Certificate of Compliance - Lynch, Robert & Bobbie Rc=)rding requested by: 8237471 1Jq ~-~1 o~ Gilroy, California REC, FEE J010i'.'.':;:16S ~hen r~corded, return to: C:i+::/ of Gilroy 73~1 Rosanna Street G~lco!, CA 95020 MICRO LIEN NOT 1 Recorded at thtt request of TICOR Title Insurance Company of California SMPF FAiNT WPIT1Nr.:; OR r(PiNG OR CAFmUN C"F'I',,';:; MAKES POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC REc..:ORD CITY OF GILP.OY NOV 2 1984 8:00 A.M. George A. Mann, Recorder Santa Clara County, Official Records RECORDER'S MEMO CERTIFICATE OF cmlPLIANCE LOT LINE ADJUST;.1E;:;T Notice is hereby given that the parcels described below result from the lot line adjustment between two (2) parcels owned by Robert L. Lynch and Bobbie J. Lynch as Trustees of the 1982 Lynch Family Trust dated December 13, 1982, and Robert Scott Lynch and Kimberly Erin Chance. The new parcel configurations are shown in Exhibit A, attached, and are in compliance with Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance the sale, lease, or financing of this parcel of land shall not constitute a violation of the Sub- division Map Act or Qocal ordinance. The description of the new parcels created by lot line adjustment are as follows: PARCEL A: Being all of that certain Parcel Two and a portion of that certain Parcel One of land as described in the grant deed from Robert Lynch to Robert L. Lynch and Bobbie J. Lynch as trustees of the 1982 Lynch Family Trust dated December 13, 1982, filed for record on December 28, 1982 in the office of the COunty Recorder of Santa Clara, California in Book H232 of official Records at pages 373 to 377 therein and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an existing concrete monument set in the easterly line of Monterey Road as described in said grant deed; Thence along said easterly line of Monterey Road,South 170 58' 15" East 367.34 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe at the Western most corner of that certain 1.50 acre parcel of land described as parcel one in the deed from American Trust Company, a Corporation, as executor of the estate of John Bracco, deceased, to Harry Scagliotti, dated July 17, 1958 and recorded July 22, 1958 in book 4129 of official records, page 52, Santa Clara County Records; Thence North 720 aI' 45" East along the northwesterly line of said 1.50 acre parcel of land 255.78 feet; Thence along the northeasterly line of said 1.50 acre parcel of land, S 170 58' IS" E, 22.00 feet; Thence North 720 01' 45" E, 202.59 feet more or less to the point of intersection with a 17,274 foot radius curve concentric to a 17,239 foot radius curve marking the southwesterly line of the Lands and right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad; Thence along the arc of said 17,274 foot curve deflecting to,the right from a tangent bearing of N 310 22' 31" W, through a central angle of 00 42' OS", an arc length of 2ll~4E feet to the point of reverse curvature with a 30 foot radius curve to the left; Thence along the arc of said 30 foot curve, through a central angle of 550 10' 41", an arc length of 28 .mJ feet to the point of reverse curvature with a 60 foot radius curve to the right; Thence along the arc of said 60 foot radius curve, through a central angle of 810 12' 58", an arc length of 9r.33 feet; Thence NOlo 21' 45" E 10.00 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the southerly line of Luchessa Avenuei Thence along said southerly line of Luchessa Avenue N 880 38' 15" W, 333.90 feet to the point of tangency with a 35.21 foot radius curve to the left; Thence along the arc of said 35.21 foot radius curve through a central angle of 1090 20', an arc distance of 67.19 feet to the point of beginning and containing 3.34 acres of land more or less. 1 of 3 J 010 P!!;: 166 PARCEL B: Being a portion of Gh.at certain Parcel One of land as :'1escribed in t:C,::: grc.rl:: deed from '?,obert Lynch to Robert L. Lynch an] Bobbie J. L-.meh as t:cusi:'c,'5 of the 1932 Lynch Family Trust da~ed Deee2Der 13, 190?, filed foe recorJ on December 28, 1982 in the office of the CO'.l:1t.:{ Re:::-order of San~i'l. Clara County, California in Book H232 of official Records at pages 373 to 377 therein and being more particulary described as follO'.