Certificate of Compliance - McKenzie Family Trust - No. 98-03 ~' 122-5 DOCUMENT: 14194814 Tit I es: 1 / Pages, 5 RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF, AND WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: II ~ ~II mill mill" " ~0014194814~ Fees + No Fees Taxes, Copies AMT PAID Ci ty of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE j:j 001 5/20/1998 11: 31 AM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 98-03 CITY OF GILROY LOT MERGER PARCEL MAP BOOK 672 MAPS 9 and PARCEL MAP BOOK 577 MAPS 4 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Lot Merger Certificate of Compliance, that we are the only persons whose consents are necessary to pass a clear title to the said real propertYi that we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this lot merger certificate of compliance. OWNER: The McKenzie Family Trust dated December 3, 1992 'I. Donald Date -7"T BY '5~ ///'6~ B~tty J, enzie, T . e Date 1-:2L/-q g/ ," ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) 88, ON C\nr-,\ ~~~ \~EFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGN~D, A NOTARY 1~LIC, I~ AND FOR SAID'S'fATE, PER ONALLY APPEARED DOk\C\.\ d FS, me ~c\V \C- , PROVED T E ON THE BASIS OF SATI ACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN IN~jD: AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT H /~ EXECUTED T~H, "ME IN HI8/HEfi THEI UTHORIZED CAPACITY (CAPACITIES), AND ~ ~y Hi6i~[R HE R IGNATURE(S) THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON(S) OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF 0 WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED CUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND. --- NOTARY'S SIGNA. PRINTED NOTARY'S NAME NOTARY'S PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSI ESS F,rs\ NC\.ho\-JeJ ~ K EXPIRATION OF NOTARY'S COMMISSION ~ C\ -C) 1 SHERYL JONES ~ commission =1 1128403, Z ';< ~fiS' \ " NOTary Public - California ~ ~ r~~~ Monterey Caunty ~ MyComm,~;resMar9,2001 Certificate of Compliance 98-03 CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE: Notice is hereby given that the parcel of land described in the attached Exhibits A and B are in compliance with Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance, the sale, lease, or financing of this parcel of land shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 98-03 APPROVED BY: ~j?w-- NORMAN S. ALLEN RCE 26092 EXP 3/31/02 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) ss. ON May 8. 1998 , BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED Norman S. Allen , PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON~ WHOSE NAME~ IS/~ SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHtI ~ EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS~/tuEtR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY (BAPACITIES), AND THAT BY HIS/IlER"/T.UE-tft SIGNATURE.!-S-t ON THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON{M OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(81 ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND. . i/~;;~; ~ ~_,_~/-) NOTARY'S SIGNATUR~/}Lt:€'~{ ~--e~/(4_~'C PRINTED NOTARY'S NAME Rhonda Pellin NOTARY'S PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Gjlroy. California EXPIRATION OF NOTARY'S COMMISSION June 19. 2001 J~---~-~----~ RhONDA PhLiN < e commission, # 1142623 f.. ~ Notay PUOllc ' COI!fcmia ~ J Santo Claro County }, MyCanm Expreo>Jun J9,;DJl -......._--------.