Certificate of Compliance - MG Gilroy - No. 90-3 , ~ ~ 10734424 Recorded at the l1Quest ot CaUfornia Land Title Company NOV 29 1990 8:00 ~.9 A.M. ~ LAURIE KANE. Recorder ~SI/iti ClIra CMty, 0ft4ciIi Records 't.i.hon recorded. return to: Susanne E. r:;te inrTlE~ tz . City of Gilroy 73!::11 ROEl-::lIlnn f:;treet Gilroy, CA 95020 c:ity (~l F'rh CEHTIFICATE OF COt-1PLIANCE 9D-3 ('.ITY OF G1 [,1101' LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT r- U1 U1 N -0 , (;) r'1 \'::> en \..0 W .) Notice is hereby given that tIle parceJ.s clescribed iTl 'tile att~ac}led Exhibit. A resulting in t.he .Lot. line clvlllf'.e hetween Lwu (:~) [',:In:c1.,3 as shown on parcel lIlap filed for ['Beard in Book 600 of t'lapf.J at. Page 12 Records of ~;anta Clara County, California, are owned by l<IG Gilroy Limited Partnership, a Di:3Lrict of Columbia Limited Partner,-31dI' and HG 8i lroy I I Lim1 ted Partnership, a Di s-trict of Columbia Limited Partnership. The .Lines being changed and the new lots are shown on Exhibi t A, attached. The nc'w I,;:u'cel configurt:ltj onE3 resul t i ng therefrum are j Cl compl lance wi 1,11 Div:i ;:-don 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code, State of California, ciLed as the ~:;uhdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pIU'S1Jant thereto. '- Further, that sale, lease, conf3tit.uLe a ordinance. as a reBult orfirlanc ing violation of uf thL:J Cert if ica te of C~()mpl lance t:he of t.hese I'areell3 of land Elha 11 not the f:3ubcliviEJiorl t~ap Act or local " ~ \ The clef3ct'iptiolJl3 of the L';'Jl'celi::; to be t,r;;Jr:.L:1fer-red by t.he Lilt line change are as follows: :~.;rm EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HEF{ETO Ala) t'JI\DE A PART HEREUF OWNERS' ~ERTIFICATE WE HEREBY CEHTIFY THAT WE ARE I'HE UtlNERS OF tJR HAVE SOHE RIGHT, TITLE. OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS LOT LINE A[\JUSTHENT CERTIFICATE OF COHPL,IANCE; THAT WE ARE THE OULY PERf;ClW; ~'iHO~-;E cuN~;ENTS AHE NECEf)f~~AnY T() PM::,~:; A (:Ll..i:AH TI TL8: TO ~~;AI D REAL PROFIER'J'Y; THAT WE HEREBY CON~':;ENT TO THE PHEPARAT ION AND RE("'\)RDI\TIClN OF 'J'HIS LOT LINE i\D,JUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE. OWNER: MG GILROY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A DISTRlcr OF COLUMBIA LIl1ITED PAH'rl'~ER:::.IIIP i\lJD HU G1 LFlelY I I Llt1ITED PAH'l'NEH::;HIP, A DISTRICT OF COLUl"IBIA LI:vIITED PARfNEHSHIP by: CDMMERCIAL REAL ESTA'IE SERVICE, a general partnership by: ... I ' BY : .____.:c;~..1'.::'"-__..~~~-=-c.-... ACKNOWLEDGEHENT RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRfTING " COP-~'=f:; 0-~ .' n PI...JG. CARBON .,.\. Dor (,1>41'P,V MAKE PO{"jq P~'OT _,~_ :J\ PRINTERS 1 , V<:>MAPHIC RECORD RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING COPIES OR DOT ;:;VP/NG. CARBON ~' ,-.. '.v.,.....,., r__ A 1'RIX PRINTERS . .:,' .~...,...,,~ . . .. ",'" Il,,:, '<'?CC~O t552PtiGE0694 CITY ENGINEEH Date ~~~~.I~90 ~~ ;J att~ - .-.... ...~ .- ~~d<,-- __m__...... ..._~...._----_.._--- Norman :~~. l\llen, C~ity Engineer City of Gilroy H. C _ E. :26UD~2 Expi reD :3/:-H/!)4 AC:KNUWI,EUGI1ENT State of California ) Count.y uf Santa Clara ) S::3. On _.~_o",e_~~~.:r-__2~.'_JJ~o._, 1990, .before me, Susanne E. Steinmetz, Notary Publ ie, ~;ta Le of eal i fornia, clul y comrnic;sioned and sworn, personEd ly appeared Norman S. ALL en hnown to me to be the person whose n;cllne is sub[)c~r'ibed t.o the \vithin in[;}t.rurnpnt, and acknowledged to me thn t ~3aJd person exeeuted thE~ ::;arne on behalf of the C1 ty of Gilroy. In witness whereof, official seal in the this certificate first I have hereunto f:H::,t my hand and Cl.ffixed County of Sant.a C~lara, the day ;J.nd yecU' abOv~w itten. t'" ~ ~~) 0._.... .... . ...