-:s: Beginnning at an existing concrete monlli~ent set in the easteely line of Monterey Road as described in said grant deed; Thec=e along said easterly line of Honterey Road South 170 58' 15" East 367.34 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe at the western most corner of that certain 1.50 acre parcel of la~d described as Parcel One in the deed from American Trust Company, a Corporat.ion, as executor of the estate of John Bracco, deceased, to Harry Scagliotti, dated July 17, 1958 and recorded July 22, 1958 in book 4129 of official records, page 52, Santa Clara County Records, thence North 720 01' 45" East along the north'desterly line of said 1. 50 acre parcel of land 255.78 feet; Thence along the northeasterly line of said 1.50 acre parcel of land S 170 58' 15" E, 22.00 feet; to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING along said northwesterly line and its prolongation, S 170 58' 15" E 330.68 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe; Thence N 720 00' 00" E, 320.97 feet more or less to the point of intersection with a 17,239.00 foot radius curve marking the southwesterly line of the Lands and right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; Thence along the arc of said 17,239 foot radius curve deflecting to the right, from a tangent bearing of N 320 32' 06' W, through a central angle of 20 07' 02", an arc length of 637.02 feet more or less to the point of intersection with the southerly line of Luchessa Avenue; Thence along said southerly line, N 880 38' 15" W 70.00 feet; Thence SOlO 21' 45" W 10.00 feet to the point of tangency with a 60 foot radius curve to the left; Thence along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 870 12' 58", an arc length of 91.33 feet to the point of reverse curvature with a 30 foot radius curve to the right; Thence along the arc of said 30 foot radius curve, through a central angle of 550 la' 47", an arc length of 28.89 feet to the point of reverse curvature with a 17,274 foot radius curve to the left; Thence along the arc of said 17,274 foot radius curve, through a central angle of 00 42' 05", an arc length of 211.41 feet, (said 17,274 foot radius curve is concentric with said 17,239 foot curve marking the southwesterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way.) Thence S 720 01' 45"W, 202.59 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING- and containing 2.43 acres of land more or less. OWNERS' CERTIFICATE WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF OR HAVE SOME RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THAT WE ARE THE ONLY PERSONS WHOSE CONSENTS ARE NECESSARY TO PASS A CLEAR TITLE TO SAID REAL PROPERTY; THAT WE HEREBY CONSENT TO THE PREPARATION AND RECORDATION OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF)COMPLIANCE. ~f~~.-, ;Robert L: Ly 'en, / rus tee ( ~~ R~d I~ ~ Robert Scott Lynch L--L ACKNOWLEDGMENT, TRUST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~ll,L ~'1fL; ) s s . On this jfl:!1pay of ~OOMA, 19 w-, before me a cornmissi~ and sworn, personally appeared , known to me or proved to be the trustee of the trust that excuted me that such trust executed the same. I hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County day and year in this certificate first above written. OFFICIAL SEAL GUADALUPE RODRIGUEZ " NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comm, Expires April 25, 1986 2 of 3 ... JOI0~.