Certificate of Compliance - Price, James - No. 93-4 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: _~ l~,' \ ~ / c: ?/.. \, I ;! 'I i :.:. " 1<. . ~ ,..., t ~ . L" L.t.. : I' ! ,.J <-:> 1- _ 1;-::: ...... ~,: I i.~ c: c:: o u u.. 0... C!: a.. UI ::E en co f IL ~ D . v rt r~:-: ) f\ L' .... T REOUfST OF ~C,f('{' (,r1r-<:y -, o --~\ SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ. CITY OF GILROY 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY. CA. 95020 CITY CLERK ., I'.) 5ff 15 l2 0') In '93 ~ ..; CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF GILROY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT .:~ ~T,( l ' '". .., : H t L, ~') 1 \ !) t ;-,' o '" -.....J 0'\ .po. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the parcels described in the attached "Exhibit A" resulting in the lot line change between two (2) lots as shown upon ''Tract No. 8540. Parkside Townhouses Phase 2" filed in Book 647 of Maps at Pages 31 and 32. Santa Clara County Records. are owned by Lynrob Enterprises. Inc.. a California corporation. The lines being changed and the new lots are shown on "Exhibit B". attached. The new parcel configurations resulting therefrom are in compliance with Division 2 of T1tle 7 of the Government Code. State of California. cited as the Subdivision Map Act. and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further. that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance. the sale. lease or financing of these parcels of land shall not constitute a violatlOn of the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance. :z: o Q 0"\ -c X> c:"') ~ Said parcels are described as follows: 0) en -.J See "Exhibit A". attached hereto and made a part of. Approved by the City of G1lroy. 33 - 4 BY~)?~ Norman S. Allen. City Engineer R.C.E. 26092. Exp. date 3/31/94 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA: COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA: S.S. On August 23,1993 . before me. Susanne E. Steinmetz. a Notary Public. in and for said State. personally appeared Norman S. Allen, known to me to be the person whose name 1S subscnbed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the City . of Gilroy. / WITNESS my hand aQ<l Offioiq)' seal. , .#/.~17 );r;~~ :i,'/ j(::;., (~).t"L '(1!:/f/ l '_' , '; -;.... vV ", "'1, '--#fy/ ~ Susanne E. ,,,Steinmetz, City Clerk/ City of G:i1r;o.y. County of Santa Clara ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT L~ , State of Cali fOrnia} CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER I County of Santa Clara :..J INOIVIOUALS,SKiNINGFORQNESElFTHE"SElVES On August 23, 19geefore me, Susanne E. Steinmetz (name, title of officer), ,PFrsonally appeared Norman S. Allen , )Q personally known to me - OR -:.J proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowl- edged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. ~ ~I~~STE TITLE,S' COMPANY U PARTNER,S PARTNERSHIP U ~~TF~~~EY PRINCIPAL,S :..J TRUSTEE,S, TRUST WITNESS my hand and official seal. SJsanne 1"'. '~ir~~~tz, City C!er~ C' , ct G'!rc 'JLCnty of Sant~ r ora . ."'.. f' ' 1'~perCiviICo,-'';ec.1181 ~ C .'t~.. eLl c J~~~'S"40814 _ . ~ Signature~ :..J' OTHE R ;ITlE S TITLE S, FNTlTY,IFS, REPRESENTED FNTITY IES REPRESENTED "" NATlONAl. NOTARY ASSOCtATlON.8236 Remmel Ave.' PO Box 7184. Canoga ParI< , CA 91D4.7184 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: H6D 6 PfJ Gf I 8 88 We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right. tltle. or 1nterest in and to the real property described 1n th1S Lot L1ne Adjustment Certificate of Compliance; that we are the only persons whose consents are necessary to pass clear title to said real property; that we hereby consent to the preparat10n and recordation of this Lot Llne Adjustment Certiflcate of Compliance. OWNER: LYNROB ENTERPRISES. INC.. a Callfornia corporation. 