Certificate of Compliance - Odd Fellow-Rebekah Children's Home - No. 91-28 '~EcullUrNG HEQUES'l'EV lJ'i: NO FEE ER GC SEC 27383 11181590 "I-U) HII( HtUOIi(J t,' )If QUi !IT 0' RE'l'UHN TU: cny CF GILROY ULe d IU s~ IU '91 SU8~one E. Stelnaetz,Clty Clk City of GUroy 7351 Rosaona Street Gilroy, CA 95020 ('~ o FEE [j1 ~984P!lijE , A,; - .::'~:)S IA"'l.' .' I 4 (;OUNTY L\,'.! '^NE 733 I(f(;(,r.nrl'l CITY OF GILROY CERTI FICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91- ZP. LOT MERGER PER GILROY CITY CODE SEC. 21.109 OWNERS'S CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of Compliance; that we are the only person whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property: that we hereby consent tot he recordation of this Certificate of Compliance. OWNERS: ODD-FELLOW-REBEKAH CHILDRENS HOME OF CALIFORNIA A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION BY: ([)~~ DONALD J. RG, ~TIVE DIRECTOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On December 18 ,1991, before me, Mar10rie Fuller the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Donald J. Limhurq personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of eatisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that they executed it. fj OFFlClALNOTAlWseAL MMJORlII'UUP ..., "*- - CIIlIInII IANTA ClAM COUN1'V .., ClDIIIIl.... WM.'" WITNESS my hand and Official Seal Sl.n.tur.~ ~. ~_'~'?\-.'::::DC '^- ,,~ My Commission Exp res September 7 ,19~ Principal pl~ce of business is County of Santa Clara Notice is hereby slven that the parcel of land described in the attached Exhibit "A" is in Compliance with Division 2 of title 7 of the Government Code, State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted thereto. Further, that sale, lease constitute a ordinance. as a result of this Certificate of Compliance, the or financinl of this parcel of land shall not violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-28 Date: fl~.;20 ,1991 Approved By: %,,..,J.i! Ch Norman S. Allen City Engineer. City of Gilroy R.C.E. 26092, Expires 3/31/94 ;.;. t'c....-.. ACKNUWLEDGMENT: .....-."m11'nllffffll.--i1lf'...'....'! .' ,.:i' i ,<~' .': i 111:11I11" i I'~I:I'~" 1 Il~ : I, ..' 1 ,'''', ! ,I ~ ~i;j;"!E!' , li!~~'I"~: ) , 'Ii,ill '~.I 1$.;~L .~. , ':r:':!l!:~>: ' ~::~:; .IJ:_'>~' f' L 984 ?:"0t 735 On . 199_, before me, _.GUUilllllo-E.._litIJJ.nwc.lz'_. a llotary Public, State of California. duly cOlluniooione and Bworn, l'ereona 11 y appeared ---1ial:1J(l-LZ --1\lll'IL_ I l'nl'OOIlT\ 11 y know II t.o IlIn or proved to Ole on the ba!'lie of oatiofactory eviucnce tu be t.ho peroon wh08e name is subscribed to the within instrument, and aclmowledged to ole that he executed the same. Witness DIY hand and official seal, Signature Sueanne E. Steinuletz My cOllunission expires . 199__. Principal place of business is County of Santa Clara. EXIU&IT "A" CrfY OF GILROY DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO.91=28 LOT MERGER PER GILROY CITY CODE NO. 21~~~. BEiNG a portion of Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 as shown on "Map of the Subdivision of Las Animas Sub lot No. 11 and Las AnimaD Ranchlot No. 39 in the Rancho Las Animas", which map is filed for record in Book F-1 of Maps at page 4, Records of Santa Clara Count-. C~lifornia and being more particularly described ae follows: ., ~,t.~IING at the intersection of the centerline of Forest Street with the centerlinee of I.O.O.F. Avenue (formerly Martin Lane), as ehown on said Map, and running thence along the centerline of Forest Street S.20.00'E, 565.45 feet to the moet eaeterly corner of thai certain parcel of land convey~d to REBEKAH ASSEMBLY of the Independent order of Odd Fellows of California, an unincorporated fraternal association, by deed recorded January 29, 1971 in Book 9203 at page 626, Official Records of Santa Clara County, being also the most northerly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Filice & Perrelli Canning Company by Deed recorded in Book 