Certificate of Compliance - Howson, Linnie and Lynn Wagner NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 9979036 City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 NO FEe 'flCU >,'eR fU:;~rJ , 'i/\::F' Rl::-..EST O.~ Crr; tfllP f.. JAN 17 9 22 AN '89 ~"'eFFiOAL RECORO."t~ $1>."T A CLAR.~ COUN'N LAURIE. KA~E ~F..COROER K 820PAGE123! 6'-/ Recording requested by: City of Gilroy, California "'-.1 When recorded, return to: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LOT MERGER CITY OF GILROY Notice is hereby given that the parcel described below is own e d by How son I n d u s t r i e s, a C a 1 i for n i a L i m i t e d Par t n e r s hip.. and re suI t s from themerger'of two parcels. The parcel configuration is in compliance with Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The area being merged is shown in Exhibit B, attached. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of the sale, lease, or financing of this parcel of land constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act ordinance. Compliance shall not or local The description of this lot is as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. OWNER'S STATEMENT WE HEREBY STATE THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF OR HAVE SOME RIGHT, TIT L E, 0 R I NT ERE S TIN AND TOT HER E ALP R 0 PER T Y DES C RIB E DIN T HIS LOT MERGER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THAT WE ARE THE ONLY PERSONS WHOSE CONSENTS ARE NECESSARY TO PASS A CLEAR TITLE TO SAID REAL PROPERTY; THAT WE HEREBY CONSENT TO THE PREPARATION AND RECORDATION OF THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. D t I'-/- A ,:-:-;/( , -I i /1, '.-;z-~' . /;f,' f ,,,,',. i a e: 6' ..' . /., l' x' ,.,., r'. I .". .... ' . .f 'I 1;1-' 1.\,_."'. i",' 1'1"-; / -~--~ ..!-..:...--r-....:./_~-- . _+:-p,____J.!;........~-- ------- -~-~---""-'-'r-' ''lM_/ )/). I .,. /' Date: _~_:=/~~~3~__ ^ -,j ,. /)1 (.--( / '-T'-~.')'--i..-(-'. . ..~~"-"'9-"==~--..L_----"---__+~--------- :) Acknowledgment: j, State of California ) County of Santa Clara ) On this __~~_~_ day of~~O~d1~~1{, 19~~, before me, a Notary Public, personally appearedLJL~~~~~~~~F-I~~1f_L~~~~~__, personally known to me, or proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons who executed the within instrument as -d~~_ of the partners of the partnership that exec ute d ~ hew i t h i n ins t rum e n tan d a c k n owl e d g e d ~~~. :,!"..:~..tt.~t'i;ioi~.'e.y.fQ c'. par t n e r s h 1 P e x e cut e d the sam e . ::: &)"";;:'1 ;,,' ~\ Ijeorc''.' 't ;: .':~~[', '" - ,. 'I'"'" ... '" r~ ..,..' - ./."t. .. ~ ., -c:~ ~ l ",~.,) I ' fY '}' 'G:~ ,....... r~ Witness my hand and official seal. g ..../ h1:",.:rr'!~;"" '~;'~,:.\ , ~ Il;} i Ny c.~~' . S.~..\'TA '- --., '-'-' Ii: :: Dat~~'~~-Q.~/;l'J.fi- g 8 c k~P 1L l?.JJJ/~!I~f!~'?:~'i~~~~':.~~;;:r;~~~;,~i~>,~;_~):..).:~~): ..'/". '---~.'~' ----- Not r y - ru 1>1 i c, -S tat e ma1ifornia . .;/.: .:'d~ 1~ /,,,.! ~f$&.J D a, t~:: ~~~!-t-;,I----- Norman-S-:-A11en-----------------.-- \',,;. ~' , .;\. l'"y':'~' < City Engineer, City of Gilroy " 'e.~' R.C.E. 26092 Expires 3-31-9' , .'" d ~ ~ 820 PflbE 12 41 EXHIBIT A A portion of Parcel 5 as described in a Grant Deed from How son's In c . to H o'w son I n d u s t r i e s d ate d May 23, 1 985 and recorded in B.ook J 354, page 1042, Official Records of Santa Clara County and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of Howson Street (50 feet wide) the westerly line of Monterey Street (88 feet wide) as shown on a Record of Survey of Church Street Extension recorded in Book 182 of Maps page 89; thence along the westerly right of way of Monterey Street, N 21012' 30" W, 202.76 feet to an iron pipe at the most easterly corner of Parcel B as shown on a Parcel Map recorded in Book 521 page 55, Santa Clara County Records; thence leaving said right of way, S 680 471 30" W, 150.00 feet; thence S 21012' 30" E, 202.76 feet to the northerly right of way of Howson Street, thence along said right of way, 150 feet to the point of beginning. 88180 December 30, 1988 '" I 1\' I K 820PAGE1242 1.0 r-- . N o N i'LJ - o M - N .-I o .-I N U) S 680 47' 30" W 150.00' N 680 47' 30" E 150.00' - 1.0 r-- . N 0 N :s: I- = w 0 w CV) 0:: l- (/) N .-I 0 .-I N Z >- W 0::: W I- z o :E 44' I I I CP. O. B. HOWSON STREET 11/88 PLAT TO ACCOMPANY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1" = 30' 1.f) N j I I -------_.~--- ..._._-~ , I I i - 1.f) N