~, _ ~__ __ ____ __ __~_.....;.,; _~__....._+. """"."1:1 ~"..-,-~'::.-.:;)...,. , I' -'t" .. t " <' "eo ~ , Susanne ;,. ~teinl1letz, Ci~y Gr~T .,~, .:".i City of G1 lroy, Count.y ,'6f' ~;~ht:~ C1.~&~B - ".,' " ~.'.~ ." ._._,~ c; ".~~:;"..,:.,#o'" --l 'it't_~ ,,"' .'.....: ,. " _.",0 "4 " ,l ~.. I"~ 1". IllY in S;_>e!~~'; (, ~,~r:t~f:';'~!. t!'~ C?'.':t f~t; ~! ~,.~tl,,~:~.; i~~;.t;:rty of ~,?Jnt~Ch~ E..~ t! C:,:r;,;mi.;l p;;r (;;':i! Coft Sse. U!l. Gr.;l1~iT'.:~~tii (:..011" s.-;. 40'&"- " ..... state of California County of Santa Clara j On this 26th day of November 1990, before rre Sandra Jolmson, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Jack B. Anderson known to TIe to be one of the partners of Corrmercial Real Estate Service, a General Partnership, said partnership being known to rre to be one of the partners of M; Gilroy, a limited partnership and M; Gilroy II, a limited Partnership, the partnership that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to rre that they e -ecuted the same as partners of the partnership first above narred, that said partnership executed the same as a partner of McGilroy II, a limited Partnership and :t-t:::Gilroy, a limited partnership, and that said last narred partnership executed the same. l ~~~,::::~.l~:::~:_:~~.~~c:~::~::::<~,~':':~?;~::':~'~~Q~ ():F:F~C1:i\.l. ::,~~Pt.L I~ . ' . hr-i ~3,nr1c!ra. ~j(;nn~.~cn I' ~,:(lT ,\SY F~ I;::L L.:-(: ,\L:','::'<~:'l!t'\ I FP:;.;:~;pr.t_ i~<':~:::~T-: j:~ T,<E CCGi,r;-v 0:: S1-\:-r;';\ SLAnA My COf:lm;ssiar: EXDir,~3 t\ur.. 30,1991 _________.-l -\0:=:2-\-\05t:,:=: ,= HL -LHt i[' '=F'E'=. F'F'O J . C) 1 5 F=:':, t lell I 2 1 . '30 10: 1:':: PARCEL 1 GRANTS TO PARCEL 2 r- (J1 U1 N -0 ::J::::l~ c') r""} (:;:) 0'" \.0 CJ1 BEING a portion of Parcel 1 as shown Parcel Map filed for Record in Book 600 of Maps at page 12, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the line common to Parcele I and 2, as shown on said map, distant thereon N.71042'35"W. 504.01 feet from the southea5terly common corner to said Parcele, and running thence along said common line N.71042'35"W. 130.00 feet and N.68052'55"W. 61.54 feet to the northwesterly common corner to Baid Parcels in the eoutheasterly line of the State Highway (101), as shown on said map; thence along said Highway Line along a curve to the left with a radius of 559.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of S.18Q17'25"W., through a central angle 'of 2052'25" for a distance of 28.05 feet; thence leaving said Highway LIne and running parallel with the line common to said Parcels 1 and 2 S.71042'35"E. 190.76 feet; thence N.18017'25"E. 25.00 feet to the point of beginning, '=HL -i..Htl[' '=F'E'=. F'F'O J. Ol 5 t='L=l~< ~ le," ~1 . '~O 10: 1-1 PARCEL 2 GRANTS TO PARCEL 1 r~" en c.n N -0 :t:;IlJI C) t"'i o O~ \!) (,')"\ BEING a portion of Parcel 2 as for Record in Book 600 of Maps at Clara County, California, and described as follows: shown on Parcel Map filed page 12. Records of Santa being more particularly BEGINNING at a point in the line common to Parcels land 2, as shown on said map, di::3tant thereon N.71042J3S"W. 341.56 feet from the southeasterly COllUDon corner to said Parcels, and running thence along said common line N.71042J35"W. 162.45 feet; thence leaving said line N.18017J25"E. 30.00 feet; thence parallel with said common line S.72042J35"E. 162.45 feet; thence S.18017'25"W. 30.00 feet to the point of beginning. , I'i""" ,', 'I ,/y. .