 DATE 2~o/:J8 DATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction has been examined and is in compliance with Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act in its correction of an error in bearing & distance shown on the above referred to Tract Map ~Lat~ <VNorman S. Allen, City Engineer, City of Gilroy R.C.E. # 26092, Expire 3/31/98 dldatalcertcor