--_--~~ EXHIBIT A All of Parcel 2 as shown on the Parcel Map recorded in Book 650 of Maps, page 9, records of Santa Clara county, and all of Parcel 4 as shown on the Parcel Map recorded in Book 577 of Maps, page 2, records of Santa Clara County, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said Parcel 4 on the right of way of Mayock Road (70 feet wide) as shown on the map above referred to, and thence along the easterly line of Parcel 4, N 38 37' 48" W, 461.49 feet to the northerly corner of said Parcel 4; thence along the northerly lines of Parcel 2 and 4, S 57 54' 21" W, 449.10 feet; thence along the westerly line of Parcel 2, from a tangent bearing of S 35 51' 53" E, along a curve to the left with a radius of 17,139 feet, through a central angle of 00 32' 07", an arc length of 160.13 feet; thence N 57 54' 21" E, 250.93 feet to the northwesterly line of a 25 foot wide access easement as shown on said parcel map recorded in Book 650 of Maps, page 9; thence along the westerly line of said easement, S 38 37' 48" E, 293.68 feet to a point on the cuI de sac right of way of Mayock Road; thence along said right of way, along a curve to the right with a radius of 70.00 feet which concaves to the south, through a central angle of 64 08' 55", an arc length of 78.37 feet to the point of reverse curvature with a curve to the left with a radius of 59.00 feet, through a central angle of 43 13' 26", an arc length of 44.51 feet; thence N 51 22' 12" E, 90.51 feet to the point of beginning and containing 3.066 acres more or less. Certificate of Compliance 98-03 ,. " l., ,. li) ~ . -~ ~ ~ ...., 'I-. , l.' --. 1l., '-To l.' ~ ~ p:: :-'" ... : .'v.n;Q' ~ ---r-"~- "'-r---:/ ~ ,/ ~ " "JII (If) 1 ">l _ __:_~'1i2~?-..- 'il ~~~ N5:i.02~1 'lZ"E Z15.00!1 \ ~~ t1 . . ,~~'.J I \ [ :"":--- -- d ,., , ~'~S1-' ,~ : ---'- . .~ ,: ~. <J),: " \9 ~O) , 0-) ~~ '\ '- ~',) - .-I 0\ -, ~ I'" I 0 - 0\- C"i C"iN'.-I .-IC"i . ~ 0 1"'01.0 .-10.-1 II II II P::O~ "- Illl 1 -:;. I r- v ,() I'" ...:t 11'\ II ~ ...:t 11'\ - 0\ ...:t I'" ...:t .... o 1"'. .-I co I'" .... . otO~ j II C"i : 0 II ~I'~~ I'" ~ .-I I'" ..;1 II p:: o , . c I~: ... ~ t..: & I, '-J ::. ~ ,4' ~ , " ~r '. \) ,.., ,...., " ,.., . '" (', 111 ~ N 570 54' 21" E 250,93:: 54' 21" E - 650 MAPS 9 PCL I - c: OJI [ c:J ~ I 111 ;;1 o If: 25' WIDE INGRESS, EGRESS & P.S, EASEMENT FOR BENEFIT OF PCL 1, ;.J 650 MAPS 9 I.J ~ ~J ~~ ~l ~ \.l'.} tct; ~ {\ n- C': ~ r.... EXHIBIT B ~ -z I H W " ~ I I W' Z' I~o w !'1 ~ 5 .~~ , w !' - r:r= I 1", \~ -- C"i ~, I ' '. , co ';} . I'" ~ ! '11 I ~ '. ~ I ~ ~ 11'\ ...~ ~I ~ ~ ~ '~ I ~ k . ~~ C"i ~i \C ~ ~ 0\ \~ II \i, ... ~ N ~ I,~ ,~ / t~), ~ ~I~ ~ q,v, ~ ~ I I, 11 ' j' :'1 ~' ~, ~ pl\~/ .;:: r, . ~~/ J \ ,~~,1 -- ---.. - . ...- -- .....--- . '-:.--......-'., , ":--90,51 '- 1"=;=100' 449.10 ' )- .' '" T ", N 51022'12" F. @-- .-- - -'----' ~"~-MA YOCK Rp. , , ';'6' 'bL / lO~ ~~ ~~ tt q:~ " ~ " ~ ~ "- ~ . ) ~ ~ . .. -~.__._-- .,... :7'/7c/, 0/ .P~ -Sf? '91../..-- , .. - --, - ---;d':'B: 'r:.z, .;r- ,cr ,J.> '1:J .' , '! "0 '<~"l '-0-." .-- . ~' , -.I ~'. -- -0:'..... :--...... ~'.. .._'...... ~\. -::z..: --~ . , , ~ ~ ~, 11 11 ~ "J ~,~ \~ ~ ~ ,~ f'r\ ...~~ !f) ~ ..~ ..'-' ~ "'" ~ \} It ~~ ~ ,'-1 ... ~ ...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~r ~ \(', i\'~ ('r ." ~) (I) 0 1'1 1'... r _ ~ ~ ?: : 0) ~ - f'... ") /70:0'/ '\J . ,.r ."- Zl () "}- ... ..~~ .( , II) ;\, I~', ~ '-- : :-. ..~ ~. . ..... _:. -!. '. , ..... ., , , , . ef..... '. . .. ~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 98-03 LOT MERGER LANDS OF MCKENZIE FAMILY TRUST