~~:167 S'I,;TE OF C~~ ) COm:TY OF ) 5.5. in the year one thousand nine hundred and~14~ aefl- a NotaiY Public, State of ca~lJta[ duly commiss~oned and sworn, ersonally appeared r}cbe..f~ 3etJ ff !ffl0 (' rlrm c.Y'tn ~/ tho. '1Pe. proved to me on the basis of sat~sfactory eVldence to be he pe~~~ns who~e na~es are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. OFFICIAL SEAL rr@ADMUft RODIGY(lf cial seal NOT ~,8' .~, )SUC - CALIFORNIA ,':'>A.I\U/, CLARA COU My Ccmm, Expir.' April ,198 CITY ENGINEER'S APPROVAL: Da te : t::/c/: .2 J 1~89 ~xf~ Norman S. Allen RCE 26092 Acting City Engineer, City of Gilroy fTATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ounty of Santa Clara On this 23rd day of and eighty-four a Notary Public, City Clerk, personally appeared known to me to be executed the within to me that he ) )ss. ) Oetober , before me, City of Gilroy, State NORMAN S. ALLEN in the year one thousand nine hundred SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ of California, duly sworn, the person instrument on his executed the same. described in and that he behalf therein named, and acknowledged tIN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of th City of Gilroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate f'rst ove written. ;...---:- ity Clerk, City of Gilroy, State of Cal' ornia per Civil Code Section 1181; Government Code Sec.40814. (Seal) 3 of 3 f~ N , ~ .~! \9\ o! +, t\"I\ en ~ t()\ -1 V ml t...lJ 4 "'\f\\ ~ ~ -- ~\ . 11- ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ r!!-" 7~' ~ -J if>! ~1- ~ cD : -c-\ '; 0 i \ ~\~ ~ ! \ ~\~ ..= I -t.\,~u_ ____ ~_L~?-~~S!'L_-"--~ "\ \ =3..s-t: lo~'2L N .'-L_d ~ \ . \ \ \, \ , \ \ \ \- \ '. L \ 8'."<l \ --=.. \ \~ \ cfe. 11 -', , ' \ \ \ \ '"3' .. ~'\~ - cl' 6) ~\ . .~\~ ~".&.. -z.\~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i \ P L o It- .) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c:-l '\ 0' ~\ .9\ , \ \ @\ (,) u.. \ ~ I, \ , \ \ ~ o \ ~ \ \ \ \l.:. ,Lb'02~ ==3 ..OOPo"uL t-l ---- .UJ -U\ -- -8 f?s - .. (\J r-c-l J 01 0 r~.~: 168 - - ,..1 ~ 1"0 (f\ () "'f" ~ tf) ~ - 0:) r- -1 - - \.9 ~ N ~ \9 :: :: ~ :~ : !i U'\ I.r, -0 0 'f'! N t- o c-) () - 0 0- ~ () <3<:t V) ,.... <P a '''0 \t) CO (J N - l\ c( ~, - ~ ~ ,.: l- t- "0 ~ cJ to ~' rl \:'ol ~ u\ t:-1 !Xl 0 t-- r!:" r- - --- (" J: C: X 7 -< @ @ @) w ..= e e zc; '~'O G'ZI-V \ llO \ j.!:)'7J'S --, ,- ---, -_.._-~_._--~ ,~L'~SZ "-3"SV,IO"ZL.N I ! Gl +, 8 \on <r. 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Ii 58.1549 j.l HD=27.7883 H7=4,966.8574 E7=5,423.5418 H1=5,eee.eee0 E1=5,Bee.e0ee 'PaL.. \'A: 87.1258 *** ~\V&,:: 6e. eeee *** SEG=-942.09:32 S 17.5815 E Hli=367.34e6 L=:31.3325 T=57.i533 (;=32.7666 N2=4,65e.5812 E2=5,113.3364 H 42.1444 j.i HD=82.7665 it 72.0145 E H1=255.7800 H8=5,B28.1269 [8=5..367.8970 H3=4,729.4977 E3=51356.6379 H 1.2145 E HIi=1ii.eeee S 17.5815 E HIi=22.eeee H9=5!838.1241 E9=5,368.1348 H4=4,708.571e 'I-".:_r "1.."1 .~.-;!:'l. t't-",.....t;....'t<:,}Q H 88.38iS ~ HIi=333.8997 Ii 72.0145 E HIi=2B2.5936 Ni6=5,846.11635 EHi=5..e34.3295 H5=4,77i.0776 E5=5,556. i348 PEI..."\A.'" 10'3. 20B0 *** t:U.~\J"'= 35.2100 *** "e.I...\A~ e. 420436 *** ~: 17,274.08000 U~: SEG=597.9398 SEl~=-451 58~7 L=67.1887 T=4'3.6676 L=2il.496'3 [:=57.4487 T=105.7047 (;=211.4055 S 36.4145 W H1=57.448S H 31.0129 iol HIi=2ii.4052 H11=5,00fi.eeee E11=5,fl00.eeee H6=41952.24e4 E6=5,447.1751 l:HIl=L 590. 4324 unrn=14~ ~qq l'h~('i' Hrd::'n "..J",-f._.. '-" ...J 3.3425 At. .*** DEL."\J>.= 55.1&47 H* \ZA.O\\>?:: 3&. ~&Bg *** SEG=63.'3543 L=28.892fJ T=15.67t.9 [;=27.7884 i' GARCIA & HENRY. INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 8505 CHURCH ST. Ni 3 GILROY t CA 95020 (408) 847-3666 7 '.'-'<'. 'L .:> +- 'L J 010 r..,S: 170 1-.9- F' t-.J ~'- ~ AL- c.. ~.. M 0 t-.l ,.. e. ~ E. -(" - \.. '(~ Co,,", ,~ ~ I . P A~C.E '- "a~ c'~U1t.E S 42.1444 E HD=82.7665 1i7=4..966.B574 E7=5..423.541B lil=4..708.5710 S 17.5B15 E HII=330.6799 'OEL.:~A.= 55.1047 h* lZ-A.O\v"l.:: 3&. &000 *:f:* SEG=-63.9543 L=2B.892& T=15.6769 r-; i:: ..,.r-. A-it:':. t.=J....:'b.j. 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