1 r--; . '"d'f . BY: . , //// v:/::' .......-{. .-:.; o James R. Price. PreSIdent ALL. PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT NO 21 -::--,. --. --. ~ -<.,,--.-- -- >""S""S <... --. ~~ ~ <,.. <... "> -- '-:<... ~:S~ <...<...~ "> ~ ~ <,.. --- <... <::<-::C&-~ ~~ "'7~,> ~'>~~~~~~ ~~~<... <,.. -<.~ ~ ~ __ __ <... <...,,> __"'7"';- "> ~--. _____"'7__--.""'-..<...___<...""S ~~ State 01 CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA } :\ County o~ , " \ On 8-6-93 CONSTANCE R. IOBST oelore me, OkTE N>.M~. ifT"" 0" O"FI:;E;; . LC.. 'J"N~ D:;~. N01..RY pUS.:;' persoilally appearec JAMES R. PRICE N......~'SI O. SIGNER:S ~ personally known to me - OR - 0 proved 10 me on the baSIS oj sa1isla:::tory evioeil:::e to be tne person(s) whose name(s) is/are SU::Js:::rioec tc tne Within instrument anc a::. knowledgec 10 me tnat helShe!trley exe:::u1ed tne same In nls/her/tnelr autnorized caDa:::itY(les). ane tnat by hls/ner/thelr slg:""',a1Ure(s) on me inSHumen: the DerSOn(s~, ortne entity upon behalj 01 wni:::h tne person(s) a:::le::. exe:::ute: tne Instrument. :;xc) (;-(') ~ t . 9(X'lC':<')(;-(')C'(')c<'l'X,)( (',C('.IC<~'!;('JC<")C<.')I ~ f'>":-'; ()JTICL\L SF.\L ~ ,~ '.".'-.'.: ,,~Oi'~SL\NCE RIO. J5T ~; <') \./.../ '~~I,..,..rPl;__II.....-Cj.\:I~_ .,.\ g ..-,-./ s;\rn A CLA~) A CO <.. S~ (,,( , v, ~ I I ,.... g My Commission E;;pires Aug. 10, 1993 ?; )G~G~ll.r~G~G}":';u)':"'J}:';G -'I ;';C,)(J< }"'}" G '''''- --'.... -.... u ""'~) ....,'0,':. 'J}.'.IJ)...' Wnness m~' roan::; 2na otil:::i2! seal //...7 /~h-;.?~ j\?(~/j S':;h.:..ill:::.: 0:' t~:'i,,-Q' CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER o INDIVIDUAL(S) ~ CORPOR"TE OFFICER(sfRES IDENT TIT..Ers, Q PARTNER(S) Q "TTORNEY.IN.FACT :J TRUSTEE(S) Q SUBSCRIBING WITNESS o G~ARDIAN,':Ot\!SERV" TOR LJ OTHER SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: "'''''r O. PERSON:S\ 0;; ENiTTYfles, LYNROB ENTERPRISES, INC /.. TIENTIOt-,; NO. APY' AltrlOU9'l lnt:- 1~~O":i'lallDr, reOues\e:: [)t-IO\ol. r~ QPTIONL.:'" r cowt:: (Hf!VE':"',' lrauOUler.', a~~a:nrnf>-" C' p,,~ CP"":llICalE' 10 UnaUH"lOfl2€'C o:'t::U""lP-: I~~S :=~,7i:=1:;h 7:: t/.L.!S'7 B~ h ~ h:~~:' -;-:: iH~ :):):~..Jt.~~h:- :J=:S:hi5=.= :-.- ~IG~- 11il'O- O' "";""j':lE 0' ~o:~r71e;;'. r~"':"'7'::)e~ ~; ::-G~e~ ..JC:1E ~: o,...'l:;:'J~r::---,~ ~,:;:~e~~:, =-;:'-'~e' ~---12- 1"2........jo2: .L.:)~Vf t_:. ~ :~ H_" L: : ~ ~ .L ~ - '-. ~. ",:..:.. ~; '; . ." ,- - ...--:-:---~.....--:- --="::-:::;"--:;:...::-:<:.::----:-::<-::,-::- --<- ~ - - - - - - ... - - - ... - - - ... ....... - ... ---<- - -...... -... ...................-..............-<.... -...... ... - .......... ~ ~~ ... ... .......... - - ~ ... -.... - - ~ - -'- - - - - ....... - - -.... ................ -..., .. ' H 0 0 6 PA Gf I 8 8 9 "EXHIBIT A" PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING at the eastern corner common to Lots 24 and 29. as said Lots are shown upon that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 8540, Parkside Townhouses Phase 2". filed in Book 647 of Maps at Pages 31 and 32. Santa Clara County Records and running thence along the eastern boundary line of sa1d Lot 29. South 20000'00" East. 52.62 feet; thence along the boundary line common to Lot 29 and Lot 28. as said Lots are shown upon that aforementioned Map. South 7T45'24" West. 22.84 feet; thence along the boundary 11ne common to Lot 29 and Lot 27. as said Lots are shown upon that aforementioned Map, North 16014'36" West. 8.00 feet: thence South 7T45'24" West, 20.67 feet; thence South 16014'36" East. 