4335 at page 395 Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the line COD~\n to said Parcels S.70.00'W. 623.60 feet to the most southtlr' corner to said parcel of land conveyed to Rebekah Assembly i,l the northeasterly lins of the lands of the Southern Pacific Railroarl Company as described in Deed Recorded in Book 347 at page 205, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the northeasterly line of said Railroad lands N.20.00'26"W. 427.05 feet to the intersection thereof with the centerline of I.O.O.F. Avenue as shown on said Map; thence aloni said centerline line N.60.27'42"E. 635.20 feet to the point of beginning, and EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of l.O.O.F. Avenue and Forest Street conveyed to the City of Gilroy by deed recorded 1m Book 190 of Deeds at pale 469, Records of Santa Clara County. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-~O SEE MAP - EXIIIBIT "B" .. I., C ;!.) /1 D1'-:;-t :;13..) t..l '.J Jl I J.v .. ~" \ \ ~FO'GI(~"-I' "'"'01--.1. 1J.'to.oo"vJ. C I r'-( 0 F'" Ci I l. Ro'1" -: '!'>("f-~ '~ ~', 7.' I' ;J:~'7? 'E.'I'c. ~ P'TION , 1>0 ~Q FOREST STREET -,,-;,------- 1- \'1 ~r , - \(\ - \;)0 D 4G.(j 1,~' ~ - II> > 0 0 Z 0 '" REBEKAH ASSEMBLY < In y):~ Q. . ,,\~ () ~ .~ 0 0 ~ )- INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS l<l (J :> 6\ ! Cl e r Qt-- .,: Z ~ Z j'l\. i z Z 8.1~4-ACRES GROSS ct\ < < \a> Q. (J 0 <7,) ~ . I i-- , 8.350 ACRES NET ~~ 0 ::i ~ f' 0 ..J 1ft 6- Cl W Gt -9. a: C') 'a. . tOM';' Z a: 0 36372& sa.FT. t--~. Z w ri. 'f\1 --l 0 Z Go d ."" 'C>> () < to ~ 0 (J 1ft ~ C') \~ 0 > w C') ". 0 .. ~ '" 1 0 ::i a: u: 9203 O.R. 828 ..J a > ..J a: UI ~ a: 0 .. - ft>>. ,/4" ,. P. '50,06 \0.14 PLAT TO ACCCMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. PORTION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 and 4 SUBDIVISION OF LAS ANIMAS SUB LOT NO.ll AND LAS ANIMAS RANCH LOT NO. 39 IN THE RANCHO LAS AMIMAS, BOOK F-l OF MAPS PAGE 4 Santa Clara County, California. November 1991 1" = 100. EXHIBIT "a" < - z .f'I:l! ~J! --u ..Ai! ~i u..tI) 0'0 W>. ~~ tna ~:::: Ie -;... .f;~ ... - ~ c:: '" '" ~ '- :s ~-g '" ~ ~ ~ !i (~ ~ ~ :t ~_~ - .~ t~1J \( ~=..c to. .. fo<I ;: 8 :=' 'S 0: ~ ~ ;"1~ -g u Q,j . C':l a.r ~, ~ ~ -= Z,f:J E ~ -<tUcS ~ ~ ~ h ~. C/) UJ.g8~~~ - '0 I '-:l; a: .;.. ~ _.:; \.., ;'j E dl .. :s~~ g~ 1:Jl:: t ~ ~ ;>-. ~ ~ECU1UHNG JtEQUES'1'BU ilY: NO FEE DJ;.OE..Y~ lhls doc ment has COHfOR~~mpar~d ~ith the Qrt inal. RE'l'UHN '1'0: =:~LARA COUNTY RECO DER PER GC SEC 27383 11181S90 Fll f ,) ". . " ". = Ot-e Ht. GUHu . -'L QUEST 0" f~"" ~ . NO . r",t:. uu Ute 27 to S,tlif 'SI Susanne E. Stein.etz~CityClk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 , Sk''/' , -"-, . :-:<';,~i.)S ., .~;,:, COUNTY 1..:,. ;"-.l\NE "iF ,'nr;fWJ:< ....' .' ., CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-Z8 LOT MERGER PER GILROY CITY CODE SEC. 21.109 OWNERS'S CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of Compliance; that we are the only person whose consent is necessary to pass a clear ti.tle to said real property: that we hereby consent tot he recordation of this Certificate of Compliance. OWNERS: ODD-FELLOW-REBEKAH CHILDRENS HOME OF CALIFORNIA A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION BY: UTIVE DIRECTOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On December 18 ,1991, before me, Marjorie Fuller the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Donald J. Limburg personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that they executed it. .. '", :'~., '.- ......'.....,... ; l~--------~--~.----- 'cc' -"'~,.:.,'}"'~!~;t.\~:0~,!~V~?;~,,', f ':,;,-'.::/; :.'~;..; STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On December 20, 1991 b f a Notary Public in and for saide ore me, the undersigned, NOR}1AN S. ALLEN State, personally appeared b h ' known to me to ... e t e person whose name subscribed to the with' . ment and acknowledged that he 1n 1nstru- . executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. cf) ,/;~ i:C::/r- City Clerk, Ci Gilroy Sec. 1181 / SSe \ ~ t. SU~\'M!, City CtMt C:ity ~ G.ik~. C;:J.l.!f\1.y of sma c.... sma If ~.flII' CW CMtI_1& IL. 