Certificate of Compliance - Harrison, Richard and Joan , .'... RE(ORDING REQUESTED BY ',~arcia & Henry, Inc. WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO --, -,;-' A EC FE E RMF -::3 MICRO ( LIEN NOT SMPF PCOR 8897609 - t CITY OF GILROY 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 fILED FOR F:tCORD AT REQUEST OF Au;fJ~~~;A~e,"el TA'-< ! "' OrrlC,:\L ~1 ...) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF GILROY LOT MERGER SANH. CU\,',/, :;VH'( LAtm,[ f:/,i:~ REC:);Wi::I{ \.18 0 0 PAGE 1 713 ....< ~OTICE is her.~by gl'len tha", t:-:" :~1rcel descril'ed [)el,.-,',' results from the merger of t~o rarcels owned by Richacd S. Harrison and Joan A. Harrison. The area being mecged is shown on ExhibIt A, attached. The parcel confIguration is in compliance with Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of Califoria, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance, th~ sale, lease, or financing of this parcel of land shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance. The description of the new parcel created by this lot line merger is as follows: A portion of Lot 5 in Block 4, North Range 2, West as designated upon Map No. 5 accompanying the report of the referees and its amendm(~nt-; ;:, r~"" Par'tition Sui-t.whereil'\ Henry Miller et al were plaintiffs and Massey Tkhomas et al were defendents, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Second Street and Church Street as sh0wn on said map, and running thence southerly along the east line of Church Street, 122.00 feet; thence easterly 108.20 feet; thence northerly 122.50 feet to the south line of Second Street; and thence along the last mentioned line, westerly 120.40 feet to the Point of Beginning. OWNERS' CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Lot Merger Certificate of Compliance; that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass clear title to said real property; that we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this Certificate of Compliance. OWNERS: Richard S. HarrIson ,fk,.JR~~ Jo" . HarrIson ACKNOWLEDGMENT: State of California County of Santa Clara 'o3.;~O.'~i~ ') \j ..... ,.-" .... ~ ::'::~r:. ~ " .,,~r/ i ^J :.:.,....;~ , A , ':!' -\1 On this 8th day of August , 1986, before me,:;ft. ~.:~~ ,^ ,.r '<' notary public, personally appeared Richard S. Harrison a:.n~ :.'~'" :."':":,' , Joan A. Harrison known to me or proved to me on the basis'.J of' '.: ,.J '" . ,. satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are , "', subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that they ha~Ull~ ~( e x e cut e d it. ~usan..l. Sti"...tt. City Ctett ~'J i tness my hand and ~ffic'al seal. tuJ~~ -{' ---- - ---,- - ~- r-.. /,"" r '::J. y-, T C., -,. Y'I~' l- l ' -.- " City of Gilroy. Q)unty of SIIta ellll Statlt Of Catifomia per Civil CocIt Sec. UII; c-owmMlllt Code Set. 40814. . .., ..... ,. J 800PAGE1714 - APPROVED BY THE CITY OF GILROY ,'*'" ~~,~ Norman S. Allen RCE 26092 City Engineer . Da te : 11P-{t. 6./ /98 b State of California County of Santa Clara On rtu.g.Lts-f- 8 , 1986, before me, Susanne E. Steinmetz, Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Norman S. Allen known to me to be the person whose, name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that said person executed the same on behalf of the City of Gilroy. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certific te first a ove written. - " - . ,./ .. ,.\ a' . " ,,' ~",. " " . /.'+ '),./~~.':~ ': ,'~ 't -' i~1lt l.ii~~~' eity.~ltrk ,:. City ~~mQ~'~ol1ty of ~ftt~ ell.. ,~)~(calHorn~ ~r.Ci"i( ~ Set. 1111: ! . "". . .' t- . .'" ..' ..... .- ' ....('><lwflJ_'tocle ~ ~08.4:. 1" ~~ :,~. :'. ~ :-~ . .r. / V I!:: ", ,i ~" 'r" ........ '; f ,..,.,."v.....-.---~,.,.. ',."). '" . . . I . ~. ", ", J 80 0 PAGE 1 715 -.... - .. GAf:;C IA c.. .4 ~ r~ ~y I CIVIL ~QI r~E(;RC li IF~[ NO =-=-~ l STRHT ~cCrr>/.rb ~T r' CLIl':NT p~.z:Z:'/5c:J// ~ ,/'4'//...-;-; ~ .- r- August 1986 ~ -./ EeL} /",/ .v c:::-/ - 7-: --- / zo, 40' ~ (D o. Of:;' ~ : ~o. <;'0' ..;r I I J LOT LINE TO BE I 'MOVED ~. \\ * .. \; ~ ~ Q ~\ f\) '" ~ \. \} - ~ i..,j IV \ .. ~ .'..:. ........ , ..: .'~ \ -- ~ ..' ..... .:'" ::." .~D. :a;,;' ,- ...,8.20' /08.20' /, I I / // -= -y' -==' '