9.76 feet; thence South 89017'11" West. 5.19 feet; thence leaving the common boundary line of said Lot 27 and 29, North 00042'49" West. 12.80 feet; thence South 89017'11" West. 20.33 feet; thence South 00042'49" East. 1.00 feet to a corner common to Lot 26 and Lot 29. as said Lots are shown upon that aforement10ned Map; thence along the boundary line common to Lot 25 and Lot 29. as said Lots are shown upon that aforementioned Map. South 89017'11" West. 32.67 feet; thence leaving said common boundary line and continumg along the boundary line of sa1d Lot 29. North 00042'49" West. 22.80 feet; thence North 89"05'24" East. 35.72 feet: thence North 20000'00" West. 22.13 feet to the western corner common to said Lots 24 and 29: thence along the boundary line common to said Lots 24 and 29. North 70000'00" East. 33.00 feet; thence South 20000'00" East. 4.00 feet; thence North 89005'24" East. 21.38 feet to the pomt of beginning and containing therein 0.087 Acres more or less and bemg a portion of said Lot 29. PARCEL TWO: BEGINNING at the southern corner common to Lot 25 and Lot 26. as said Lots are shown certain Map entitled "Tract No. 8540. Parks1de Townhouses Phase 2", filed in Book 647 of Maps at Pages 31 and 32. Santa Clara County Records and running thence along the boundary line common to said Lots. North 00042'49" West. 58.07 feet to the northern common corner thereof; thence leaving said common boundary Ime. North 00"42'49" West. 1.00 feet; thence North 89017'11" East. 20.33 feet; thence South 00042'49" East. 12.80 feet to a corner common to Lot 26 and Lot 27. as said Lots are shown upon that aforementioned Map; thence along the boundary line common to said Lot 26 and Lot 27, South 16014'36" East. 20.00 feet; thence South OTOO'04" East, 26.86 feet to the southern most corner common to said Lots 26 and 27; thence along the southern boundary of said Lot 26. South 89005'24" West. 28.63 feet to the point of beginmng and containing therem 0.033 Acres more or less, and being all of sa1d Lot 26 and a portion of Lot 29. as sa1d Lot 1S shown upon that aforementlOned Map. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. ~'? - 4 CITY OF GILROY l r --- ~ . -- ----, I I I I I '--- ~ ~ >J k) C: lLl l~ \-.- 10' S.D,E. per 56~ -__~~!- ~._ (}, PARCEL ONE ~ 'v 0"087 AC" ~ SOO"42'49"E Proposed S16"14'36"E'0"\ 1.00' Lot Line 8.00 N_ S89i7'11"W " 5'24"( "( U1 N734 , 3"45'24 32.67' --' 20.33' 20.67 N7 84 \ N 89"17'11" E ~ 22. ~ S16"14'36"E (jj' I~ - 9.76' , g: ~ ~ ~ N89"17'11"E \Q Co t\.) 0"\" 5. 19 \, r-a - ~ o -~ , ....... - r- rr; , ~. LOT 27 , LOT 28 PARCEL , TWO ~ , 0"033 AC. ~ ~ " CXl , LOT 26 (J), ~ , 2~63' ~ , s~m~"w ------~~----------- I I I I _'_",r~__'. _~_,_... :',~""""",'''''''-''P.o-x~....".,.__~~...-....-"-,,,.<,,~,;~,,,";'_'';>U"~ ~~- --\ --- \ --- , - \ -r 2t1, \ LO S20F \ 4. 00 ) \ , 0"( N89"05'24"t- 70"00 0 N ' 33.00 21.38 (~g \ 0.""\ '""""\. GlN .'37 - \1 --\ \ \ \ \ - \---- \ \ \ \ z ~ \0 ~ ~ ---'- 0.""\ ~ 0.""\ <:. a ~ t\.) t\.) ~ N (Q CXl ~ a 35.72' S 89"05'24" W ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I , , l-------- I I I I LOT 25 <:. a a ~ t\.) ..f>,,- (Q ~ Vl ~ a 'oJ ORTJ7 _lI.~_~~~1::','l!'g~""....,,,,,,,.-::-.',,,,_-~:__~_,:,,:""'"T':""~'O.~ N 0 0 6 p~ Gf I 8 9 0 ,---- \ ~\ Vl \ 'I~ \ --->.~ \ O-:s:... \ \..Jo\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -~- Cl ~ J> Z C)J> . CJ ~ 1'1 3.00' 1'1 J> Vl 1'1 G.\-:s:... 01'1 '..\ Z ---\ \ \ \ \ \ ~" " ........ ........ " ORTJ7 -EXHIBIT B- MAP TO ACCOMPANY CERnFICA TE OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF GILROY NO" 83 - 4- MH Engineering Co. ~ 16075 Vineyard Blvd. V Morgan Hill, CA. 95037 (408) 779- 7381 JUL Y 23, 1993 SCALE 7 n=20' 917 04CC. D we