'l CGtIo SIc. .... ACKNOWLEDGMENT: On . 199_, before me, nne E. Steinmet.z , a Notary Public, State of California, cou~issione and sworn, personally appeared NOl'mu.LL.S......A >n__, , personally known to 1110 or proved to me on the atisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subs ed to the within instrument, and aclmowledged to me that xecuted the same. Witness my seal, Signature / ,/ '-.. ,> ~..' ......... -------=:. S~tinne E. Steinmetz ,~. My cOl1lmi~lon expires , 199_. PrinsJ.,pa1 place of business is County of Santa Clara. EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF GILROY DESCRIPTION TO ACCOMPANY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO.91=28 LOT MERGER PER GILROY CITY CODE NO. 21.109 BEING a portion of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 as shown on "Map of the Subdivision of Las Animas Sublot No. 11 and Las Animas Ranchlot No. 39 in the Rancho Las Animas", which map is filed for record in Book F-1 of Maps at page 4, Records of Santa Clara County, California and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the centerline of Forest Street with the centerlinee of I.O.O.F. Avenue (formerly Martin Lane), as shown on said Map, and running thence along the centerline of Forest Street S.20000'E. 565.45 feet to the most easterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to REBEKAH ASSEMBLY of the Independent order of Odd Fellows of California, an unincorporated fraternal association, by deed recorded January 29, 1971 in Book 9203 at page 628, Official Records of Santa Clara County, being also the most northerly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Filice & Perrelli Canning Company by Deed recorded in Book 4335 at page 395 Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the line corr~on to said Parcels S.70000'W. 823.60 feet to the most southerly corner to said parcel of land conveyed to Rebekah Assembly in the northeasterly line of the lands of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company as described in Deed Recorded in Book 347 at page 205, Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the northeasterly line of said Railroad lands N.20000'26''W. 427.05 feet to the intersection thereof with the centerline of I.O.O.F. Avenue as shown on said Map; thence along said centerline line N.60027''42''E. 835.20 feet to the point of beginning, and EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of J.O.O.F. Avenue and Forest Street conveyed to the City of Gilr;y by deed recorded im Book 190 of Deeds at page 469, Records of Santa Clara County. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-28 SEE MAP - EXHIBIT "B" \ \ I" \ "'" 7.CI' - ---J c.. y.. C E: p, ION 5Z8.73 I 1,7 FD.Gfl:.AN. MOt-J. o 'w ___ J.l . 'Z. 0 0 0 ~____.. . ,_ , c ,r--( () F G , L Ro"(' 5(",5.~ " .!5e.., FOREST STREET - 1 ')0 t> 4~ci I , '30 ;0 t~ (J1 >- 0 z - (~ tP REBEKAH ASSEMBLY <t: ~ {> a. ~..) () ~ t~ '-~ . 0 l' ~-- INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS ro () () c:::. 6\ Z I'T\ ,) vI'- (!) 'Z ,- Z ~ \9 >- Z 1('<\ Z Z 8.754-ACRES GROSS r'\ <( <( a. () O'J ~ \ 8.350 ACRES NET ~S 0 ...J 0 ...J LO (!) UJ en -.9 , oc M cOM~ Z OC 363726 5Q.FT. ('--a). Z UJ c::: ~ ---l {) z a. 0 "4 'S> () <t: ell) ~ -:-l Q () LO 0 UJ (") t\) >- () (") ... \- lllIt ttI '" 0 ...J 1 c::: 9203 O.R. 628 ...J L.I.. (!) >- ...J 0::: UJ ~ 0::: 0 u. fO. ~/4" I. P. ~9G.G;~ 4-:?-1. [) r;; -----.,... \0 I ST'fl\P 'Yo ~:;.-.r~-~",,~~. co. ~ 4-~l Q. r<.., 2. 0 S' \-1,20oQO'2c"'W 4Z'5.3/ PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. PORTION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 and 4 SUBDIVISION OF LAS ANIMAS SUBLOT NO.11 AND LAS ANIMAS RANCH LOT NO. 39 IN THE RANCHO LAS AMIMAS, BOOK F-1 OF MAPS PAGE 4 Santa Clara County, California. November 1991 1" = 100' EXHIBIT "B"